chem dry carpet cleaning carlsbad ca

by Mrs. Izabella Brakus DDS Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Why choose Chem-Dry carpet cleaning?

Chem-Dry has been a trusted name in carpet cleaning for over 40 years, and for good reason. Chem-Dry cleans more than 10,000 households daily worldwide. Our revolutionary Hot Carbonating Extraction cleaning process provides a deeper, longer-lasting clean while utilizing the natural power of carbonation.

How does Chem-Dry cleaning work?

Instead of using gallons of water like typical steam cleaning, Chem-Dry uses only a fraction of the water. This low-moisture process, combined with our natural carbonating cleaning solution, penetrates deep into carpets and not only leaves carpets cleaner, but reduces dry times to a couple hours rather than a couple of days.

Is Chemchem-dry safe for pets?

Chem-Dry has an extensive catalog of green-certified carpet cleaning products, including our primary cleaning solution, The Natural. The Natural, which is on the FDA’s G.R.A.S. (Generally Recognized As Safe) list, contains zero phosphates or detergents and is completely safe and non-toxic for kids and pets.

Why choose Chemchem-dry?

Chem-Dry cleans more than 10,000 households daily worldwide. Our revolutionary Hot Carbonating Extraction cleaning process provides a deeper, longer-lasting clean while utilizing the natural power of carbonation.


Is Chem-Dry a good way to clean carpets?

A Chem-Dry carpet cleaning has been proven to remove an average of 98.1% of non-living allergens from carpets and upholstery.

How long does it take carpet to dry after chem-dry?

1-2 hoursAfter a Chem-Dry professional cleaning, it typically takes 1-2 hours for the carpet to dry. Sometimes carpets can take longer to dry for various reasons.

How long does it take for carpet to Dry after cleaning?

6-10 hoursYour carpet will be only slightly damp to the touch after your cleaning. Most carpets typically need 6-10 hours to dry completely. However, it could take up to 24 hours to dry depending on the time of year your carpets are cleaned, and the air circulation, humidity and temperature in your home.

Is Chem-Dry better than steam cleaning?

Getting your carpets professionally cleaned is the only way to tackle certain kinds of stains; and while many people believe that steam cleaning is the only solution for deep cleaning, Chem-Dry provides a much more effective, efficient, and safer carpet cleaning solution.

Is Chem-Dry Good for pet stains?

Thanks to P.U.R.T., Chem-Dry can eliminate even the most stubborn urine odors and stains. Instead of simply masking urine odors, we destroy the chemical compounds that cause these smells. Want to eliminate pet stains and odors from your home? Find your local Chem-Dry today for pet carpet cleaning in your area!

Can you sleep in a room with wet carpet?

Can you sleep in a room with wet carpet? Definitely not. There could be spores of mold in the area that can cause you to become sick.

Can I put my furniture back after carpet cleaning?

The bottom line is, do not put back the furniture until your carpet is completely dry. Generally, it takes 8 hours for a carpet to get completely dry. However, if your professional Carpet Cleaning Melbourne company has sent fans to make it dry, it may take lesser time than 8 hours.

Should you vacuum after carpet cleaning?

Conclusion. Ultimately, running your vacuum over your carpets after a professional deep clean is great but remember to do it only after your carpet is completely dry. Vacuuming your carpet when it's still damp could cause dirt to be transferred from your vacuum cleaner, so patience does pay off.

How can I make my carpet dry faster after cleaning?

It might seem obvious, but turning on a dehumidifier is one of the best ways to speed up the carpet drying process. They sap moisture from the room and collect it in a storage tank or direct it toward a drain. If you're using the storage tank, be sure to check back every few hours to empty it.

How can I dry my carpet fast?

Place fans and dehumidifiers in the room to help circulate the air and assist with evaporation. It's best to check back every few hours to reposition the fans. If the water damage is minimal, you can speed up the drying process with the use of a hairdryer.

How can I dry my wet carpet fast?

Fortunately, the process is simple. Run a fan pointed at the wet area to help moisture evaporate. A dehumidifier also works to pull moisture out of the air and dry out the carpet. “Another option is to get rags and lay them over your damp area,” says Happy DIY Home founder Jen Stark.

How can I dry my carpet faster after shampooing?

Create Air Flow. The best way to help your carpet dry is by creating good airflow in the room. ... Use a Fan. Ceiling fans can be handy when it comes to drying out a carpet. ... Utilize Air-Conditioning. ... Blow-Dry. ... Use a Shop Vac. ... Towel Dry. ... Air and Heat. ... Expose the Padding.More items...•

What is chem dry?

Chem-Dry’s mission is helping people live healthy lives starting with clean carpets and a healthy home. Our proprietary Hot Carbonating Extraction cleaning process penetrates deep into the fibers, removing an average of 98% of common household allergens from carpets and upholstery.

What is HCE cleaning?

For upholstery, we use our proprietary hot carbonating extraction (HCE) cleaning method, featuring our core cleaner, The Natural®. The HCE method’s carbonated cleaning bubbles release dirt, soil, allergens, and spots from the upholstery fibers. Then, we use our extraction equipment to remove the cleaning solution and any contaminants from your furniture, leaving it with a deeper, healthier clean than other companies’ methods.

Is chem dry a steam cleaner?

No, Chem-Dry is not a steam cleaner. Chem-Dry uses heat and carbonation to release dirt and grime from deep within your carpets, so we don’t need to use the gallons of water that typical steam cleaners use.

Is Brown Family Chem Dry safe?

Brown Family Chem-Dry combines a proprietary process with a non-toxic, green-certified solution to leave your home not only cleaner, but safer and healthier.

Is Chem Dry safe for pets?

Our green-certified solution, The Natural®, contains no dirt attracting soaps or detergents so it’s safe and non-toxic for your family & pets. And, Chem-Dry uses 80% less water than typical steam cleaning so carpets dry in hours instead of days, making it the safer and more convenient carpet cleaning choice.

How long does it take for a carpet to dry?

Carpets Dry in only 1-2 Hours. When you use less water, carpets simply dry faster. Instead of using gallons of water like typical steam cleaning, Chem-Dry uses only a fraction of the water.

Is Chem Dry safe for pets?

The Natural, which is on the FDA’s G.R.A.S. (Generally Recognized As Safe) list, contains zero phosphates or detergents and is completely safe and non-toxic for kids and pets.

What is the phone number for BNK Chem Dry?

Learn more about our carpet cleaning services for the Carlsbad, CA area and request a free quote by calling BNK Chem-Dry at (760) 471-8100 today.

What is BNK Chem Dry?

At BNK Chem-Dry®, we provide a deeper, healthier clean to carpets and upholstery in the Carlsbad, CA area. Our carpet cleaning service uses the cleaning power of carbonation to remove dust, dirt, grime, and tough stains out of your home’s carpets and upholstery. This not only results in cleaner carpets than traditional steam cleaning methods but also delivers a greener and healthier clean for your home.

How long does it take for a carpet to dry with BNK?

Our cleaning process uses 80% less water than traditional steam cleaners, meaning customers can expect a faster drying time. Instead of waiting 1-2 days for your carpet to dry, you can expect your carpet to dry within a few hours with BNK Chem-Dry!

Does BNK Chem Dry kill mold?

Because carpets dry faster after being cleaned by BNK Chem-Dry, mold and mildew are far less likely to start growing underneath your carpeting.

Is natural carpet cleaner safe?

We use a biodegradable, non-toxic cleaning product called The Natural® to clean your carpets, which produces a safer clean for homes with young children and pets.

Does BNK Chem Dry clean carpet?

In addition to our standard carpet cleaning services, BNK Chem-Dry also provides a range of specialty cleaning services within the Carlsbad area. We offer cleaning services for upholstery, leather, tile, stone, and granite countertops, along with specialized cleaning for carpet stains. We also offer our Pet Urine Removal Treatment (P.U.R.T. ®) service, which removes pet urine stains and eliminates related odors.

A Healthier Home

Chem-Dry’s mission is helping people live healthy lives starting with clean carpets and a healthy home. Our proprietary Hot Carbonating Extraction cleaning process penetrates deep into the fibers, removing an average of 98% of common household allergens from carpets and upholstery.

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