best carpet cleaning processes

by Prof. Francesca Hahn I Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

  • Hot Water Extraction Carpet Cleaning. Also known as steam carpet cleaning or steam rug cleaning, hot water extraction carpet cleaning is ideal for commercial and domestic carpet cleaning (at a ...
  • Dry Powder Carpet Cleaning. Dry powder cleaning or compound cleaning is by far the quickest, latest, and most popular way of cleaning a carpet.
  • Encapsulation Carpet Cleaning. Yet another dry carpet cleaning method has taken carpet shampooing technology by storm, which is encapsulation carpet cleaning.
  • Bonnet or Dry Cleaning Carpet. Despite its name, dry rug cleaning is, in fact, not a dry cleaning process. ...
  • Dry Foam Carpet Cleaning. Dry foam carpet cleaning is a combo of the dry cleaning method and the shampoo method (which we’ll discuss shortly).

Full Answer

Which method of carpet cleaning is the best?

Hot Water Extraction or Carpet Steam Cleaning Probably considered one of the best carpet cleaning methods by most people, hot water extraction or steam cleaning uses more water, but it typically removes the dirt all the way down to the padding.

What is the best homemade carpet cleaning solution?

Maintenance Cleaning. 1. Dry Compound. The first method is dry compound. It's very simple. How it works is, you put in a powder, let it sit for a couple of minutes and the ... 2. Encapsulation & Dry foam Absortion. 3. Bonnet. 4. Shampoo.

What is the best professional carpet cleaning machine?

 · Which is the best carpet cleaning method? Generally, hot water extraction (or steam cleaning) is the best way to clean carpets that can handle it. For more delicate carpet types, dry cleaning is often the preferred method. Of course, which cleaning method is right for you depends on the type of carpet you have.

What is the best carpet cleaning system?

 · Steam cleaning (hot water extraction) is arguably the best carpet way to clean a carpet, as it cleans carpets of more than 90% of bacteria. However, if you’re looking for a quick fix for foot traffic, bonnet cleaning makes a solid choice.


What method of carpet cleaning is best?

steam cleaningThe best method of cleaning carpets is usually steam cleaning, which removes over 90% of dirt and bacteria from carpeting. Dry cleaning carpeting is also effective for ensuring carpets are ready for foot traffic as quickly as possible.

Which is better wet or dry carpet cleaning?

Wet vs Dry Cleaning Summary The wet method (specifically professional truck-mounted carpet cleaning) is the best choice for heavily soiled and heavily trafficked areas. If drying time is of the essence, the dry cleaning method may be preferable, especially in an office situation.

Is steam cleaning carpet better than shampooing?

When choosing between steam cleaning and shampooing your carpet, you really can't go wrong with both, but steam cleaning would be the better option. It removes more unseen pests and dirt, and can handle heavy-duty cleaning without making you wait long for drying.

What is the most important step in keeping a carpet clean?

For most of us, vacuuming is the first, and most essential, step in maintaining our carpet.

Is steam cleaning better than chemicals?

Steam cleaning is a safer and eco-friendly alternative. Apart from being safe for you, your family, and your pets, steam cleaning is also environmentally friendly since it reduces the number of chemicals that get washed down the drain and recycled back into our water supply.

Is steam clean the same as dry clean?

With dry cleaning, you drop off your clothing one day and pick it up another. The professionals do all the work. You pay for their service, but doing so allows you to focus on everything else in your life, not dirty clothing. Steam cleaning can remove stains, easy to remove stains.

Does steam cleaning damage your carpets?

Steam cleaning will not damage carpet, if done correctly Steam cleaning is widely considered the best restorative cleaning, which is why most carpet cleaners use this method.

Do steam cleaners also vacuum?

3. The Steam and Vacuum Remove Dirt, Grime, and Allergens. Some steam cleaners use a steam vacuum to remove dirt and grime while the steamer runs. The refill tank is non-pressurized, allowing users to add more water to the steam cleaner while it is in use.

Are heated carpet cleaners better?

Q: So when it comes to cleaning, is the hotter the better? A: As a general rule yes. And in carpet cleaning specifically, you want to maximize the heating performance of your truckmount or portable extractor.

How do I clean my carpet like a professional?

1:393:495 Tips To Clean Your Carpet Like A Pro - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipDon't add any soaps or any sort of additives to this water you want this to rinse the carpet out notMoreDon't add any soaps or any sort of additives to this water you want this to rinse the carpet out not only the dirt and grime. But also the soap. So water only in there.

How do you make high traffic carpet look new?

3 Ways on How to Fix Matted Carpet in High Traffic AreasUse a Carpet Rake to Fluff-up your Carpet. ... Apply Some Moisture onto the Matted Carpet. ... Use Clothes Iron to Refresh the Matted Carpet.

How can I make my carpet soft and fluffy again?

The best way to do this is to take a towel out of the washing machine when it's still damp. Lay it over the flattened area and then gently run a warm (not hot) iron over it. Repeat until the carpet fibers pop back up again. The heat and damp will help reset the fibers, and you'll end up with a nice fluffy carpet again.

How many ways to clean a carpet?

There are 5 methods of professional carpet cleaning, 4 or which are great for maintenance, while there's 1 method (hot water extraction , aka steam cleaning) that's appropriate for restoring or deep cleaning a carpet.

What are the 5 methods of deep cleaning?

The IICRC (Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification) in conjunction with CRI (Carpet and Rug Institute) are the institutions that have tested and classified 5 cleaning methods: 1. Dry Compound, 2. Encapsulation, 3. Bonnet 4. Shampoo and 5. Hot Water Extraction (Steam Cleaning). These 5 methods are the industry standards. The first 4 are maintenance methods, because they only clean the top third of the carpet. The last one is the only deep cleaning method known and used today.

Can you use a steam cleaner on a carpet?

But don't worry about the difference too much. The real steam cleaning machines aren' t portable, so they'll never use them to clean a residential carpet. Those trucks are hot water extractors, not steam cleaners.

What is the difference between steam cleaning and hot water extraction?

There's a slight difference between hot water extraction and real steam cleaning. Real steam cleaning uses boiled and presurized water to clean, whereas in hot water extraction only hot water is used.

What is deep cleaning?

It's the only one that cleans all the carpet (not just the top third), which is why is sometimes called "deep cleaning" too. As we said before, it's widely used for residential cleaning. Especially if the owner has pets, because it's the only effective method against urine. 1. Hot Water Extraction.

Is it a good idea to use a non aggressive cleaning method?

It works because it's very fast to apply, and it can keep high traffic areas as clean as other areas in an office. But as a cleaning method , is usually not the best option.

What are the 4 maintenance cleaning methods?

The 4 maintenance cleaning methods (Dry Compound, Encapsulation, Bonnet and Shampoo) are ment for maintenance only because they only clean the top third of the fibers. The top 1/3 is usually what get's dirtier (unless you have urine or spills). It's also the part of the fiber that you see the most.

What is the phone number for Hello Carpets?

Here at Hello Carpets, We Don’t have any Gimmicks, just FABULOUS results. Give us a call at 503 765-6264 or Book Online to experience it for yourself!

Is carpet cleaning the same as cleaning a carpet?

Carpet Cleaning is just the same, To be consistent in cleaning carpet, there must be processes and procedures put in place and followed. If these procedures are not followed the carpet will not be properly cleaned and therefore will not have a prolonged lifetime.

Why do you need to apply 3M carpet protector?

By protecting your carpets we provide you with the best carpet cleaning, Carpet protector helps the carpet regain its stain resistance that was applied during manufacturing that may have worn off over time or use. It is highly recommended to apply 3M Protector after EVERY clean to ensure your carpet investment maintains its appearance and integrity over time.

Does a soft carpet brush damage the fibers?

The carpet is gently buffed with an oscillating brush machine to completely break soil and grease away from the carpet fiber. Our soft carpet brush does not damage the fibers but provides enough power to fully emulsify the dirt.

What are some examples of stains that can be removed?

Some examples of stains we can remove – gum, wax, red stains, soda, and pet urine and odor. 5. Clearing. We move small items out of the way and make sure your pets are safe and out of the way of our equipment and tools.

How many motors does a HEPA vacuum have?

We thoroughly vacuum all carpeted areas being cleaned with our commercial HEPA powerhead vacuums. These vacuums have two motors and feature 3 HEPA level filters ensuring the dust stays with us!

Is Hello Carpets and Floors safe?

Using only the most advanced equipment, in combination with safe cleaning agents, we will bring your indoor fibers and fabrics to the cleanest and healthiest state. We leave behind the safest possible indoor environment for you and your family to enjoy.

What is the best way to clean carpet?

Generally, hot water extraction (or steam cleaning) is the best way to clean carpets that can handle it. For more delicate carpet types, dry cleaning is often the preferred method. Of course, which cleaning method is right for you depends on the type of carpet you have. Plus, there are other options available out there, ...

What does a carpet cleaner do?

While cleaning the carpet’s surface, the professional cleaner applies a special detergent that softens and decreases the stains even more. In the end, the technician will use the same machine in order to extract the loosened dirt and grime from the carpet, while removing up to 95% of the moisture.

What is the classic method of cleaning a rug?

The Classical Method (brush + detergent) People used to clean their carpets this way before the invention of vacuum cleaning machines. The process involves only a brush, water, and some kind of detergent. Basically, the rug is thoroughly scrubbed and left to sundry.

Can you clean carpet with powder?

Dry carpet cleaning with powder can cause excessive dust build-up in your home. This method doesn’t provide a deep cleaning result and isn’t effective against stains like other options.

How does a professional rug cleaner work?

Lastly, the rug is vacuumed once again with a powerful vacuum cleaner so the powder can be removed along with all the grime, dust , and dirt.

How does dry carpet cleaning with powder work?

How dry carpet cleaning with powder works: Once the professional arrives at your property, he takes care of the light furniture, so access to all of the carpeted areas is provided. If there are any heavier pieces, like a wardrobe, for example, you may be required to move it before the service takes places.

What is a powder mixture for carpet?

A powder mixture made from special cleaning agents and solvents is applied all over the carpet, then with the help of a machine, fitted with a counter-rotating brush, the product is gently worked into the fibres of the floor covering. The mixture’s purpose is to soak up all the soils from the rug’s fibres.

What is Bonnet carpet cleaning?

Bonnet Carpet Cleaning refers to carpet cleaning using a Bonnet machine. A Bonnet machine uses a rotating absorbent cotton pad – a machine with a bonnet if you will. In some ways the process is similar to carpet shampooing but it focuses on the carpet surface, giving it a kind of polishing.

What is encapsulation in carpet cleaning?

The encapsulating chemical is a kind of foam which crystalizes and then gets vacuumed up.

Is carpet shampooing still used?

Carpet Shampooing is one of the older methods of carpet cleaning, but it is still used especially commercially. Industries such as in the hospitality industry find it useful for carpets that get a lot of foot traffic but need to continually appear visibly clean.

What is hot water extraction?

More often than not, when people think of carpet cleaning, they default to steam cleaning, as it is one of the most well-known carpet cleaning methods. Whilst there are other carpet cleaning methods available, steam cleaning is the preferred method for many and the one used by Dang Good Carpet and Furnace Cleaning.

Is carpet shampooing good?

Still, carpet shampooing is a good choice if you want that fresh look in preparation for an event, for example. Guests will be walking all over your carpet, and maybe someone spills a drink or lemon juice; any accidents of this nature could happen, so the carpet will need cleaning after.

Does shampooing carpet make it sticky?

Another unfavourable side effect of shampooing is the lingering wet foam in the carpet. Not to mention, even after it dries, shampooing doesn’t involve any rinsing techniques , which causes your carpet to be sticky. Therefore, one can understand why it’s neither a favourite method nor is it on our list.

Can you dry clean carpet with foam?

Like the dry cleaning technique, it can be implemented by applying cleansing foam and a bit of water to the carpet by a professional carpet cleaner.

Is Bonnet method carpet cleaner effective?

Therefore, this Bonnet method carpet cleaning is understandably not high on our list or the most effective, but it’s there for a reason. It’s another excellent option for commercial use, as it’s a fast carpet cleaning method that gives the carpet a clean and fresh look.

Is Bonnet carpet cleaning a dry cleaning process?

Bonnet or Dry Cleaning Carpet. Despite its name, dry rug cleaning is, in fact, not a dry cleaning process. It’s a low moisture process where the surface of the carpet is treated. It only tackles the surface (about ⅛ of an inch deep into the carpet), which has several implications.

What is the quickest way to clean carpet?

Dry powder cleaning or compound cleaning is by far the quickest, latest, and most popular way of cleaning a carpet. Not only is it growing increasingly popular by the day, but it’s also getting the thumbs up of leading carpet manufacturers.

When will carpets be cleaned in 2021?

June 3, 2021. It’d certainly make things much easier if carpets weren’t so prone to dirt, dust, and debris, but sadly, they are. For that reason, you might either decide to clean your carpet yourself or get your carpet cleaned professionally, which is the best carpet cleaning method. Either way, you need to know that carpet fibres are made ...

What is wet carpet cleaning?

Wet cleaning includes hot water extraction and can include cleaning with an absorbent pad. Dry carpet cleaning involves the use of chemical powders or foams applied by special machines with counter rotating brushes, pads or cylinders. 1.

How long does it take for water to get out of a carpet?

Water is heated to a temperature near its boiling point and pressurized, then injected into the carpet. After about 10 to 15 minutes, the solution is extracted with a vacuum.

Is there a liquid cleaner for carpet?

Just like the name suggests, there is no water or liquid cleaner involved in a dry cleaning. Instead, carpets are cleaned using a powder compound that is applied using a machine with a motorized brush that distributes the powder deep down into the carpet fiber.

How does carpet foam work?

How it works. A cleaning agent is applied to the carpet to help suspend dirt and debris in the carpet, which is then whipped into foam and worked into the carpet fibers with the rotating brushes of a special machine. After a short dwell time, the foam is extracted with a vacuum.

Can you remove moisture from carpet after cleaning?

Like other methods that involve water, it can be hard to remove all moisture from your carpet after cleaning. This means you might be stuck with areas that need hours of downtime to dry, or flooring that develops mold or mildew issues from retained moisture.

Does steam cleaning remove dirt?

Steam cleaning is believed to remove over 90% of all of the dirt and bacteria from your flooring. It can also help to neutralize allergens like dust and pollen for allergy sufferers.

How many rpm does a carpet pad need to stay on?

The absorbent pad or bonnet, which looks like a towel, is placed on the drive block of a rotary floor machine and spun over the carpet surface at 100 to 300 rpm.

What is steam carpet cleaning?

Commonly known as steam carpet cleaning, hot water extraction cleaning use high pressured hot water to agitate the carpet fibre and dissolve dirt in the carpet.

How do carpet cleaners differentiate themselves?

Different dry carpet cleaning equipment manufacturers differentiate themselves by developing their own cleaning compound or powders formula and customizing their equipment design and function.

What is cleaning compound?

Cleaning compound is typically made of biodegradable material that works like micro-sponges, which can effectively absorb dissolved dirt in the carpet and can be removed thoroughly at the end of the cleaning process.

When was dry carpet cleaning invented?

Since dry carpet cleaning technology was invented in 1980s, there are many types of cleaning compound or powders that have been developed in the market. As this cleaning technology is considered relatively new compared to other conventional wet carpet cleaning methods that have been trusted and used for decades, many still doubt the effectiveness of this cleaning technology.

Why does bonneting cause carpet to get soiled?

Because bonneting does not clean carpet deeply, dirt beneath the carpet would emerge back to the surface within short period of time, causing carpet to get soiled again quickly. Bonneting also tends to cause accumulation of chemical residue in the carpet as pressure from the heavy machine on the spinning pad push the applied chemical and remaining dirt into the carpet.

Why is foam encapsulation cleaner better than carpet shampoo?

The foam encapsulation cleaning technique has overtaken carpet shampooing technology as the former uses less water during cleaning which result in shorter drying time compared to the carpet shampooing. The foam encapsulation cleaning has received thumbs up by those who advocate using of environmental friendly products because there is less chemical residue left behind after cleaning compared to carpet shampooing.

When did shampooing carpets become popular?

Shampoo carpet cleaning was popular till encapsulation technology was introduced in 1970s. While shampooing of carpet may seem to clean heavily soiled carpet, the technology’s disadvantage – leaving behind high amount of wet foam residues in the carpet that takes a long time to dry, becomes sticky when it dries because no rinsing is done after shampooing and rapid re-soiling of carpet – makes this cleaning method less popular than others.

Can you use a bucket of water to clean upholstery?

Upholstery: An added benefit of some formulas is that they can be used to clean water-safe upholstery. Dilute the solution in a bucket of warm water and use either a cloth or upholstery brush to clean rugs, couches, curtains, car interiors, or other fabric upholstery.

What is the best way to remove odors?

Odor remover/deodorizer: In tandem with stain-removing properties, a lot of the formulas on the market also come with odor-removing ingredients. A solution that contains enzymes is particularly useful for eliminating odors because it actually breaks down the odor-causing particles rather than mask them with scent.

Is minty scent bad for you?

Expensive but for many well worth the price. Though not harmful, the minty scent is too strong for some. Not recommended to the very fragrance sensitive.

Can you use hot water to clean carpet?

A. Hot water speeds up chemical processes and also helps dissolve dirt, so we recommend using hot water with detergent carpet cleaning solution. Please note that if you’re using a cold water extraction cleaner, only use cold water as instructed.

Can you change the formula on a carpet cleaner?

A. Yes and no. A number of machines specify in the instructions that the warranty is invalidated if you don’t use its solution with its cleaner. However, these warranties only last a few years, so you’re free after that to change formula as long as it’s designed for use in a carpet cleaning machine.

What to do before using a carpet cleaner?

Vacuum the carpet first. Before using a cleaner, it’s a good idea to vacuum the carpet to remove debris and pet hair.

Can you use spot treatment on carpet?

Some carpet cleaning solutions must be supplemented with a separate spot treatment. This can make for a thorough clean, but it can add to your overall expense and time spent on the job.

What is eco friendly carpet cleaning?

Eco-friendly carpet cleaning is an alternative option if you are looking for a method that omits the use of harsh chemicals that may cause irritation.

How many rooms does a carpet cleaner need?

With any level of service, there is a minimum requirement of treatment for three rooms. The advantage of this carpet cleaning company is a unique pricing structure that lets you spend your money based on your budget or according to the needs of your home.

What is the best carpet for commercial use?

Best for Commercial Carpeting: Cintas. Get a Quote. Commercial carpets are designed with industrial-grade fibers and can take plenty of wear and tear. However, they are still subject to dirt and stains, and maybe even face more than the average residential carpet.

How many square feet is Chem Dry?

You can find Chem-Dry in the majority of cities nationwide. The fine print indicates that rooms over 200 square feet may incur additional charges. Since some other carpet cleaning companies stretch the size of each room to 300 square feet, this may be a factor to consider if you have particularly large rooms.

Is Stanley Steemer a good carpet cleaner?

For this reason, Stanley Steemer is also a better value for individuals with a lot of square footage to clean.

How much does Stanley Steemer charge for carpet cleaning?

Additionally, the company has a minimum rate of $300 per job .

Why do carpets have allergies?

Carpet fibers are notorious for trapping dirt, dust mites, pollen, and pet dander, which can trigger allergies to flare up.

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