carpet cleaning and allergies

by Jaunita Swift Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Regular housecleaning can get rid of many allergy triggers and help relieve your symptoms. It helps to know some cleaning tips. Common mistakes -- shampooing carpets or using heavily scented cleaners -- could make your allergies worse, not better. Here are some ways to keep your house clean and your allergies under control.

Steam cleaning, also known as the hot water extraction method, has been proven to reduce allergens in carpet. Even better, hot water can kill other problematic pests like dust mites. Most professional carpet cleaners will have a hot water extraction setup on their van.

Full Answer

What is the best carpet cleaning for allergies?

Best for Allergies: Stanley Steemer. "The company removes an average of 94% of the most common household allergens." Best Fast-Drying: Chem-Dry. "Chem-Dry has a hot, carbonating extraction process that uses 80 % less water than conventional, carpet steam cleaning." Best Eco-Friendly: Oxi-Fresh Carpet Cleaning.

What is the best type of carpet for allergy sufferers?

What to Look for When Buying Carpet

  • piles: the way carpet appears cut or looped
  • carpet fibers: materials used to make the fabric
  • density and weight: how thick or heavy it is
  • carpet treatments: products added during or after manufacturing to provide extra protection against stains or moisture
  • carpet pads: the layer underneath that affects the feel and wear

How to remove allergens from carpet?

How to Remove Allergens from Your Carpet. Steam Cleaning – Steam cleaning is a great method for cleaning your carpet and eliminating those stubborn allergens that are hard to remove. Steam cleaning makes use of a steam cleaning machine which utilizes high temperature water to clean your carpet. This method works great for removing allergens ...

What is the best method for carpet cleaning?

Vacuum Thoroughly

  • Prep the room/area you are planning to vacuum by moving furniture, cords and other items that may be in the way.
  • The best way to clean a carpet is to begin with a vacuum. ...
  • Use various vacuum attachments to clean carpet edges and around any furniture that cannot be moved.
  • Vacuum in two directions, perpendicular to each other for best results.


How often should you clean carpet for allergies?

every 4 to 6 monthsIf someone in your household has allergies So if your household has someone with allergies, you will need regular professional carpet cleaning to restore a healthy living environment and minimize the reaction symptoms–every 4 to 6 months should do.

How do you get rid of carpet allergy?

Remove carpeting and use hardwood or linoleum flooring and washable area rugs. If that isn't an option, use low-pile instead of high-pile carpeting and vacuum weekly with a vacuum cleaner that has a small-particle or high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. Shampoo the carpet frequently. Curtains and blinds.

Can cleaning make allergies worse?

Many common household cleaners contain VOCs--chemicals that evaporate into your air that can cause eczema flare-ups, allergies, asthma, and headaches. This is especially true for scented cleansers and detergents.

Can carpet cleaning make you sick?

In conclusion, yes, carpet cleaning can make you sick if the process is not done correctly and the chemicals used are abrasive. Easy Clean Solutions prioritises the latest technology in hot water extraction to limit the amount of chemicals used in the carpet cleaning process.

How do you know if your carpet is making you sick?

3 Signs Your Carpet Is Making You SickYou have respiratory problems. If you are having difficultly breathing while at home, your carpet could be the issue. ... Your allergies are acting up. If your allergies seem worse whenever you are at home, your carpet could be causing the flare up. ... You've noticed skin problems.

What are the symptoms of carpet allergy?

Carpet Allergy Symptomswatery eyes.scratchy throat.sneezing.runny nose.itchy skin.hives.wheezing.coughing.More items...

Does vacuuming carpet help allergies?

Because it works. Studies show that vacuuming can reduce dust, allergens, and bacteria, as well as making the home healthier and safer. Make it part of your routine and you'll reap the rewards of cleaner air, a happier home, and fewer allergies. Regular vacuuming should be done at least once a week.

Does vacuuming make allergies worse?

Oddly enough, allergy symptoms often worsen during or immediately after vacuuming, sweeping and dusting. The process of cleaning can stir up dust particles, making them easier to inhale. People with dust mite allergies often suffer the most inside their homes or in other people's homes.

Does vacuuming remove allergens?

Most household allergens—pollen, dust, and pet dander—can be lessened or eliminated if you use a vacuum that targets these particles to remove them from upholstery, curtains, carpets, rugs, and other fabric surfaces in your home.

Is professional carpet cleaning toxic?

Some of the potentially dangerous chemicals used in carpet cleaning include: perchloroethylene, a popular dry cleaning chemical known to cause nausea, dizziness and fatigue, and has also been thought to cause kidney and liver damage. Naphthalene, a popular cleaning solution that helps dissolve dirt.

Can carpet cause sinus infections?

The allergens in old carpet can reduce the indoor air quality of your home and trigger asthma attacks just like they trigger nasal congestion, sneezing, itchy eyes, and other allergic reactions.

Are carpet fumes toxic?

Chemicals used in some new carpets, carpet pads and the adhesives used to install them can harm your health. Some of these chemicals and glues are made with volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which emit odors and pollutants.

How long does carpet allergy last?

The distinct odor of new carpet is usually attributed to the chemicals 4-phenylcyclohexene (4-PC). This chemical can be detected at very low levels, but does not result in an unpleasant odor for everyone. The odor dissipates within a few days.

How do I detox my new carpet?

An equal solution of vinegar and baking soda diluted in some water is an old method that still works today. Place the solution throughout the home in small, open containers to help pick up some of the new carpet off-gassing during the first week after the carpet install.

What kills dust mites in carpet?

Consider steam cleaning carpets when possible. In addition to cleaning the carpet, the heat of the steam kills dust mites. You can buy chemicals (ascaricides) that kill dust mites and that you can use on carpeting and furniture.

How do I test my carpet for dust mites?

0:113:23Ventia™ Rapid Home Allergen Test for Dust Mites - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipThe easy-to-use Finn Tia kit contains everything you need to check the level of dust mite allergensMoreThe easy-to-use Finn Tia kit contains everything you need to check the level of dust mite allergens in your home in just 10 minutes to begin insert the plastic filter into the dust stream collector.

How often should I clean my carpet?

Carpet cleaning experts advise people to have their carpets professionally cleaned once or twice a year. If you suffer from allergies, it is recommended that you have more frequent deep carpet cleanings. Mold, pet dander, dust, and pollen are successfully removed from carpets and other surfaces by deep carpet cleaning done by KIWI. At KIWI, we offer our one-year carpet cleaning warranty that allows you to get your carpets cleaned year-round for just $4 a room. This warranty is perfect for sufferers of allergies.

How often should I vacuum my carpet?

Most people will vacuum their carpets at least once a week. But if you have allergies or asthma, it is recommended to do it two to three times a week. Some allergy symptoms are made worse during a certain season, like when the pollen count is high. If this is the case with you, then it is recommended you vacuum more often. The best way to ensure your floors are properly vacuumed is to use a HEPA filter vacuum. Using vacuums with a HEPA filter can remove up to 99 percent of airborne particles.

The Importance Of Vacuuming Regularly To Help Prevent Allergies

When it comes to preventing allergies from your carpet, ensuring that you are vacuuming your carpet every day is one of the most important tasks on the carpet cleaning checklist. You may be tempted not to always vacuum your carpet, but if you are someone who suffers from allergies, you need to make sure that you are vacuuming each day.

Cleaning Up Spills On Your Carpet Can Help Prevent Allergies As Well

The next main thing you should know when it comes to the question does carpet cleaning prevent allergies is this! You should be cleaning up any and all spills that get on your carpet. If you leave spills for too long, you will definitely need to hire a carpet cleaning service near you .

Do Not Forget Pet Hair If You Own Pets

If you have pets and have allergies, you are probably already fully aware of how easily your pets can cause your allergies to flare up. Pets are great to own, and they can bring a lot of happiness into one’s life, but they can also bring trouble for your body, especially with allergies.

Carpet Allergies: What Causes Them?

Carpet allergies are usually caused by environmental allergens that get tracked into the house. However, VOCs are another potential irritant that can cause allergy-like symptoms.

How to Get Rid of Carpet Allergies

The best way to get rid of carpet allergies is to remove your carpets. However, before you go to extremes, you can try some other steps to reduce the amount of allergens and irritants in your carpet.

Treating Carpet Allergies

Unfortunately, you can’t always avoid exposure to allergens and irritants, particularly if the offending carpet isn’t in your home. The good news is, there are medications that can help reduce your symptoms: 6

A Word From Verywell

If you’ve got allergies, talk to your doctor about allergy testing before you make drastic changes to your environment. Once you’ve identified your trigger, you can take steps toward minimizing your exposure and finding the most effective treatment.

How to get rid of odors in carpet?

Make sure you vacuum your carpets often using a double bag or a HEPA filter vacuum. You can also sprinkle baking soda on your carpet and let it sit for 15-30 minutes, and then vacuum it up. This will help draw out any odors out of the carpet.

What is the best cleaning product for allergies?

If you suffer from allergies, using non-toxic “Green” cleaning products are best. They won’t contain harsh chemicals that can irritate you, and mimic allergies. Baking soda and vinegar are amazing cleaning products that are non-toxic, for cleaning up stains.

How do I clean a carpet with baking soda?

This works great for pet urine, spilled drinks, and other stains. Simply add some vinegar to the area that needs to be cleaned. Then sprinkle a little baking soda over the area that the vinegar was poured. It will start to foam, and just allow it to bubble on the floor and work at pulling out the stain. Wait a few minutes, and then start to blot and wipe up the stain. Continue blotting and wiping until it is clean. Then after it dries vacuum up any of the leftover baking soda that is on the carpet.

Can you clean carpets with allergies?

Carpets can contain dirt, pollen, dust, and more. So making sure to clean them regularly can help reduce your allergy symptoms. Some cleaning products can be an irritant, and mimic the symptoms of your allergies. Here are some carpet cleaning tips to help reduce your allergies.

What is a wet carpet cleaner?

Most professional carpet cleaning services rely on a wet carpet cleaning method commonly known as steam cleaning. However, this type of “steam cleaning” is not really steam cleaning at all; technically, it is hot water extraction, and professional cleaning technicians typically use a wet vacuum to suck up a mixture of hot water ...

How long does it take for mold to grow on carpet?

Mold spores can germinate after only 12 hours in hospitable conditions, and a colony may form in as little as a day. Wet carpet cleaning methods often dampen the padding below the carpet, too, and the covered padding takes even longer to dry, providing ideal conditions for mold and mildew growth.

How to get rid of soil stains?

To get rid of deep soil and stains without creating an allergen farm, use the SEBO Duo Carpet Cleaning System. The SEBO Duo-P Cleaning Powder consists of tiny granules that lift soil and stains out of the carpet without getting the carpet wet. The SEBO Duo Brush Machine opens the carpet pile to ensure that the powder cleans around each separate carpet fiber.The SEBO Duo Carpet Cleaning System eliminates allergens and bacteria, does not promote mold or mildew growth, does not leave behind a sticky residue, and does not damage carpet; it will leave your carpet clean, refreshed, and dry. Scientists at a major allergy research center in Germany found that after just a single cleaning with the SEBO Duo system, seven out of ten carpets remained free of dust mite allergen for six months!

What is a steam cleaner?

The Real Steam Cleaners: Vapor Steam Cleaners. Vapor steam cleaning, as opposed to hot water extraction, actually harnesses the power of steam for a rigorous carpet cleaning. Reliable Home Vapor Steam Cleaners come with floor brushes that allow you to clean, deodorize, and sanitize your carpet without the use of chemicals.

Can hot water damage carpet?

Hot water extraction can also damage the floor beneath the padding, especially if it’s wooden. Some furniture, when exposed to wet carpet, may stain the carpet with dyes. Metal parts touching the carpet may leave rust stains.Hot water extraction can damage the carpet itself as well.

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