clean #1 carpet cleaning

by Dr. Randall Buckridge Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is the definition of being Clean?

1. The definition of clean is not dirty, or sober, or off of drugs, or morally pure. An example of clean is a room that has just been vacuumed and dusted. An example of clean os someone who is in Alcoholics Anonymous and who has been sober for four months.

What is the verb of Clean?

1[transitive, intransitive] clean (something) to make something free from dirt or dust by washing or rubbing it to clean the windows/bathroom/floor to clean a woundThe villa is cleaned twice a week. I spent all day cooking and cleaning. see dry-clean, spring-cleaning.

What is the adjective of Clean?

adjective, clean·er, clean·est. free from dirt; unsoiled; unstained: She bathed and put on a clean dress. free from foreign or extraneous matter: clean sand. free from pollution; unadulterated; pure: clean air; clean water. habitually free of dirt: Cats are considered clean animals.

Is the movie Clean Based on a true story?

Movie News. Adrien Brody has always wanted to bring his childhood to life on screen. His upbringing amid the hustle and bustle of New York City inspired his new action-drama Clean, which he produced, co-wrote, scored, and stars in as a garbage man-turned-vigilante hero.

What are 5 synonyms for clean?

Synonyms of 'clean' in American Englishpure.flawless.fresh.immaculate.impeccable.spotless.unblemished.unsullied.

What is noun of clean?

noun. noun. /ˈklɛnlinəs/ [uncountable] the state of being clean or the habit of keeping things clean Some people are obsessive about cleanliness.

What are some similes for clean?

From Modern English Svartengren listed clean as a baby's leg, clean as new preen, clean as print, clean as wheat, clean as a leek, clean as carrot, clean as a mackerel (or smelt), clean as a (new) penny, clean as a new pin, clean as a razor, clean as a pick, clean as a pink, and clean as a whistle.


No matter how many times you clean something, it always gets dirty again. Why?! Well, actually, that unobtainable sense of perfection goes all the way back to this word's origin. Take a look.

synonym study for clean

1. Clean, clear, pure refer to freedom from soiling, flaw, stain, or mixture. Clean refers especially to freedom from soiling: a clean shirt. Clear refers particularly to freedom from flaw or blemish: a clear pane of glass. Pure refers especially to freedom from mixture or stain: a pure metal; not diluted but pure and full strength. 35.

How to use clean in a sentence

It takes me the better part of an hour to load the dishwasher, hand-wash piles of other dishes, clean the counters and cooktop, and tidy the floor.

Other Idioms and Phrases with clean

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.


Tormented by his past, a garbage man named Clean attempts a quiet life of redemption. But, soon finds himself forced to reconcile with the violence of his past.

Did you know

One of the main inspirations for the story came from the 1976 film "Taxi Driver."

clean adjective (HONEST)

The judge took the defendant's clean record (= the absence of previous involvement in crime) into account when passing sentence.

clean adjective (NOT ROUGH)

I've broken my leg, but the doctor says that it's a clean break, so it should heal easily.

clean adjective (COMPLETE)

It's better for both of us if we make a clean break (of it) (= end our relationship completely).

Phrasal verbs

come clean about/on/over sth Corporate managers were criticized for not coming clean sooner about the company's plans to split.


1. Free from dirt, stain, or impurities; unsoiled: a clean kitchen floor; clean clothes.


English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Meet CleanClean

We offer a subscription box of chemical-free, concentrated cleaners for home use that reduce carbon footprint and plastic up to 90%

How it works

We send you a home cleaning pack with solutions for your Kitchen/Bathroom - floor and glass surfaces. One pack is guaranteed to last 4 months!

Support our mission

We are on a mission to create all-natural and carbon-neutral products. When you buy our cleaners you support us in our journey to make positive changes that are good for us and the planet.

What makes us special?

Soapbark based We make our all-natural concentrated cleaners in our lab near Boston. We use Soapbark as a based cleaning agent together with other plant-based ingredients.

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