carpet cleaning linked autism

by Yasmin King Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is the best type of carpeting for autistic children?

For many homes with autistic children, carpeting becomes the logical choice for both noise reduction and for safety features. When choosing carpeting, look for natural fibers – a 100 percent wool carpet created with a jute back is best to eliminate toxicity and to minimize the potential of inciting allergies.

Does being on the autism spectrum make you less responsible for cleaning?

Being on the autism spectrum doesn’t excuse me from the responsibility of cleaning. I know it’s still important, not just to follow the household rules as a child, but for health and safety reasons throughout my life. But as I grew older, I struggled more and more to take on the responsibility of keeping a clean living space.

Is vinyl flooring bad for children with autism?

Many children diagnosed with autism have shown a chemical sensitivity that is often increased around vinyl. While the link is still being tested and documented, if you have vinyl in your home, or are considering changing the flooring in your home, it may be worth considering a move from vinyl to more natural products for the floor.

How to design spaces for children with autism?

Color is a major issue when designing spaces for children with autism, and researches have found ways to reduce stress simply by changing colors and patterns within the décor. Autistic children see color in a different manner than neurotypical children, with most see seeing color with greater intensity.


Why is autism increasing in California?

Because genetics do not change that quickly, scientists suspect that chemical pollutants are probably playing a role. But there have been few studies attempting to pinpoint which chemicals, or combination of chemicals.

What are phthalates used for?

Phthalates, used to make soft plastic, have in previous studies been connected to allergies and asthma. The study was based on surveys that asked a variety of questions related to the indoor environment. Of the study's 4,779 children between the ages of 6 and 8, 72 had autism, including 60 boys.

What are the environmental factors that affect autism?

The researchers found four environmental factors associated with autism: vinyl flooring, the mother's smoking, family economic problems and condensation on windows, which indicates poor ventilation. Infants or toddlers who lived in bedrooms with vinyl, or PVC, floors were twice as likely to have autism five years later, in 2005, ...

What are the causes of autism?

He called it "intriguing and baffling at the same time.". Experts suspect that genetic and environmental factors combine to cause autism, a neurodevelopmental disorder that has increased dramatically in children over the past 20 years.

Is vinyl flooring bad for autism?

Vinyl flooring is commonplace in Sweden, where only about 1 percent of homes have carpeted floors. But it is uncommon in U.S. bedrooms, so it may not be related to autism among American children. However, carpeting contains other contaminants, including pesticides and brominated flame retardants, which have been found to harm brain development in ...

Do phthalates cause autism?

The scientists reported that they do not know if asthma and autism are related, or whether phthalates contributed to the risk of autism by some other mechanism, such as disruption of hormones. Phthalates in animal tests interfere with male hormones and sexual development. "The data are far from conclusive.

Does flooring have phthalates?

Autism, he said, "was not systematically analyzed, but just happened to be a question asked five years into the study.". The industry group has said flooring emits "extremely low" levels of phthalates. Because the compounds are heavy molecules with low volatility, they do not tend to evaporate, and wear and tear that might release particles ...

What are the issues with PCBs?

Even low doses of PCBs have been shown to disrupt healthy nerve cell communication and interfere with the body's calcium signaling—two issues that can set the stage for autism.

How to avoid pesticide residues?

Avoid pesticide residues by eating organic as much as possible. 5. Hormone-Disruptors Even tiny doses of hormone-disrupting chemicals could set a person up for a lifetime of problems—from low IQ and stunted growth, to aggression and social problems.

Is nonstick cooking good for adults?

10. Nonstick Chemicals A pair of 2011 studies raised suspicions that nonstick chemicals increase the risk of ADHD and impulse problems in children—and it’s not so great for adults, either: These perfluorinated compounds are linked to high cholesterol and male infertility in grown ups. Trade your nonstick cookware for American-made cast iron or untreated stainless steel when cooking, and avoid furniture and carpet treatments boasting stain-guard benefits, which often contain perfluorinated compounds.

What foods can you eat to avoid pesticides?

Eating organic is the best way to bypass the pesticides, but if that’s not always possible, concentrate on going organic with the produce known to have the highest levels of organophosphates: Snap beans, watermelon, tomatoes, potatoes, grapes, and pears.

What is the most common source of mercury pollution?

People get the most mercury exposure through eating contaminated fish, particularly Ahi tuna, swordfish, and orange roughy.

Is DDT banned in the US?

Organochlorine Pesticides Generally used as insecticides, the most infamous organochlorine pesticide —DDT—is now banned, but like PCBs, they continue to lurk in the environment. A 2007 study found autism clusters near farm fields sprayed with this type of chemical, and other studies have linked the chemical to cancer.

Does lead lower IQ?

Lead This potent neurotoxin has been clearly shown to lower IQ levels in children. Limit your lead exposure by having experts remove old paint from your home (it’s definitely not a DIY job), and also avoid fake leather products—tests show that vinyl and PVC can be contaminated with high levels of lead. 2.

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