chad rose carpet cleaning

by Emilia Brown Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Why do carpets wear out?

The dirt and other contaminants in your carpets can cause them to wear out prematurely, especially in areas where there is a lot of traffic. The more steps that are taken over the soiled areas, the more friction is created and the more wear that occurs.

Do carpets get dirty?

There are few things that feel better under your feet than a clean carpet. Unfortunately, no matter how well you take care of them, all carpets get dirty eventually. Dirt, allergens, and bacteria all make their way into the carpet over time, and no amount of vacuuming can get them all out. The more traffic on the carpets, the quicker this happens.

Is it necessary to replace carpet?

Your carpets and rugs are an investment and a necessary component of your home. Replacement can be expensive, and is usually unnecessary. With professional carpet cleaning, you can save money and extend the life of your carpets considerably.

Can pets make carpets dirty?

We all love our pets, but they can make carpets surprisingly dirty in a short amount of time – especially if they have an accident. Our professional carpet cleaning service can remove most pet stains completely, eliminating both odors and bacteria.

What is upholstery cleaning?

Our professional upholstery cleaning services help you restore the look and feel of your furniture while eliminating dirt, allergens, bacteria and odors.

Do carpets need to be professionally cleaned?

Carpets need to be professionally cleaned occasionally if you want them to last. Our carpet cleaning service is second to none. We use the latest cleaning technologies and proven cleaning methods to eliminate dirt, stains, odors, bacteria and allergens. When we are done, your carpet will be like new again.

Is tile cleaner than carpet?

Tile is easier to clean than carpet, but the grout between the tile is not. Grout can absorb dirt, bacteria and mold, none of which you want in your home. Our tile and grout cleaning services help you bring back the clean beauty of your surfaces, pulling contaminants out of the porous grout surface.

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