cleaning new zealand wool carpet

by Colleen Nader Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How to Steam Clean Wool Carpet: A 5 Step-by-Step Guide

  • Step 1: Give the rug a good shake. Rug cleaning begins with giving the carpet a good shake. It will remove the dust,...
  • Step 2.Vacuum the wool rug. An Auckland carpet cleaning vacuums the carpet well before removing any stain or steam...
  • Step 3. Condition the carpet with a powder-based conditioner. Your wool carpet...

Full Answer

What is the best way to clean wool carpets?

There are no hard and fast rules on which cleaning technique is the best for wool carpets. It depends largely on the type of carpet concerned and the degree and type of soiling. As a general rule, cleaning methods involving brushes or beaters should be avoided on long pile or coarser loop pile wool carpets.

Why buy a professional cleaning service for your wool rug?

Buying a wool rug is one part of the journey, maintaining it in pristine condition is another. Professional cleaners come in handy; restoring the rug to its optimum condition thanks to their years of experience. The video below explains a process professional cleaners use on old 100% wool rugs.

How often should you Steam Clean a wool carpet?

Steam-clean your carpet at least once a year. Wool is great at hiding dirt, but that doesn't mean it's not still there. Trapped sand and dried mud can wear out the fibers on a wool carpet the more you walk and rub your feet around on it.

What does woolsafe mean for carpet cleaners?

The WoolSafe Organisation operates an accreditation scheme for professional carpet cleaners, called the WoolSafe Approved Service Providers programme.

How to get stains out of wool?

How to get a stain out of a sandpaper?

Who owns Mulberry Maids?

Is wool carpet good for floors?

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How do I clean my wool carpet NZ?

How To remove Stains From Wool CarpetCold water.1 teaspoon of mild laundry detergent suitable for wool and 1 teaspoon of white vinegar in 1 litre of warm water.Chill with ice cubes in a plastic bag. ... Clear nail polish remover (should not contain lanolin).Rust remover (via a professional carpet cleaner).More items...

How do you clean a 100 wool New Zealand rug?

InstructionsShake out the Dirt. Choose a sunny, moderate day to deep clean a smaller wool area rug. ... Vacuum the Rug. Spread the rug flat on your deck, patio, or a clean tarp with the wrong side up. ... Mix a Gentle Detergent Solution. ... Lightly Scrub. ... Rinse Away Suds. ... Blot the Moisture. ... Allow to Dry.

Can wool carpets be cleaned?

Wool carpet is very easy to clean and care for – after all, wool is naturally designed to protect sheep from all weathers, in all conditions. Wool carpets are naturally stain resistant, which means that most stains can be easily removed using water and an approved spot cleaning spray.

How do you clean New Zealand wool?

PROFESSIONAL CLEANING To keep your wool carpet looking as good as it did when it was first installed, we recommend periodic wet cleaning by a professional. Once every second year is suggested. Follow the experts advise and avoid walking on your carpet until it is dry – about 4 hours depending on the local climate.

Can you steam clean wool carpet?

You need to steam clean your wool carpet at least once a year. At a glance, your carpet may appear clean, but there is a chance of a lot of hidden dirt. Dried mud, dust or trapped sand can wear the fibres of your carpet as you move around day today. Steam cleaning once a year can remove this hidden build-up of dirt.

Can you use Woolite on wool rugs?

Pour a capful of Woolite (or the recommended amount of a similar product) into a bucket of cold water. Fill another bucket with plain cold water. Before starting work, test a small patch of the rug for colorfastness by applying a little of the cleaning solution to it. If the colors don't bleed, continue.

Can I use a carpet cleaner on wool carpet?

The Bissell carpet cleaner is our favorite machine for wet-cleaning wool. The truth is that you can use just about any carpet cleaner or vacuum to clean wool without damaging it; the key, as we've noted above, is knowing how to use the tools correctly.

Can you use a Vax carpet cleaner on wool carpet?

All Vax carpet cleaners when used with our Vax- formulated, WoolSafe approved solutions are safe to use on wool carpets.

How do you maintain wool carpet?

Routine MaintenanceAvoid Soil Accumulation. Remove outdoor shoes and use walk-off mats at all entrances to keep soil from being tracked onto the carpet. ... Vacuum Regularly. The vacuum is your wool carpet's best friend. ... Spot & Stain Removal.

Can you clean wool rug with baking soda?

Dust the area with a liberal amount of baking soda. Leave for at least 30 minutes and then vacuum the area. Always blot, never scrub. Scrubbing deepens the stain rather than pulling it out.

How do you clean a wool carpet with vinegar?

Vinegar is an excellent natural liquid that can absorb the oil and dirt from your wool rug. Mix a cup of vinegar with two cups of water in a container then pour it onto the stains on your rug. Allow that to sit for about 30 minutes before using an old toothbrush or other scrubbing tools to clean off any dirty areas.

How much does it cost to clean a wool area rug?

between $4 and $8 per square footThe average cost of cleaning a wool rug is between $4 and $8 per square foot. The usual method for cleaning wool rugs is dry cleaning, as they will not be able to tolerate the heat from steam cleaning. For handmade wool rugs, it may be recommended that you hand wash the rug to make sure it is not damaged.

The Cleaning & Maintenance of Wool Carpets

1 How Carpets Soil Dirt particles carried into a building on the soles of shoes or by air currents are deposited on the carpet surface and stick to the pile fibres.

Dyson ruining wool carpet - suggestions for alternative??

Can you tell me what Dyson said TealCarpet? I have a similar problem with a new DC25 (upright). I bought this to replace my previous Dyson and every time I use it on every carpet, old and new and both wool and synthetic, the canister is full of carpet fluff and grey/white powder which I fear is the harsh brushes churning up the carpet backing and turning it into dust!

How to Safely Clean Wool Carpets & Rugs with Carpet Cleaners

You don’t have to be a shepherd to know how to care for wool carpets. Just follow our guide. If you’re going to choose a carpet or area rug, statistically speaking, you’re going to choose one made from a synthetic fiber, and that fiber’s probably going to be nylon.But if you’ve got your heart set on a natural fiber, whether for environmental, aesthetic, or health reasons, you’re ...

How to get stains out of wool?

1. Scrape up solids and blot spills immediately. Wool naturally deters liquids from absorbing into its fibers, but that doesn't mean you should let spilled food or drink get a chance to stain. Scoop up solids without letting them dig deeper into the carpet and blot—don't rub—spills with a dry paper towel.

How to get a stain out of a sandpaper?

Make a cleaning solution out of 1⁄2 cup (120 mL) vinegar, 2 cups (470 mL) water and 1⁄2 teaspoon (2.5 mL) liquid dishwasher detergent, and follow these directions: Dip a clean cloth or sponge in the cleaning solution and wring it out. Lightly rub the stain using circular movements.

Who owns Mulberry Maids?

This article was co-authored by Michelle Driscoll, MPH. Michelle Driscoll is the Owner of Mulberry Maids based in northern Colorado. Driscoll received her Masters in Public Health from the Colorado School of Public Health in 2016. This article has been viewed 63,366 times.

Is wool carpet good for floors?

Wool carpet is a beautiful investment for your floors. It's durable, stain-resistant and environmentally friendly. However, there are some things you should keep in mind to keep it clean, like vacuuming regularly, blotting spills immediately and using a steamer at least once a year. Keep your investment beautiful well into ...

How to Steam Clean Wool Carpet: A 5 Step-by-Step Guide

Almost every home in Auckland has at least one wool rug to decorate their space. Wool rugs are delicate fabrics because they are made from natural fabrics. Even treated and stain-protected wool can get stained and damaged, so you need to be extra careful when cleaning them. A simple guide to steam clean wool carpet is listed in this article.

Professional Cleaners Guide on 7 Cleaning Mistakes That You Should Avoid

We all want to achieve the best results when it comes to cleaning. And we want to achieve them in the shortest time possible. That is why we tend to read as many cleaning hacks as we can get and try them. However, we have cleaning habits that can get us side-tracked on our goal of a clean home. Our professional cleaners gathered 8 cleaning mistake

Natural crimp

Woolen yarns have a natural inherited spring like attribute. Manufactures manipulate this with crimping, twisting, and heat seating methods. When woolen carpets are stepped on, the natural fiber bounces back, in this sense it is very resilient.

Soil hiding qualities

Wool carpets fibers have a very unique shape. The outer cuticle surface is very irregular in form and these qualities shield soils from sight. Unlike synthetic fibers which surface is smooth and rounded, when foreign soils adhere to the sides of the individual synthetic fibers, these can be easily observed from above.

Hydrophilic Qualities

Wool fiber is a natural protein which loves water. It can absorb much of its body weight in water, between 30 & 60% depending on the origin and density of the wool. Wool carpets can be cleaned and maintained using water and water borne cleaning solutions easier. Less mineral solvents need to be utilized during maintenance.

Stabilise humidity

Because woolen carpets are densely stitched with water absorbing fibers, these help regulate the humidity inside the home and office. Acting like a sponge they also release moisture in the gas state on drier days. This effect helps to warm a home or office more efficiently as dryer air warms more readily.

Air pollutant filter

Laboratory tests have shown woolen carpets to be surprisingly efficient at cleaning the air from pollutants. Including many known harmful gases and carcinogenic elements which normally enter the home and are trapped inside are then absorbed by the wool.

Natural warmth

Woolen carpets are warm under foot and on a cold day these can make the indoor environment much more comfortable. Wools come in different variety’s from sheep and also goat which is sometimes utilized in carpets and rugs. New Zealand wools are renowned around the globe.


Wool is a renewable fiber and processing this textile takes much less energy, chemistry and resources to complete. The discarded product has much less environmental impact. Woolen carpets often utilize wools from New Zealand.

How to dry a wet carpet?

To dry: apply a ½” thick layer of paper towels over the wet areas and weigh them down. Change as the towels become wet. Brush the pile with your fingers to restore the texture after the area has dried.

How to remove a spot from a carpet?

Scoop solids with knife or spoon. Pretest spot-removal materials in an inconspicuous area. Apply cleaning agent to an absorbent towel, not the carpet, and blot. Do not over-wet the carpet. Work inward from the edge of the spot to prevent excessive spreading. Rinse by applying clear, tepid water using a clean cloth.

What is the best vacuum cleaner for carpet?

An upright Vacuum cleaner with rotating beater bar and brush or canister type with a power head are the most efficient cleaners. The head of the vacuum cleaner should be adjusted so that the brushes barely touch the surface of the carpet.

What is the most important part of carpet maintenance?

One of the most crucial areas of carpet maintenance is the removal of spots and spills. Acting quickly when anything is dropped or spilled and always having the necessary cleaning materials on hand are of the utmost importance.

Can you over vacuum a carpet?

Remember you cannot over vacuum, and vacuuming should begin the day the carpet is installed.

How long does it take for wool floor covering to dry?

Because it is essentially a low-moisture cleaning technique, the wool floor covering can be dry within an hour. Three basic methods can be used: .

What is carpet maintenance?

Maintenance is an on-going process to retain a carpet's good appearance. • Cleaning is the removal of accumulated dirt not eliminated by regular maintenance and is generally carried out as and when needed. This booklet is an introduction to the increasingly sophisticated techniques of carpet cleaning and maintenance.

What is deep cleaning?

Restorative cleaning (also referred to as “deep cleaning”) is aimed at returning the installed textile floor covering to as clean a condition as possible. It uses cleaning methods that remove accumulated and embedded soils and cleaning residues at a higher intensity than the ones used during interim cleaning.

What type of soil is used to make carpet?

There are two main types of soil (dirt): . Type 1coarse, dry, heavy soil – e.g. sand, fibres, salts etc – which causes carpet "to fill up with dirt", and which is deposited as far down as the roots of tufts .

Is there a green mark on WoolSafe?

Since 2007 there has been a ‘green’, version of the WoolSafe Mark for use on environmentally responsible, WoolSafe approved cleaning products. This Green WoolSafe Mark

Can you clean wool carpet with beaters?

There are no hard and fast rules on which cleaning technique is the best for wool carpets. It depends largely on the type of carpet concerned and the degree and type of soiling. As a general rule, cleaning methods involving brushes or beaters should be avoided on long pile or coarser loop pile wool carpets.

What is the best way to clean wool rug?

Oatmeal is one of the best ingredients you can use when cleaning your wool rug. Simply fill a large pot with water and oats then bring the mixture to a boil. Once boiling, allow it to cool down before pouring it onto your carpet or rug and using an old toothbrush or other scrubbing tools to clean your carpet.

How to clean a wool rug with vinegar?

Tip 13: Use baking soda with vinegar. Mix a cup of baking soda with two cups of vinegar and pour this solution onto your wool carpet. Allow the carpet to soak for about 30 minutes then use an old toothbrush to scrub your rug while it is still wet.

How to clean a rug without vacuuming?

If the thought of vacuuming twice a month makes you cringe, shaking out the rug outside will help clean the rug without vacuuming. Just take your rug outside and shake! If your rug is larger, ask a friend to help you. Just shake it out for 30 seconds to a minute and all the dirt will come out like a charm. If the forecast looks clear, go ahead and leave your rug outside for a few hours. If you want to go the extra mile, spritz your rug with a little Febreze before leaving it outside. Your rug will smell like it's fresh off the laundry line!

How to keep a rug from getting wet from snow?

Make sure the snow is DRY, powdery and there are at least 3-5 inches on the ground. Make sure temperatures are to stay below freezing the day you choose to do this. You do not want the rug to get wet from melting snow. You also need a broom because the snow causes the rug to become quite heavy.

How do I get oil stains off a wool rug?

Vinegar is an excellent natural liquid that can absorb the oil and dirt from your wool rug. Mix a cup of vinegar with two cups of water in a container then pour it onto the stains on your rug. Allow that to sit for about 30 minutes before using an old toothbrush or other scrubbing tools to clean off any dirty areas.

How long to let snow sit on a rug?

Let the snow sit on the rug for 15-20 minutes before flipping it over and repeating steps 1-3 on the other side. 5. Shake as much excess snow off the rug as you can and hang the rug back over the banister or clothesline. Let it hang for 20-30 minutes to make sure the snow is sublimate.

How to get snow off a rug?

2. With the broom, flip a liberal amount of snow across the entire rug. 3. Beat the snow around the entire rug with the flat side of the broom. The trace amounts of ammonia in the snow will react with the cold air and cause any dirt or grime to solidify and fall out of the rug.

Do you move furniture?

Yes. We can provide a team of two people to move furniture – where it’s easy and safe to move. Items such as a heavy china cabinet with precious goods inside, or a fully occupied house with all carpets being cleaned would however incur an additional $55 fee.

Can you clean on weekends?

Yes we can! We are happy to provide carpet cleaning and furniture services on weekends at no additional charge. However for any services provided on a public holiday these would be done at a ‘time and a half’ rate, on top of the normal rates.

Will cleaning damage my carpets?

No. Hot water extraction is the recommended method by the world’s largest carpet manufacturer, and the New Zealand Wool Board. It is considered to be the best method of removing entrenched soiling and other strains and contaminants.

How often should I have my carpets professionally cleaned?

Residential carpets should be cleaned every 6-12 months. However if you have pets then cleaning should take place every 2-3 months. If your carpet has been heavily soiled or stained immediate attention hugely increases the chances of eliminating the stains, and keeping the carpet in good shape for a longer period of time.

Is it possible to clean carpets too often?

No. Frequent cleaning of the carpet will help maintain its original condition. Regular hoovering between cleans is highly recommended.

How long will my carpet take to dry?

Another benefit of hot water extraction to clean your carpets, is that they can be walked on straight after. However the drying time will depend on how much air is flowing through the space. Generally they’ll be dry in 2 to 3 hours.

Is your work guaranteed?

Yes. We guarantee the results for all our services and we’ll discuss what can be achieved before we begin. Please note however, that if the carpet or furniture is irreparably damaged, i.e. acid has made a stain and a hole or similar, then there is no way we can repair the hole with carpet cleaning.

How to get stains out of wool?

1. Scrape up solids and blot spills immediately. Wool naturally deters liquids from absorbing into its fibers, but that doesn't mean you should let spilled food or drink get a chance to stain. Scoop up solids without letting them dig deeper into the carpet and blot—don't rub—spills with a dry paper towel.

How to get a stain out of a sandpaper?

Make a cleaning solution out of 1⁄2 cup (120 mL) vinegar, 2 cups (470 mL) water and 1⁄2 teaspoon (2.5 mL) liquid dishwasher detergent, and follow these directions: Dip a clean cloth or sponge in the cleaning solution and wring it out. Lightly rub the stain using circular movements.

Who owns Mulberry Maids?

This article was co-authored by Michelle Driscoll, MPH. Michelle Driscoll is the Owner of Mulberry Maids based in northern Colorado. Driscoll received her Masters in Public Health from the Colorado School of Public Health in 2016. This article has been viewed 63,366 times.

Is wool carpet good for floors?

Wool carpet is a beautiful investment for your floors. It's durable, stain-resistant and environmentally friendly. However, there are some things you should keep in mind to keep it clean, like vacuuming regularly, blotting spills immediately and using a steamer at least once a year. Keep your investment beautiful well into ...

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