cleaning carpet and using essential oils

by Prof. Bartholome Balistreri II Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  • Summer Citrus. This baking soda carpet cleaner blend is great to freshen and brighten your home. The citrus essential oils are light and airy and will evaporate quickly.
  • Minty Fresh. Mint is a wonderful deodorizer and often helps to alleviate headaches. Be careful not to use too much because mint can be irritating.
  • Walk in the Woods. This blend will make you want to breathe deeply. It will help open the sinuses and will clear unpleasant odors in a hurry.
  • Spring Garden. This baking soda carpet cleaner blend is ideal for the flower lover. I t has a floral scent that is deep and relaxing.
  • Herbal. This herbal scent is fresh and invigorating. It will leave your home smelling clean and fresh. ...

Part of a video titled Natural Carpet Cleaner Recipe With Essential Oils - YouTube
So we're going to add 15 drops of our home body essential oil blend. Let's put the lid. On. And thenMoreSo we're going to add 15 drops of our home body essential oil blend. Let's put the lid. On. And then we'll shake to mix and we'll put a paper towel over it so that we don't get powder everywhere.

How do you make homemade carpet cleaner?

  • What is the best homemade carpet cleaning solution?
  • How do you clean a really dirty carpet?
  • How can I make my carpet soft and fluffy again?
  • Can you use laundry detergent in a carpet cleaner?
  • Does baking soda make carpet softer?
  • What does baking soda do for carpets?
  • Does vinegar and baking soda remove old stains from carpet?

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What is the best carpet cleaner product?

Types of Carpet Cleaner Solutions

  • Powder Cleaners - Sprinkled over the carpet and then vacuumed up. ...
  • Liquid Cleaners - Provided in a solution for use in an electric carpet cleaner. ...
  • Foam Cleaners - Form a foam on contact with the carpet to reduce the amount of water needed so carpets dry quickly.
  • Specialized Cleaners - Formulated to remove particular odors such as animal urine.

How to find the best carpet cleaner?

What to Look for When Buying Carpet

  • piles: the way carpet appears cut or looped
  • carpet fibers: materials used to make the fabric
  • density and weight: how thick or heavy it is
  • carpet treatments: products added during or after manufacturing to provide extra protection against stains or moisture
  • carpet pads: the layer underneath that affects the feel and wear

What is the best homemade carpet cleaning solution?

Best DIY carpet cleaning solutions Vinegar carpet cleaner White vinegar is the superhero of stain removal and it’s one of the best natural carpet cleaners around.


Can I use essential oils in a carpet cleaner?

It's absolutely true. Replacing essential oils with regular cleaning solutions can be done with the help of essential oils. 3 parts distilled water, 1 part vinegar, a few drops of dish soap, and a few drops of oil are all that's needed to clean carpets.

Will essential oils ruin carpet?

In addition, essential oils do not stain the carpet or other fabrics like cooking oils do, so using essential oils on the carpet is OK. However, if you prefer to leave them out, vinegar and baking soda will be just fine.

How do I deodorize my carpet with essential oils?

Directions:Combine 4 TBSPs of baking soda in a container. Add about 10-15 drops of your essential oil and mix.Sprinkle all over the carpet, giving special attention to the areas that are most stinky. Don't grind it in, just let it sit, preferable overnight.Vacuum the entire mixture up thoroughly.

How do you keep your carpet clean and smelling good?

Pour a generous amount of white vinegar into a spray bottle.Spray the white vinegar onto the carpet. Don't worry – the smell will disappear (and it will actually absorb any other bad odors you're trying to eliminate).Let it dry completely, and then repeat the process over again, as needed.

What essential oils make carpet smell good?

This is my favorite way to get started with essential oils. I like to use doTERRA's Purify blend for all sorts of deodorizing purposes around the house, including this DIY carpet freshener. Other good options for a strong, fresh scent are Lemon, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Rosemary, or Spearmint.

Will peppermint oil stain carpet?

Q: Do essential oils stain? A: Other than the exceptions listed below, pure essential oils do not stain. Because they are volatile, the oil evaporates without leaving a grease stain on clothes or fabrics like you could get from a drop of carrier oil.

What essential oil eliminates odors?

Some of the most popular essential oils for odor control are as follows: lemon, lemongrass, rosemary, lavender, tea tree, and orange.

How can I naturally freshen up my carpet?

Vinegar is a powerhouse odor-fighter, especially for musty, moldy smells. In a spray bottle, combine one cup vinegar with 2 cups of warm water, and spritz the area after testing it in an inconspicuous spot. Allow it to dry, then vacuum.

What is the best natural carpet cleaner?

These are some of the best—and simplest, in terms of ingredients used—non-toxic solutions for cleaning your carpet naturally.Steam Vapor. ... Water + Vinegar + Salt. ... Baking Soda + Vinegar + Water. ... Salt + Borax + Vinegar. ... Baking Soda + Cornstarch + Cornmeal + Borax.

What can I sprinkle on carpet before vacuuming?

baking sodaSprinkling baking soda before you vacuum is a simple trick that will keep your carpet smelling fresher for longer. Sprinkle a light dusting of baking soda over your carpet, leave it to settle for a few minutes, and then vacuum as normal. Regular vacuuming is a simple way to keep your carpets cleaner for longer.

How long does it take to clean a vacuum?

On the areas that need extra attention, lightly spray with the All-Purpose Non-Toxic Cleaning Spray. The mixture will bubble a little. After about 30 seconds, dab up the damp mixture and vacuum up the remains. This spray recipe is a great all-purpose household cleaner all by itself.

Does spot check help with carpet odor?

It leaves a light, fresh scent and helps neutralize any normal household carpet odors. As with any cleaner or fabric treatment, please spot check this recipe on an unseen corner of the carpet to make sure that the color will not be affected. If this spot check is clear, then proceed with the full treatment of the entire room.

What is the best way to make linens smell good?

Freshen things up with Natural Beeswax Drawer Fresheners that will make your linens smell great. Also consider making a mattress spray with essential oils that are airborne antimicrobials (eucalyptus, lavender, tea tree, rosemary and Siberian fir are great options).

Can you use lavender oil on toys?

Kids’ Toys. You can never be cautious enough with children’s toys. When it comes to very young children, I normally only use lavender essential oil for cleaning. It works effectively against viruses and bacteria, especially in this Homemade Sanitizer Spray: Cleaning Toys Naturally.

Can you use essential oils in the bathroom?

Quite often people don’t think about using essential oils in the bathroom because they think essential oils aren’t powerful enough to tackle those tough germs. Wrong! Some essential oils like tea tree, oregano, and eucalyptus have been proven to work against viruses like the norovirus, influenza, and even Staphylococcus aureus. (Read more about Antiviral Essential Oils Here .)

Can essential oils be used to make wipes?

Let’s not forget about cleaning on-the-go. Essential oils can be used to create many effective sprays and wipes that will keep you safe from germs. These Homemade Wipes can be used on shopping carts, hands, and surfaces. I keep them in my purse all the time.

How to make a carpet cleaner with essential oil?

Place baking soda in a jar. Add essential oil. Shake well or mix with a fork. Sprinkle over carpet, covering well. Allow the mixture to remain on the carpet for several hours or overnight. Vacuum well. Repeat process if necessary. Save. Posted in Essential Oils, Home, Natural Home, Natural Wellness.

How to get rid of odors from carpet?

For thick carpets or rugs, you may want to use your fingers to work the baking soda down into the carpet. Give the mixture at least a few hours to absorb odors before vacuuming. Leaving it sit overnight is even better. You may need to repeat the process for particularly strong odors.

How to use carpet freshener?

How to Use DIY carpet freshener. Sprinkle the mixture liberally over the carpet, let it sit for at least a few hours or overnight, and then vacuum well. As you can see in the following picture, we’ve even used this DIY carpet freshener on upholstery.

What is the best essential oil to use for a spicy aroma?

If you love warm spicy aromas you might try Cinnamon , Clove, or On Guard. The process is super simple: just fill a jar partway with baking soda, then add your chosen essential oil (and a lid!) and shake or mix well with a fork.

How to make a sprayer with lavender essential oil?

15 drops lavender essential oil. 15 drops orange essential oil. 8 oz glass sprayer. Directions: Combine all ingredients in a glass spray bottle and shake to combine. To use, shake well and spray on the desired surface and wipe clean. 4.

How to clean a microwave with lemon oil?

Alternative method for microwave cleaning: Heat a cup of water in microwave safe container with 3 drops of Lemon oil for 4 minutes or until the point of steaming.

Why use white vinegar for cleaning?

White vinegar is used in many natural cleaning recipes because it is naturally antibacterial and antifungal. Plus it can cut grease and grime and dissolve mineral deposits.

How to make a mop for a sanding machine?

15 drops white fir essential oil. 5 drops lemon essential oil. Directions: Place all ingredients into a mop bucket or kitchen sink with a closed drain. Use the mop to clean floors with cleaning solution, no need to rinse off , allow to air dry. 7.

How to make castile soap?

1 tablespoon castile soap. Container with airtight lid or gallon ziplock bag. Directions: Cut paper towel in half with a serrated knife, using half now. Save the other half for the second batch you make. Combine water, essential oil, and castile soap in a small bowl. Place paper roll half into the container with a lid.

What is the best way to remove odors from a kitchen sink?

Baking soda is great for absorbing and eliminating odors around the home. It also offers gentle scrubbing action so you can also use it for cleaning countertops, sinks, and tubs. Buy Here

What size spray bottle should I use for cleaning?

Glass spray bottles are best for cleaning. 8 oz is the perfect size to use because it is enough for several cleaning sessions and not too big and bulky. I like to make new cleaners every 1-2 months so this size fits within that timing. Buy Here

How to make a carpet smell fresh?

Directions: Put the two ingredients in a container that can be sealed tightly with a lid. Shake the mixture and leave it to sit for about eight hours. Then, you’re free to use this mixture on a smelly carpet, but make sure it sits overnight. Vacuum the next day and enjoy the smell of freshness.

How to make a scented toilet cleaner?

Directions: Now you can make your own scented toilet cleaner, by mixing a couple of drops of tea tree or lemon oil with some baking soda, directly inside the toilet bowl. These are great essential oils for cleaning the bathroom.

How to clean a microwave with vinegar and lemon oil?

Directions: On an eight-ounce spray bottle , mix in the lemon oil, white vinegar, and hot water, and then spray the mixture inside your microwave or your fridge. Sc rub and clean using a damp cloth. Another popular method of cleaning the microwave is by heating a cup/bowl which contains three drops of lemon oil.

How to make a fragrance spray?

Directions: Add essential oils in an eight-ounce glass spray bottle and top off this off with distilled water. Shake well and spray around the room. Of course, you can diversify the ingredient to obtain the fragrance you most like.

How to make a paper roll with castile soap?

Directions: Grab a small bowl and mix the distilled water with castile soap and tea tree oil. Cut the paper roll in half and leave the other for later. Take the half you want to use in this batch and place them inside a sealable container.

How to make a scrub with water?

Directions: To make your own soft scrub, mix water, baking soda, and drops of wild orange, peppermint, or lemon. The result is a paste that you can easily store in a sealed glass jar and use it time and time again.

What is the best thing about cleaning the house?

One of the best things about cleaning the house is that awesome fragrance that just floats around every room. When thinking about floors, we normally associate their cleanliness with a scent of pine, and that’s where this recipe comes in.

What is the best way to neutralize a carpet?

Baking soda is an inexpensive yet great way to absorb and neutralize your bad household carpet odors. What I love is that I can also add essential oils to baking soda to create my own glade inspired carpet freshener. I know what your thinking….

How to make a carpet cleaner with baking soda?

Pour baking soda and essential oil mixture into the glass jar and screw on the top. Sprinkle carpet freshener mixture lightly on carpet and rugs. Allow Carpet Freshener to sit for at least 20 mins. Vacuum mixture slowly from carpet to ensure your vacuum has time to suction up carpet freshener.

What is a carpet freshener?

Carpet freshener is something you spray or sprinkle on a carpet to help cover or remove odors embedded into carpet fibers. Homemade Carpet freshener is not the same as a homemade carpet cleaner. Carpet fresheners don’t clean a carpet but help neutralize the odors trapped in the fibers.

How long should I leave baking soda on carpet?

I leave my homemade carpet mixture on the carpet or rug for no less than 20 mins so it gives the baking soda a chance to soak up the odor and for the carpet fibers to absorb some of the wonderful essential oil scents. You can leave carpet powder overnight if you need too.

How to make white vinegar spray?

Steps to make a white vinegar solution-. Start by adding warmed vinegar to a spray bottle not quite ½ way. Dilute vinegar by adding warm water to the spray bottle to create a 1-to-1 ratio. On the mist setting of the spray bottle, lightly spray the area. Allow to sit for 5-10 minutes.

Can carpet odors come from cooking?

But odors can also come from cooking o dors, I’m famous for burning toast. And we have a new rule in our house, all fish gets cooked outside! Carpet odors also are produced from fireplace smells if you burn wood like we do in the winter.

Can baking soda be used to freshen carpet?

Yes and no. Yes, baking soda is a safe natural way to freshen your carpet that is also safe for the whole family. The No answer comes with overuse. Baking soda is made of super-small particles. If you use too much, it can sift thru the fibers to the padding on the floor that no vacuum can get out.

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