carpet and upholstery cleaning wrexham

by Collin Durgan Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is a Wrexham carpet cleaning company?

Wrexham Carpet Cleaning is a locally run business providing a fast friendly and efficient service in Wrexham and local areas. We offer a domestic and commercial carpet/upholstery cleaning service. All technicians are fully trained members of the National Carpet Cleaners Association NCCA and are always willing to give free advice in person or on the phone.

What is a rug made of?

Rugs require purpose made cleaning solutions - they are often made of wool or silk.

Why is regular cleaning necessary?

Regular cleaning is necessary - a build up of soil and grit reduces carpet life.

How to clean fabric upholstery?

Then a very safe but very powerful cleaning solution is finely sprayed over the piece of furniture and then gently agitated into each and every fibre. After that we then use an extremely powerful,state of the art vacuum extraction machine to rinse away all the dirt from deep within the fibres. This machinery is so powerful it leaves your upholstery barely damp and normally bone dry within a few hours.

Why is it important to clean your home?

When cleaning the home your upholstery is normally the last thing you would think about having cleaned but it is one of the most important because everybody in the household has close contact with it every day. Think of a sofa or armchair as a big sponge soaking up all the dust and allergens from the air, Particles of dead skin and dirt from your clothing. Your upholstery fabric absorbs and hides these things. So if your soft furnishings haven’t been professionally cleaned in a year or so then their overdue.

Does upholstery smell fresher?

The end result is the bit that counts the most. Your Upholstery will not only look brighter and smell fresher than it did before but will be outstandingly clean. This is all achieved at a cost that suits most people’s pocket and dont forget if you have any little mishaps within a week of the cleaning. We’ll come back and clean the affected area free.

Does upholstery cleaning take years off?

Is that horrible stain on your sofa annoying you or maybe you’ve never had your upholstery cleaned at all. Allow us to put our 20 years of upholstery cleaning experience in Wrexham to good use and put the life back into your valuable upholstery. Professional cleaning will take years off the look of your soft furnishings and make you proud of the new look they have.

Business overview

Established since 2008 and we are qualified under the National Carpet Cleaning Association (NCCA).

Wrexham Carpet Cleaning is a locally run business providing a fast friendly and efficient service in Wrexham and local areas

Established since 2008 and we are qualified under the National Carpet Cleaning Association (NCCA).

Commercial Cleaning

Wrexham Carpet Cleaning provides a professional carpet cleaning service to commercial properties, pubs, hotels, restaurants & offices where there is high amounts of traffic and general wear, causing carpets to have ground in dirt.

Domestic Cleaning

Our carpet cleaning specialist will survey your home with you, to visually inspect the carpet/upholstery. They will identify potential permanent stains and give you an evaluation of expected results. Our cleaning equipment combined with the unique cleaning process will ensure your carpets are cleaned thoroughly.

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