carpet still dirty after professional steam cleaning

by River Beahan Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Many cleaning methods only remove the dirt on the surface of your carpet. If you steam cleaned without extracting all the water, or your carpet is still wet after you’re done, the stain at the back is reabsorbed by the fibers. It then travels back up and reappears on the surface.

To save time, some carpet cleaners put the detergent into the cleaning solution being used. This leaves a lot of the detergent on the carpet after the cleaning has been done. As a result, the carpet is sticky and attracts dust and other particles allowing the carpet to become dirty quickly after cleaning.May 6, 2014

Full Answer

Can a carpet cleaner cause damage to your carpet?

An untrained carpet cleaner can cause a significant amount of damage to your carpet including using too much water and soap causing all manner of dirt and debris to be attracted to the soap residue and leave a dirty kind of grey looking film on the surface of your floors.

Why does my carpet look dirty after a deep cleaning?

The carpet has been deep cleaned and within just days it looks like it has a fresh layer of dirt and/or stains that were long gone have seemed to reappear. There are a few different reasons why this can occur, and sometimes it is because the floor was cleaned using a less than ideal method.

What should you do if your carpet stains come back after cleaning?

This is the process of deep stains that you thought were long gone reappearing after a cleaning. If this happens the best thing to do is call up a trustworthy carpet cleaning technician to decipher if the stains are treatable. In some cases, it may require a patching or complete replacement.

Can you put too much soap on the carpet?

The average untrained person is highly likely to apply too much to the carpet and when this occurs not all of the soap and water is removed from the carpet. The user is not totally to blame here though as a store bought or rented machine is not capable of fully sucking all of the soap and gunk out of the carpet in the first place.


Why does my carpet still look dirty after cleaning?

Residue. Stains that reappear due to residue originate from within the carpet fibers themselves when it's really dirty and has just been cleaned. In such cases, some of the soap, shampoo or other cleaning agent used in the traditional cleaning process was left behind in your carpet.

Why does my carpet look worse after steam cleaning?

Just like your favorite shirt, over time, your carpet gets worn, faded, and frayed. Before cleaning, this worn pile is lying down. However, after you steam clean, you're pulling those bad boys back up to attention. When the pile is pulled up, those different lengths of the pile and worn fibers really show.

Does steam cleaning actually clean carpet?

Steam Cleaning Using carpet extraction is probably the best deep-cleaning method you can use on your carpets. Because it combines hot water with chemicals, it cleans much more than just the surface of your carpet-it can remove dirt and debris that have sunk deep into your carpet.

How do I maintain my carpet after a professional carpet cleaning?

Consider these tips to keep your carpet clean after a professional carpet cleaning.Wait Before Walking. Never walk across wet carpeting. ... Remove Shoes But Do Not Go Barefoot. ... Clean Stains And Spills Immediately. ... Blot Only. ... Vacuum Regularly.

Why is my carpet so dirty?

1. Carpets attract greasy residue and dirt. Every day oily residue from the rooms in your home and your family pets (if you have them) is carried in from outside and dries onto your carpet. This residue attracts and “locks-in” dirt to your carpet fibers.

How do you clean heavily soiled carpet?

Mix 1/4 cup salt, 1/4 cup borax and 1/4 cup vinegar, then apply this paste to deep stains or heavily soiled sections of carpet. Allow the paste to sit on the carpet for several hours until it dries completely, then vacuum it away.

Is steam cleaning better than shampooing carpets?

When choosing between steam cleaning and shampooing your carpet, you really can't go wrong with both, but steam cleaning would be the better option. It removes more unseen pests and dirt, and can handle heavy-duty cleaning without making you wait long for drying.

How often should carpet be steam cleaned?

every 12-18 monthsMost carpet manufacturers recommend having a professional steam clean the carpets every 12-18 months to maintain the warranty. That's the absolute minimum, according to the people who make carpet!

What do professionals use to clean carpets?

Hot Water Extraction Otherwise known as steam cleaning, this is easily the most common professional carpet cleaning technique. Steam cleaning uses hot water at high pressure to penetrate into carpet fibers, breaking down the dirt and bacteria stored deep within. The hot water is then extracted via vacuum.

How long does it take carpets to dry after professional cleaning?

6-10 hoursYour carpet will be only slightly damp to the touch after your cleaning. Most carpets typically need 6-10 hours to dry completely. However, it could take up to 24 hours to dry depending on the time of year your carpets are cleaned, and the air circulation, humidity and temperature in your home.

Do carpets get dirty faster after cleaning?

Some people think that this may just be an urban myth. Generally, carpet is cleaned correctly and this is not the case but if the carpet is not cleaned correctly to start off with, quick resoiling can appear to be true. If the carpet is not cleaned correctly, it can again become dirty quite quickly.

How long does it take for steam cleaned carpet to dry?

Steam cleaning can take anywhere from 8 to 24 hours to completely dry. However, it only takes 4 to 8 hours to dry when carpets are cleaned without the use of traditional steam cleaning methods that use large amounts of water due to their reliance on soaps and shampoos.

Why Does My Carpet Smell Worse After Cleaning?

Even if the carpet appears clean after your efforts, you may find it has a lingering smell.

8 reasons your carpet looks worse after cleaning

A carpet's age is another factor that could be causing its appearance to deteriorate after a recent cleaning. The average carpet lasts anywhere from five to fifteen years. A carpet that's getting close to the end of its useful life may produce undesirable results after a cleaning.

How professional cleaning can save your carpet

Professional carpet cleaning is a great way to deal with difficult residue and wicking from your carpets. Professionals will not only get rid of all the visible filth, but will also make sure your carpets are healthy, last longer, and are clean down to the base with no hidden debris.

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