carpet cleaning tips for pet owners

by Mr. Favian Johnson Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

A Complete Guide to Carpet Cleaning Tips for Pet Owners

  • Remove Urine Stains with Baking Soda. One of the most common issues faced by pet owners is odor. ...
  • Use Vinegar in an Emergency. ...
  • Check Your Machine’s Filters Regularly. ...
  • Make Your Own Cleaner. ...
  • Vacuum Regularly. ...
  • Keep Things Neat. ...
  • Deep Clean on a Schedule. ...
  • Always Use the Right Pad on the Right Machine. ...

Full Answer

Which carpet cleaning products are safe for pets?

  • Pet-safe cleaning products are a must if you live with dogs, cats, or other animals.
  • We tested pet-friendly products like laundry detergents, surface sanitizers, and floor cleaners.
  • The products in this guide help keep pets safe from accidental poisoning and perform well.

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What is the best carpet cleaner for pets?

The best carpet cleaner will be a professional-grade machine known for its ... this powerful cleaner is everything you need to remove the pet stains from your carpet. What you’ll love: This cleaner works quickly and efficiently. It is only 12 pounds ...

How to keep your carpets clean with pets?

You’ll want:

  • Material that repels spills, from your morning coffee to the wine your dog’s tail just swept off the coffee table
  • Superior stain resistance. Life happens, but it doesn’t have to live permanently on your carpet
  • A carpet that stands up to heavy traffic and wear-and-tear
  • A serious warranty, just in case

What is the best PET carpet?

  • BEST OVERALL: STAINMASTER PetProtect Textured Carpet
  • BEST BANG FOR THE BUCK: Lifeproof Playful Moments II Textured Carpet
  • BEST UPGRADE: Mohawk SmartStrand Ultra
  • BEST NYLON: Shaw Floors Subtle Aura
  • BEST WOOL: J Mish Natural Velvet Wool Carpet
  • BEST OLEFIN: TrafficMaster Tidewater Carpet


How do you keep your carpet clean if you have pets?

How to Care for Your Carpet if You Have Pets at HomePurchase Stain Resistant Carpet. ... Scotch Guard Non-Stain Resistant Options. ... Cleaning Pet Urine. ... Keep your Pet's Nails Trimmed. ... Use a Hardwood or Tile Entrance. ... Vacuum Twice Per Week. ... Use a Carpet Powder for Homes with Pets. ... Steam Clean at least monthly.

How often should you shampoo carpets if you have pets?

Pet owners should clean carpets by vacuuming one to two times a week to keep up on loose pet hair, dander, and tracked dirt. Pet owners seeking a deeper carpet clean should shampoo carpet three to four times per year. Cleaning when the seasons change is an easy way to remember when it's time to deep clean your carpets!

What removes pet odor from carpet?

Mix a one-to-one solution of white vinegar and water. Using a sponge, rub the solution onto the stain. Let it sit for 5-to-10 minutes, and then wipe it up with a clean, dry towel. Some experts advise using a more diluted formulation of 1/2-cup vinegar to one gallon of warm water.

How do I clean my home carpet with my dog?

Maintaining your carpet with dogsClean any pet stains immediately using a pet-friendly carpet cleaner.Replace your carpet with tile flooring.Vacuum your carpet regularly.Try to restrict your dog's movements around your home by isolating them in one specific area.More items...

Can pets walk on carpet after cleaning?

Is Professional Carpet Cleaning Safe for Pets? According to the ASPCA, most carpet cleaning products are safe to use in pet households. However, they do urge homeowners to allow the carpet to dry after a professional cleaning before letting pets into the area.

How often should you steam clean your carpet with pets?

every 4-6 weeksPets shed hair and dander, and when they go in and out of the house they bring in all kinds of dirt and gunk from outside. If you've got pet traffic, you should steam clean your carpets every 4-6 weeks. We recommend that you invest in your own steam cleaner so that you have easy access to it every month.

How can I make my carpet not smell like dog?

Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda on carpets, rugs and couches using a cleaning brush to spread it around and into the fabric. Leave it for several hours or, if possible, overnight so that the baking soda can best absorb the odours. Then vacuum thoroughly.

Why does my carpet still smell like dog pee after shampooing?

If the stain has been soaked up by the underlay of the carpet, usually even after a deep clean, it will remain there, and so will the smell. That's why high-end treatments can help remove wet dog smell after carpet cleaning.

Why does my carpet smell worse after cleaning?

Reasons your carpet smells bad after cleaning. The leading cause of a carpet that smells bad after cleaning is that the backing has absorbed moisture in the process and is still wet. If not dried properly, the material becomes susceptible to water damage and mildew problems, which can cause the musty smell to appear.

Do pets ruin carpets?

Unlike hard-surface floors, dogs won't slip and slide on it, especially puppies that have not yet found their grown-up balance. Unlike hardwood, laminate, vinyl, or tile, carpets won't accumulate scratches and scuff marks, so there's no more worrying about damage from pets' paws and claws.

How to get rid of pet smell?

Home remedies that use vinegar and baking soda simply mask the odor for a short time and don’t eliminate the cause. Instead, buy a product made for your particular type of pet mess.

How do I get solids out of a carpet?

Use a putty knife for solids. Sink the edge of the putty knife into the carpet at the edge of the mess. Then push it forward to scrape the solid waste up and into the dustpan. Scooping up the solids with paper towels or rags can actually force them into the carpet.

What is the least expensive product to use for carpet stains?

The least expensive products usually contain a carpet detergent for the stain and an odor-masking chemical. Since they don’t actually neutralize the substance, the smell usually returns on humid days. Spend more to get a product with enzymes. These products are good for small surface stains.

Why do I use paper towels on carpet?

Using paper towels to blot up urine and vomit soaks up the surface liquid but still leaves a lot in the carpet. And stomping on those paper towels only makes it worse. That forces the liquid deeper into the padding and then into the subflooring.

Can you use carpet stain remover on pets?

Another important thing to keep in mind when cleaning your carpet as a pet owner is to use carpet stain removers when possible. Pets can leave behind a lot of stains from pee, vomit, dirt, or mud, and these can be challenging to remove. Carpet stain removers are a great tool to own when you are a pet owner, and you should always have them on hand.

Can you clean a carpet with a pet?

You now know some great carpet cleaning tips for pet owners.

What is the best way to remove pet stains from carpet?

A bio-enzymatic cleaner neutralizes the stain by using uric acid. This will eliminate proteins and starches that ordinary pet cleaners or carpet cleaning products leave behind. These proteins and starches are what leave behind the smell.

What to do when you own a pet?

Cleaning the carpet will be a chore you’ll have to do when you own a pet. Don’t worry, we’ve got 10 carpet cleaning tips for pet owners in this article. 1. Extract Liquids. Urine stains on a carpet are all a part of potty training a puppy or litter box training a kitten. It’s bound to happen eventually.

How to get rid of starch in carpet?

Use a Carpet Cleaner. After you have cleaned your stain with the bio-enzymatic cleaner that coordinates with your liquid or solid stain, then you can use a carpet cleaning product. Carpet cleaning products only work after the proteins and starches left behind have been fully removed from the carpet.

What to do if you have liquid stains on your carpet?

Carpets absorb liquid stains down in their pad underneath the rug. The worst thing you can do for your carpet is to cover the stain with paper towels and stomp on it. You’ll just spread the stain further into the pad and create a wider puddle. Pet urine stains on furniture is also a common problem.

What is a professional carpet cleaning service?

A professional carpet cleaning service can remove the dirt and stains from your carpet as well as the bacteria and allergens trapped inside your carpeting. A professional carpet cleaning service can detect areas in your home that have been stained by pets including furniture.

How to remove pet hair from furniture?

Lint rollers will help you remove pet hair from furniture. Lint rollers come in multiple sizes so choose a large one when you are removing fur from furniture. After you have lint rolled go ahead and give your furniture a vacuum as well. Another popular tool for removing hair is a carpet rake.

How do I get solid stains out of a carpet?

The best way to remove solids from the carpet is to use the edge of a putty knife. Push it forward and scrape the mess into a dustpan or onto a piece of cardboard.

What is the best tool to clean pet odors?

Let’s start with the most obvious tool for cleaning pet odors and stains – the vacuum cleaner. Of course, vacuum cleaners come to mind first for dealing with dirty carpeting.

What is a handheld carpet cleaner?

Typically, handheld extractors work great for cleaning carpeting. Many pet owners do get great results cleaning with them. In short, a handheld extractor uses water, pressure, and suction to clean and extract dirt. Mainly dirt that embeds directly into your carpets.

Can you own a pet and have a clean home?

In truth, you can own pets and have a clean home and carpets at the same time. The key is practicing these tips and properly training your pet at the same time. Once your pet learns the ins and outs of your home routine, they will get the message.

1. Paper Towels Are Your Friend (So Treat Them Gently)

Use them to soak up everything from vomit to urine. Blot with them but don’t step on them or grind them into the carpet. The harder you press, the more you’ll push the liquids into the carpet and even to the subflooring. The best course is to hire a professional like S&G Carpet Cleaning.

2. Store-Bought Bio-Enzymatic Cleaners Are Not Enough

It’s tempting to use a store-bought bio-enzymatic cleaner, but do not be fooled into thinking that a spray bottle of enzymes will be enough to combat urine. You need to contact a professional such as S&G Carpet Cleaning to clean the carpets.

3. Never Steam Clean – Instead Use Hot Water Extraction

This is a big no-no because the heat will bond the odor and the stain to the carpet fibers, giving you a permanent change you don’t want. It’s important to note that hot water extraction is NOT the same as steam cleaning, and is the preferred method of cleaning carpet.

4. Use A Putty Knife

If you have a putty knife it can be used to pull solids out of your carpet. It works best with a small putty knife using the edge-side (not the flat side). Slide a putty knife edge under the solid and into the carpet to scrape and lift it out of the fibers.

5. Just Say No to Home Remedies

It’s tempting to reach for quick fixes you heard worked for someone once but resist the temptation. While solutions like baking soda and vinegar seem to work temporarily, they only mask odors and leave you with the original problem. You need a trained professional to come and clean out any urine or feces.

6. Get Creative to Clean Pet Fur

You can buy a lint roller…or wrap duct or masking tape around a paint roller to make your own—connect a broom handle to create a floor cleaner and use it before you vacuum to avoid clogging your vacuum cleaner. Rubber-bristled carpet rakes are also helpful for cleaning pet hair. Remember to vacuum several times a week.

7. Plan Ahead For Carpeting

If you’re thinking ahead, invest in pet-friendly carpeting made from nylon fibers. They’re durable and stain resistant—and affordable—making it easier to avoid messes and to clean them if they happen.

What is the best way to neutralize odors in carpet?

There are many options to choose from, but you must make sure anything you use is safe for your pet. Natural solutions, such as vinegar or baking soda mixed with concentrated essential oils tend to be some of the most used and effective techniques.

What happens when liquid seeps into carpet?

As liquid seeps into a carpet and hits the hard floor, the liquid spreads. This means that if the size of the spot on the surface of the carpet is about the circumference of an orange, it could be twice that size underneath.

What essential oils are safe for dogs?

Lavender, frankincense, and spearmint are all great essential oils to consider. (* Hint: Be sure to check with your vet to confirm that you are only using oils that are safe for your pet to sniff and have on their skin. Always dilute essential oils before using them.) 4. Talk to a professional.

Does carpet cleaning bring urine smell back?

(* Hint: Sometimes a professional carpet cleaning can draw impurities to the surface of your carpet and bring back urine odor.

Does carpet have a smell?

The density of certain carpet types can take a very long time to dry and it can create a permanently unpleasant odor. Be sure to clean around the area to cleanse underneath the surface. Remember, the urine will spread, hidden to the naked eye.

How do I get rid of pet urine smell in carpet?

The first rule of thumb is this: act quickly. Once you see the mess left by your pet, make sure to clean after them as soon as possible. Keep in mind that the longer you let that urine soak in your carpet, the harder it will be for you to clean it. The immediate and more effortless response to this situation is using a wet towel to clean the urine. However, this can still leave an odor on the carpet. It’s almost a guarantee that your pet will come back some other time and urinate on the same spot. If you have access to a handheld extractor or an enzymatic cleaner, that would be a better option.

Do dogs urinate in the carpet?

Oftentimes, pets urinate at all the wrong places in our homes , and one of their favorite spots is — you guessed it right — the carpet.

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