cleaning hardwood floors under carpet

by Jade Green Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  1. Determine the type of surface finish used on the hardwood floor. Old hardwood floors usually have a wax finish while more recent hardwood floors have a polyurethane finish.
  2. Remove any remnants from the carpet installation. This includes staples, tackless strips and nails. Vacuum the floor to remove all dust and debris.
  3. Mix a wood-floor cleanser with water, according to the manufacturer's directions. ...
  4. Examine the floor for stains. If there are small stains on the floor, remove them with rubbing alcohol or fine steel wool.
  5. Complete the cleaning process by applying a surface finish. Use wax on a waxed floor and wood-floor polish on a polyurethane finish.

What are the advantages of hardwood over carpet?

Places You Can Learn About Hardwood Flooring Types and Reviews

  • Flooring Brands Review – Informative blog that offers reviews and comparisons for carpeting, hardwood flooring, laminate and vinyl flooring.
  • Contempo Floor Coverings, Inc. ...
  • Treehugger – Find out more about sustainable and eco friendly wood floor types

How to lay carpet without harming hardwood?

Things You'll Need

  • Pencil
  • Carpet Pad
  • Carpet Cutter
  • Carpet Glue
  • Carpet Nails
  • Tackless Strips
  • Knee Kicker
  • Measuring Tape
  • Sheet-Metal Snips
  • Framing Square

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Should I install carpet on hardwood floor?

Padding and Layers Under Hardwood Flooring

  • Red Rosin Paper or Builder's Felt. Paper or felt are two materials that are traditionally installed between hardwood flooring and the subfloor.
  • Solid Underlayment. Instead of soft underlayment, it is possible to lay down a solid underlayment that is specially designed for absorbing sound.
  • Rubberized Membrane. ...
  • Thick Underlayment With Intervening Plywood. ...

How do we put hardwood over carpet?

  • Dirt and debris left on the floor’s surface before the install can cause scratches and blemishes.
  • An inferior or absent vapor barrier will allow liquids to pool on the wood’s surface, damaging the stain and possibly warping the timber.
  • A plastic carpet padding will scuff the surface of your hardwoods over time.

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How do you clean hardwood floors under carpet?

Use a hardwood floor cleaner, such as Bona floor cleaner, that you can spray directly on the floor or fill a bucket with warm water and 1/4 cup dish soap. Sweep very dirty floors with a bristle broom to collect any large debris in a dustpan.

How do you clean floorboards before laying carpet?

Clean the floor. You can use a broom and dust pan or shop vac to clean your floors of dirt, debris, and old staples. Do NOT use a house vacuum, as chunks of plaster, wood chips, or staples could irreparably damage it.

How do you remove stuck carpet padding from a wood floor?

Use a mix of warm water and dish soap to loosen any glue holding the carpet padding into place. For stubborn sections, try using a mix of vinegar and water or paint thinner and water to loosen the glue. If you want to avoid refinishing the floors, opt for an acrylic-based paint remover instead of paint thinner.

How do I know if my hardwood floor is under carpet?

0:021:20How to know if you have hardwood under your old carpet part 2YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipEnough you don't want to peel back a ton just enough to expose the pad where you can then pull theMoreEnough you don't want to peel back a ton just enough to expose the pad where you can then pull the padding back and there you can see that this room does have oak hardwood flooring underneath it.

How do you clean a dirty subfloor?

Start by thoroughly vacuuming or sweeping the particle board to remove any loose dust and dirt. Next, combine either one part vinegar with one part water or 1 part bleach with 3 parts water in the bucket. Either of these solutions will eliminate the smell and the bleach will also disinfect.

How do I clean a floor before subfloor?

Combine 1 cup of warm water, 1/4 cup of mild dishwashing soap and 1/3 cup of white vinegar in a spray bottle. Shake well, spray it onto one spot of the subfloor, wipe it off with a cloth and check the results. If it worked, you can then mix a larger amount in a bucket and clean the subfloor with a sponge.

Do rug pads ruin hardwood floors?

Rug pads for hardwood floors are a very important purchase. The wrong rug pad can permanently damage your floor. Many unsuspecting homeowners end up with stained, severely discolored floors due to a chemical reaction between the rug pad material and the polyurethane finish.

How do I clean under my carpet?

Remove the surface carpet. ... Vacuum any lose dirt and debris from the underlay. ... Put on kitchen gloves or other protective rubber gloves.Soak a soft cloth in oxygen bleach and wring it out over a sink or bucket so that the cloth is moist, but will not cause bleach to pool on any surface it touches.More items...

How do you remove carpet glue from hardwood floors naturally?

Using White Vinegar Apply the white vinegar solution to the old carpet adhesive and let it sit for several minutes. The solution will soften the adhesive and start to dissolve it. Scrub the floors with the grain with a soft-bristled brush to remove the rest of the adhesive.

Can you get sick from pulling up old carpet?

Old carpet also increases your risk of asthma attacks. The allergens in old carpet can reduce the indoor air quality of your home and trigger asthma attacks just like they trigger nasal congestion, sneezing, itchy eyes, and other allergic reactions.

What is usually underneath carpet?

Directly beneath the floor surface Working down from directly under the floor surface, you may encounter a number of things. Under carpet, the next layer is usually a sheet of what's known as 'underlay'. The underlay can be made of foam, rubber or felt padding, and will act as additional cushioning and sound buffering.

When did they stop putting hardwood floors in homes?

While a number of homes built after the mid-'60s do have hardwood floors, that was the time when a home began to be considered a home even without them.

How do I clean a hardwood floor?

Make sure nails, staples, and other debris are all off the floor. Vacuum well and ensure that no dust, wood splinters, and other remnants are left on the floor. 2. Thoroughly wash the hardwood floor. I used the Bona hardwood floor cleaner system.

What is the best tool to pull staples from a carpet?

Hammer – for pulling nails from the floor. Pliers – for pulling staples holding carpet pad. Masking tape or duct tape – helps for securing rolls of carpet & padding for removal. Safety glasses – protect your eyes when pulling staples and nails from the floor.

Is Weiman polish safe for hardwood floors?

An important note about the Weiman polish and restorer product is that it is safe for all hardwood floor finishes. Our hardwood floor did not appear to have a polyurethane finish. (We still need to figure out exactly what was used to finish our floors in the 1960s – varnish or wax.)

How to Clean Old Hardwood Floors after Removing Carpet

The chances are that your hardwood floor has been in hibernation under your carpet. So, you need to take some steps to bring it back to life. Below is a step to step procedure to restore your hardwood after carpet removal.

How to Clean Subfloor After Removing Carpet

Sometimes after removing the carpet or rug, you are left with a smelly subfloor ridden with molds and mildew, and specks of dust. Below are steps on how to clean the subfloor after removing the carpet.

How To Remove Carpet Pad Stains from Hardwood Floors

Removing carpet from your hardwood floors comes with the dreaded possibility of carpet pad stains.


There is no hard and fast rule when it comes to cleaning old hardwood floors after removing carpet. The only rule that should guide you is treading carefully and gently. You don’t want to damage your hardwood floor in a bid to get rid of carpet stains and residue.

Goodbye, Carpet

The carpet was nearly wall-to-wall on both levels of the house, including some that had found its way into the main bathroom. (Why was bathroom carpet ever a thing?) Eric and I gleefully pulled it up and piled it in the breezeway, the first step in restoring the house to its former 1960s glory.

Restoring Our Hardwoods

We got to work cleaning up the floor. This involved ripping out staples, prying up carpet tack strips and scraping off the carpet padding where it was stuck to the floor. This was work of the neck and back breaking variety. Thankfully we had help from Eric’s brother, Andy.

And Good Riddance, Stained Glass Light

Along with the carpet, this stained glass light was quickly escorted from the premises. Eric disconnected and removed it before anyone had a chance for a vertical faceplant. Nothing against brown and nothing against glass, but I don’t want to see them together in this particular house.

How to Remove Carpet and Restore Hardwoods

Remove baseboards with a small pry bar (carefully if you want to keep them, or recklessly if you’re getting rid of them and want to have a little fun).

What is the best way to clean wood floors?

Two of the more popular methods to clean your wood floors are with water and dish soap or water and vinegar. Similar to using vinegar to clean carpets, this is a safe, effective, and homemade cleaner.

How to get rid of dirt under carpet?

On the other hand, vinegar and water is a good and effective way to cut through the built up dirt and grime that has been collecting for years under your carpet. Just the same as vinegar works wonders in cleaning carpets, it can cut through the grime on your flooring.

How to cut down on mopping hardwood floors?

The best way to cut down on having to mop is to sweep your hardwood floors daily and hand wipe up any messes. Try a stick vacuum for hardwood floors if you don’t want to sweep. Either way, daily small cleaning efforts will cut down on needing to heavy clean constantly.

How to keep a floor from warping?

Liquid and water can cause permanent warping damage. One safe method is to use vinegar and water, drying the floor by towel as soon as you’re done cleaning it. Mix 1 cup of vinegar per gallon of water, and wash the floors with a mop.

What happens when you remove carpet?

Once the carpet is removed, there will be more than likely be large clumps of adhesive, staples and dust left on the ground. The room might look pretty roughed up, looking like it belongs in an abandoned house.

Where are the tack strips on carpet?

The tack strips are generally located around the very edges of where the carpet meets the walls.

Can you pull up carpet too fast?

There might be a residual carpet tack that stayed with the carpet, so be careful. Don’t pull the carpet up too fast. Similar to working with engineered hardwood, the top layer of your newly exposed hardwood flooring is very fragile. Keep the dust mask on for this process.

What do you use to clean hardwood floors?

To clean floors, professionals use chemical cleaners that sometimes require special expertise and safety equipment to safely handle. Professionals also use pieces of equipment that you might not have at home like buffers and scrubbers with assorted accessories to clean hardwood floors.

How to clean a soiled floor?

Choose one with a flat or matte finish. Use protective covering for your nose and eyes to prevent fumes from getting in your eyes and nose when working. Thoroughly clean the floor: If you’ve not cleaned it, vacuum it, wash and mop it with vinegar and water.

What to do if you spot termites on your floor?

If you spot any, call a professional to remove and replace them. Damages, when not repaired, can spread to other parts of the floor or the entire home.

Can you use dishwashing soap on hardwood floors?

For cheap floor cleaners, there are various types of cleaners that you can clean your hardwood floor with. You can get commercial grade cleaners from a store near you, you can use dishwashing soap or detergent. Alternatively, we understand that chemical cleaners are bad for the environment.

Can you use a steam cleaner to clean carpet?

Hardwood Steam Cleaners: An even better option when it comes to getting your floors clean after removing carpet is to opt for a hardwood steam cleaner.

Is hardwood a resilient material?

If there’s one thing everyone knows, it’s that hardwood is quite resilient up to a point. You’re not going to want to pull out the steel wool and start scrubbing away at the surface layer of the floor, as this will significantly damage the wood. Ideally, you should find a scrubbing product from a hardware store that is specifically designed for hardwood, as it will help to clean the surface without damaging it.

Can you remove carpet tape with your hands?

This could range from anything such as staples to carpet tape, but the most important thing is to make sure that you remove it just with your hands. Although this might be slightly time consuming, it’s far better than taking pliers and other heavy-duty tools to the surface and potentially damaging your hardwood.

How long does it take to refinish hardwood floors?

However, if the wear and tear are relatively on the surface level, it is straightforward to refinish the hardwood floor in less than a day.

What does it mean when a wood floor is stained with water?

Water stains indicate that there may be water in your wood that has been infiltrating for a long time. It is essential to handle this sooner than later before it gets out of hand.

Can you sand hardwood floors without sanding?

How To Clean Old Hardwood Floors That Have Been Under Carpet Without Sanding. You should avoid sanding hardwood floors because it is often a vast, messy, and costly job. Even if you have enough money for it and can take a vacation while the work continues, it is advisable to avoid sanding wooden floors.

How to get rid of a patch on wood?

In such circumstances, use sandpaper to get rid of any patches if you are willing to expend the extra effort. Sand the glue, starting with the coarse grit, and then work your way to the finer grit closer to the wood.

Can you remove rug pads from hardwood floors?

Hence, they might require chemical assistance. While padding, be in protective gear because the rug pads may have harmful particles. In addition to the rug pad issue, it is also crucial to know how to remove carpet marks on hardwood floors without damaging the floor.

Can a rug pad damage hardwood floors?

Rug pads are often mislabeled or misrepresented as ‘for use on hard floors’ while they are not recommended for poly-coated wood flooring.

Can you clean dark spots on hardwood floors?

If not correctly cleaned, liquid spills may stain hardwood when they penetrate through the finish, causing dark spots or stains. Learning how to remove carpet pad stains from hardwood floors can save your floor from looking worn out.

How to remove carpet glue from wood?

Put on your protective gear (face mask and gloves) and assemble your tools, including solvents and carpet adhesive remover. Using a putty knife, try to remove the glue as much as you can without scratching the wood. Do not worry: If none of the adhesive is coming out, go to the next step.

How to get rid of carpet glue?

You may have to apply a formulated carpet adhesive remover to completely get rid of the glue. Read the directions on how to use the product before you proceed. Wipe off the dissolved glue using a sponge and sand the wood with a low-grit sandpaper to remove any remaining traces of the glue.

What is the best tool to remove carpet tack?

Utility knife – for cutting up the carpet and/or padding into small size strips for easy removal from the room. Pry bar – for pulling up the carpet tack strips from the floor. Plastic putty knife – to remove any old padding stuck to the floor. Hammer – for pulling nails from the floor.

What to use to pull staples from carpet?

Hammer – for pulling nails from the floor. Pliers – for pulling staples holding carpet pad. Masking tape or duct tape – for securing rolls of carpet & padding for removal. Safety glasses – to protect your eyes when pulling staples and nails from the floor. Dust mask – to protect yourself from inhaling dust and dander.

What to use to protect yourself from dust?

Dust mask – to protect yourself from inhaling dust and dander. Knee pads – to help when kneeling to work on the floor. Broom / vacuum – for dusting the hardwood after removing the carpet. Hardwood Polish & Restorer – for polishing the wood to make it shiny.

What happens after you remove carpet?

After removing the carpet, you may find that the wood is in decent shape, damaged, or somewhere in between. If you are lucky to find the wood in perfect shape, the restoration process will be simple and fast. A thorough cleaning and application of a restoration polish will be enough.

Why do people rip up old carpets?

Carpets have been used for floor covering since pre-colonial times due to their coziness, easy maintenance, and fast installation. However, many modern homeowners are ripping up their old carpets in favor of the underlying wood. If that’s the route you choose to go, you’ll likely need a primer on how to make that floor look its best.

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