angelos carpet cleaning phoenixville

by Dr. Jolie Hegmann I Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What happens if you don't clean your carpet?

First, if the carpet was not cleaned as often as it should be, it could have excessive soiling that could not all be removed in one cleaning; it may take several cleanings to remove the soil. An example would be if you ever have to wash your clothes more than once in the washing machine.

Why do we reapply carpet protector?

When a carpet is cleaned it does remove some of the protection that comes with the carpet, that is why we reapply it with our cleaning services. Carpet protector makes general cleaning easier and prevents from staining. Keep in mind the more traffic the area gets; the faster the product wears off.

How long does it take for a carpet to dry?

What is the approximate drying time for carpet cleaning?#N#When dry cleaning, the carpet may be damp so limit traffic for about an hour. For steam cleaning, we ask you to wait about 4 to 8 hours.

Can you clean carpet on the ground?

Carpet has to be cleaned on the ground fighting gravity .Sometimes you can remove the soil from a spot but leave a sticky residue that attracts new soil quickly. If you notice a spot in the same place a week or two later, this is probably a residue. The solution is to clean the spot and remove the residue.

Can carpets hold germs?

Carpet can hold dirt and germs that you may never see, beside the obvious that carpets get visually dirty and spills can become harder to remove. Gritty soil particles will cause abrasions to (cut at) the carpet fibers, wearing your carpet away.

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