carpet cleaning oakbrook terrace

by Casey Hayes Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago


HOW ARE YOUR ALLERGIES? Your carpet is a big air filter. Carpets trap dirt, shedding skin, allergens, and other airborne particles. A filter can only hold so much before it stops working. That is why it is important to vacuum carpets regularly and ideally perform a professional carpet extraction once every 6 months.


DOES YOUR CARPET SHOW WEAR SPOTS OR TRAFFIC PATTERNS? Once dirt and debris are in a carpet, just walking on it damages the fibers just like sand paper would. The result is frayed fibers and a prematurely worn carpet. Protect your investment through frequent vacuuming and semi-annual deep carpet cleanings.


NOT MORE STRESS IN YOUR LIFE! You see the carpet needs professional cleaning. Your friends and family see it too. It’s on your to do list. Don’t procrastinate any longer. It needs to be done. So pick up the phone and make an appointment. A clean carpet and another thing off the To-Do list would make anyone happy!

Our Philosophy

Aside from prioritizing your health, making sure every dollar you spend on us counts, and ensuring happiness at home, our Oak Brook Illinois carpet cleaning team a Phase 2 Services believes in doing every cleaning job right. As our customers and clients, you can expect top-notch service and exceptional results from our professional carpet cleaners.

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