carpet cleaning silhouette

by Cielo Goyette Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How to Clean Silhouette mat at Home Environment

After each cleaning cutting mat becomes Sticky again. This is the very normal behavior of this type of mat. so know all the cleaning equipment and keep them home are important. Let’s explain all of those.

Way to Cleaning Silhouette mat

At early times, you have to wash the silhouette with soapy water. For this purpose, you can use liquid soap. Either normal deter with water is good for it. Then soak the silhouette in soapy water and wipe it softly. If you think it is necessary then you can include some hot water as well as. But too much warm water is provident.

Protection of silhouette Edge

After cleaning and drying it is necessary to ensure the protection of the edge. For that, you should cover all the edges are with tape. If you feel the necessity then go for a wide tape. That’s all are depends on your Silhouette design. Then spray Dritz Basting Spray on the tape.

Keep concern During Dleaning Silhouette mat

Any type of Alcohol is not good for the silhouette mat. Using alcohol can make change in the mat element and damage it soon. It maybe works faster during cleaning. Rather use baby wiper which is good as well as.

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