cleaning dog urine from carpet with vinegar

by Miss Marina Anderson MD Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How to Clean Dog Urine with White Vinegar

  1. Blot up the wet urine using old bath or paper towels. Apply pressure by standing on the towels until they come away almost dry.
  2. Mix eight ounces of warm water with a teaspoonful of mild detergent, such as dishwashing liquid or general purpose-household cleaner.
  3. Clean carpeted areas by saturating a sponge with the soap solution and applying it to the area in a circular scrubbing motion.
  4. Combine one part white vinegar with three parts water. Pour it over the soiled area and allow it to rest for 10 minutes before drying.
  5. Wait for hard areas to dry and then check for any remaining residual odor or marks. Allow carpet to dry completely, then vacuum thoroughly to restore the pile.

In a clean spray bottle, mix one cup of distilled white vinegar with one cup of water and 2 teaspoons of baking soda. Shake it up to mix the ingredients, and then spray on the stain. Let it sit for a few minutes, and then blot with towels until clean.

How to naturally remove dog urine smell from the carpet?

Method 2 Method 2 of 3: Removing the Smell of Dog Urine

  1. Use a black light to spot dried-up urine stains. If your carpet has a lingering smell of urine, it might be difficult to spot the dried-up stain causing the ...
  2. Blot up fresh urine stains with a clean cloth. Soak up as much urine as you can from the carpet before cleaning it.
  3. Make a vinegar-baking soda spray. ...

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Why does my dog keep peeing on the carpet?

How to Train Your Dog to Stop Peeing on the Carpet?

  • Have Regular Bathroom Breaks. This method is especially favorable for puppies because they pee more than adult dogs. ...
  • Avoid Punishment for Accidents. Harsh treatment (with your dog) is never advised because punishing will lead to negative reinforcement.
  • Go Out Often. ...
  • Reward Good Behavior. ...
  • Rescheduling with the Growth. ...

What is the best carpet cleaning solution for dog urine?

  • Effective - The Angry Orange odor eliminator for strong odor eradicates even the toughest stains and traces of lingering pet smells.
  • Citrus Scent - Derived from oil found in fresh orange peels, our urine odor eliminator smells like heaven and works like hell.
  • Concentrated Cleaner - Each 8 oz. ...

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How to clean dog urine from carpet with vinegar?

How Do I Remove Dried Dog Urine Stains From Carpet With Vinegar?

  • Catch them in the act. It's much easier to remove urine from carpet when it's fresh. ...
  • DIY dog urine stain remover. ...
  • Resoak the stain. ...
  • Scrub it out. ...
  • The finishing touch. ...
  • Don't get steamed. ...
  • General tips and tricks. ...


Does vinegar neutralize dog urine?

Because the vinegar is acidic, it will neutralize the bacteria in the dog pee, offsetting its odor. Vinegar is pet safe, effective, cheap, and eco friendly. Let the vinegar solution sit for 3-5 minutes or carefully follow the instructions on the cleaning product's label.

Does vinegar and baking soda remove dog urine from carpet?

To get dog urine smell out of carpet surfaces, apply a solution of one cup water, one cup white vinegar, and 2 teaspoons of baking soda. Let the solution soak into the spot for 5 minutes, then blot it dry.

How do you get old dog urine stains out of carpet?

Mix a solution of 2 cups of warm water, 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap and 1/2 cup of vinegar. Dip a soft cloth or sponge into the mixture and apply to the soiled area. Blot lightly. Repeat the above a couple more times to remove a tough stain.

What does white vinegar do to dog urine?

Distilled white vinegar is an excellent cleaning solution because it is nontoxic, and it neutralizes the ammonia smell in your dog's pee. It also can kill 80 percent of germs and 99 percent of surface bacteria in the urine.

Can you put vinegar and water in a carpet cleaner?

Mix equal parts hot water and vinegar and pour in your carpet cleaner's reservoir tank. Clean your carpets as per your cleaner's instructions. Yes, vinegar might leave a temporary pickle smell in your home but it dissipates and disappears as your carpets dry.

What is the best carpet cleaner for dog urine?

The Nine Best Carpet Cleaners for Dog UrineAngry Orange Pet Odor Eliminator. ... Clean Carl's Pet Mess Products. ... Out! ... Clorox Urine Remover. ... Nature's Miracle Stain & Odor Eliminator. ... REMOVEURINE Severe Urine Neutralizer for Dog and Cat Urine. ... TriNova Natural Pet Stain and Odor Eliminator. ... Bubba's Enzymatic Cleaner.More items...•

Does vinegar remove old stains from carpet?

Techniques for Removing Old Stains From Carpet One of the simplest and most effective ways to remove old stains from your carpet is by using a combination of baking soda and vinegar.

Does dog pee ruin carpet?

Dog urine doesn't just stain your carpet, it can leave a foul odor behind and permanently ruin your carpet. Don't panic, you may be able to save your carpet. The trick is to quickly clean up the stain as soon as you notice it [source: Hinckley].

How do you get pet stains out of carpet that keeps coming back?

0:341:33How to Remove Carpet Stains That Keep Reappearing - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipNext thing you're going to take your white cloth and go over the spot and wipe it just blot it don'tMoreNext thing you're going to take your white cloth and go over the spot and wipe it just blot it don't rub. Hard next thing you're going to have your bottle of warm water you spray the area.

Does white vinegar remove urine smell?

Does vinegar remove urine odor? Yes, it does! Vinegar is part of almost every recipe for getting rid of that stinky urine odor. It helps you to easily sterilize the affected surface and renew it after the “urine” incidents.

Does vinegar sanitize urine?

The bottom line. There's no evidence that vinegar “cleans” your system. Even if it did, your urine sample likely wouldn't be accepted. If you're concerned about an upcoming test, your best bet is to simply let your body work things out naturally.

How to get rid of dog urine smell in carpet?

A very effective solution to neutralizing the dog’s urine is using white vinegar and water. The ratio should be 50:50. Mix them together gently in an empty spray bottle or jar. Pour this mixture over the stained area. Scrub thoroughly to make sure a deep cleaning on the carpet surface

What is the best way to remove pet urine?

Hydrogen peroxide is known as the most powerful pet urine remover. It does an excellent job to dissolve the bold stain and diminish bacteria.

How to get rid of urine smell on floor?

Start by soaking up the urine using a paper towel. Create a solution by mixing liquid dish soap with water, or you can try floor cleaner. Baking soda and vinegar can also be used here. Spray over the spotted area and let the solution on the floor for about 5 minutes. Finish your work by wiping the area with a wet mop or towel to clean the remaining solution properly.

What is the best way to clean a pet?

Odor and Stains are the most common problem to deal with when you are a pet lover. However, the best things you can do avoid harsh chemicals and use homemade cleaning solutions like baking soda, vinegar, etc. They are not only excellent for cleaning but pet friendly also.

Does vinegar help with urine?

It will help in two ways. The vinegar will completely neutralize the bacteria present in urine due to its acidic nature and eliminate much of the odor.

How to get dog urine smell out of carpet?

By re-wetting the stain, you can ensure that all the dog urine is entirely removed from your carpet. The white vinegar neutralizes all the ammonia in the dog urine, which helps counteract the odor.

What to do if dog urine gets soaked in carpet?

At that point, you might need to replace your carpet or even get a professional cleaner that utilizes water extraction techniques to clean your carpet.

How long does it take for baking soda to dry on carpet?

That might take 1-2 days, or it might be just overnight, depending on the amount of vinegar and water solution applied on the spot. When it dries completely, vacuum all the baking soda from your carpet, and your carpet will be free from any stains or bad smells.

What is the best way to clean a carpet?

Baking soda and white vinegar are two of the most useful ingredients for cleaning a lot of things in the household, including tough pet stains in your carpet. The less we use chemical-based cleaning agents on our floors and carpets, the less we expose the pets we own to any harsh substances.

How to get rid of pet urine stain on furniture?

Using a paper towel, blot the urine stain dry and don’t rub it. Rubbing the pet stain with a paper towel will only spread the urine stain more. Simply pat the urine stain with a towel, unless you are planning on rearranging all the furniture to cover the entire stain.

What is the best way to get rid of dog urine smell?

But the strongest, all-natural cleaning solution for dog urine is a mixture of vinegar and baking soda.

What to do if towel doesn't soak up pet urine?

If the towel isn’t soaking up the pet urine anymore, consider replacing it. Then, continue patting the urine stain until the whole spot is completely dry.

What is the best way to get rid of cat urine smell in carpet?

If You’re finding that it’s a tough stain, you might want to try the version made for cat urine. Cat urine generally sticks around more than dog’s, so the kinds made to get rid of cat urine are stronger because of that. Something else you can try is vinegar. It’s actually really good at getting rid of carpet smells.

How do I get rid of dog urine smell in my kitchen?

I use a few different treatments for cleaning dog urine which work well as use banking soda, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide or enzyme cleaner . Sprinkling stain with dry washing powder with enzymes works well to remove the scent to help prevent attracting animals to re-offend.

How to get rid of a wet vacuum?

3. When the area has dried or almost dried sprinkle a good handful of baking soda over the soiled area. Mix half a cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide with a teaspoon of detergent. Ordinary dishwashing detergent is quite suitable.

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Directions #2: As with Direction #1, blot or clean up as much as possible. Mix 2 cups of lukewarm water with 2 cups of white distilled vinegar. Instead of adding the baking soda to the liquid, sprinkle it dry liberally over the area where the accident occurred. Let it break down and deodorize for about 5 minutes, then vacuum.

How to get rid of urine smell in carpet?

Also, some spray fabric deodorizers such as Nature’s Miracle can help too. Bi-carb of soda is a cheap & effective treatment to absorb urine odors. Sometimes it takes a few treatments to completely remove odor & do the test on a hidden patch of carpet first to check carpet colorfastness.

How to clean up a book?

Thoroughly blot up as much of whatever it is you’re cleaning up. Fold up a rag over it , place a heavy book on it and stand on the book to make sure you really get it all out sounds extreme, but it does a good job!)

Can you see dog urine on carpet?

You can find dried urine patches on your carpet with the aid of a black light. The dog urine stains will fluoresce under the ultra violet light in a darkened room. 2.

How to clean dog urine from a dog?

Let the baking soda sit for 15 minutes and then vacuum it up. If you look at and smell the area, you'll realize that cleaning dog urine with vinegar and baking soda is highly effective. The key part of the process is making sure the area doesn't smell anymore.

What is the best way to clean dog urine?

Distilled white vinegar is an excellent cleaning solution because it is nontoxic, and it neutralizes the ammonia smell in your dog's pee. It also can kill 80 percent of germs and 99 percent of surface bacteria in the urine. Advertisement.

How to get urine out of carpet?

Follow the same steps as you would when finding a stain anywhere else. Use multiple wet paper towels to soak up the urine and then pour the same solution— one part water, one part vinegar —onto your carpet. White vinegar will not fade your carpet fibers.

Why does my dog pee in the house?

If your dog is urinating in the house on a regular basis, you should first take him to the vet to see if there are any medical issues occurring. If you have a puppy, he's simply going through training and hasn't yet learned the best etiquette. You'll need to make sure you train him properly before your whole house smells like dog urine.

Can you catch a dog's urine smell?

If your dog is going somewhere that's easy to clean, like his crate or a hardwood floor, it's going to be much easier to get rid of the urine and its smell. Advertisement. Hopefully, you'll be able to catch the urine and get rid of it before it dries. Otherwise, it could start to attract bacteria as well as stain the material into which it's ...

How to get rid of dog pee spots on carpet?

Use a black light to locate the dog pee spots on your carpet. Turn off all other lights and keep the blacklight a few feet from the floor. Dog pee spots appear under the black light as a dull green or yellow. To confirm that the stain is indeed dog pee, sorry, but you will have to use the smell test.

How to get rid of dog pee smell?

Using baking soda: Sprinkle baking soda over the vinegar mixture. This is the exciting part because the baking soda will react with the vinegar, creating a foam. This will help neutralize the dog pee odor further. Cover the vinegar stain with a damp towel for 24 hours, then rinse with clean water and vacuum if necessary.

What is the best way to clean a carpet?

Dishwashing Sponge: Stubborn stains such as dried urine and feces should be wiped away with a dishwashing sponge to loosen their grip on carpet fibers. A sea sponge or an old cloth are also good alternatives. Toothbrush: To work in the cleaning solutions, a soft brush such as a toothbrush is economical and efficient.

What to do if urine gets soaked in carpet?

At that point, you may need to replace the carpet or buy a professional carpet cleaner that uses water suction to clean your carpet.

How to get vomit acid out of a sandpaper?

Blot with a towel to remove the moisture. Mix a solution of 2 cups of warm water, 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of dish soap, and 1/2 cup of vinegar.

What is the best way to remove pet odor?

Baking Soda: This natural deodorant is common in baking. This is usually applied during the final steps of stain cleaning to remove pet odor.

How to get rid of a smelly carpet?

Start by rinsing the area thoroughly with plain water. Rent a wet vacuum cleaner and keep saturating and vacuuming the area until it is clean. Do not use a steam cleaner, as the heat will permanently set the odor and stains. If you don’t want to rent a wet vacuum, try repeatedly wetting and dabbing the area with warm water and clean towels.

How to get dog urine smell out of floor?

Test it in a small area first, and then follow directions on the product’s package. When the urine and its odor are completely removed, clean the floor with whatever you usually use on it. Regardless of what your dog has piddled on, your best course of action is to act fast.

How to get dog urine out of hardwood floor?

Place a thick wad of paper towels or dish towels on the puddle. You can stand on the towels for a few minutes to speed up absorption. Continue using fresh towels to soak up the urine, until a towel comes up dry.

How to get rid of odor from vinegar?

Either way, test the solution on a small inconspicuous section of floor first. If the odor lingers, sprinkle baking soda on the floor while it’s still damp, and let it sit for at least several hours or overnight.

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Another method adds one more household staple, vinegar. In a clean spray bottle, mix one cup of distilled white vinegar with one cup of water and 2 teaspoons of baking soda. Shake it up to mix the ingredients, and then spray on the stain. Let it sit for a few minutes, and then blot with towels until clean.

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Another method adds one more household staple, vinegar. In a clean spray bottle, mix one cup of distilled white vinegar with one cup of water and 2 teaspoons of baking soda.

How to get rid of a stale smell?

And for this, a common household item is your best weapon: baking soda. Spread baking soda thi nly and evenly across the damp spot, being careful not to overdo it; about 1/4 cup or less is enough for most stains.

How to get rid of urine stains on a carpet?

Place a thick layer of paper to wels over the wet spot, and, if possible, under it, as well. Cover that with a thick layer of newspaper. You can stand on the paper for a few minutes to help it absorb the urine more quickly, or just leave the paper until most of the urine is soaked up. Then remove all the paper and rinse the area with cool water.

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