care dry carpet cleaning-rockville,md

by Pierre McGlynn Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

About US

The Best & Safest Dry Carpet Cleaning & Upholstery cleaning All jobs are guaranteed, If spots come back so do we. Dry Carpet Cleaning: Dry Carpet Cleaning is definitely for you and your family,Leaves No Dirt Attracting Residue etc.

Why US

Cleaning carpets or rugs without the help of a professional often times results in soggy carpets, creating conditions that are ideal for mildew and can potentially cause dye migration.


Bonnet Cleaning This method uses an absorbent pad (called bonnet) attached to the end of a machine that rotates. The carpet is sprayed with the preferred detergentsolution.

Express Dry Carpet Cleaning

Express Dry Carpet Cleaning guarantees a cleaner, fresher and healthier home or business. We treat each customer with the respect they deserve. We realize how important it is for you to trust your carpets and upholstery to people who know and understand their value and how to handle them professionally.

Beware of Cheap Carpet Cleaners!

Express Dry Carpet Cleaning guarantees a cleaner, fresher and healthier home or business. We treat each customer with the respect they deserve. We realize how important it is for you to trust your carpets and upholstery to people who know and understand their value and how to handle them professionally.

Our Cleaning Process

We inspect the carpet, air duct system, or uphostery, assessing any stains, spots, dirt, dust, or grime, and inform you of what results to expect from the cleaning.

Carpet Cleaning Services

Wall to wall carpet is a significant investment for home owners. Over time, dirt and grime can become attached to carpet fibers, making your carpet look dirty. This grime can also shorten the life of your carpet. The only way to reverse this process is to clean your carpet at least once a year.

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What happens after carpet cleaning?

Your carpet will look as good as a new one. After the cleaning process, your carpet will be infused with a new life, while you enjoy a fresh and soft carpet. When our experts do their job, you can rest assured that your carpets will be cleaned of all the dust, bacteria and residues.

Is it important to choose an upholstery cleaner?

Upholstery Cleaning. Since your furniture is one big investment, therefore choosing the upholstery cleaners is an important decision. We value your furniture as you do. With time, even the best of upholstered furniture can start to give the signs of wear and tear.

Can a vacuum make a carpet smell?

Though regular vacuums can remove the visible dirt and dust from a carpet, the deeply embedded dust can go unnoticed and untreated. If your carpet is dirty, it will surely turn smelly. A smelly carpet can further lead to a smelly home, much to your disgrace and disappointment.

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