carpet cleaning marketing plan

by Miss Polly Gerhold V Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Full Answer

How do I create a marketing plan for my carpet cleaning business?

When creating a marketing plan outline for your carpet cleaning business, it’s important to consider each element in a sequential way. A typical carpet cleaning marketing plan outline will include these elements: Market analysis (including segmentation and competitors) Marketing strategy (including web and mobile plans and implementation)

Who is the owner of the carpet cleaning business?

The business will be owned by Gary Jude, who is intended to provide his services ranging from dry cleaning the spots to pressure wash the carpet while removing it from its place. In this carpet cleaning business plan template, you will be learning how to start this business and attract the major customers.

How many carpet cleaning companies are there in the US?

More than 39 thousand carpet cleaning businesses are running in the United States according to the latest measures by IBISWorld. In 2018 alone, these carpet cleaning companies have earned a revenue of $5 billion. The industry is responsible for employing more than 69 thousand people in the United States.

How to clean rugs and carpets?

Cleaning rugs and carpets by using steam cleaning method i.e. by injecting hot boiling water under high pressure and by using carpet shampooing method i.e. by scrubbing carpet by a foamy chemical


How do I get clients for my carpet cleaning business?

Here are 10 marketing tips and ideas to grow your carpet cleaning business:Have a website for your carpet cleaning business. ... Get your carpet cleaning business listed on online directories. ... Post on social media actively. ... Respond to online reviews. ... Learn about SEO. ... Run a campaign to make prospects call you.More items...

What is profit margin for carpet cleaning?

In general, carpet cleaners range between 53 and 63% of sales as the margin.

How do I market myself as a cleaner?

Best ways to market a cleaning businessDistribute flyers. Many people are looking for cleaners — you just need these people to know about you. ... Spread your brand via social media. ... Create a refer-a-friend program. ... Use digital marketing. ... Set yourself apart from the competition.

What is the target market for a cleaning company?

The target market for residential cleaning includes homeowners, renters, and landlords. Homeowners are the most obvious target market for residential cleaning services. These are people who own their own homes and need to hire someone to clean them on a regular basis.

What kind of expense is carpet cleaning?

You may claim carpet cleaning, as business-related expenses. Carpet cleaning is deducted as a business percentage for services that pertain to the entire house. You can claim carpet cleaning expenses on IRS Form 8829 Expenses for Business Use of Your Home.

Will OxiClean clean carpet?

Yes! You can use OxiClean™ Large Area Carpet Cleaner in any carpet cleaning machine. Just use the product as directed and follow all usage directions in the home owned or rental carpet cleaning machine's user guide.

How do you write a cleaning advertisement?

How to Write Compelling Cleaning Ads + Ad Copy ExamplesShowcase Deals. If you have any deals going on for your cleaning company, ads are the perfect spot to highlight them. ... Emphasize Convenience. ... Inspire Trust. ... Be Mindful of Length. ... Include a CTA.

What is your marketing plan?

The marketing plan details the strategy that a company will use to market its products to customers. The plan identifies the target market, the value proposition of the brand or the product, the campaigns to be initiated, and the metrics to be used to assess the effectiveness of marketing initiatives.

How do you introduce a cleaning business?

A cleaning business introduction letter should start with a warm greeting and a thank you to the new client for trusting you with their cleaning needs. Mention how excited you are to work with them and how much you look forward to the business relationship between you. Next, provide a bit of your company history.

What do customers want from a cleaning company?

Customers want trustworthy, courteous, and well-trained employees. Other important aspects of what customers are looking for, has to do with your cleaning technicians and office personnel. Your role as the owner of the cleaning business is important, but your employees act as the face of your company.

How can I promote my cleaning business on social media?

Show your audience that you care for them by listening to them and giving feedback. Post satisfaction stories from your willing customers on social media. Let your audience see the great work you have done and how customer satisfaction comes first in your cleaning business.

How can I grow my cleaning business?

7 Ways to Grow Your Cleaning BusinessMake connections that will help grow your business.Set up a referral program.Canvas in your community.Build partnerships with other businesses.Advertise on a budget.Get people talking about your business.Provide your customers with peace of mind.

How long should I wait to market my carpet cleaning company?

When it comes to marketing your carpet cleaning company, you need a clear timeline for setting your goals so they align with your business’s fiscal year. A six-month timeline might look something like this:

Is it nice to have marketing cost nothing?

It would be quite nice if marketing cost nothing. Indeed, many avenues for marketing don’t cost much, but they aren’t free, and you won’t always reach as many people as you’d like.

Is concrete marketing easy?

Developing concrete marketing plans isn’t easy for any business. Unless you own a chain, your carpet cleaning business is local, so you need to know how to tailor your entire plan to both your industry and your area. Remember, marketing and sales are two different things. You’re putting yourself out there, building relationships and developing communication, and building your brand.

Identify Your Target Market

Do you want to cater to other businesses, like corporate offices, retail shops, and commercial properties? Or do you want to exclusively serve homes in upscale neighborhoods? Knowing your audience can guide you in creating compelling campaigns. Your marketing efforts should attract more consumers and convert them into loyal customers.

Increase Your Online Visibility

Reach a wider audience by increasing your online presence. But for some businesses, it can be challenging, especially when implementing online strategies. Fortunately, you have multiple ways to increase your online visibility and engage with more customers who are looking for carpet cleaning services.

Build a Relationship with Your Customers

Running a business is not only about attracting more customers. It’s also about retaining your existing ones. You have to take care of loyal clients and be consistent with the quality of your services, so they’ll always call you for deep cleaning, brush and grooming, or stain removal.

What is the last step to take before opening a carpet cleaning company?

8.Financial Plan. The last step before opening your carpet cleaning company is to make a financial plan. Your financial plan must cover the expenses of the place you will rent, equipment you will buy, the money you will spend on advertisement and the salaries you will have to pay.

What is Gary Cleaners' competitive advantage?

Gary is confident about his dedication and skills, thus the biggest competitive advantage of Gary Cleaners will be its efficient, quick and exemplary service. Secondly, all our staff will be highly customer care oriented and they will treat your property and your requirements in the best way one can do . We’ll be using latest techniques to clean your carpets so there will be no need for replacing them or removing their fitting, our staff will clean them as it is where they are. Lastly, we will be using steam cleaning technique which none of our competitor in the market is using now. This technique will ensure deep cleansing and quick dry of your carpets without deteriorating their quality.

Who owns Gary Cleaners?

Gary Cleaners will be a registered and licensed carpet cleaning business based in Atlanta. The business will be owned by Gary Jude, who is intended to provide his services ranging from dry cleaning the spots to pressure wash the carpet while removing it from its place.

20 Marketing ideas for your Carpet Cleaning Business

Marketing your carpet cleaning business in the right way can help you increase your revenue, build your brand and make meaningful customer relationships.

1. Promotional Merchandise

Probably the oldest trick in the book – the act of giving your customers a pen or a keychain with your cleaning service’s logo and name on it is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways you can market your business.

2. Get a Good-Looking Van and Detail It!

If you own a cleaning business, then it’s likely that you have a van with your business’ name, logo, address and phone number on it already. But if you don’t, then we highly recommend that you immediately get a neat-looking van and have it detailed, especially with your phone number.

3. Get Your Carpet Cleaning Business Certified

Marketing is all about projecting your strengths to potential buyers in the hopes of convincing them to buy the produc.

4. Using Eco-Friendly Products

We live in an age where the usage of environment-friendly products are given utmost importance, and it only makes sense to leverage this client expectation to market ourselves better. Consider your options to see whether it is feasible for you to switch to using 100% natural solutions, disinfectants or cleaning materials.

5. Getting Your Carpet Cleaning Business Listed On Online Directories

Having yourself listed on online directories is a great way to get more people to find you online. Making sure that you’re listed on Facebook, Google, Foursquare, Yelp and YellowPages is a must for any SMB, since people visit these websites/directories the most for finding local businesses.

6. Selling Relevant Add-Ons

Is your carpet cleaning business selling other products that are essential for carpet care to your customers? For example, after cleaning the carpets at a house, you could give some DIY tips to your customers and try and sell them carpet cleaning solution or blotting paper that could come in handy for them in the future.

Why do people blog about carpets?

These topics interest potential customers because they want their carpets clean too !

Why is it so hard for small companies to compete with big companies in traditional advertising?

It can be challenging for any small company to compete with big companies in traditional advertising like radio, TV, and billboards because they have more money to spend on ads. Many of them also have dedicated staff to help or hire third-party marketing agencies to handle everything.

Why are people turning away from advertising?

However, many people are turning away from those traditional forms of advertising due to changing preferences. Customers want control over their data and information they like or don’t want from advertisers. This fact means that there’s an opportunity for you as a carpet cleaner! With proper use of social media, ...

Get the FREE marketing plan and video now

You’ll get instant access to the entire year of marketing ideas and strategies specifically for Carpet Cleaning, Tile Cleaning, Area Rug Cleaning, and Hardwood Floor Cleaning Companies.

Why am I giving you this FREE?

It’s FREE… Just to give you ideas on how Hitman Advertising can help your carpet cleaning business.

Learn from others who have commercial clients

I’d like to share just one very simple and inexpensive, yet effective technique that we’ve been using for years.

The busy season

Once May and June arrived, there was no need to send more promotions. We were as busy as we wanted to be with our regular spring cleaning business.

Get graphic

It’s smart to include graphics. They add life to an otherwise dull, uninteresting document.


Do You Want to Start Carpet Cleaning Business?

Executive Summary

  • 2.1 The Business
    Gary Cleaners will be a registered and licensed carpet cleaning business based in Atlanta. The business will be owned by Gary Jude, who is intended to provide his services ranging from dry cleaning the spots to pressure wash the carpet while removing it from its place. In this carpet cl…
  • 2.2 Management
    Carpet Cleaning Business requires a thorough management planabout the equipment needed and the required persons; if you are not starting this business as an individual. The management plan of Gary Cleaners is given here if you are looking for how to start a carpet cleaning business. Gar…
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Company Summary

  • 3.1 Company Owner
    Gary Jude will be the owner of Gary Cleaners. To start carpet cleaning business plan, a person who feels confident in cleaning the old rugs and carpets without considering it a shame is required. Gary is indeed passionate about this cleaning business and he’ll make his way through …
  • 3.2 Why the Business is being started
    The business is started to avail the carpet cleaning business opportunity. Gary knows that there is an increasing demand for carpet cleaners, as it is necessary for every household, company or hotel to ensure proper cleaning and maintenance of carpets. Replacing carpets or sending them …
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  • Before you start your own carpet cleaning business plan template, it is advisable to decide which services you would like to provide. Or to which sector, commercial or residential, you will be providing your services. Gary Cleaners will serve both residential and commercial community; the services it will provide are given here: 1. Cleaning rugs and carpets by using steam cleaning met…
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Marketing Analysis of Carpet Cleaning Business

  • In the case of the carpet cleaning business plan template, you are really fortunate about your market. Carpets are installed in rooms, on stairs, in the lounge in almost every house, hotels, and some companies, followed by a need for cleaning and maintaining them. This need is what makes this business profitable. Nobody likes dirty and spotted carpets, and nobody will ever want to cr…
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  • After having a detailed marketing analysis in your commercial carpet cleaning business plane template, you have to follow just some steps after which you will be able to initiate your carpet cleaning business start up. It is your time now to develop a powerful plan to attract your customers. The thing you must focus on if you are looking for how to start a carpet cleaning bus…
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Personnel Plan

  • The success of your business carpet cleaning will be dependent upon the skill and dedication of your staff. As carpet cleaning is the business which needs a little number of employees conditioned that they are confident about their work.
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Financial Plan

  • The last step before opening your carpet cleaning company is to make a financial plan. Your financial plan must cover the expenses of the place you will rent, equipment you will buy, the money you will spend on advertisement and the salaries you will have to pay. By having this complete idea of expenditure, you will be able to formulate techniques to balance them with the …
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