average carpet cleaning business income

by Betsy Ebert Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What's the Average Income for a Carpet Cleaning Business? As a solo carpet cleaning business owner, you can potentially earn between $75,000 – $100,000 per year. However, as a DryMaster carpet cleaning business owner you'll have the potential to earn up to $200,000 per year in income.Jul 6, 2019

Full Answer

How much can you make starting a carpet cleaning business?

  • Carpet cleaning equipment, which includes a commercial rug cleaner with attachments and holding tank for wastewater, and long hoses to water supply
  • Cleaning solvents, for which a startup supply can cost several hundred dollars
  • A van for transport of equipment and possibly for operation

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How much money can a carpet cleaning business make?

The goal, from the business owner’s viewpoint, is to gross $75 to $150 per hour in the field. How much profit can a carpet and upholstery cleaning business make? Carpet cleaning businesses bill at least 30 cents per square foot and try to gross at least $100 an hour per job. Top-scale hourly is about $150.

How to start a carpet cleaning business with no money?

  • Specialize in a certain niche market to obtain more referrals. ...
  • Purchase your cleaning supplies in bulk. ...
  • Attract new customers with discounts. ...
  • Schedule house cleanings by neighborhood; clean homes in the same area on the same day. ...
  • Charge enough to cover your time and expenses. ...

Is carpet cleaning a profitable business for You?

The carpet cleaning business is a profitable industry which creates jobs that people don’t want to do. This is also a lucrative market for those jobs people simply don’t have time for anymore.


Can you get rich from a cleaning business?

According to Hanson, for a residential cleaning company to earn a million dollars or more annually, it would need to clean about 31 homes per day. * That's a lot, but there are now several house cleaning companies in the U.S. earning a million dollars or more per year, which says this is certainly possible.

How much carpet can you clean per hour?

12- to 14-inch upright: 2,000 to 3,000 square feet per hour. 16- to 18-inch upright: 3,500 to 4,500 square feet per hour. 24-inch upright: 4,000 to 6,000 square feet per hour.

How can I start a carpet cleaning business with no money?

1:494:09How to start a carpet cleaning business with no money ... - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSo find guys that are already in the business. They have a good reputation. You've got someMoreSo find guys that are already in the business. They have a good reputation. You've got some referrals from but they carry their own workers liability insurance and ask them for a copy of it.

How do I get customers for my carpet cleaning business?

How To Get More Carpet Cleaning CustomersSell Yourself with a Story.Focus on Retaining Repeat Customers.Try Online Marketing.Use Social Media to Your Advantage.Make Some Promotional Products.Use the Best Equipment.Sponsor an Event.Study Your Competitors.More items...•

How do you price a carpet job?

On one hand, the pricing of a carpet cleaning job appears to be a simple mathematical calculation. You multiply a number of square feet by a rate per square foot, and you have a price for the job (# sq. ft. x ¢/$ per sq.

What do professionals use to clean carpets?

Hot Water Extraction Otherwise known as steam cleaning, this is easily the most common professional carpet cleaning technique. Steam cleaning uses hot water at high pressure to penetrate into carpet fibers, breaking down the dirt and bacteria stored deep within. The hot water is then extracted via vacuum.

What is the easiest business to start?

The easiest business to start is a service business, especially for a beginner. A service business is any kind of business where you sell services. In other words, you sell your skill, labor or expertise — instead of products or goods.

How do I start my own cleaning business from scratch?

How to start a cleaning business in 7 stepsStep 1: Fund your cleaning business.Step 2: Choose your market.Step 3: Find a specialty — and stick to it.Step 4: Plan the business budget.Step 5: Register the business.Step 6: Find and maintain clients.Step 7: Invest in advertising and expanding.

How do I start a commercial cleaning business from scratch?

How to Start a Commercial Cleaning Company From ScratchConsider Buying Into a Franchise. ... Select a Legal Entity. ... Come up With a Name. ... Set up a Business Bank Account. ... Consider Purchasing Insurance. ... Determine Services and Rates. ... Stock up on Supplies. ... Market Your Business the Traditional Way.More items...•

How do you write a cleaning advertisement?

How to Write Compelling Cleaning Ads + Ad Copy ExamplesShowcase Deals. If you have any deals going on for your cleaning company, ads are the perfect spot to highlight them. ... Emphasize Convenience. ... Inspire Trust. ... Be Mindful of Length. ... Include a CTA.

How to reduce carpet cleaning business cost?

Your carpet cleaning business start-up cost can be dramatically reduced by avoiding the unnecessary fees demanded by traditional franchise agreements. Franchising is an outdated practice from a bygone age, and in the 21st century, there’s no reason to be bound by exploitative fee structures and unfeeling corporate bureaucracy.

Is carpet cleaning exploitative?

Despite great advances in culture, many employment relationships remain inherently exploitative, and nowhere is this trend more apparent than in the carpet cleaning franchise industry.

Is Drymaster a good carpet cleaner?

DryMaster isn’t like other carpet cleaning brands. Our technology is superior, and our brand is more established than the competition. What truly sets DryMaster apart, however, is our unique approach to growing our company. Rather than saddling you with ridiculous fees to make a quick buck, we put our faith in your success.

Does Drymaster pay you as much as you work?

Hard work should be rewarded, but all too often in life, those who work the hardest get the worst treatment. With DryMaster, you get paid as much as you work⁠—plain and simple. There’s no corporate overlord to answer to or monthly fees to worry about. Your carpet cleaning business income is your own⁠—keep it!

Are carpet cleaning businesses profitable?

That depends. If you send all the money you make back to the exploitative corporation that licensed your franchise, then the answer is no. If you remain your own boss and have the option of hiring employees all with the safety net of an established brand, then you can certainly turn a formidable profit on your carpet cleaning business.

Start Scaling Upfront

If you'd like to avoid some of these challenges, you can prepare for growth from the moment you launch your business, although you will need more money for this. Ideally, you'll have enough saved up to avoid drawing funds from the business for 6-9 months.

Adding Value

If you want to grow even faster, then one thing you can do is productize your services. That means making them into convenient packages your customers can use. You’ll earn much more money in much less time, and this method is more efficient than discounting your offers.

Begin With Managing

What you can also do is launch your business jointly, with a business partner. You can start off doing the cleaning, whilst they do the sales and marketing of the carpet cleaning business. Both of you will then manage the operations of the business, the service provision, and the awareness people have about your brand in the local area.

How much does a cleaning business make?

In the beginning, your business can range from $30,000 to $50,000 a year as you start to secure clients. Once you’ve hired additional cleaners, you can make from $50,000 to $70,000. However, commercial cleaning businesses have the most revenue potential and can make over $100,000 a year.

What is the highest potential for income for a cleaning business?

When it comes to operating a cleaning business, the highest potential for income is focusing on commercial cleaning. This is due to the higher rates you can charge for contracts and the size of commercial buildings.

How many hours do you work as a cleaning company?

From our experience, most cleaning businesses start working around 20 hours a week until the number of clients increases. 20 hours a week usually equates to about 5 or 6 clients. Once your cleaning calendar begins to fill up and you’ve secured a loyal client base, you could work up to 40 hours a week.

Why is advertising important for cleaning?

Investing in advertising will increase your income because it will increase the number of clients that are booking your cleaning services. Advertising is especially important in the beginning stages of your business before you have a solid client base.

How much does a cleaning business charge per hour?

In the US, the average hourly rate for a residential cleaning business is between $25 to $40 per hour and per cleaning professional. This hourly rate will really add up quickly once you’ve booked several clients and you begin to fill your cleaning calendar!

How to figure out your salary?

The first step in calculating your salary is adding up what your total business expenses include. This number will typically include your business license (including the annual renewal fee), cleaning supplies, transportation to get to your cleaning jobs, your estimated taxes and any other expenses your business has. To have a solid business foundation, it is essential to always have a clear understanding of what your expenses are.

How does the number of employees affect the growth of a cleaning business?

As the number of employees increases, the amount of income your business will create will also increase. If you are willing to continue to hire new employees, the income potential becomes unlimited for your cleaning business. The size your business grows will ultimately depend on your long-term vision and goals for your business.

What is the margin for carpet cleaning?

As shown, the margin is 60.6%. This is better than average percentage for carpet cleaning. In general, carpet cleaners range between 53 and 63% of sales as the margin.

What percentage of sales does cleaning agent have?

Cleaning Agents – agents and chemicals will run around four to nine percent of sales depending on your cleaning perspective. Many carpet cleaners rely more on steam cleaning than agent cleaning and therefore have a lower percentage of the sale for the cost of detergents.

What is the most impacting of the facilities expense?

Facilities – the most impacting of the facilities expense includes rent . After rent comes the real estate tax, condo association fees or if located in a retail center, common area maintenance fees. In addition, there are repairs and maintenance to the building and of course cleaning services for the building.

What is the number one cost of transportation?

Transportation – this is the cost to operate those vans. Of course the number one cost of transportation is fuel followed by maintenance and any repairs.

How much does a van make?

Operationally, a single van if operated efficiently will earn around $145,000 to $165,000 per year. If you use the margin formula from above, a van will generate around $79,170 ($145,000 * 54.6% margin) to offset expenses. A small operation can get by on a single van. You are not going to make a lot of money; you will barely get by in business. Let’s see what happens with three vans:

Is carpet cleaning a high margin business?

In general, if your margins are greater than 50% then your industry is considered in the high margin business. Yes, carpet cleaning qualifies as a member of this group. The problem is that margin is a dollar value ratio and in carpet cleaning, each job is relatively low price. I mean let’s be realistic here; you will rarely get a job that is billable for more than $250. They will happen, but it will be rare.

Do carpet cleaners still use phone books?

Marketing and Advertising – most carpet cleaners still rely on the phone book as their primary source of new business. Others expense the different programs whether they are weekly zip code based coupon packages delivered to residential areas or inserts, door hangers to this account.

How much of your revenue should be spent on marketing and advertising?

Ideally you should direct at least 10% of your revenue toward continually improving your marketing and advertising efforts.

Is gas maintenance a variable expense?

Whether you are starting out in low-moisture cleaning with eco-friendly vehicles or running truck mounted gas-guzzlers – fuel and maintenance costs are a variable expense that will adjust according to the volume of work you provide and the service area (s) you decide to work in. In addition, the cost per gallon adjusts sometimes daily and is unfortunately out of your control. You should attempt to estimate vehicle costs as best as you can, based on your specific circumstances – and don’t forget to re-evaluate regularly to adjust your expectations based on real-world data!

Can you remove soil from carpet?

No matter the type of cleaning you wish to provide, there will be variable expenses of the chemistry that allows you to remove soil from carpet fibers and flooring. This category can vary greatly depending on the type of cleaning you provide and the type of chemistry you decide is best for your company. Make sure to research this topic sufficiently, and try to estimate monthly costs for the chemicals you’ll need to excel.

Do cleaners incur expenses?

Many cleaners immediately incur expenses in the areas of accounting, taxes, payroll or legal to help them in areas where they aren’t qualified, or are too busy to handle themselves . Most small business books will advise seeking outside expertise in most of these areas, even in the beginning.


Start Scaling Upfront

  • If you'd like to avoid some of these challenges, you can prepare for growth from the moment you launch your business, although you will need more money for this. Ideally, you'll have enough saved up to avoid drawing funds from the business for 6-9 months. This will pay off when you're earning more than $50,000 in your first year and will enable you...
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Adding Value

  • If you want to grow even faster, then one thing you can do is productize your services. That means making them into convenient packages your customers can use. You’ll earn much more money in much less time, and this method is more efficient than discounting your offers. Packages can include: · Disinfecting floors and surfaces · Repairing items · Taking out spots of dirt · Purging fo…
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The Path to Growth

  • Most cleaning businesses that are scaling follow this path: 1. The owner doing all the work 2. The owner with an assistant helping them out 3. A hired team member to handle the work 4. Multiple team members to deal with all aspects of the business When you step out of the process and are no longer active in the cleaning roles, you’ll become more of a manager and a marketer. This me…
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Begin with Managing

  • What you can also do is launch your business jointly, with a business partner. You can start off doing the cleaning, whilst they do the sales and marketing of the carpet cleaning business. Both of you will then manage the operations of the business, the service provision, and the awareness people have about your brand in the local area. All of these methods will help you to grow your in…
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