cleaning a mattress with carpet cleaner

by Korey Beatty Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How to Use Carpet Cleaner on a Mattress

  1. Remove dirty bedding and place into the washing machine. Plug in the vacuum, which can be any type provided it is equipped with a hand-tool attachment.
  2. Stand the mattress up against the wall.
  3. Wash out the water reservoir bottle attached to the carpet cleaner to ensure no dirt is being transferred back into the mattress.
  4. Switch on the carpet cleaner and slowly clean one side of the mattress with the attached hand tool. ...
  5. Turn the mattress over and steam clean the other side of the mattress before leaving to dry.
  6. Clean the four narrow sides of the mattress. Once dry, place the mattress back on the base. ...

How to wash your mattress with a carpet cleaner?

  • Use an upholstery attachment with your vacuum.
  • Systematically go back-and-forth width-wise on the mattress until you vacuum the whole thing.
  • Use the crevice attachment to vacuum hard-to-reach places like crevices, indentations, and embroidery.
  • Flip the mattress and vacuum the other side. ...

Can you use a carpet cleaner on a mattress?

Unlike conventional chemicals that are toxic to humans and pets and harmful to carpets, this treatment is eco-friendly and safe for humans and pets while also removing bacteria and pathogens. Their carpet cleaning treatment also removes stubborn stains, dust mites, and pet dander, prevents mold growth, and improves air quality.

How to sanitize a mattress?

What is the best way to clean a mattress?

  • Gather your mattress cleaning supplies. ...
  • Strip the bed and wash all the bedding. ...
  • Vacuum the mattress. ...
  • Spot-clean your mattress with a stain remover. ...
  • Sprinkle baking soda all over the entire mattress. ...
  • Vacuum again. ...
  • Flip the mattress. ...
  • Protect the mattress.

What can I use to clean my bed mattress?

Part 2 Part 2 of 3: Cleaning and Deodorizing the Mattress

  1. The first step to cleaning your mattress is vacuuming. This will remove mites, dust, dead skin, hair, and other debris from the mattress.
  2. Address fresh spills. Any recent spills that are still wet should be cleaned immediately. ...
  3. Spot clean stains. ...
  4. Clean biological stains with enzyme cleaner. ...
  5. Sprinkle baking soda over the mattress. ...

More items...


Can I clean mattress with carpet cleaner?

Put simply, the answer to this question is “yes”. In fact, carpet cleaner might be the best at-home cleaning option that you have to clean your mattress. However, you need to make sure you do it the right way. It's like cleaning a carpet stain.

Can you use Bissell on mattress?

If you are lucky enough to own a "steam" cleaner that dispenses detergent and sucks up stains from carpet and upholstery, like GH Seal star, Bissell Little Green Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner, by all means, use it on your mattress too.

What cleaners can I use on a mattress?

Mix together dish soap, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to create a mattress stain remover. Use a spray bottle to best apply this mixture. Once the stains have been sprayed, blot or rub them using a towel or rag. Another route on how to clean mattress stains is by using natural cleaners and remedies.

How long does it take a mattress to dry after shampooing?

How Long Does It Take Mattress to Dry? If you follow the process above, you can dry a wet mattress in six to eight hours. However, it can take two to three times longer if you use house fans and as long as a week if you let it air dry. The longer it takes to dry, the great the risk of mold and bacteria.

Can you use a steam cleaner on a mattress?

Steam cleaning – sweat, dirt and stains can easily penetrate beyond the top layer of your mattress so treat it to a steam clean every few months. Vacuum the mattress first, run the steam cleaner across the whole surface then allow to dry.

How do you clean a really dirty mattress?

How to Clean a Mattress in 9 Simple StepsGather your mattress cleaning supplies. ... Strip the bed and wash all the bedding. ... Vacuum the mattress. ... Spot-clean your mattress with a stain remover. ... Sprinkle baking soda all over the entire mattress. ... Vacuum again. ... Flip the mattress. ... Protect the mattress.More items...•

Is there a way to deep clean a mattress?

Vacuum the top and sides of the mattress using a freshly sanitized upholstery vacuum attachment. Move-in slow circles to pick up as much as possible. Sprinkle the mattress top with a layer of baking soda and let it sit for several hours. If you're able, add some sunlight and let it sit for a full 24 hours.

How do I get my mattress white again?

0:253:13Next grab a box of baking soda and sprinkle it onto the mattress. Use a scrub brush to set in theMoreNext grab a box of baking soda and sprinkle it onto the mattress. Use a scrub brush to set in the baking soda and cover the whole mattress.

What Can I Use to Clean My Mattress with Carpet Cleaner?

Usually, we use a carpet shampooer with carpet cleaner to clean a mattress, but if you want to use something else you can use any upholstery cleani...

Can I Use Carpet Steam Cleaner on Mattress?

Yes, like other carpet cleaning solutions, you can use a carpet steam cleaner on mattress also. And it's essential to steam clean a mattress a leas...

How Do You Deep Clean a Mattress?

Deep cleaning a mattress is not a tough process, it's just a little longer process. First vacuum the mattress in a slow circular motion to pick up...

What Causes Yellow Stains on The Mattress?

Yellow stains on mattress are normal. Our sweat, urine, dead skin cells, body oils, etc create moisture. When this moisture is in excess quantity m...

What Can I Spray on A Mattress to Clean It?

For basic cleaning, you can spray a solution of half cup of distilled vinegar and one cup of warm water. Spray this solution on the mattress, allow...

What is the best way to clean a mattress?

It can also get rid of urine stains. For the best results for your mattress, we recommend using the extra attachments found in a carpet cleaner .

How to clean a mattress with a steamer?

With a good steam cleaner, the following is a step-to-step procedure of cleaning your mattress. Step 1: Remove all the beddings and toss them in the washing machine. Step 2: Sprinkle a good amount of baking soda on the mattress and leave it to settle in for about 45 minutes. Baking soda is gets rid of the odors.

How to get rid of dust mites on mattress?

Step 1: Remove all the beddings from your mattress and toss them into the washing machine. Step 2: Use a handheld vacuum cleaner to get rid of the dust and mites in the mattress. You can use any vacuum cleaner of your choice as long as it has a hand-tool attachment.

How to get rid of urine stains on mattress?

Clean your mattress immediately- in case of any soils like urine, blood, or coffee, we recommend you clean your mattress as soon as possible. Start with placing the beddings in a washing machine, and then proceed to get rid of the excess fluid or moisture in your mattress using a paper towel. Once the excess liquid has dried up, use a stain remover to remove the stains.

How long does it take for a mattress to dry after steaming?

Step 6: When you are satisfied with the steaming process, leave the mattress in an open space for about 4-5 hours to dry. Incase your steam cleaner does not have an upholstery attachment or mattress attachment, wrap a towel on the head of the steam cleaner. It will help to prevent scratches that may tear the mattress.

What happens when you sleep in a mattress?

For starters, when sleeping, you release sweat, body fluids, dead skin, and sometimes urine into your mattress. If you do not clean it regularly, you leave all this stuff to accumulate. Eventually, mold and mildew grow in your bed, attracting the mites and bugs mentioned before.

What is steam cleaning?

Steam cleaning is effective if you are looking to get rid of bedbugs, dust mite, sweat, and urine. The steam released from a steamer will disinfect the mattress and help remove allergens.

Why is it important to clean your mattress?

Since it is the surface you sleep on every night, it is extremely important to keep your mattress clean. Using your carpet cleaner allows you to naturally and safely remove sweat, urine, and other types of stains, kill bedbugs, eliminate allergens, get rid of bad odors, and disinfects your mattress.

How to get rid of old urine stains on mattress?

Hot water extraction is a great choice for removing deep, old stains. If you have a steamer, you should know that the steam is very effective at removing allergens and disinfecting the surfaces. Old urine stains can be deeply embedded in the mattress. In such cases, a steam cleaner may not be able to remove these spots.

How long does it take for a mattress to dry after steaming?

After you finish the entire procedure, make sure you allow the mattress to dry completely, in a well-ventilated area, for at least four hours. Although steamers do not leave a lot of moisture behind, some of it might still remain trapped inside as a result of heavy steaming on very deep stains.

How hot should a mattress steamer be?

In order to obtain the expected results, make sure that the water in the steamer gets heated to at least 212 Fahrenheit degrees so that it is powerful enough to disinfect your mattress.

What is a good mattress?

January 7, 2021 by Joseph Hughes. A good mattress is a great sleep companion! It allows you to get a good night’s rest, only to wake up feeling fresh in the morning. How does a dirty mattress sound like?

Do you need a separate upholstery steam cleaner?

Even though you do not have to get a separate upholstery steam cleaner, because you can use your carpet cleaner, you need to keep a few things in mind. For instance, you should know that the steam may damage the elastic parts of the mattress if you heat the water up too much. Make sure you select a medium heat setting.

Can you use foam to remove bedbugs?

The second option uses powder or foam with chemical stain removers. Furthermore, even if it is better to call a professional exterminator, in case you have to deal with a bedbug infestation, you can also go for steam cleaning which is an excellent choice for routine sanitization and cleaning, as well.

How to clean a damp mattress?

Open the bedroom window to air the room and help to dry the damp mattress. If you don't have a steam carpet cleaner and you cannot afford to rent one, you can rub carpet cleaning solution over the mattress using a wire brush. Do not allow the water reservoir to run dry while steam cleaning.

How to clean a mattress with dust mites?

Step 1. Remove dirty bedding and place into the washing machine. Plug in the vacuum, which can be any type provided it is equipped with a hand-tool attachment. Switch it on and using the hand-tool to vacuum each side of the mattress thoroughly to remove the build up of dirt and dust mites.

How to keep mites off mattress?

Once dry, place the mattress back on the base. Place a clean mattress protector on the bed to prevent mites feeding on dead skin cells and to keep the mattress clean. Make up the bed with clean bed linens.

What happens if you don't remove dirt from a mattress?

If dirt and bugs are not removed from a mattress, the effects can be detrimental to human health, potentially causing allergies and breathing difficulties. Advertisement.

Can you over wet a mattress?

Do not over wet the mattress, as it will take too long to dry and could cause more mold to form within the mattress. Allow one side of the mattress to dry before turning the mattress over to clean the other side.

Can you steam clean a mattress?

Do not allow the water reservoir to run dry while steam cleaning. When changing the water reservoir, switch off the electricity. Carpet cleaning solution can be used to clean mattresses. Steam clean a mattress twice a year with a carpet cleaner to remove dirt as unhealthy spores of mold and mildew can collect within the mattress due ...

How do I clean a carpet mattress?

Some people do it at this step, while others prefer to clean the top and then lean the mattress against the wall to clean the other side.

How to keep a mattress clean?

Tips for Keeping Your Mattress Clean. If you do not have a mattress pad, consider buying one. Not all pads are the same, so consider what you want from your pad. Spills. Pads are commonly sold to protect against basic wear and tear. Look for a mattress pad labeled waterproof.

Why do I need to clean my mattress?

Whenever you do anything to your bed, from fluffing the sheets to tossing and turning while you sleep, you disturb some of the stuff on and in your mattress. It also decreases your risk of allergies. Dust, mites, and fungus can cause allergies. Cleaning your mattress eliminates one source of potential allergens.

How do I clean a memory foam mattress?

Instead, follow these steps to clean a memory foam mattress: 1 Vacuum. Either a handheld vacuum cleaner or a floor vacuum will work as well. Use either the small brush attachment or crevice tool to get into the mattress’s nooks and crannies. 2 Spot clean. Dilute fabric cleaner or a mild detergent with a 2:1 ratio and put it in a spray bottle. Lightly spray your cleaner onto dirty areas, use a clean rag or sponge to get the stain out, and use a second rag to wipe off any remaining dirt or soapy film. 3 Let the mattress dry. A hairdryer makes an excellent memory foam dryer. Avoid the highest setting to avoid damaging the mattress. The hair dryer should be four to six inches away from the mattress.

How to get a stain out of a mattress?

Lightly spray your cleaner onto dirty areas, use a clean rag or sponge to get the stain out, and use a second rag to wipe off any remaining dirt or soapy film. Let the mattress dry. A hairdryer makes an excellent memory foam dryer. Avoid the highest setting to avoid damaging the mattress.

Why does my mattress last longer?

However, if you have allergy symptoms—things like a stuffy nose and sneezing —then your bed might be the cause. Your mattress lasts longer. The sweat and dirt that soaks into the fabric will begin to weaken it prematurely. Like with other fabrics, they last longer when clean.

How much sweat do you leave in your mattress?

As to sweat—over the course of a year, it is estimated that you leave 26 gallons of sweat in your bed. Hopefully, you can see now why you should clean your mattress once a year.

Can You Use a Carpet Cleaner on a Mattress?

Put simply, the answer to this question is “yes”. In fact, carpet cleaner might be the best at-home cleaning option that you have to clean your mattress. However, you need to make sure you do it the right way.

Are Carpet Cleaners Harmful to the Mattress?

They can be if you use the wrong cleaning products. It’s vitally important that you read up on the manufacturer’s instructions for whatever carpet cleaner that you end up using.

Why Should I Pair Cleaning My Mattress With a House Cleaning Service?

Perhaps you’ve decided to clean your mattress on your own. If so, that’s your prerogative. But it isn’t the only cleaning need that you have.

Hire a House Cleaning Service for Your Home Today

Now that you have your answer to the question of “can you use a carpet cleaner on a mattress?”, it’s time to reach out to a house cleaning service.

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