best carpet cleaning method to get out dog urine

by Ms. Winifred Labadie II Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Here's one way to remove dog urine from carpet:

  • Soak up the urine stain using paper towels or a cotton cloth.
  • Using white vinegar and water, mix a solution in a bowl (50% vinegar, 50% water).
  • Pour the solution onto the urine stain.
  • Blot the urine stain using a paper towel, pressing firmly into it.

Mix a one-to-one solution of white vinegar and water. Using a sponge, rub the solution onto the stain. Let it sit for 5-to-10 minutes, and then wipe it up with a clean, dry towel. Some experts advise using a more diluted formulation of 1/2-cup vinegar to one gallon of warm water.

Full Answer

What is the best carpet cleaning solution for dog urine?

  • Effective - The Angry Orange odor eliminator for strong odor eradicates even the toughest stains and traces of lingering pet smells.
  • Citrus Scent - Derived from oil found in fresh orange peels, our urine odor eliminator smells like heaven and works like hell.
  • Concentrated Cleaner - Each 8 oz. ...

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How to get Pet Urine out of carpet?

Method 1 Method 1 of 4: Cleaning with Vinegar and Baking Soda Download Article

  1. Mix together water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. ...
  2. Spray the mixture on the urine stain and let it sit for 15 minutes. ...
  3. Dab the carpet to lift up excess vinegar. ...
  4. Cover the vinegar solution with baking soda to deodorize your carpet. ...
  5. Vacuum the baking soda once it’s dry. ...

How to stop a dog peeing on carpet?

Why Does My Dog Keep Peeing on My Carpet?

  • Lack of Potty Training. If your dog is peeing indoors, lack of housetraining is probably the biggest reason for this misbehavior.
  • Health Issues. If your dog is housetrained properly and still peeing on your carpet, he/she could be suffering from certain medical conditions.
  • Peeing Less Frequently. ...
  • Getting Attention. ...

What is the best Pet Urine carpet cleaner?

  • Powerful - A little goes a long way with the Angry Orange pet odor eliminator for home use. ...
  • Citrus Scent - Derived from fresh orange peels, our carpet cleaner for pets smells like heaven and works like hell on stubborn odors.
  • Ready to Use - This bottle of urine odor eliminator can be used directly on cat pee or dog waste. ...

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Does carpet cleaning get rid of dog urine smell?

Professional carpet shampooing can often remove those animal smells and the smell of a dog that's gone too long without a bath or proper grooming. Carpet shampooing or steam cleaning can also pull up the fresh waste that a dog or cat might have tracked over the carpet recently, removing those unpleasant odors as well.

What can I put in my carpet cleaner to get rid of pet urine smell?

Vinegar is pet safe, effective, cheap, and eco friendly. Let the vinegar solution sit for 3-5 minutes or carefully follow the instructions on the cleaning product's label. Fun with baking soda! Sprinkle baking soda over the vinegar mixture.

Why does my carpet still smell like dog pee after shampooing?

If the stain has been soaked up by the underlay of the carpet, usually even after a deep clean, it will remain there, and so will the smell. That's why high-end treatments can help remove wet dog smell after carpet cleaning.

How do I keep my house from smelling like dog pee?

Get a bottle of enzyme-based floor cleaner from your pet store and use it as directed. If you don't have any enzyme cleaner on hand then use vinegar. After air drying, pour baking soda on the spot and let it sit for 24 hours to absorb the odor.

Why does my carpet smell worse after cleaning?

Reasons your carpet smells bad after cleaning. The leading cause of a carpet that smells bad after cleaning is that the backing has absorbed moisture in the process and is still wet. If not dried properly, the material becomes susceptible to water damage and mildew problems, which can cause the musty smell to appear.

How do professionals clean urine from carpet?

Using white vinegar and water, mix a solution in a bowl (50% vinegar, 50% water). You'll want to mix enough of the solution so that it can reach deep down into the carpet's fibers. Pour the solution onto the urine stain. Using a scrubbing brush, work all of it deeply into the carpet, scrubbing vigorously.

How do you get a deep urine smell out of carpet?

Rewet the Urine Area With Diluted Vinegar. Start by mixing white vinegar with water (undiluted vinegar can damage carpet fibers). ... Soak Up the Vinegar Solution. ... Repeat as Needed. ... Apply and Vacuum Up Baking Soda. ... Refresh With Odor Eliminators.

Will steam cleaning remove urine smell?

Avoid using steam cleaners to clean urine odors from carpet or upholstery. The heat will permanently set the stain and the odor by bonding the protein into any man-made fibers. Avoid cleaning chemicals such as ammonia or vinegar.

How to get dog urine smell out of floor?

Test it in a small area first, and then follow directions on the product’s package. When the urine and its odor are completely removed, clean the floor with whatever you usually use on it. Regardless of what your dog has piddled on, your best course of action is to act fast.

How to get rid of urine stains on a carpet?

Place a thick layer of paper to wels over the wet spot, and, if possible, under it, as well. Cover that with a thick layer of newspaper. You can stand on the paper for a few minutes to help it absorb the urine more quickly, or just leave the paper until most of the urine is soaked up. Then remove all the paper and rinse the area with cool water.

How to get rid of odor from vinegar?

Either way, test the solution on a small inconspicuous section of floor first. If the odor lingers, sprinkle baking soda on the floor while it’s still damp, and let it sit for at least several hours or overnight.

How to clean powdered paint?

Another method adds one more household staple, vinegar. In a clean spray bottle, mix one cup of distilled white vinegar with one cup of water and 2 teaspoons of baking soda.

How to get rid of a stale smell?

And for this, a common household item is your best weapon: baking soda. Spread baking soda thi nly and evenly across the damp spot, being careful not to overdo it; about 1/4 cup or less is enough for most stains.

How to get rid of urine in a puddle?

Don’t stand there wringing your hands; you need to act fast. Place a thick wad of paper towels or dish towels on the puddle. Your can stand on the towels for a few minutes to speed up absorption. Continue using fresh towels to soak up the urine, until a towel comes up dry.

How to get rid of dried odor?

Start by rinsing the area thoroughly with plain water. Rent a wet vac and keep saturating and vacuuming the area until clean. Do not use a steam cleaner, since the heat will set the odor and the stain permanently.

How to get urine stains out of carpet?

1 cup water. 1 cup distilled white vinegar. 1/4 to 1/2 cup each of baking soda and 3% hydrogen peroxide. After blotting up as much of the urine as you can, mix these ingredients in a spray bottle and spray the spot liberally. If the stain has had time to dry, wet it with water to soak it out of the carpet before treating the spot.

How does a pet urine cleaner work?

The enzymes in this type of cleaner work by breaking down the ammonia and proteins in urine, thus neutralizing the odor. Follow the directions on the bottle.

How to get rid of dog smell in bed?

Use a mild, pet-safe detergent and add vinegar, oxygen bleach or enzymatic cleaner to the wash to help neutralize odors and remove stains.

Why does my dog's urine smell so bad?

Why Dog Pee Smells So Bad. Dog pee is a special, smelly cocktail composed of hormones, bacteria, uric acid and ammonia, says Hunker. Ammonia in the urine becomes more concentrated over time, converting to mercaptan, also known as methanethiol, a pungent gas that gives both ammonia and dog pee their distinctive odors.

How to clean a foam mattress?

Place the bed in a bathtub with warm, not hot, water and mild detergent. Add vinegar, oxygen bleach or an enzyme solution to the water to help neutralize odors and lift stains . Swish the bed around in the tub to get it thoroughly soaked and to work the cleaning agents into the foam.

How to get rid of urine smell in a plastic crate?

If these options aren't available, spray the crate with a pet-safe cleaning solution and wipe it out. If the crate is plastic, it might have absorbed the urine's odor. Spray the floor of the crate with an enzymatic cleaner and allow it to dry completely.

How to get rid of a smelly carpet?

Work the solution into the carpet with a brush or by rubbing it in with your fingers while wearing a rubber glove. Let it set for a few minutes before blotting it until it's as dry as possible. After the spot dries completely, sprinkle it with baking soda and then vacuum to capture any remaining odor.

How to get dog urine out of carpet?

Spray the enzymatic cleaner directly on the stain. Get a bottle of commercial enzymatic cleaner from your local supermarket. Hold the bottle 3–4 in (7.6–10.2 cm) from the sta in and spray it until the carpet is saturated completely. Many pet stores carry enzymatic cleaners specifically made for dog urine.

How to get rid of urine stains on carpet?

Hold the spray bottle 3–4 in (7.6–10.2 cm) over your carpet and pull the trigger to apply the solution. Coat the entire stain with the solution so your carpet is completely saturated, and then let it soak in for 15 minutes. Vinegar works great on dry or wet urine stains.

How to get rid of a smelly carpet?

Using club soda will remove the odor, but you may have a stronger smell when you first remove it. Pick your favorite scent of air freshener or essential oil and spray it on your carpet to cover up any residual odor that the soda brought up.

How to make a sanitizer with vinegar?

1. Mix together water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Combine 1 cup (240 ml) of distilled white vinegar with 1 cup (240 ml) of warm water in a spray bottle. Shake the solution to mix it thoroughly and dilute the vinegar.

Removing wet (fresh) stains from Carpets

There are 5 steps to this process, although you can easily add a step or two if you want to be meticulous about the whole process. Here is what you need to do:

Removing already dried out stains from Carpet

Stains that have been on the carpet for a while and have dried out are a completely different type of challenge. They are harder to remove and can also bring odor and discoloration to your carpet. Still, here are a few tips that you can put into use when dealing with those type of stains:

Final Words on Getting Old Dog Urine Stains Out of Carpet

Knowing how to clean dog urine from your carpet or other parts of your home is a challenge that every pet owner will face at least once during his dog’s first few months. The major takeaway is that cleaning a fresh stain is far easier than dealing with an already set-in one.

How many times a day do you have to get your dog out of the elevator?

Apartment Dwellers: If you reside in a high-rise apartment, getting the dog down the elevator and out of the door to conduct his business 3 to 6 times per day may be very tedious, particularly if you dwell in a cold climate.

Can you use dog urine for a drug test?

One of our customers asked us this question, “By the way, can you use dog pee for a drug test?” This was our answer: Dog urine would show up extremely clear in the laboratory when they run your urine. It doesn’t have the same properties as human.

How to get rid of urine smell in carpet?

White vinegar - White vinegar breaks down the uric acid in urine to help remove the spot and odor. Use Hydrogen Peroxide - Start by filling an empty spray bottle with hydrogen peroxide 3%. Spray the stain. You can also pour directly onto the carpet if you don’t have a spray bottle. Let sit until it dries.

How to get rid of wicking spots on carpet?

It’s also effective to treat wicking spots, which are spots that reappear after a carpet has dried. Clean white towels - White towels are also good at showing how much of the urine is being lifted. Water. Blot All You Can - Before using our solution, blot up as much of the urine as you can using a fresh, white towel.

How to get rid of a splatter on a carpet?

Create Cleaning Solution & Blot - Then, mix a solution using 2 cups of water and 1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap in an empty spray bottle. Spray the area with the solution.

Can urine be removed from carpet?

When it comes to lifting the urine spot out of carpet, it’s important to act fast so it doesn’t permanently set into a stain. Cleaning it from carpet can be especially tricky since urine begins as a strong acid but crystallizes and becomes alkaline over time. Thankfully, our tips and tricks make the cleanup much easier.

Chemical Cleaners

The type of cleaner you choose will greatly impact your results. For example, many brands use chemical cleansers, which can be effective, but they can also harm your pet’s health. They are also unsafe to use around children, and some brands the material you use. We only recommend chemical cleansers when you’ve tried the other options.

Enzyme Cleaners

Enzymes are tiny, helpful bacteria that eat the organic material (urine, feces), causing the odor. When the organic material runs out, the bacteria die, and the stain and odor will disappear. Since enzymes are destroying the stain, they are the most effective at preventing return visits, unlike other cleaners that mask them.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a safe chemical that you can use to destroy the organic material causing the odor like enzymes. It can be quite effective and usually less expensive. The downside to hydrogen peroxide is that it loses potency quickly, so you often need to reapply it several times.

Bottle Size

Once you know what type of chemical you want to use, you will likely choose the right bottle size. If you have a small to medium-sized dog, you should be ok with a 24 or 32-ounce bottle.

Spray Bottle

It may seem small, but we highly recommend choosing a brand with a spray bottle, so it is easier to apply where you need it. If it doesn’t come with a spray bottle, you will need to purchase an inexpensive one that will prevent you from getting started.

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