cleaning toddler pee out of carpet

by Emilie McGlynn Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How to Clean Children's Urine From Carpet

  • Step 1. Act quickly. Obviously, this is not always possible, but the faster you get to the urine the easier the cleaning...
  • Step 2. Soak up as much of the urine as you can. Using regular towels is best, but paper towels or rags will also work.
  • Step 3. Find or make a good cleaning solution. Although you are dealing with urine from...

  1. Mix one tablespoon of liquid hand dishwashing detergent and one tablespoon of white vinegar with two cups of warm water.
  2. Using a clean white cloth, sponge the stain with the detergent/vinegar solution.
  3. Blot until the liquid is absorbed.
Apr 6, 2007

Full Answer

How to clean your child's urine from carpet?

There are easy ways to clean urine from carpet that will help you not only remove the bad odor but also feel less stressed about the situation and more apt to support your child during his learning process. Fill a cup with lukewarm water and spill it on the area that has your child’s urine.

How to remove Pee from carpet?

When you’re looking to remove pee from carpet, the main hassle is to remove the stink that permeates your home. Moreover, you’ll have to be quick on your feet so that pee doesn’t leave a permanent mark on your lovely carpet. So take a look at the things you’ll need before we read all about the process. Grab these items before you start working.

Is it easier to clean Pet Urine from carpet or floor?

If there is a pet’s urine on the floor, it can be cleaned easily, but if it is carpet, your work will become almost four times because it gets soaked instantly in the carpet. Therefore, to have the best result, bear in mind that you have to serve more time to clean urine from the carpet than the floor.


How do you get rid of the smell of toddler wee?

Mix Baking Soda, Peroxide and Dish Detergent Make a solution of baking soda, peroxide and any dish detergent. The combination of the three is often powerful enough to drive away even the strongest of urine smells.

What removes urine smell from carpet?

white vinegarVinegar Cleaning Solution–Add one part white vinegar to one part water. Urine smells like ammonia, and this is neutralized with white vinegar. After blotting the area dry, pour the vinegar solution on the affected area, and let the solution soak for 10 minutes to reach the deepest fibers in the rug.

Is it possible to get old urine smell out of carpet?

Apply and Vacuum Up Baking Soda To use baking soda to get the dog pee smell out of a rug, sprinkle a generous amount onto the area and allow it to sit for several minutes. Vacuum up the baking soda and the odors it absorbed.

How do you get urine smell out of carpet without baking soda?

5 Ways to Get Dog Pee Out of Carpet Without VinegarBaking Soda. Baking soda is one of the easiest ways to get rid of the bacteria that cause odors. ... Use a Wet-Dry Vacuum. You can soak up quite a bit of the water and other liquids with the vacuum. ... Use an Enzymatic Cleaner. ... Soak Up as Much as Possible. ... Use a Blacklight.

Does vinegar get rid of urine smell?

Does vinegar remove urine odor? Yes, it does! Vinegar is part of almost every recipe for getting rid of that stinky urine odor. It helps you to easily sterilize the affected surface and renew it after the “urine” incidents.

Will baking soda remove urine smell from carpet?

How do you get dog urine smell out of carpet? To get dog urine smell out of carpet surfaces, apply a solution of one cup water, one cup white vinegar, and 2 teaspoons of baking soda. Let the solution soak into the spot for 5 minutes, then blot it dry.

Does human urine smell go away?

A bad smell in the urine often goes away on its own, especially when dehydration or something in the diet causes it. A person does not need to see a doctor if they can identify a harmless cause of their smelly urine, such as asparagus. Other causes need medical treatment.

How do you neutralize the smell of urine?

Try mixing about a cup of peroxide, three tablespoons of baking soda, and just a couple drops of dish detergent. Spray the area, allow it to sit for about 20 minutes, and rub the area until the odor is eliminated.

Does Vinegar Remove Urine’s Odor?

Vinegar is one of the best neutralizers for the odors in the carpet. To carry out the cleaning process with vinegar, add one part of white vinegar...

How do I Get Rid of Pet Odor in my House?

Treating pet stains with the help of baking soda is one of the best methods that remove odors from the house. As baking soda soaks the smell of uri...

Does dog pee smell ever go away?

Of course, yes, there is nothing difficult in eliminating dog’s pee smell from carpet. But, if someone does not perform the necessary action to cle...

How to get urine out of a carpet?

Place a thick towel over the wet carpet and apply pressure by stepping firmly on it or using your hands while applying most of your body weight as you do so. This will help absorb the water and urine. You can later wash your towel with laundry detergent and bleach if the towel is white.

What happens if my child pees in the carpet?

Potty training is a challenging time for both parents and children. If your child doesn't make it to the toilet and pees in the carpet as an accident, it may make him feel embarrassed. There are easy ways to clean urine from carpet that will help you not only remove the bad odor ...

How to get rid of pet urine smell?

You can find them at any pet store in your area. Rinse out the detergent with lukewarm water and repeat the process of soaking up the liquid with a clean towel.

How to get rid of urine smell in carpet?

There are easy ways to clean urine from carpet that will help you not only remove the bad odor but also feel less stressed about the situation and more apt to support your child during his learning process. Fill a cup with lukewarm water and spill it on the area that has your child’s urine. This will dilute the urine and also make it easier ...

How to get rid of a child's urine?

Fill a cup with lukewarm water and spill it on the area that has your child’s urine. This will dilute the urine and also make it easier to soak it up if it is already dry.

How to get rid of a smelly laundry detergent?

Rinse out the detergent with lukewarm water and repeat the process of soaking up the liquid with a clean towel. Mix 1/2 cup of white vinegar with 1/2 cup of water and sprinkle it along with a pinch of baking soda to the area you have treated to help remove any remaining smells and remove detergent residues, suggests the website Good Housekeeping 1. ...

How to get urine smell out of carpet?

Moreover, extraction of urine smell through baking soda is a cheap, effective, and very easy process, and these qualities make the baking soda one of the best-opted methods for extracting urine from the carpet. Once you apply the baking soda on the stain, it soaks the smell even from the depth of the carpet’s fibers.

How to get rid of pet urine smell in carpet?

Treating pet stains with the help of baking soda is one of the best methods that remove odors from the house. As baking soda soaks the smell of urine very well, so sprinkling it on the carpet can remove the pet’s urine smell very well.

What is the best way to neutralize pet urine smell in carpet?

Vinegar is one of the best neutralizers for the odors in the carpet. To carry out the cleaning process with vinegar, add one part of white vinegar along with one part of the water. Now, this solution will have the capability of neutralizing the pet’s urine odor.

How long does dog urine stay in carpet?

But, if someone does not perform the necessary action to clean the pet’s urine, the odor will remain in the carpet for 5 to 6 years.

When to hire a professional carpet cleaner?

Most of the time, people hire professional grade cleaners when they come across the need for cleaning a number of carpets or when they have to deal with the stains on the carpets used commercially.

What to do if you have a urine blot?

Moreover, after cleaning the puddle of urine, trash the cloth, or put it in the dustbin outside the house.

Can you use a enzymatic cleaner to clean a carpet?

And once the bonding between urine particles and fibers is over, the odor of the urine will also get eliminated. Therefore, to have quick relief from this anguish, you may apply a good quality enzymatic cleaner to clean your carpet. And do not forget to dry the carpet after this cleaning process.

How to get rid of urine smell in carpet?

If you notice the moisture leaking through the top of the salt pile, add more salt until the top layer stays dry. This is how you know you’ve absorbed as much of the urine as possible. Leave the salt on the stain for about 5-10 minutes and then vacuum the salt up to remove it from the carpet.

How to get rid of a stain on a carpet?

Combine hydrogen peroxide with water for a stronger cleaner. Pour 0.5 cups (120 ml) of hydrogen peroxide into 2 cups (470 ml) of cool water. Mix these two ingredients together and spray the mixture onto the stain so the carpet is saturated. Use a clean cloth to blot the mixture up to remove the urine stain.

How to get urine out of a sandpaper?

While vinegar might not fix your stain completely, it should definitely help get some of the urine out. Either spray plain white vinegar onto the stain or mix white vinegar with baking soda to form a paste and apply this to the stain instead.

How to get rid of urine stains on clothes?

Use a shop vac to vacuum up the urine for a powerful option. Plug in your shop vac, if you have one, and vacuum up as much of the urine and water as possible. This is usually more efficient than soaking up the stain with paper towels because the shop vac can get up more of the urine with its powerful suction.

What to do if you make a paste out of baking soda and vinegar?

If you’re making a paste out of baking soda and vinegar, make the paste liquidy so it’ll seep down into the carpet .

How to make towels extra clean?

Add a sprinkle of baking soda to your wash cycle when you wash the towels so they're extra clean.

Who is the owner of Sunlight Fine Rug Care and Restoration?

This article was co-authored by Haim Shemesh. Haim Shemesh is a Carpet and Rug Cleaning Specialist and the Owner of Sunlight Fine Rug Care & Restoration, a business based in New York City. Haim specializes in Oriental, Persian, handmade, and antique rug cleaning and repair. He also conducts rug restoration along with fire damage care. He has over 17 years of experience in the carpet cleaning industry. Sunlight Fine Rug Care & Restoration has been awarded Angie's List Super Service Award in 2017 and 2018. Their clients include Staples, Ace Hotel, Momofuku, Banana Republic, and more. This article has been viewed 21,563 times.

How to get rid of a smelly carpet?

Half a cup of vinagar to one gallon of water. I keep it in a spray bottle when my pets have an accident. Spray area until it is soaked. Then put down a towel, step on it to draw the water up. It will smell clean. The vinagar will neutralize the acid in the urine (the smell) and you will be thrilled. You are not masking the smell with something else.You will just smell clean.#N#Start sniffing!

How to clean urine smell?

The best and chespest way to clean urine is with vinegar. Its naturally anti bacterial and the smell only lasts about a half hour then its very freah smelling. Possibly rent a cleaner and try that....I do it about twice a month and it works great. Best of luck!!

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About Andrea Olson

I'm Andrea and I spend most of my time with my 5 children (all under 10 yo) and the rest of my time teaching other new parents how to do Elimination Communication with their 0-18 month babies. I love what I do and try to make a difference in one baby or parent's life every single day. (And I love, love, love, mango gelato.)

How to get urine out of carpet?

It was found that a mixture of 2 parts water and 1 part vinegar with a teaspoon of baking soda does an excellent job at cleaning urine from carpets.

How to get rid of urine stains on a carpet?

Mix 1 cup of warm water with some drops of dish soap to make a urine stain remover solution.

How to get rid of a sanded sand?

Prepare a mixture of one part white vinegar and 1 part water. Apply this mixture to the stain with a paper towel or rag and allow it to sit for 10 minutes before scrubbing it in gently. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and blot dry.

How to get rid of urine smell in a house?

Cover the urine with a thick towel and pour dry cleaning solvent on top of it, then set it on fire;

How to get rid of vinegar residue?

Blot up any excess moisture with a dry towel until you are sure that all of the vinegar has been removed.

How to get rid of oily smell in carpet?

Sprinkle baking soda on top of and around the stained area and let it sit for about 20 minutes to absorb any excess odor and oil from the carpet’s fibers.

How to clean a dog's paws?

use a scrubbing brush or sponge to scrub the area thoroughly, rinse it well and allow it to dry before walking on it or giving pets access.”

How to get rid of urine stains on carpet?

First, you want to blot out the excess urine with some rags. Dispose of them immediately and use an enzymatic cleaner to kill off the germs. Next, sprinkle some salt to draw out excess moisture and scrub the stain with some detergent. Finish up with washing and drying the carpet.

What happens if you find your carpet soaked in pee?

If you found your favorite carpet soaked in pee, just know that accidents happen. If you have a new baby on board, this might happen way more than you expect. After all, parenting comes with endless challenges.

Why does my urine smell so bad?

Well, the enzymes soak into the pee and break up all the bacteria which is responsible for that horrid pungent smell. Moreover, most of these cleaners are super easy to use.

How to clean wool carpet with detergent?

To make this cleaning mixture, mix two tablespoons of detergent to a cup of warm water. However, if you have a wool carpet then you should only use cold water for cleaning. Otherwise, you could risk damaging it.

Why does my carpet smell like pee?

Answer: If you cleaned your carpet but your home still smells like pee, this could be because of a mold problem. There are a few types of molds that emit the smell of pee. Especially black mold is especially dangerous for your health. So call in a professional to get your home checked.

How to get a stain out of a sandpaper?

Answer: Just make a solution of baking soda, dish soap, and hydrogen peroxide. Pour this mixture over the stain and let it sit for 30-45 minutes. Then Scrub the area and wash it with water. Finally, let it dry.

What to do if you have a stench in your house?

If you still feel that some stench is lingering in the house, you could sprinkle some salt over the stain. This may seem like a surprise to you, but you’ll be shocked at the many uses of common salt. Since salt is known to draw out moisture, it removes any pee that is deeply absorbed by your carpet.

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