cleaning candle wax out of carpet

by Skye Wolff MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How To Remove Candle Wax From Carpet By Freezing It

  1. You need a bag of ice or even better a flat ice pack. The idea here is that you place it over the wax and let it freeze.
  2. Using a butter knife, chip away at the wax and it will come off in little bits. ...
  3. Next up you want to use a carpet cleaner. ...
  4. The last thing you want to do is give the carpet a good vacuuming to bring it back to its former glory.

Dampen a white cotton towel, fold it in half and place it over the wax. Press an iron set on “high” over the towel for 10 seconds. The heat will draw the wax out of the carpet and into the towel. Repeat until the wax is gone (you may have to hold the iron in place for up to 30 seconds).Dec 18, 2020

How do you remove candle wax from carpet?

Using Heat to Remove Wax From Carpet

  • Gather Your Supplies. When opting to work with heat in order to get candle wax out of your carpet, you will require just a few supplies.
  • Setting Up Your Towel. Select a cotton towel or multiple towels that will cover as much of the spill area as possible. ...
  • Heating Up the Wax in Your Carpet. ...
  • Video. ...

How to remove wax from carpet in 3 steps?

Here’s how to make and use this natural stain remover:

  • Mix ¼ cup salt, ¼ cup white vinegar, and ¼ cup borax into a paste.
  • Apply the paste to the stained area.
  • Let it dry for 24 hours and then vacuum.
  • Clean with water to remove any residue left behind.
  • Blot the area with a clean, dry cloth.

What is the easiest way to remove candle wax?

How to Remove Candle Wax from Any Surface:

  1. Cloth. All you need is a paper towel (blotting paper works equally well), an iron, a normal towel, and any washing powder/soap/liquid.
  2. Wooden Surface. Blow dryer, white vinegar, water, white cloth, and furniture polish. ...
  3. Metal Surface. ...
  4. Vinyl Flooring. ...
  5. Glass. ...
  6. Painted Wall. ...
  7. Carpet. ...
  8. Leather Furniture. ...

How to clean up spilled Scentsy wax easily.?

How to Clean Up Spilled Scentsy Wax. There are a couple different ways people say to clean up spilt wax. Put the fabric the wax has spilled on onto an ironing board. Put a paper towel over the wax and then iron over it. The iron melts the wax again and the paper towel absorbs it right up!


How do you get candle wax out of a carpet without an iron?

If you're looking for ways to remove wax from a carpet without an iron, you can try using a hairdryer instead.Start by scraping the wax with a blunt knife when it is dry and hard. ... Once this is done, put a damp and clean towel on the stain.Set your hairdryer to a low or medium temperature and place it over the towel.More items...•

How do you get candle wax off carpet and upholstery?

Use an ice bag to harden the spilled wax. Flake the wax off of the upholstery with a dull knife such as a butter knife. Gently iron the stain with a warm iron, changing the paper when the wax transfers to the paper. Blot the area with rubbing alcohol to remove any remaining residue.

How do you remove dried candle wax?

Clothing or Other Cloth Place the item in the freezer for about a half hour, scrape off the hardened wax, then use the trusted iron-and-brown-bag approach. If a stubborn stain persists, try stain-remover or a dab of laundry detergent before you launder it.

Does candle wax stain carpet?

Candle wax is a common substance that can stain the carpets, but few know how to tackle it. Though it may seem initially hopeless, candle wax is actually a lot easier than you may think to get out of your carpet.

Remove Candle Wax From Carpet By Freezing It

The first method we are going to look at is using the power of ice, and I am not talking about cryogenically freezing the carpet for future generations to clean it with their advanced technology either!

How To Get Candle Wax Out Of Carpet By Melting It

Put the flamethrower away and make sure you are very careful when you are using heat to get rid of the wax that has been spilled on the carpet. If you have already tried freezing the wax and chipping it away and it has not worked, now it is time to heat things up a little bit.

Preventing Wax From Getting On Your Carpet

I will not lie, getting wax out of carpet is a chore that most of us can do without. It, as you can see, is not hard, it is just really annoying. The way you can avoid this is with a little prevention and I have a few tips for you.

Step One: Scrape and Remove the Wax

The first step to getting candle wax out of carpet is to remove what you can first. However, the trick is not to rub it in further. So how do you get candle wax out of carpet without creating a bigger mess? Here is how to scrape and remove what you can of the hardened wax.

Step Two: Dampen and Iron the Carpet

With most of the candle wax delicately chipped away and scraped up, it’s time to remove the rest of the more caked-in wax below the surface.

Step Three: Clean the Carpet

Even once you remove all the wax with a butter knife, iron and wet towels, there will still be a visible stain or slight discoloration. To return your carpet back to new, you’ll need some heavy-duty carpet cleaner.

Place Lit Candles Out of Reach

Candles offer decorative accent pieces on a coffee table or bedside nightstand. But if you (or your kids or dog) are accident-prone, place the candle somewhere else temporarily while it is lit. Keep it higher on a fireplace mantel or shelf, out of reach of rambunctious kids and wagging tails.

Store Candles Properly

Learning how to store candles properly can prevent a wax mishap, too. The last thing you want is to store candles in a warm attic or freezing basement where they can pre-melt or harden, weakening the wax when you light the candle again.

Use a Wax Dipper or Snuffer

Never blow out the flame with your breath. Filling your lungs up and blowing the candle out forcefully can almost guarantee splatters. Not to mention, it can disrupt the pool of wax, making it uneven which, in turn, can shorten the lifespan of your candle.

Use Reed Diffusers

Want to avoid spilled candle wax entirely? Use a reed diffuser instead! Homesick reed diffusers offer the same wonderful scents you love without the worry over messy wax.

How to remove candle wax from fabric

Use a razor blade scraper or an exacto knife and scrape off as much wax as possible. If you have a vacuum with a hose attachment, use it to suck up any remaining shards. Next, use ice-cold water and paper towels to wipe off as much wax residue as possible.

How to remove candle wax from hardwood floors

Getting candle wax out of hardwood floors isn’t a big deal—or, it shouldn’t be. If you catch it quickly, you can use cold water and gentle scraping with a dull knife (try under a faucet) to remove most of it. On area rugs or wool carpets, however, hot water is more effective because wax melts in higher temperatures.

How to remove candle wax from carpet

There are many different ways that you can remove candle wax from carpeting. The problem with removing candle wax is not just getting it out, but knowing how to get it out without damaging your carpet. Here are a few methods that I have used when removing candle wax from my carpets and rugs.

How to remove candle wax from tile

If you’ve accidentally knocked over a lit candle, make sure it is completely extinguished and then wipe up any residual wax. If some wax has dripped onto tile, mix equal parts baking soda and salt in a bowl. Scrub with a brush or scouring pad until all wax is removed. Rinse clean with warm water.

How to remove candle wax from linoleum

First, you must use a dry paper towel or similar tool to scrape off any excess wax. Then sprinkle a layer of baking soda over the wax stain and let it sit for several hours. Vacuum up the area, then wash with warm water and soap. Repeat if necessary. Next, pour boiling water over the wax stain on carpet (it’s not safe to apply heat directly).

How to remove candle wax from laminate flooring

Remove wax as soon as possible, so it doesn’t soak into your floor. If you have a hard time picking up all of it, wear a pair of rubber gloves and use ice cubes to chill it. Then scrape off as much wax as you can with a dull butter knife. Next, mix 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol with 1/2 cup vinegar in a bowl or resealable plastic bag.

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