cri seal of approval carpet cleaning solutions

by Ayana Kshlerin Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is the CRI seal of approval?

The CRI Seal of Approval program was launched in 2004 to test the cleaning effectiveness of spot removers, pre-spray, and in-tank cleaning chemicals. CRI uses scientifically accredited cleaning standards to identify which cleaning solutions work best.

Why choose CRI’s carpet cleaning solutions?

The right cleaning solutions can help keep your facility’s carpet looking its best between professional deep cleanings. To identify superior performing cleaning products, CRI has developed the Seal of Approval program for solutions. CRI worked with an independent laboratory to test off-the-shelf spot removers and pre-spray solutions.

What is a seal of approval carpet cleaning service?

Carpet cleaning professionals who use Seal of Approval solutions in conjunction with Seal of Approval equipment are eligible to be recognized as Seal of Approval service providers. Hiring Seal of Approval service providers is the best way to ensure that your carpet is being cleaned with quality products.

What is the seal of Approval program?

CRI’s Seal of Approval (SOA) program is all about cleaning efficacy and constant improvement. We wanted to know how well vacuums, extractors, and cleaning solutions worked to clean carpet, so we developed the carpet industry’s only scientific program to test and measure the effectiveness of cleaning products and equipment.


What is the CRI Seal of Approval?

CRI's Seal of Approval (SOA) program is the carpet industry's only scientific program to test and measure the effectiveness of carpet cleaning products and equipment. The program helps consumers make informed decisions and helps manufacturers improve their products.

What is CRB in carpet cleaning?

Designed as dry carpet cleaning machines, CRB (contra-rotating brush) machines are widely used by professional carpet cleaners as agitation machines.

Which chemical is used for carpet spotting?

Citafresh: Citafresh is a very popular cleaning agent for heavily soiled, greasy carpets that have accumulated a great deal of dirt over a period of time. This is probably the best cleaning agent for seriously dirty carpets.

What is CRI Green Label?

The CRI Green Label is a certification from the Carpet and Rug Institute to improve the health of indoor spaces. Today, indoor air quality (IAQ) is an important environmental consideration, especially since we spend approximately 90 percent of our time indoors.

What is the best CRB?

Check Out These Best Counter Rotating Brush Machines (CRB)!Replacement Mytee Carpet Shark 10” Soft White Carpet Brushes. ... Replacement Mytee Carpet Shark 17” Black Tile & Grout Brushes. ... Replacement Mytee Carpet Shark 17” Blue Stiff Carpet Brushes. ... Replacement Mytee Carpet Shark 17” Soft White Carpet Brushes.More items...

How do you use a CRB?

1:5616:268 COOL WAYS TO MAKE MONEY // For professional carpet cleaners!YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipHowever when I'm using it I like to put this tray on there to keep anything from flinging around. SoMoreHowever when I'm using it I like to put this tray on there to keep anything from flinging around. So you just pop this on the same way and put your dust cover on.

What's best for carpet stains?

You can try a mixture of white vinegar, Dawn dish soap, and water in a spray bottle. Use 1/4 cup of white vinegar, 1 tbsp. of Dawn dish soap, and fill with water. Spray area liberally and let soak for 5-10 minutes and then proceed with blotting with a clean, dry towel until stain is removed.

What chemicals are used in steam cleaning carpets?

Most carpet cleaners use cleaning solution that contains two particularly toxic chemicals: perchloroethylene, and napthalene. Perchloroethylene (commonly called Perc in the industry) is a chemical commonly used in dry cleaning that can cause dizziness, fatigue and nausea if inhaled.

How do you mix carpet cleaning solution?

To make a carpet softener solution, mix half a cup of fabric softener, one gallon of hot water, one cup of clear vinegar, and one tablespoon of dishwashing detergent. Put the mixture into a spray bottle, and lightly spray the carpet until it's damp.

Is nylon carpet toxic?

Well, nylon is the amazing patient zero of these non-natural but non-toxic fibers! Because it's highly durable and stain-resistant, nylon doesn't always have to be treated with harsh chemicals to make it a durable surface (those chemicals can leech VOCs).

What does Green Label Plus mean for carpet?

Green Label Plus is an independent testing program that identifies carpet, adhesives, and cushion with very low emissions of VOCs to help improve indoor air quality. It is an outgrowth of, and enhancement to the CRI Green Label Testing program.

Does nylon carpet have VOCs?

Most carpet is made from synthetic fibers, usually nylon and polypropylene. Both materials are made from non-renewable petroleum and emit harmful VOCs into the air.

How does a counter rotating brush machine work?

With a professional service, CRB machines remove hair, dirt, debris, and other particles that regular vacuums and wands cannot get out. Most CRB machines consist of two brushes rotating counterclockwise together. These two brushes work next to each other and traps the absorb dirt deep between the carpet fibers.

What is VLM carpet cleaning?

First, let's break down what VLM cleaning is exactly. It stands for Very Low Moisture, and refers broadly to carpet cleaning processes designed to dry much quicker than traditional extraction cleaning by using little to no water.

Why do carpet cleaners need a seal of approval?

Carpet Cleaning Professionals: Seal of Approval products helps cleaning professionals gain SOA certification. The certification differentiates them against the competition. It also helps them do their jobs better, which means more satisfied customers, more repeat business, and better word of mouth for their business.

Why do carpet cleaning products need to be tested?

Carpet Cleaning Product Manufacturers: By using the test results to see product strengths and weaknesses, manufacturers get a better idea of what they need to improve. That leads to more effective products going to market. For their efforts, the manufacturers gain the added credibility of the Seal of Approval label on their products.

What is a registration form for carpet cleaning?

Registration Form – The form should be completely filled out and must include contact information along with a list of Seal of Approval certified equipment and chemicals being used in your normal day-to-day carpet cleaning operation.

Why use seal of approval?

Hiring Seal of Approval service providers is the best way to ensure that your carpet is being cleaned with quality products. Not all carpet cleaning products clean equally well and some may even damage carpet fibers. Using Seal of Approval service providers also is the best way to make sure your residential or commercial carpet warranties are being met since many major carpet manufacturers require or strongly recommend the use of Seal of Approval products.

Do carpet and rug companies use seal of approval?

To maintain the peak performance and beauty of carpet, the Carpet and Rug Institute recommends periodic professional cleaning. The Carpet and Rug Institute also recommends the use of Seal of Approval products, and is proud to recognize those service providers who utilize Seal of Approval products as a part of their business.

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