best social media for carpet cleaning businesses

by Trace Zieme Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

You don't want to post on every single social media platform. Some are more effective and relevant than others when it comes to marketing your services. Cleanliness is best gauged by what you see, so platforms like Instagram and Pinterest would be best suited for this purpose.May 26, 2020

What is social media carpet cleaning marketing?

Social media is a FREE way to get your carpet cleaning marketing out so people can see what quality work you do, and you can drive clicks from social media right back to your website.

Can I advertise my carpet cleaning business on Facebook?

You can match your Facebook ad’s special offer and design with that of your carpet cleaning direct mail campaign. Whether your prospects receive your carpet cleaning postcards in the mail OR they see your carpet cleaning advertising on Facebook, they see ONE cohesive carpet marketing message.

How to use social media for house cleaning industry?

30 House Cleaning Industry Social Media Post Ideas to get more Engagement! Share a holiday greeting image. There are many holiday throughout the year. Sharing images and your greetings is a wonderful and easy way to share your gratitude.

How to market your carpet cleaning business?

Start planning — and running — your year-long carpet cleaning marketing campaigns to stay in front of your prospects (and customers) with your USP (#1) and professional logo (#2). 5. Target your ideal prospects to generate qualified leads and easier sales


How do I get customers for my carpet cleaning business?

How To Get More Carpet Cleaning CustomersSell Yourself with a Story.Focus on Retaining Repeat Customers.Try Online Marketing.Use Social Media to Your Advantage.Make Some Promotional Products.Use the Best Equipment.Sponsor an Event.Study Your Competitors.More items...•

How can I promote my cleaning business on social media?

13 Cleaning Social Media Tips to Grow Your BusinessCreating hyper relevant posts.Using short videos that sell your work.Getting happy clients to write great reviews.Using hashtags to become more discoverable.Use social media ads to generate high-quality leads.

How can I promote my cleaning business?

Best ways to market a cleaning businessDistribute flyers. Many people are looking for cleaners — you just need these people to know about you. ... Spread your brand via social media. ... Create a refer-a-friend program. ... Use digital marketing. ... Set yourself apart from the competition.

How do you write a cleaning advertisement?

How to Write Compelling Cleaning Ads + Ad Copy ExamplesShowcase Deals. If you have any deals going on for your cleaning company, ads are the perfect spot to highlight them. ... Emphasize Convenience. ... Inspire Trust. ... Be Mindful of Length. ... Include a CTA.

How do I advertise cleaning services on Facebook?

Let's begin:Step 1: Go to your ads manager.Step 2: Click on your account. It may prompt you to create an Ad account. ... Step 3: Install the Facebook Pixel on your website. ... Step 4: Go back to your Ads Manager, and click "Create Campaign."Step 5: Choose your goal. ... Step 6: Name your Ad.

What is the target market for a cleaning service?

The target market for residential cleaning includes homeowners, renters, and landlords. Homeowners are the most obvious target market for residential cleaning services. These are people who own their own homes and need to hire someone to clean them on a regular basis.

Can a cleaning business make you rich?

According to Hanson, for a residential cleaning company to earn a million dollars or more annually, it would need to clean about 31 homes per day. * That's a lot, but there are now several house cleaning companies in the U.S. earning a million dollars or more per year, which says this is certainly possible.

Is the cleaning industry growing?

The number of janitorial services businesses in the U.S. grew at a rate of 5.7% per year from 2016 to 2021. The commercial cleaning industry is expected to grow at a rate of 5.4% annually through 2025. Employment of janitors and building cleaners is expected to grow 4% per year through 2029.

Is it worth starting a cleaning business?

If you have a strong business plan and you're ready to cover a new niche in the market, it's definitely worth starting a cleaning business. Cleaning services are also extremely in demand and always essential, so it's likely you'll always have some money coming into the business.

How do I write a cleaning blog?

8 Blog Content Ideas for Cleaning Companies (for Better SEO)Write About Your Cleaning Process and Products. ... Write an Article About Your Top Search Engine Term. ... Publish a List of Home Tidying Tips. ... Make a List of Benefits of Professional Cleaning Services. ... Highlight a Member of Your Team. ... Share Customer Testimonials.More items...•

What goes on a cleaning business flyer?

What to Put on a Cleaning Service FlyerHeadline. Most people won't stop to read every flyer. ... Graphics. The main way of getting a person's attention is by using high-quality graphics. ... Protection. ... Have an Irresistible Offer. ... Use a Photo. ... Cleaning Services in Town.

How do I write a cleaning blog?

8 Blog Content Ideas for Cleaning Companies (for Better SEO)Write About Your Cleaning Process and Products. ... Write an Article About Your Top Search Engine Term. ... Publish a List of Home Tidying Tips. ... Make a List of Benefits of Professional Cleaning Services. ... Highlight a Member of Your Team. ... Share Customer Testimonials.More items...•

How do you clean tips?

0:4711:187 EXPERT CLEANING TIPS YOU NEED TO BE USING! - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipBecause i'm just asking you to the first tip is cleaning from the top to the bottom. And from theMoreBecause i'm just asking you to the first tip is cleaning from the top to the bottom. And from the left to the right and you're going to do this simultaneously.

How do I clean up my social media?

8 Easy Ways to Clean Up Your Social Media (Because Hiring Managers Really Do Look at It)Make Your Accounts Private. ... Hide or Delete Any Inappropriate Posts. ... Deactivate Old Accounts. ... Add the Right Photos. ... Add a Professional Bio. ... Edit Your Handles and URLs. ... Post Industry-Related News, Quotes, or Articles.More items...•

What is the best platform to advertise carpet cleaning?

Instagram – a primarily visual social media platform, Instagram works well for carpet cleaning businesses to showcase the benefits of their service dramatically. With more than one billion active users and a high engagement rate compared to other platforms, Instagram is a great platform to start promoting your carpet cleaning business.

How to promote a carpet cleaning business?

How to use social media to promote a carpet cleaning business. You can achieve excellent results promoting your carpet cleaning business through social media. But it’s not as easy as creating an account and posting a few times a week. You need to dedicate time and effort to consistently create new content to post on social media.

What is tiktok social media?

TikTok – this newer social media platform is becoming a place for businesses of all sizes to grow their audience. You’ll need to be comfortable with the video format to use TikTok, but your hard work can pay off with the chance to go viral.

How to start a social media business?

1. Choose your platform. You need to dedicate yourself to one platform to start. If you try to figure out two or three or four different social media platforms at once, you’ll get overwhelmed, frustrated, and give up before you have a chance to see results.

What is the best asset for a carpet cleaning company?

One of the best assets a carpet cleaning company can have is a well-designed business website. It’s one of the first things a potential customer looks at after they have found your service. However, creating a business website takes a lot of time and can be expensive.

What are the best ways to drive traffic to a carpet cleaning business?

Social media, pay-per-click ads, and SEO are all great ways to drive web traffic and boost business leads. But, choosing the right marketing strategy can be challenging, and if you can’t decide which option is best, your business suffers. One of the best assets a carpet cleaning company can have is a well-designed business website.

Is Facebook good for carpet cleaning?

Facebook has an older audience and a strong business presence. This is an excellent platform if you do commercial carpet cleaning or residential carpet cleaning. You have a lot of variety when it comes to content posted on Facebook.

How to find carpet cleaning marketing strategies?

One of the best ways to find carpet cleaning marketing strategies is to scour forums for unique perspectives. These can be community or neighborhood groups, where residents near you are always looking for quality services.

How to make sure your carpet cleaning business is in the 5% that make it past the first year?

One of the best ways to make sure your carpet cleaning business is in the 5% that make it past the first year is to specialize in a niche. Choosing a specialty, like commercial carpet cleaning, for example, can dramatically increase your chances of success.

How to get your business name out there?

Actively Posting on Social Media. Having an active social media presence on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook is one of the easiest ways to get your business’ name out there and introduce it to the world. However, there’s no point to being active on social media if your words are falling against deaf ears.

How to get people to know about your business?

The trick is to ensure that the flyer that you are handing out stands out amongst the others and makes people want to read it. Here are some ideas for well designed flyers by other carpet/house cleaning businesses.

What is a special offer for carpet cleaning?

There are 2 major functions that a special offer plays in your carpet marketing campaign: Enticing prospects to try out your product or service. • Rewarding current customers and ensuring future loyalty. So a special offer is not an afterthought for your carpet cleaning marketing….

What to do when you spot a negative review on cleaning service?

When you spot a negative review online, make sure to comment on it and respond with a sincere apology and offer to remedy whatever occurred that was dissatisfactory with their cleaning service.

How much did Ayoub spend on postcard marketing?

And — on one of their campaigns, Ayoub spent $13,950 and generated $224,500 back in revenue.

How much does a Persian rug cost?

You own a Persian rug that cost $20,000. You and your spouse bought it at an open-air market in Casablanca while on a once-in-a-lifetime vacation to Morocco. This rug is basically irreplaceable. And your dog just trampled mud on it.

Can you mail postcards to carpet cleaning companies?

Answer: yes, but read on…. If you evaluate WHO your ideal customers are, you can mail carpet cleaning postcards to people JUST like them and save even more money on your carpet marketing by only paying to advertise to people who will actually help you grow your business.

Pick the social media platform that works best for you

Let’s start and visit social media pages like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or LinkedIn. Make sure you make the account a public business account so you can start correctly.

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If you do not know which social media page works best, pick one, have a few created, and then post to both of them to see how it goes. If it works on one more than the other, stick with the one that works.

Create Company Unique Hashtags to use EVERYWHERE

Create your own business hashtags and use them everywhere. On every platform, these hashtags become part of your company brand to help people recognize your business. It can start with your company name or any keyphrase you use often for your business. Feel free to check out ThriveHive’s page about how to create your company hashtags.

Fill out your Social Media Company Page completely

Add links to your website services page. Several social media company pages have areas to add services, so why not utilize them to share your services as well. Keep in mind, places like Instagram only offer one URL to share. However, using a free or paid service like, Linktree (TM) will allow you to make a landing page just for your Instagram.

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Using video posts in stories and in your timeline are more popular than just using a post. Try creating modified video post images you can make for free on Canva. Or, you can try to make videos yourself on Lumen5, where they will pull content from your company post to create a video for you.

Create a Social Media Marketing Plan for Your Company

Create a plan on how you will be marketing your business. Include PPC advertising as well as social media to maximize your exposure on your favorite social media platform. Create a budget for daily spend and how often you will share on social media and your blog. Add these tasks to your calendar to help you remember your new tasks.

Share a holiday greeting image

There are many holiday throughout the year. Sharing images and your greetings is a wonderful and easy way to share your gratitude. If you want to make your own images, check out our post for tips: Creative Tips to Make Engaging Holiday Greeting Images.

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