can a landlord deduct carpet cleaning costs from security deposit for stains

by Aletha Nikolaus Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

A landlord CANNOT legally deduct from a tenant's security deposit even if: The lease requires that the tenant pay for carpet cleaning when they move out. The lease states that the tenant must provide a receipt showing that they had the carpets cleaned.

Can a landlord deduct the cost of cleaning the carpet?

Before refunding the tenant’s security deposit, the landlord proceeds to deduct the cost of cleaning the carpet. Here is the question; was the landlord right to do this? Does the law allow her to do it? Depending on whom you ask, you will get an answer for or against the landlord.

What can landlords deduct from security deposits?

Landlords are permitted to deduct from security deposits for damage or excessive filth, but not for ordinary wear and tear. Typically, landlords may charge tenants for any cleaning or repairs necessary to restore the rental unit to its condition at the beginning of the tenancy.

Can a landlord use a security deposit to clean a apartment?

Typically, landlords may use a tenant's security deposit for any cleaning or repairs necessary to restore the rental unit to its condition at the beginning of the tenancy.

Can a landlord claim that the carpet is unusually dirty?

If the cost of cleaning the carpet exceeds the standard rates, the landlord can claim that it is unusually dirty. When a tenant vacates an apartment, the carpets are required to be returned to their original condition at the time of tenant move-in.


What does normal wear and tear on carpet look like?

Light damage caused from continuous walking (carpets getting thin in some areas, light discoloration, etc.) that can easily be cleaned is normal wear and tear. Similarly, light and small scuffs on hardwood floors are to be expected.

Are carpet stains normal wear and tear California?

Many landlords and tenants struggle with how to define “ordinary or normal wear and tear” with respect to security deposits....Common Examples.Ordinary Wear and TearTenant LiableCarpet faded or worn thinHoles, rips, tears, burns, or stains on carpet12 more rows•Jul 6, 2018

What can a landlord deduct from deposit?

What are the common reasons for deposit deductionsUnpaid rent at the end of the tenancy.Unpaid bills at the end of the tenancy.Stolen or missing belongings that are property of the landlord.Direct damage to the property and it's contents (owned by the landlord)Indirect damage due to negligence and lack of maintenance.More items...

Can landlord charge for cleaning?

The short answer is no. In fact, according to the Tenant Fees Act 2019, a landlord cannot legally charge tenants for end of tenancy cleaning services. If you are a landlord and you charge your tenants with a cleaning fee, you will face a fine of at least £5,000.

What are the things that cannot be deducted from a security deposit?

Here is a list of things that are generally considered to be normal wear-and-tear which cannot, according to security deposit laws, be deducted from a security deposit: Faded paint or wallpaper due to sunlight. Broken plumbing caused by normal use.

What is a Wrongful Withholding of Security Deposit in California?

In California, for example, the landlord must provide receipts for any repairs or cleaning over $126. This action, allowed by security deposit laws, is generally called a Wrongful Withholding of Security Deposit or a Wrongful Retention of Security Deposit lawsuit. If you do decide to take legal action, you may be able to recover all or some ...

What to do if tenant moves out?

A tenant that is thinking of moving out can request that the landlord, or one of the landlord's agents, walk through the rental unit and make a list of things that would be deducted from the security deposit if the tenant left right then and there.

Why does Bill ask Larry to walk through the apartment?

Bill requests that Larry walk through the apartment with him to point out anything that would be deducted from the security deposit. Larry notices that two of the doors inside the apartment are off their hinges and there is a stain, likely caused by Bill's dog, on the living room carpet.

Can a landlord deduct a security deposit?

In most states and jurisdictions, security deposit laws allow a landlord to deduct from a security deposit for any damage or excessive dirtiness, but not for any expected, normal wear-and-tear. Sometimes a security deposit is called a "damage deposit," and is generally some amount of money that the landlord is able to hold on to if ...

What happens if you leave a house trashed?

If you left the place trashed and filthy, expect your landlord to dig into your deposit. Landlords can deduct from your deposit for excessive dirtiness, beyond normal cleaning costs. Drenckhahn says the place should be “ broom clean ,” or as clean as when you moved in. “Dirt and grease left behind is not wear and tear,” says Drenckhahn.

How long does it take to return a deposit?

In most states, the timely return of your deposit means there’s a deadline—such as 30 days— so be sure to leave a forwarding address. When landlords deduct from your deposit, they will typically include an itemized statement explaining how ...

What are some examples of damage to a property?

Examples of damage to the property include a broken bathroom vanity, cracked kitchen countertop, or broken doors. Tolchinsky says it’s a good idea for a tenant to request a move-in and a move-out checklist and document by pictures and video the condition of the apartment.

Can a landlord collect late fees from a deposit?

In this situation, landlords can collect unpaid rent—and late fees—from your deposit as necessary. “Rent that is not paid is considered damages when a tenant vacates,” says Eric Drenckhahn, a real estate investor and property manager, who runs the blog “A tenant cannot use the damage deposit to pay their rent without ...

Can a landlord deduct my deposit?

Landlords can’t deduct from your deposit for any old reason; there has to be a legit circumstance. The rules may vary from city to city (or state to state), so read up on what your landlord can and can’t do in your area. But, in general, here are some things landlords can deduct from your deposit.

Can you collect unpaid rent?

In this situation, landlords can collect unpaid rent—and late fees—from your deposit as necessary.

Is it bad to clean before leaving?

Doing a little cleaning before leaving isn’t a bad idea, but it doesn’t guarantee it’ll save your security deposit. Tolchinksy says if a tenant hires a professional cleaner, rents a steam cleaner, or buys paint to paint the walls, he or she “should maintain all invoices and receipts” to provide proof to the landlord.

Who is responsible for cleaning carpets?

In most states, the laws dictate that standard carpet cleaning is the responsibility of the landlord. Considerations also need to be made for normal wear and tear. Only in the cases that excess damage can be proven that the landlord can charge the tenant.

How long does a carpet last?

Age of the carpet-  Ideally, a carpet's lifespan is ten years , partly covered with a warranty. At the end of the ten years, the landlord should explore the options available to get the carpet replaced. A landlord cannot charge a tenant for cleaning and damages if the carpet is nearing the end of these ten years or its estimated lifespan.

What are stubborn stains in a house?

Stubborn stains may include coffee, wine, paint, urine or vomit from pets or children , and much more. If the only way that the landlord can get rid of the stains is by working with a professional carpet cleaner, deciding who pays for the cleaning can come into question.

What is the most challenging part of a landlord and tenant relationship?

The most challenging part of the landlord and tenant relationship is the very end. In the beginning, both are eager to make a good impression. The tenant pays the security deposit and the landlord offers a clean unit. The security deposit is for any necessary repairs when the tenancy or lease agreement comes to an end.

Why do landlords take pictures of rental units?

Photographs– Both the landlord and the tenant should take pictures of the rental unit before the tenant moves in and after they move out. This is important so they can document any existing issues, especially excessive wear and tear, and damages.

How to ensure that the landlord makes the right decision?

To ensure that the landlord makes the right decision, they need to familiarize themselves with state laws' allowances. Each state will have laws and regulations that guide the landlords on rental practices. Where there is a lack of clarity, a property manager can be consulted.

What are the assets of a rental property?

This should be the responsibility of the landlord. They include: Fittings and fixtures which include a fridge, dishwasher, microwave, and more. Carpets and additional decorations.

Can a landlord deduct carpet from a security deposit?

If the carpet in a rental property is excessively dirty or damaged, the landlord can deduct the cost from the security deposit. Sometimes landlords will discover tenant abuse of the carpeting that is considered unusual damage. Examples of unusual damage might include serious stains, oil, paint or pet urine that requires a professional carpet ...

Can a landlord withhold the cost of carpet cleaning?

A landlord should definitely withhold the cost of the cleaning from this type of damage to the carpet. They should provide a copy of the receipt in their itemized deductions of the security deposit. Some landlords include carpet cleaning responsibility as part of the lease agreement.

Should landlords charge for carpet cleaning?

When Landlords Should Not Charge a Tenant for Dirty Carpets. In most cases, landlords should not charge tenants for a standard carpet cleaning. Because carpet cleaning is part of the overall turnover costs, that is usually covered by the landlords. In disputes over security deposits, courts have often considered basic carpet cleaning to be part ...

Do you have to clean carpets before you vacate?

Others require tenants to clean the carpets before vacating. Quite a few live in states that won’t allow them to deduct standard carpet cleaning from the deposit. As with most landlord/tenant laws, what to do varies from state to state.

Can you deduct carpet cleaning from your deposit?

However, if the tenant fails to do so, landlords can’t deduct the standard cleaning from the deposit. They will have to recoup the costs another way.

How to get an estimate of the age of a carpet?

If you are planning to have the carpet professionally cleaned, you have another opportunity to get an estimate of the carpet’s age—ask the carpet cleaner. If you can, get them to sign a letter or declaration stating their opinion about the condition and age of the carpet.

Why do landlords become vengeful Aladdins?

If all landlords are attracted to a dirty ovens like Sylvia Plath, they become vengeful Aladdins when they suspect that tenants have diminished the magic of the wall-to-wall.

Can you charge a security deposit for carpet wear and tear?

Ordinary wear and tear to carpets, drapes and other furnishings cannot be charged against a tenant’s security deposit . (Civil Code Section 1950.5 (e).) Ordinary wear and tear includes simple wearing down of carpet and drapes because of normal use or aging, and includes moderate dirt or spotting. In contrast, large rips or indelible stains justify a deduction from the tenant’s security deposit for repairing the carpet or drapes, or replacing them if that is reasonably necessary.

Can a landlord deduct appliances from gross income?

Landlords are allowed to deduct the annual depreciation of items like appliances and carpets from gross income for tax purposes. IRS Tax Publication 527 provides information regarding expense deductions, including allowable depreciation schedules, for residential rental property.

The general guidelines

This is one of those times where there is no clear-cut answer, and each case has to be judged by its merits. Yet there are a few guidelines that can help both landlords and tenants know where their rights end and the other party’s rights begin.

The verdict

Based on these, it is the landlord’s responsibility to clean the carpets in a rental, as long as the rug only suffers from normal wear-and-tear.

When the carpet is not adequately cleaned at tenant move-out

When a tenant vacates an apartment, the carpets are required to be returned to their original condition at the time of tenant move-in. In most states, the landlord cannot dictate what measures the tenant takes to return the carpets to their proper shape.

When the lease agreement requires it

In some states, it’s illegal for landlords to demand that an apartment’s carpets be professionally cleaned before a tenant moves out of the rental. But in some states, including this clause in the lease agreement is permitted.

Why do landlords use security deposits?

Landlords may use security deposits to pay for repairs due to damage or excessive filth, but not for ordinary wear and tear. Typically, landlords may use a tenant's security deposit for any cleaning or repairs necessary to restore the rental unit to its condition at the beginning of the tenancy.

What causes linoleum stains in bathroom?

Linoleum stains caused by shower spray. Broken tiles in bathroom. Minor marks on or nicks in wall. Large marks on or holes in wall. Dents in the wall where a door handle bumped it. Door off its hinges. Moderate dirt or spotting on carpet. Rips in carpet or urine stains from pets. A few small tack or nail holes in wall.

Can a landlord use a deposit to cover wear and tear?

Landlords may not, however, use the deposit to cover the costs of ordinary wear and tear. (And the longer a tenant has lived in a place, the more wear and tear can be expected.) Here are examples of ordinary wear and tear versus tenant-created damage. For a comprehensive guide to landlords' (and tenants') responsibilities for cleaning and repairs, ...

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