can a california landlord charge you for carpet cleaning after 2 years

by Newton O'Conner DDS Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

In California, landlords are never given the right to charge for cleaning except for a special case where the tenant has effected serious damage to the carpet beyond normal wear and tear. Then, the tenant s security deposit will be used to effect the repairs.

According to the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, landlords CANNOT charge for routine carpet cleaning - either during the rental term or from a security deposit - no matter what the lease says.

Full Answer

Can a landlord ask a tenant to clean the carpet?

California rental laws state that the landlord is in charge of carpet cleaning and replacing charges and should not ask anything from the tenant. Some incidences require the tenant to incur cleaning costs, such as when the carpet has excessive damage, which is beyond the normal wear and tear.

How long can a landlord keep your carpet in California?

According to California rental laws on carpet cleaning and charges, a standard quality carpet should stay for ten years. It undergoes normal wear and tear during this period, provided the tenant does not damage it. After ten years, landlords should replace the carpets as they have served their useful life span.

Who is responsible for carpet cleaning costs in California?

The person who is accountable for carpet cleaning costs varies from state to state, depending on the governing rental laws. The landlord is responsible for these charges in California except for special occasions such as when the carpet has undergone excess damage and dirt such as oil spills.

Can a landlord withhold a security deposit for carpet cleaning in California?

California rental laws consider basic carpet cleaning as part of normal wear and tear hence prohibiting landlords from withholding tenants’ security deposit in such an incidence. Provided the carpet does not exceed normal cleaning rates as per professional cleaners, it has normal damage.


How often does a landlord have to clean carpet in California?

The only time a landlord must replace the carpet is if it somehow affects the health or safety of the tenants, such as if the carpet is moldy, unsanitary or ripped. The law does not govern aesthetics, so even if the carpet is stained or old, as long as it is in fair condition, the landlord does not have to replace it.

Can a landlord charge for carpet in California?

Under California law, unless the carpet is visibly damaged and that damage is not the result of normal wear and tear, the landlord cannot hold the tenant responsible for the damage or the cost of replacement for the carpet.

How much can a landlord charge for cleaning in California?

Generally, a professional cleaning company can clean an empty unit for $200, including shampooing the carpet. Deductions for damage are only permitted if you caused them and they are beyond normal wear and tear.

What is considered normal wear and tear on carpet in California?

Generally, “ordinary or normal wear and tear” is the unavoidable deterioration of a unit resulting from normal use by the tenant. A repair issue warranting a deduction is typically damage that was avoidable and negligent, and not due to simply living in or using the property.

Can a landlord make you pay for carpet cleaning California?

According to the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, landlords CANNOT charge for routine carpet cleaning - either during the rental term or from a security deposit - no matter what the lease says.

Can landlords make you pay for professional cleaning?

So, can a landlord charge tenants for a professional cleaning service at the end of their tenancy at the rental property? The short answer is no. In fact, according to the Tenant Fees Act 2019, a landlord cannot legally charge tenants for end of tenancy cleaning services.

Can landlords charge for cleaning 2021?

Landlords can claim money for cleaning from the tenancy deposit under certain circumstances. In fact, whilst cleaning standards can be subjective, it is the most common claim made by a landlord for a deduction from the deposit.

What can a landlord charge for when you move out California?

If you are the tenant and intend to move out (and you pay rent once a month), you have to give your landlord 30 days' notice in writing. If you do not, the landlord can charge you for the unpaid rent even after you move out. Unless a new tenant pays the rent, you will have to pay for those 30 days.

What can a landlord charge for when you move out?

Your landlord can keep money from your deposit if you have caused damage that needs repairing, left the property in a dirtier state than you received it or have not paid rent.

How often should landlords replace carpets?

10 yearsA good carpet might last up to 10 years, while something cheap could need replacing after just 3 years. It's also common for a landlord to redecorate as a matter of routine at the end of each tenancy. This might just involve a few paint touch-ups or it could mean a fresh, new rug.

How long does a landlord have to bill you for damages in California?

Each state has its own laws regarding how long a landlord has to send you a bill after you vacate the property. In California, for example, a landlord has 21 days from the date you moved out. In Ohio and a number of other states, the deadline is 30 days.

How often do landlords have to paint in California?

every three to five yearsAlthough in California landlords are required to make their rental properties habitable, they do not have to repaint (save for some conditions such as lead paint removal). Most landlords repaint every three to five years to keep their properties looking fresh and well-kept.

Does landlord have to pay for new carpet?

When a carpet wears out and it has not been damaged by the tenant, the landlord is usually responsible for replacing it. Obviously, this only applies when the property is rented furnished or semi-furnished with the carpets included in the tenancy agreement. Carpets should only be subject to normal wear and tear.

What can a landlord charge for when you move out California?

If you are the tenant and intend to move out (and you pay rent once a month), you have to give your landlord 30 days' notice in writing. If you do not, the landlord can charge you for the unpaid rent even after you move out. Unless a new tenant pays the rent, you will have to pay for those 30 days.

How often should a landlord replace carpets?

10 yearsA good carpet might last up to 10 years, while something cheap could need replacing after just 3 years. It's also common for a landlord to redecorate as a matter of routine at the end of each tenancy. This might just involve a few paint touch-ups or it could mean a fresh, new rug.

What are renters rights in California?

Tenant Rights and Responsibilities According to California landlord-tenant laws, tenants have the right to live in safe, habitable rental units, as well as sue the landlord for retaliation, withhold rent for failure to provide essential services, recover attorney's fees, and more.

Do landlords need to know the law?

If you are a landlord, it is paramount to be updated on the topic according to your own state law. The same goes if you are a tenant. You should know the law. That way, you will have good knowledge about what responsibilities and what rights you have.

Should carpets be freshly cleaned?

In what concerns the carpets, they should be freshly cleaned before you, as the landlord, offer the place to someone else. You can hire a professional cleaning service or handle the procedure yourself, it is up to you. If you want to save some money, and if you have the necessary time, you can get a commercial carpet cleaner, ...

Does a landlord have to deduct carpet cleaning from security deposit?

Still, in case the tenant does not comply, the landlord does not have the right to deduct routine cleaning from the security deposit.

Should landlords take care of carpet cleaning costs?

In conclusion, landlords should take care of the costs generated by routine carpet cleaning when the tenants move out. To Charge or Not to Charge? Charge! In a rental property, in case the carpet is filthy or even damaged, the landlord has the right to deduct the cleaning or replacing costs from the security deposit.

Is carpet cleaning a turnover cost?

In case you did not know, carpet cleaning is usually a part of the overall turnover costs, and these are normally covered by the landlord. In various disputes over security deposits, courts from many states often concluded that basic carpet cleaning is a part of the usual wear and tear. There are even states that have prohibited landlords ...

Can a landlord charge for carpet cleaning?

So, can a landlord charge for carpet cleaning? The answer is both yes and no. A landlord can charge for cleaning if the carpet is excessively dirty and / or damaged. A landlord cannot charge for routine cleaning.

What happens if carpet is damaged in rental unit?

Damage and Replacement. If the carpet in a rental unit is damaged and must be replaced, the damage the tenant is responsible for must be prorated appropriately. For example, if the carpet had a 10-year life expectancy, but due to tenant damage had to be replaced after just seven years, the tenant is only responsible for the useful life ...

What are the responsibilities of a tenant in California?

California Renter Responsibilities. Under California law, tenants are required to leave the rental unit in the condition they found it. If the tenant vacates the apartment in any other condition, the landlord can use a portion of the tenant's security deposit to cover the costs associated with having the rental unit cleaned.

How to evict a tenant without a contract?

How to Evict Tenants Without a Contract & California Laws. Most landlords require that tenants pay a security deposit before they can move into the rental unit . This deposit is held by the landlord and may be used to cover any costs associated with damage a tenant might do to the unit. The most common dispute between landlords ...

What is normal wear and tear on carpet?

Examples of normal wear and tear include the natural wearing down of carpet from regular use, normal aging and furniture marks in the carpet. Under California law, unless the carpet is visibly damaged and that damage is not the result of normal wear and tear, the landlord cannot hold the tenant responsible for the damage or the cost of replacement for the carpet. Additionally, tenants cannot be held responsible for defects in the carpet that existed before they moved in.

Can a landlord deduct carpet damage in California?

California law also permits a landlord to deduct for the repair of damage to the rental unit, including carpet damage, as long as the damage is beyond regular normal wear and tear, which is permitted by law. Tenants are responsible for all damage they cause and any damage caused by their pets or guests. Examples of carpet damage include ground in ...

Do you have to pay a security deposit to replace carpet in California?

Laws on Carpet Replacement in California & Renter's Rights. Most landlords require that tenants pay a security deposit before they can move into the rental unit. This deposit is held by the landlord and may be used to cover any costs associated with damage a tenant might do to the unit.

What happens if a tenant pays for a claim by the landlord?

If any tenant pays for such a claim by the landlord, then it is abuse. Everything is bad, and the economy and everybody struggles to survive, so the landlord should not burden the tenant. The house owner did not find any tenant abuse before, and after the tenant moves into the rental apartment, then he has to reason to pay for anything.

What is tenant abuse?

Tenants’ rights reserved that he has no reason to pay any such fee. If any tenant pays for such a claim by the landlord, then it is tenant abuse. Covid 19 has crippled the economy, and everybody struggles to survive, so the landlord should not put his burden on the tenant.

Is carpet cleaning a normal thing?

Remember that routine carpet cleaning is a normal thing and can cause wear and tear. That is not also enough reason for the landlord to enforce any payment on the tenant.

Did landlord find tenant abuse before or after tenant moves into apartment?

Provided the tenant did not course any wear and tear on the building before the tenant moves into the property, he attended the tenant screening with the landlord, and this case was not introduced or brought to his notice. The landlord did not find any tenant abuse before, and after the tenant moves into the rental apartment, ...

Can a landlord charge for carpet?

The landlord has no right to charge for carpet. Even when it is enshrined in the lease agreement, the renter will not pay a dime for the cleaning of the property during the exit. I have never heard of an exit fee in my life. So if the landlord charges the tenant, it would be against the provision of the law. Tenants’ rights reserved that he has no ...

Should landlords replace carpet?

The landlord should quickly replace or repairs the damaged carpets to avoid high costs. Any damage seen should be fixed immediately to avoid pilling them up for future costs. By them, it might become a problem to fix because of the high cost of building materials.

Does small claims court grant a right to a tenant?

Even small claims court does not grant them that right, except for the case of someone that damages the floor. Landlords have the culture of always demanding from their tenant, that would bill their tenant unnecessarily even in the face of trouble, and COVID 19 most landlords do not call.

Do you have to pay for carpet cleaning when you move out?

Your lease requires that you pay for it when you move out. Your lease states that you must provide a receipt showing that you had the carpets cleaned. Your lease says that you must pay for carpet cleaning when you move in. Your lease says that the cost of carpet cleaning will be deducted from your security deposit.

Can landlords charge for carpet cleaning?

According to the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, landlords CANNOT charge for routine carpet cleaning - during the lease or from a security deposit-no matter what your lease says.

Is carpet cleaning a landlord's responsibility?

Answer: No. Because routine carpet cleaning is not a statutorily-imposed obligation of a landlord, assigning this responsibility to a tenant through a contractual provision does not render a rental agreement void.

Can a landlord deduct cleaning?

Write a letter to the landlord explaining that they cannot deduct routine cleaning according to ATCP 134.06 (3) (c), that there have to be damages that are beyond "normal wear and tear" in order to charge for it. ATCP 134.06 (3) (c) states that "a landlord may not withhold from tenant's security deposit for routine painting or carpet cleaning, ...

Can you deduct carpet cleaning charges?

Any carpet cleaning charges they collect in advance must be treated as part of a security deposit, which must be subject to a refund. Deductions cannot include "normal wear and tear.". Essentially, a landlord would have to sue a tenant as a separate matter if they did not pay for routine carpet cleaning required by the lease.

How long does carpet last in California?

Under California landlord-tenant guidelines, a carpet's useful life is eight to 10 years. The cost of replacing the carpet after 10 years falls to the landlord. A tenant who has lived in the property for 10 years and has caused no damage to the carpet other than wear and tear has every right to ask the landlord to replace the carpet.

How long do painted walls last?

Painted walls are expected to have a useful life of two to three years, according to California landlord-tenant guidelines. Generally, the landlord will have the unit painted between rentals, but when you are a long-term tenant, a painting schedule becomes less obvious. Under these guidelines, a tenant who has lived in a rental unit longer ...

Can a landlord deduct the cost of carpet replacement?

A landlord cannot deduct the cost of repainting or replacing carpet from the security deposit for normal wear and tear, or even when the walls and carpet have met the useful life terms.

Do walls wear out when you rent an apartment?

When you've rented an apartment or home for a number of years, your painted walls and carpet will wear out eventually. If you are afraid to approach your landlord for new paint and carpet because you feel he will pass the cost onto you, learn about your rights as a tenant.

Can you charge for new paint if you live in a rental property?

Therefore, if you have resided in a rental property for 10 years, the landlord cannot charge you for new paint. Compare Bank Accounts |

Can landlords charge for carpet?

According to California law, landlords can only charge tenants for carpet and paint under certain conditions. Once you learn whether or not you, as a long-term tenant, will pay those costs, you can pursue the issue with your landlord.

Can you deduct paint and carpet from your rental?

A landlord can only deduct from the deposit for damages. If you move out of a rental property after 10 years, don't allow the landlord to deduct the cost of paint and carpet from your deposit — it's against California law.

How much does a landlord charge for cleaning a unit?

If a unit was rented out in a brand new condition and returned very dirty, the landlord could charge $200 to $500 dollars to get things clean depending on ...

How much does it cost to clean an apartment?

Most cleaning companies can clean an empty apartment for less than $200. The specific numbers are not set by law, so there is no single set answer about how much can be charged. The fee must be “reasonable” and take into account wear-and-tear.

Why does a landlord need to call in a cleaning crew?

On the other hand, the landlord needing to call in a professional cleaning crew because the tenant didn’t clean and allowed bugs to take over the property would not be the landlord’s responsibility. Check your local and state laws to be sure that there are no additional requirements. 6.

What happens if a tenant leaves clothes?

If a tenant leaves their clothes and items laying about, there’s no real cause for you to take any action against them. If, however, you discover there they have allowed trash, dirt, grime, or anything else to pile up in such a way that it is causing mold or other unsafe living conditions, you can take action.

Can a landlord deduct cleaning fees?

Landlords can deduct the cost of any repairs or cleaning fees that go above-and-beyond normal usage. Landlords can deduct up to the full amount of the security deposit. In extreme cases, landlords could even sue a former tenant in court to cover additional fees if the property was left in extremely damaged condition. 9.

Who is responsible for paying for a hotel room?

Landlords are typically responsible for paying for a hotel room for their tenants in the following situations: In most cases, the landlord is responsible for the cost of the hotel room if the reasons the tenant cannot stay at the property is their – the landlord’s – fault.

Can landlords charge for carpet damage?

Minor carpet wear, faded paint, and moderately dirty blinds are all normal things that happen. As these are not true damages, landlords cannot charge their tenants to fix these things. Property damages and excessively dirty areas, however, can be charged for.


to Charge Or Not to Charge? Not!

to Charge Or Not to Charge? Charge!

The Lease Agreement

So, Who Pays?

What Should Landlords do?

What Should Tenants do?

Wrapping It Up

  • So, can a landlord charge for carpet cleaning? The answer is both yes and no. A landlord can charge for cleaning if the carpet is excessively dirty and / or damaged. A landlord cannot charge for routine cleaning. Also, the lease agreement may stipulate that the tenants handle the carpet cleaning before they vacate the property. Still, do not forget...
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