carpet vs hardwood cleaning

by Titus Kuphal Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Carpet vs. Hardwood Flooring

Hardwood Carpet
Cost Average $8 per square foot Averages $3 per square foot
Durability May last 100 years or more Up the 10 years
Real Estate Value Adds real estate value No real estate advantage
Cleaning Easy to clean with sweeping and damp mop ... Easily vacuumed, but stains are hard to ...
Apr 22 2022

Hardwood floors are easier to clean than carpet overall, but they still require mopping or sweeping every few days. While carpeting requires a deep cleaning a few times a year, you should use a cleaning solution on hardwood at least once a month on hardwood.Feb 18, 2020

Full Answer

Are hardwood floors more cleaning-intensive than carpet?

But: the same could be said for the care and maintenance of even the best hardwood floors! One material more cleaning-intensive than the other, especially given that hypoallergenic carpet options are becoming more and more widespread.

What is the difference between hardwood and carpet?

Natural and ecologically friendly: Carpeting is made largely from petroleum, which is a very limited resource and one that is not natural in any way. Hardwood is a natural material made from trees that can be replanted and renewed.

Which is easier to clean hardwood or laminate flooring?

Of the two materials, hardwood flooring is by far the easier to clean. Simple sweeping or vacuuming removes loose dirt and periodic damp-mopping with a wood cleaner will remove deeper dirt and most stains.

Is it cheaper to install carpet or hardwood flooring?

But costs for professional installation are considerably higher for hardwood flooring. Most carpet is considerably less expensive than most hardwood materials. And although carpeting does need to be replaced every few years, perfectly acceptable carpeting may be available for less than $1 per square foot.


Is carpet dirtier than hardwood?

In a home with hard floors, you see more dust because there is less surface in the home that holds onto dust. So you have two options: Option #1: Have carpet in the home hold onto contaminants, keeping them away from your breathing space, and remove these contaminants with regular vacuuming…

Is hardwood more hygienic than carpet?

According to the above, hardwood and carpet flooring are equally healthy. However, carpets are harder to clean properly, making them less ideal for people with allergies or asthma.

Is it worth it to have hardwood floors professionally cleaned?

The most effective way to keep your hardwood floors in top condition and protect your investment in them is to have them professionally cleaned. This will not only deep clean them to make them and your home healthier, but it will restore the natural beauty and add a shine that will help prevent future build up.

Do buyers prefer carpet or hardwood in bedrooms?

hardwoodDawn Wilson, Keller Williams: “Most buyers prefer hardwood. For selling purposes, it is better to have hardwood. If there is not hardwood in the home already, and it is cost prohibitive to put hardwood in, then in most cases, new carpet should be put in prior to resale. Buyers like tile flooring in the bathrooms.

Is carpet in homes outdated?

Though hardwood is incredibly popular, carpeting is making a comeback, in part due to the innovative new options on the market. Carpet is a great choice for bedrooms, dens, or basements where hardwood can feel too cold and sterile, or any room where there is a risk of water damage.

In what rooms is carpeting a poor choice Why?

In what rooms is carpeting a poor choice? Why? Bathrooms or kitchens. Any area where water or moisture is constant issue.

Is it OK to steam clean hardwood floors?

Although it may be tempting to deep clean your hardwood floors with a steam mop, don't. “Drastic temperature changes and moisture may warp the wood,” says Steve Stocki, manager of marketing and merchandising at Lumber Liquidators. That's true whether you have solid or engineered wood floors, and for bamboo, too.

How do professionals clean hardwood floors?

1:283:07How To Clean Your Hardwood Floors - Professional - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipWhat we do is we spray a little bit of the bone the cleaner on there using a white pad. We justMoreWhat we do is we spray a little bit of the bone the cleaner on there using a white pad. We just lightly scrub the spot until it removes and then dry it off with the microfiber.

Why do my hardwood floors always look dirty?

Most contemporary hardwood floors have a coating of polyurethane varnish, and when you wash the floor, you're really washing the finish. Although it's durable, polyurethane scratches, and certain chemicals react with it to make it appear cloudy.

Why is carpet not popular?

Today, carpet is often seen as outdated, dingy, and even unsanitary, trapping pests, dust, and moisture deep below the surface.

How often should you replace the carpet in your home?

5-15 yearsCarpet fibers often become matted and frayed within just 3-5 years. A carpet can only be expected to last 5-15 years from installation, so if your carpet it starting to look a little beat-up then it's probably time to replace it. Areas that see the most wear and tear are usually the hallways, stairs, and living areas.

Does carpet decrease home value?

"Having brand new, fresh carpet increases the value of the home because it is the main focal point of the room (along with the paint) that buyers see when they tour a property," explains Samuel.

How long does carpet last?

You also need to account for cleaning and natural wear and tear. However, for an average, carpet will last between 10 and 15 years while hardwood floors tend to last 20 to 30 years. That being said, though, both floors have been proven to last longer and there are instances where both carpet and hardwood have lasted only 5 years.

How many different colors are there in carpet?

When it comes to options, both carpet and hardwood are full of choices. On the carpet side, you will find brands that offer over 2000 different styles, textures and colors. With solution and piece dyed carpets the options are near limitless.

Which is the softest flooring?

Comfort. Carpet is the most plush and softest flooring available. Hardwood can also be soft underfoot when installed correctly.

Is hardwood flooring cheaper than carpet?

In almost all cases hardwood flooring will cost more than carpeting, per square foot. However, labor and installation fees may even the overall cost difference out a little.

Is hardwood or carpet cleaner?

Both carpet and hardwood have specific cleaning and maintenance instructions. It is important to follow both, though it is easily hardwood that has a higher maintenance level than carpet. Hardwood is also easier to keep clean over all and is more allergen friendly, compared to carpet which can trap and hold allergens in your home.

Can you put carpet on hardwood?

There are certain areas where carpet and hardwood should and should not be installed. For carpet you want to avoid anywhere wet or that has flooding potential. The same is true of hardwood, though some wet areas may be okay (depending on type of wood planks and sealants).

Is hardwood a specialized material?

When it comes to cleaning and maintenance routines, hardwood is more tedious and specialized. A broom and dustpan are mostly all that is needed with an occasional spot cleaning with a damp mop.

The Argument for Carpet: A Rundown of Its Pros

Carpeting and hardwood floors are two of the most common types of floors you’ll find in homes across America, but they couldn’t be more different. Here are some of the things that carpet has going for it.

Anything Not to Like About Hardwood Flooring?

Of course! Everything has its pros and its cons, and hardwood floors are no different. Here are the main drawbacks of hardwood floors.

Sanitary Properties

We all know what it’s like to get stains on our carpets. Not only is there the problem of getting the stain out, but it’s almost impossible to completely remove the effect that takes place within the fibers themselves. Dirt, urine, smells, and funkiness are brought out even more when stepped on, so the issues are never actually completely resolved.

Visible Messes

One of the benefits of having a hardwood floor is that you are able to see messes on it much easier. If you stay on top of cleaning, that means that a hardwood floor will be a cleaner floor because you will quickly take care of any damage or mess that you see.

Which Costs More to Clean?

This is a tricky aspect of the debate between carpet and hardwood floors. Many people want to know which one is more expensive when it comes to professional cleaning.

Final Thoughts

Of course, you can still have a very dirty hardwood floor, even if it is usually cleaner than a carpet. However, carpets are higher maintenance and it’s harder to tell if they are actually clean or not. Hardwood floors are more sanitary and cost-effective when considering the time and money that goes into most carpet-cleaning products.

Carpet Cleaning vs. Hardwood Floor Cleaning

Which type of flooring takes the most work to keep it looking clean on a daily or weekly basis?

Long-Term Maintenance of Hardwood Floors vs. Carpets

When it comes to long-term maintenance of the flooring in both residential and commercial properties, carpets normally require more frequent attention. Hardwood floors may require refinishing after a few years but they won’t need to be deep cleaned like your carpets.

Maintenance and Cleaning Tips for Hardwood Floors and Carpets

Whichever type of flooring you choose, you can extend its useful lifespan by following some simple cleaning and maintenance procedures that have been tried and tested over the years.

Which is more attractive, hardwood or carpet?

Although this is largely a matter of personal preference, most people find hardwood flooring to be more attractive than carpet.

How long does a carpet last?

Occasional deep cleaning from a professional cleaning service may extend the life of your carpet, but it's rare that a carpet will last more than a decade or so.

What is the most common flooring material?

Carpet and hardwood: These are two of the most common of all flooring materials, and also the two that are the most different from one another. One is an entirely synthetic, soft, quiet, inexpensive material with a relatively short lifespan, while the other is a natural, hard, and expensive flooring material that is likely to last longer ...

How is carpet made?

Most modern carpet is created by threading closely spaced loops of synthetic fibers through large sheets of backing material. There are some natural-fiber carpets—mostly cotton or wool—but the vast majority use synthetic materials, such as nylon to polyester. Carpeting is manufactured in huge rolls, and consumers buy it by the foot, in whatever quantities they need.

Why is carpet not recommended for wet areas?

For this reason, carpet is never recommended for wet areas such as bathrooms or where spills are likely, such as in kitchens. Carpet is also easily damaged by heat, as from burning cigarettes or hot pans. And some carpet materials can emit toxic gases if a serious home fire ignites. 1 

Which is the easiest flooring material to care for?

Best for Care and Cleaning: Hardwood. Hardwood is regarded as the easier flooring material to care for since it is less susceptible to staining and doesn't trap dust and allergens as carpet does.

What company makes carpet?

Mohawk: Another floor ing giant, this company is best known for carpet but also manufactures a broad range of wood flooring and other flooring materials.

Why is the carpet vs hardwood debate so ridiculous?

hardwood debate is ridiculous because they’re both awesome in their own way. It all depends on your lifestyle and the room you are looking to re-floor.

How much does carpet cost?

Carpet cost will run you between $2–$12 per square foot (on average) depending on the brand, style, density, fiber, and padding you choose. And don’t forget to add a few dollars per square foot for wall to wall carpet installation. Peel-and-stick carpet tiles, on the other hand, come in at a whopping $1–$4 per square foot.

What is the best flooring for a toddler?

1.1 Carpeting is great for teetering toddlers and cozy bedrooms. 1.2 Hardwood is great for standing up to heavy traffic and wear. 2 Reason #2: Carpet and hardwood both offer a ton of installation methods. 2.1 You can install carpeting in a bunch of ways, both conventional and DIY.

What does "nothing beats the look and feel of hardwood floors" mean?

As grandma always used to say, “Nothing beats the look and feel of hardwood floors.” Seriously, she said that! But what does it mean? Well, literally speaking, that the installation method can affect a floor’s feel. A floating floor may have more give as you walk vs. solid planks that are nailed to the underlayment.

How much does hardwood cost per square foot?

In general, you’re looking at $3–$15 per square foot.

What is green carpet made of?

Anyway, there are green carpet options out there if you do your research. Look for products made from organic materials like wool, cotton, or bamboo. Some companies even use reclaimed and recycled materials to construct carpet products.

Does hardwood flooring increase value?

Everyone knows hardwood flooring increases a home’s value. Okay, it’s not exactly a news flash to say that hardwood floors are great for a home’s value. According to Money, new wood floors bring an average 106% return on investment when you compare money spent to the increase in home value.


Sanitary Properties

Many people make the statement that carpet is a sink and thus traps and holds potentially dangerous contaminants. That’s a true statement, but it’s also a good quality of carpet. With carpet, the fibers act as a filter and hold onto contaminants until they can be vacuumed or cleaned. Hard floors do not do that. One way to se…
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Visible Messes

Which Costs More to Clean?

Final Thoughts

We all know what it’s like to get stains on our carpets. Not only is there the problem of getting the stain out, but it’s almost impossible to completely remove the effect that takes place within the fibers themselves. Dirt, urine, smells, and funkiness are brought out even more when stepped on, so the issues are never actually complet…
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