carpet cleaning 15" teflon glide

by Mozelle Haley Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

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Product Description

Universal teflon wand glide. Fits most 12" carpet wands and is easy to install. This glide is designed to reduce fatigue by gliding over the carpet. You can also use this product on your carpet wand to pick-up water on hard surfaces like bathrooms or kitchens. Carpet wand is not included.

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What are the different glide patterns?

Glide Patterns. Depending on the wand, you can choose up to 4 different patterns for your glide: Slots, Holes, Hybrid or Ultraholes. Slots – is by far the most popular because it sucks up debris better. Most of my Slot glides have the braces raised a little so you don’t see any lines in the carpet until it has aged about 6 months.

Does recessed carpet glide work?

The recessed glide has the braces up off the carpet so the glide does not leave lines in the carpet, at least not until the glide starts wearing down. The recessed glides also clean a little better since the carpet nap gets sucked up inside the vacuum slot a little creating a mini wave of extraction.

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