cheap carpet cleaning san luis obispo

by Itzel Quitzon Jr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is the phone number for carpet cleaning San Luis Obispo?

If you're ready to get those carpets looking like new again then pull out your phone and give us a call ( 805)-769 -0970 and we'll get ready to go to work for you. Here's what you'll get at no charge at all. We are very excited to show you why we believe we are the best carpet cleaning San Luis Obispo ​has to offer.

What happens when you walk on a carpet?

Dirt is like sandpaper in your carpet so when you step on it and walk on it, it can begin to break down and wear it out. The "face yarn" of the carpet and the woven primary backing where it connects is the part that receives the brunt of the damage.

Does carpet cleaning help mites?

Gross! Regular carpet cleaning done on a scheduled basis can help reduce the number of mites growing around in your home. You will never get rid of them completely as they are a necessary evil. There are other things that can pile and and grow out of control if not kept in check; bacteria, and allergens.

Why trust us

We’ve been doing this in the San Luis Obispo area for the past 14 years with plenty of commercial and residential accounts for well-known property management companies and businesses who trust us and give us the keys.

Carpet Cleaning

Scotchguard is a Stain and Water Repellent for your fabric and upholstery protector.

House Cleaning

Whether you are moving in or moving out Cuesta Cleaning specializes in cleaning.

Floor Cleaning

Not only do we specialize in carpet cleaning but we also specialize in hardwood floors.

Carpet Protector

Scotchguard is a Stain and Water Repellent for your fabric and upholstery protector.

What We Offer

At Slo Steam, we have a customer-centric approach as well as futuristic cleaning technology, right from our vehicles to cleaning equipment. Our technicians carry special UV lights during each of our service visits to detect and remove even the smallest and hidden stains.

Ultra-Modern Cleaning Technology

At Slo Steam, we have a customer-centric approach as well as futuristic cleaning technology, right from our vehicles to cleaning equipment. Our technicians carry special UV lights during each of our service visits to detect and remove even the smallest and hidden stains.

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