cleaning thick wool moroccan carpet

by Kris Nolan MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Most of the time, you should use cold water to wash your Moroccan rug in a terrace for instance by inclining the carpet. A simple and not so powerful water jet will help the wool getting rid of its impurities. It is not advised to rub the wool.

– You can wash it by hand with cold water and laundry soap and rinse it with your garden hose with cold water. Then let it fully dry in the sun, ensuring that it's no longer wet or humid before putting it back on the floor. Brush it (using a plastic hand brush or clean BBQ brush) to remove excess wool.

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How to clean a Moroccan rug in Morocco?

You came to Morocco (or you bought a Moroccan rug at home) but now it’s time to face the music. Your Moroccan rug needs to be cleaned. Of course one of the safest ways to get it cleaned is to bring it to a professional carpet cleaner. But this can be VERY expensive, especially if you have it done regularly.

How do you protect a wool rug from carpet cleaning?

A final tip to consider is that you should protect your wool rug by placing it on top of an area rug, floor mat, or runner. This will help keep the carpet clean as well as prolonging its lifespan. You can also use a rug pad to protect your rug from high wear and tear.

How effective is professional wool rug cleaning?

Having your wool rug cleaned by professionals is undoubtedly the best way to clean wool area rugs. All of this brings us to the conclusion that although professional wool rug cleaning is effective, it is costly and a high frequency of it does have a downside.

Do you need to vacuum a wool shag rug?

Especially if you are having a wool shag rug, it needs extra effort. Wool rugs have tiny little air pockets where dirt hides. This means your wool rug will look clean for a lot longer than the cheap synthetic alternatives, but will eventually need to be vacuumed to clean out those air pockets.

How to get pet stains out of wool rug?

What to use to get rid of dark spots on a rug?

How to get rid of a smelly rug?

How to get a wet rug out of a rug?

What if you bought a shaggy rug like a boucherite rug?

What does a rug need to dry?

How to get rid of a carpet smell?

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How do you clean a thick wool carpet?

InstructionsShake out the Dirt. Choose a sunny, moderate day to deep clean a smaller wool area rug. ... Vacuum the Rug. Spread the rug flat on your deck, patio, or a clean tarp with the wrong side up. ... Mix a Gentle Detergent Solution. ... Lightly Scrub. ... Rinse Away Suds. ... Blot the Moisture. ... Allow to Dry.

How do you clean a Moroccan wedding rug?

For any spills use a damp clean cloth with tepid water (make sure the cloth isn't coloured as this could transfer to your rug). A clean white tea towel is great! We clean all of our rugs at home once in a while for a nice freshen up. This is not a regular thing and doesn't need to be done often, or even annually.

How do you clean a Berber wool rug?

2:143:09Housekeeping Tips : How to Clean Berber Carpet - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipYou just want to spray the stain. And the reason vinegar and water is so great for stains as vinegarMoreYou just want to spray the stain. And the reason vinegar and water is so great for stains as vinegar will eliminate any odor on the spot if you have pets.

Can you deep clean wool carpet?

Wool carpets are naturally stain resistant, which means that most stains can be easily removed using water and an approved spot cleaning spray. Even mud is easy to remove – simply let it dry and vacuum.

How do you clean a Moroccan rug at home?

Here are the instructions.Shake out excess dirt outside.Vacuum using high suction through the hand attachment.Hang your rug up outdoors and power wash it.Spray from the top down on both the front and back sides.Use a soft bristle brush on dirtier areas.Squeeze out excess water and let it dry in the sunshine.

How do you vacuum a Moroccan wool rug?

Can you vacuum a Moroccan rug?DO: Vacuum regularly to remove dirt and excess fuzz that may accumulate on the rugs surface.DON'T: Use a vacuum with a rotating bristle brush, as this could cause serious damage.DO: Vacuum with a stationary soft brush edge that will gently massage the pile.More items...•

Are Moroccan rugs good quality?

Rugs from Morocco are high quality making them very durable which is why they are often found in schools, offices, homes, and high traffic areas throughout the world. They are stain-resistant and usually more affordable than plush carpets.

Can I use a carpet cleaner on Berber carpet?

The carpet is very easy to over-wet and excessive scrubbing will get the stain “trapped” deep into the fabric, making it impossible to clean. A professional grade carpet cleaner is a great way to maintain and clean your berber carpet throughout the years.

Can I use oxiclean on Berber carpet?

Oxiclean can be used on most carpet. Oxiclean powder is dissolved in water, so make sure to use sparingly and dry thoroughly on Berber. Finding a spray version is best so that you can control the amount of moisture you apply to the stain.

How do professionals clean wool carpets?

Step 1: Spot Clean With Gentle Solution. ... Step 2: Bring in the Baking Soda. ... Step 3: Rotate Your Rug. ... Step 4: Decide It's Time for a Deep Cleaning. ... Step 5: Clean with Gentle Shampoo. ... Step 6: Use Your Scrub Brush. ... Step 7: Enlist an Expert.

Can I steam clean wool carpet?

You need to steam clean your wool carpet at least once a year. At a glance, your carpet may appear clean, but there is a chance of a lot of hidden dirt. Dried mud, dust or trapped sand can wear the fibres of your carpet as you move around day today. Steam cleaning once a year can remove this hidden build-up of dirt.

Will vinegar damage wool carpet?

According to the rug care experts at Aspen Carpet Designs, bleach and alkaline chemical cleaners can damage wool fibers. Vinegar is somewhat acidic and fairly gentle, making it ideal for cleaning wool fibers.

How do you clean a Moroccan cactus silk rug?

Care instructions for cactus silk cushions: Spot clean with a damp, slightly soapy cloth. Do not machine wash. Dry clean if needed by accredited dry cleaner (please check with your dry cleaner first).

Can I put a Berber rug in the washing machine?

Use cold water and a delicate cycle. Don let it sit in your machine as colors could run. Let it dry in the sun.

Are Moroccan rugs good quality?

Rugs from Morocco are high quality making them very durable which is why they are often found in schools, offices, homes, and high traffic areas throughout the world. They are stain-resistant and usually more affordable than plush carpets.

Can you dry clean a Berber rug?

Types of Berber carpet: Wool: carpets made out of this fiber are costly. They can as well be dry cleaned to avoid damage. They are water-absorbent since wool is a natural fiber.

How Do You Clean a Moroccan Rug?

Cleaning Moroccan rugs at home is a breeze when you follow these simple tips.

How Do I Clean and Disinfect My Area Rug?

Treat it using one of the baking soda or vinegar solutions listed above. They both naturally kill bacteria. But always test a corner first to avoid ruining high color-saturated rugs.

What If My Rug Smells Like Bleach?

Chances are, it is not an authentic Moroccan rug using high-quality wool. Bleaching is a modern technique used to make Morocco carpets look old. It is also used to cover up cheaper quality materials.

Do Moroccan Rugs Shed?

New rugs tend to shed for about the first year. This is normal for all wool-based natural fiber rugs.

How to get a wet stain out of a rug?

To help soak up the spilled liquid, pour some baking soda over the stain. Wait a couple of minutes and then vacuum the spot. If the stain is still there, you can try mixing vinegar with baking soda.

Is Moroccan rug decorative?

Authentic Moroccan rugs may be beautiful, but they’re not just decorative pieces. They hold a lot of history and culture for the Moroccan people and should be properly cared for.

How to get pet stains out of wool rug?

For pet stains mix distilled vinegar and cold water in a 1-to-1 ratio. Add to a spray bottle and make sure to soak the rug. You will need to use quite a bit of water to really saturate the wool. Then use a soft bristle brush to work the mixture into the fibers of the rug.

What to use to get rid of dark spots on a rug?

You can use the [easyazon_link identifier=”B00004OCL3″ locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”maro0a-20″]scrub brush easyazon_link] to really work out any dark spots. We also used the scrub brush on the back, flat side of the rug to loosen up anything that was stuck. Then keep spraying! If you don’t have a power washer you could use a hose with a spray attachment.

How to get rid of a smelly rug?

A tip for removing smells from rug, sprinkle bicarbonate of soda over the rug and leave overnight ( if the rug is really smelly) and the vacuum the rug. If you have a slightly smelly rug leave the bicarb on for a couple of hours before vacuuming.

How to get a wet rug out of a rug?

If your rug has gotten wet, perhaps from a spill or a pet stain, begin the clean-up by applying paper towels to the spot. immediately put baking soda on the spot to soak up as much of the liquid as possible . After a few minutes, you can vacuum this spot. But, what if it doesn’t work or you’ve got a tougher stain. A mixture of vinegar and baking soda can do the trick.

What if you bought a shaggy rug like a boucherite rug?

What if you bought a shaggy rug like a boucherite rag rug? These are a little different to clean. Because of the nature of the rug you’ll want to be a little more gentle with them. The higher pile also means there’s more chance to pull out a piece of the rug and unravel a portion.

What does a rug need to dry?

sunshine. The rug needs to have warm sunshine to dry!

How to get rid of a carpet smell?

My first attempt would be to hang it outside for awhile to air out. If that doesn't work I'd get some quotes from professional carpet cleaners. Also vinegar usually helps to take out that smell!

How do I remove small stains or spot clean Moroccan rugs?

Next, I would try adding a little water and then blot it dry. If the stain is still noticeable, this is where I would create a mixture of water and a touch of a mild detergent (like dish soap) and do a spot test on a small, inconspicuous area of the rug. If the rug appears to be colorfast, I would then try it on the stain. If you still can’t get it out, then I would take it to be professionally cleaned.

What is an absolute “No” when it comes to cleaning Moroccan rugs?

Soukie Modern: NEVER take a rug to the dry cleaner. Dry cleaning is a chemically based process that will not only ruin the integrity of the material and color but also often leaves behind a smell that does not go away.

How can I safely remove pet stains from Moroccan rugs?

A solution of warm water, wool safe detergent and white vinegar can be used if you catch it fast enough, but honestly you don’t want to mess around with urine/ammonia stains. Take it in.

Do Moroccan rugs shed? Is there any way to prevent that?

Drift Home Collection: Shedding can be common with wool rugs, especially if they are newly made. With the older vintage rugs, I have found most don’t shed very much, but may produce dust and very small fiber particles over time. It isn’t unusual for a new high pile Moroccan rug to shed, and a good quality rug should subside as time goes on. If a rug is shedding, I’ve brushed it gently with a dog brush dog brush to remove excess fibers.

How do I care for a Moroccan rug long-term? What should I know about getting my rug professionally cleaned?

Keeping dust and dirt particles out of the wool will prevent the fibers from weakening, which is why it’s important to remember to vacuum the back side of your rug from time to time too. It’s also never a bad idea to have it cleaned professionally every so often, even if you have no stains. Make sure the cleaner you take it to has experience with Berber rugs, and has the capability/knowledge to thoroughly test dyes before washing. (There are other cleaning methods a professional can use if the dyes in your rug can not be “washed” safely).

How often should I clean a drift home rug?

Drift Home Collection: Typically I recommend a professional cleaning every 2-5 years depending on use. If the rug is hanging on a wall or in a room that rarely gets used, you may be able to stretch that out longer. It’s really important that you protect your investment. When it comes to the actual cleaning professional, I would ask them questions about their experience and process. Moroccan rugs are very unique in their weave and construction, so I would always ask if they’ve had experience cleaning these types of rugs. Professional rug cleaning can be pricey, so it’s important you go with your gut and find someone you are comfortable with.

How to get rid of a bad smell in a rug?

Shkoon Shop: Here is a quick tip to get rid of a bad smell in your rug: spread dry lavender flowers on half of you rug, fold it, spread flowers again (it’s on the back now), roll it, and leave it like this for one day or two, depending on how strong the smell is. Then shake the rug + vacuum and it will smell good!

What is the best way to clean wool rug?

Oatmeal is one of the best ingredients you can use when cleaning your wool rug. Simply fill a large pot with water and oats then bring the mixture to a boil. Once boiling, allow it to cool down before pouring it onto your carpet or rug and using an old toothbrush or other scrubbing tools to clean your carpet.

How to clean a wool rug with vinegar?

Tip 13: Use baking soda with vinegar. Mix a cup of baking soda with two cups of vinegar and pour this solution onto your wool carpet. Allow the carpet to soak for about 30 minutes then use an old toothbrush to scrub your rug while it is still wet.

How to clean a rug without vacuuming?

If the thought of vacuuming twice a month makes you cringe, shaking out the rug outside will help clean the rug without vacuuming. Just take your rug outside and shake! If your rug is larger, ask a friend to help you. Just shake it out for 30 seconds to a minute and all the dirt will come out like a charm. If the forecast looks clear, go ahead and leave your rug outside for a few hours. If you want to go the extra mile, spritz your rug with a little Febreze before leaving it outside. Your rug will smell like it's fresh off the laundry line!

What to say about wool rugs?

Be Kind To Your One-of-A-Kind Piece: Simply be kind! There are many different styles and colors out there but one thing remains the same... Wool rugs are truly pieces of art and deserve to be taken care of. The most wonderful thing about wool rugs is that they are functional pieces of art that, when taken care of properly, will be an heirloom you can pass down to your children and they will pass it down to their children and so on! For further information, you can contact us anytime at Rugknots. You can avail free shipping on the purchase of products from our website. So, go ahead and start shopping!

How to keep a rug from getting wet from snow?

Make sure the snow is DRY, powdery and there are at least 3-5 inches on the ground. Make sure temperatures are to stay below freezing the day you choose to do this. You do not want the rug to get wet from melting snow. You also need a broom because the snow causes the rug to become quite heavy.

How long to let snow sit on a rug?

Let the snow sit on the rug for 15-20 minutes before flipping it over and repeating steps 1-3 on the other side. 5. Shake as much excess snow off the rug as you can and hang the rug back over the banister or clothesline. Let it hang for 20-30 minutes to make sure the snow is sublimate.

How to get snow off a rug?

2. With the broom, flip a liberal amount of snow across the entire rug. 3. Beat the snow around the entire rug with the flat side of the broom. The trace amounts of ammonia in the snow will react with the cold air and cause any dirt or grime to solidify and fall out of the rug.

How to get pet stains out of wool rug?

For pet stains mix distilled vinegar and cold water in a 1-to-1 ratio. Add to a spray bottle and make sure to soak the rug. You will need to use quite a bit of water to really saturate the wool. Then use a soft bristle brush to work the mixture into the fibers of the rug.

What to use to get rid of dark spots on a rug?

You can use the [easyazon_link identifier=”B00004OCL3″ locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”maro0a-20″]scrub brush easyazon_link] to really work out any dark spots. We also used the scrub brush on the back, flat side of the rug to loosen up anything that was stuck. Then keep spraying! If you don’t have a power washer you could use a hose with a spray attachment.

How to get rid of a smelly rug?

A tip for removing smells from rug, sprinkle bicarbonate of soda over the rug and leave overnight ( if the rug is really smelly) and the vacuum the rug. If you have a slightly smelly rug leave the bicarb on for a couple of hours before vacuuming.

How to get a wet rug out of a rug?

If your rug has gotten wet, perhaps from a spill or a pet stain, begin the clean-up by applying paper towels to the spot. immediately put baking soda on the spot to soak up as much of the liquid as possible . After a few minutes, you can vacuum this spot. But, what if it doesn’t work or you’ve got a tougher stain. A mixture of vinegar and baking soda can do the trick.

What if you bought a shaggy rug like a boucherite rug?

What if you bought a shaggy rug like a boucherite rag rug? These are a little different to clean. Because of the nature of the rug you’ll want to be a little more gentle with them. The higher pile also means there’s more chance to pull out a piece of the rug and unravel a portion.

What does a rug need to dry?

sunshine. The rug needs to have warm sunshine to dry!

How to get rid of a carpet smell?

My first attempt would be to hang it outside for awhile to air out. If that doesn't work I'd get some quotes from professional carpet cleaners. Also vinegar usually helps to take out that smell!

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