basement carpet is musty can professional carpet cleaning help

by Mara Marquardt Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Full Answer

Is a musty carpet with mildew a health hazard?

No matter how much you try to ignore it, a musty carpet filled with mildew can be hard to ignore. But this isn’t only a distraction, it’s a safety hazard for you and everyone on the property that can trigger significant health issues.

How to get rid of musty smell in carpet?

Another way to remove musty smells from your carpet is to use hydrogen peroxide. Mix five parts water with one part hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle, then apply the solution to the back of the carpet. This will help neutralize the mold spores and odor. Alternatively, you can use a foam carpet shampoo.

How do you get rid of a musty smell in basement?

– One way to get rid of the odor from your basement is to open a few boxes of baking soda in your basement and replace them with new boxes every thirty days. The baking soda will absorb the smell and you remove the odor without using any chemicals. ... The vinegar will get rid of the smell and kill any remaining fungus on floor as it dries.

Is it bad to have a musty smell in Your House?

Musty-smelling carpets are both unpleasant and dangerous. Not only do they make your home smell unpleasant, but they may also pollute your indoor air with mold spores. The good news is that, unless your home has been flooded, getting rid of musty smells from carpets is relatively simple.


Can professional carpet cleaners get mold out of carpet?

Even getting carpets professionally cleaned won't remove all traces of mold. The carpets may look clean to the naked eye initially, but at least a few microscopic mold spores will remain in the pores of the carpet fibers. When you have carpets professionally cleaned, they usually remain slightly damp for a day or two.

Does professional carpet cleaning remove smell?

Does Professional Carpet Cleaning Remove Pet Odors? Professional carpet cleaning does remove some odors as well as dirt, dust, mud, and other such debris, but don't count on standard shampooing to remove pet smells.

How do I get the musty smell out of my basement carpet?

Place bowls of baking soda around the basement. The baking soda will begin to absorb the odors and should make a significant difference over the course of a few days. You can also use bowls of white vinegar or clean cat litter—both will absorb odors as well.

Will shampooing carpet get rid of mildew smell?

0:131:13Carpet Cleaning : How to Remove Mildew & a Musty Smell From CarpetYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipHelped with that mildew and musty smell in your carpet. If it didn't mold. And mildew is notMoreHelped with that mildew and musty smell in your carpet. If it didn't mold. And mildew is not something to fool around with. So contact a local professional or feel free to contact me.

Why does my carpet smell worse after cleaning it?

Reasons your carpet smells bad after cleaning. The leading cause of a carpet that smells bad after cleaning is that the backing has absorbed moisture in the process and is still wet. If not dried properly, the material becomes susceptible to water damage and mildew problems, which can cause the musty smell to appear.

Does steam cleaning carpet remove odor?

Bottom Line. So, does steam cleaning remove odors? The short answer is yes. With a steam cleaner, steam permeates deeply to lift and remove every bit of stain and odor.

Will a dehumidifier get rid of musty smell?

There's a musty smell in your home When you walk into your home, you want it to smell clean and fresh. Moisture in the air tends to hold and trap odor, Bautista says. A dehumidifier will dry out the air and take away this moldy scent.

Why does my basement smell musty?

There are two main causes of damp basements; water leaks and condensation (due to high humidity). If the basement has a musty or damp smell, it might be helpful to try getting a dehumidifier. You can also air out the room by opening the windows if your basement has any.

What kills mold and mildew in carpet?

Use a vinegar and baking soda mixture. This might kill some mold, and it will help remove musty odors from the carpet.

Can mold be removed from carpet?

Unfortunately, mold spores like moist carpets because of the thickness of the carpet and the backing holds in the moisture well. How do you remove mold from carpet? You can remove it with several things: Vinegar and baking soda, antifungal cleaner, or bleach. Use bleach as a last resort as it can bleach the carpet.

What does carpet mold smell like?

Does Mold Smell? The short answer to this question is yes, mold does have a distinct odor. The best way to describe the scent is “musty” or “earthy.” Some individuals even compare it to the smell of sweaty socks.

Will vinegar get rid of mildew smell in carpet?

To remove mildew and musty smells, apply a mixture of vinegar and water to the affected area of the carpet. Vinegar is a great home remedy for absorbing stubborn odors. Depending on the amount of mildew on the carpet, mix one cup of white vinegar for every two cups of water.

Why is carpet cleaning good?

Eliminates Bugs. Another good reason why professional carpet cleaning is a good choice is that it helps eliminate bugs, termites, and other bacteria from your carpet. Even though they can be hidden deep within the carpet fibers, the deep cleaning methods make it easier to clean your carpet effectively.

Why is it important to hire a carpet cleaner?

Another reason why hiring a professional carpet cleaner is a good choice is that they offer you reliable insights regarding your carpet's condition, the solution to use, and future recommendations. They will use the best tools for the cleaning service and will give reliable results in no time.

What is the difference between steam cleaning and dry carpet cleaning?

Less Drying Time. One of the main elements to consider before cleaning your carpet is to choose the method. A dry carpet cleaning method uses dry compounds to clean your carpet without using much moisture. On the other hand, the steam cleaning carpet uses ...

What to expect before carpet cleaning?

Before cleaning, they will inspect the carpet for possible repairs and will recommend several options. In case the carpet is beyond repairs, they will tell that getting a replacement is a much favorable option. However, the team will try its best to offers significant repairs to make your carpet cleaning worthwhile.

How much does it cost to clean a carpet?

To know how to create your homemade carpet cleaning solution click here, and try them yourself. On average, homemade carpet cleaning will cost around $35-$50 per day. In addition, you don't need to have an immense expenditure on cleaning machines.

Is DIY carpet cleaning cheaper than professional carpet cleaning?

Comparative to professional carpet cleaning, DIY carpet cleaning is inexpensive. You can create your carpet cleaning solution at home easily.

Do carpet cleaners use multiple processes?

As said earlier, professional carpet cleaners tend to use multiple processes before, during, and after the carpet cleaning process. Sometimes, these processes are included in the quote and sometimes not, and are charged as hidden costs.

Why does my carpet smell musty?

A musty odor indicates a water problem so your carpet must have been moist or wet before it became musty. If you have water damage, fix it then dry the area completely – open windows and use dehumidifiers and fans if necessary.

How to get rid of a carpet after a flood?

Once the water problem is fixed and the carpet is dry, vacuum the carpet to remove dust and help the odor dissipate faster. Use a large vacuum cleaner to remove more dust.

When was Puroclean founded?

Founded in 2001, PuroClean has a comprehensive network of more than 300 franchise offices across North America. PuroClean technicians are thoroughly screened, insured, and trained in utilizing the latest in mitigation technology and procedures while operating under a strict code of ethics.

Is it bad to smell carpet?

Musty-smelling carpets are both unpleasant and dangerous. Not only do they make your home smell unpleasant, but they may also pollute your indoor air with mold spores. The good news is that, unless your home has been flooded, getting rid of musty smells from carpets is relatively simple.

Can baking soda be used on carpet?

Don’t worry, baking soda is safe for people and pets and does not damage your carpet. Wait a while for the natural deodorizers to take effect. The more you let the vinegar solution and baking soda sit, the better. Wait at least a few hours or leave it overnight for the best results.

Why does my carpet smell so bad?

A buildup of bacteria in your carpet can lead to unpleasant smells and odors. Your own sense of smell may slowly become accustomed to these odors, but any visitors to your home will surely wonder where the smell is coming from.

What is the best way to clean a carpet?

Drinks are some of the most common liquids to be spilled on a carpet. If you have to deal with a tea, coffee, or cola stain, regular dishwashing liquid is a perfectly good chemical to use.

What is encapsulation shampoo?

However, it uses special chemicals that are designed to dry out, leaving power residue behind instead of a sticky mess.

Why is my carpet loose?

This will lead to ripples and bulges in the carped, which can present serious trip hazards. If you notice your carpet starting to work loose, hire a professional to re-stretch it.

How much does carpet cleaning cost?

In 2019, the average cost of professional carpet cleaning in the USA was $0.25 per square foot. This equates to between $25 and $75 for a standard room. An average 3-bedroom home may cost in the region of $200.

Why is my dog's carpet so dirty?

The dirt and bacteria that have become ingrained in the carpet give harmful bacteria and allergens a great place to breed. These organisms can be particularly nasty if your dog or cat has accidentally added the occasional bodily fluids to the mix.

Do you have to wait for a wet carpet to dry?

Unlike a steam cleaner, dry cleaning results in a dry carpet immediately. You do not have to wait for a wet carpet to dry.

Why do I need to clean my carpet?

If your home has an unpleasant, musty odor, it might be time for carpet cleaning to remove mold, mildew, and other such irritants . Mold and mildew thrive in dark, damp spaces, including underneath carpeting or even along the bottom of its fibers.

Why does mold grow under carpet?

As excess moisture encourages mold and mildew growth, it’s not unusual to notice these contaminants growing under carpets after flooding or large spills.

What to do if you smell musty?

If you or your guests notice a musty smell in the home, it’s time for a thorough carpet shampooing as well as upholstery cleaning, to remove mold and mildew under carpeting and behind furniture fabric. When you start noticing worn pathways in the carpet, schedule steam cleaning or foam encapsulation cleaning. ...

How to get rid of mold on carpet?

Reappearing mold typically grows beneath the carpet backing and along its padding, where simple household solutions don’t reach. Deep steam cleaning or dry cleaning is often used to kill mold in those hard-to-reach spots and keep it from recurring.

How often should I inspect my carpet for mold?

Have a full plumbing inspection every year or two, to find leaks, worn connectors, rusted pipes, and other needed repairs. Broken dishwashers and clothes washing machines are also a common cause of mold in carpet from water damage.

Can you smell mold in carpet?

Not all mold and other dirt along carpeting is visible and noticeable, but ignoring needed carpet cleaning can lead to increased mold growth as well as worn carpet fibers and other damage. To ensure you keep your carpets clean, employ your sense of smell! If you or your guests notice a musty smell in the home, it’s time for a thorough carpet ...

Can shampooing carpet cause mold?

Improper shampoo and cleaning techniques also tend to lead to carpet mold and mildew growth. It’s not unusual for homeowners to use too much application and rinse water when managing DIY carpet shampooing, leaving rugs and padding wet and prone to mold and mildew growth!

Deodorizing Your Carpet – Why is It Important?

You need to deodorize your carpet from time to time. It is best for you to deodorize your carpet at least once per two weeks to keep the carpet clean and free from any bacteria, viruses, and other problems.

Carpet Deodorizing Agents to Remove Musty Carpet Smell

To remove the musty smell on the carpet, you can use various deodorizing agents, and you can do it by creating it yourself or by using carpet deodorizer products. There are three primary options you can pick when choosing a carpet deodorizer. First, the spray deodorizer, which you can apply on the carpet just by spraying it.

Choosing the Cleaning Solution Product for Carpet Refreshment

Many commercial carpet solution products offer you ways to deodorize your carpet. Cleaning your carpet and removing the musty smell from it will become easier if you use these products.

Important Things to Do to Avoid Mold and Mildew Growth on Your Carpet

Musty smells on the carpet are often there because of the growth of mold and mildew on the carpet surface. The damp environment will support their growth, and that’s the reason it’s important for you to stop their growth on their tracks. Deodorizing your carpet is the first step to keep the mold and mildew at bay.


You’ve learned about how to deal with the musty smell in your carpet. There are two most important things you need to do to remove the smell from the carpet. First, keep the carpet dry, and second, deodorize your carpet. You’ve also learned about the various deodorizing agents you can use to keep the carpet fresh and free from the unpleasant smell.

How to get rid of musty smell on carpet?

If you still have mildew and the musty smell on your carpet, try using a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide. For every part of hydrogen peroxide used, use five parts of water. This is also a great remedy to remove the mold spores and eliminate the musty odor.

How to neutralize odors in carpet?

5. Wait. Allow the baking soda to mix with the vinegar and water mixture for at least a few hours; the longer you wait, the better.

Is mildew a distraction?

No matter how much you try to ignore it, a musty carpet filled with mildew can be hard to ignore. But this isn’t only a distraction, it’s a safety hazard for you and everyone on the property that can trigger significant health issues. Prolonging the cleaning process will also result in the spread of damage, possibly even causing ...

Can you get a musty smell out of a carpet?

On the bright side, getting a musty smell out of a carpet is relatively simple. Especially if the area was flooded, getting rid of the odor should be a walk in the park. Here are some tips on how to get mildew and ...

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