dangerous interactions with professional carpet cleaning

by Dr. Nestor Wolf Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Carpet cleaners may represent a health danger to you and your family. Since they blend chemicals such as ammonia with other solvents. Working with these goods may cause irritated sinuses and lungs, as well as headaches, nausea, and dizziness.

Full Answer

Is your carpet cleaning chemicals damaging your investment?

Using too much of the wrong carpet-cleaning chemical can damage your carpet investment over time—especially if it contains optical brighteners or has a high alkaline or acid pH. 3. Untested chemicals can lead to undesirable results

Why should you avoid using crystallizing chemicals in carpet cleaning?

Untested chemicals can lead to undesirable results The latest trend in carpet cleaning is the use of crystallizing chemistry. Crystallizing chemicals have embrittling agents in them that allow the chemical to dry to a hard form. Chemistry left in the carpet dries hard and is later removed via normal vacuuming.

What chemicals are used in carpet cleaning?

Some of the potentially dangerous chemicals used in carpet cleaning include: perchloroethylene, a popular dry cleaning chemical known to cause nausea, dizziness and fatigue, and has also been thought to cause kidney and liver damage. Naphthalene, a popular cleaning solution that helps dissolve dirt.

What should I look for when buying carpet cleaning chemicals?

Look for carpet-cleaning chemicals with no volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs are emitted as gases from certain cleaning solutions, and may have short- or long-term adverse health effects—ranging from eye, nose and throat irritation to damaging the liver, kidneys and central nervous system. Check the pH of the chemical


Is professional carpet cleaning toxic?

Some of the potentially dangerous chemicals used in carpet cleaning include: perchloroethylene, a popular dry cleaning chemical known to cause nausea, dizziness and fatigue, and has also been thought to cause kidney and liver damage. Naphthalene, a popular cleaning solution that helps dissolve dirt.

Can carpet cleaning fumes make you sick?

The short answer to this question is yes. Carpet cleaners can be bad for your health because they mix chemicals, like ammonia and other solvents. Exposure can contribute to irritated sinuses and lungs and headaches, nausea, dizziness, and other symptoms that may not show up until after working with these products.

Is Rug Doctor carpet cleaner toxic?

All Rug Doctor floor cleaning solutions are safe for kids and pets.

How dirty carpets affect your health?

Skin Irritation Itchy skin, rashes, athlete's foot, and eczema are all dirty carpet dangers that can be triggered or made worse by dust mites in unclean carpet. Even if you maintain a regular cleaning schedule, dust mites are small enough to evade the most diligent home cleaners.

Are carpet fumes toxic?

Chemicals used in some new carpets, carpet pads and the adhesives used to install them can harm your health. Some of these chemicals and glues are made with volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which emit odors and pollutants.

Is Stanley steemer toxic?

No residue or traces of harmful chemicals are left behind, only clean, inviting carpet and upholstery. The same goes for all of our services. We strive to clean using gentle, neutral cleaning agents that are tough on dirt but harmless to the environment as well as to the people and pets that spend time in your home.

Is Bissell carpet cleaner toxic?

Are BISSELL Formulas harmful to humans or pets? BISSELL Formulas are water based products which are not harmful to humans or pets when used as directed.

How long do chemicals stay in carpet?

Carpets can emit VOCs for five years or possibly more, as carpet has been reported to release toxics like PFAS over time with “routine wear and tear.” Synthetic carpets are made from nylon fibers with a polypropylene backing, releasing over 40 chemicals including styrene and 4-phenylcyclohexane (4-PC), both of which ...

What chemicals are used in carpet cleaning?

Most carpet cleaners use cleaning solution that contains two particularly toxic chemicals: perchloroethylene, and napthalene. Perchloroethylene (commonly called Perc in the industry) is a chemical commonly used in dry cleaning that can cause dizziness, fatigue and nausea if inhaled.

How long does it take for carpet to offgas?

For most people carpet off- gassing is a minor issue or non-problem. New carpet does give off some VOCS. It usually takes 1 to 2 days for this to finish after the carpet has been unrolled and is at room temperature. In worst case may take 4 or 5 days.

How long does it take for wet carpet to mold?

24 to 48 hoursMany government organizations, including the EPA, suggest that mold and bacteria can begin to form in wet carpet as soon as 24 to 48 hours after becoming wet.

How do you get Vocs out of carpet?

Vacuuming, followed by hot water extraction (steam cleaning) using low VOC detergent, will help remove chemicals causing VOC emissions. It could even be a good time to take a short holiday!

How does carpet cleaning affect air quality?

Carpet Cleaning’s Effect On Air Quality. Our carpets act as filters in our home, trapping dust, allergens, and bacteria. This helps improve our homes air quality by keeping these things out of our air. As dirt builds up over time, however, it makes it difficult for your carpets to keep it out of your air.

Why do carpet cleaners use carbonation?

That is because the carbonation allows them to use less water, that way your carpets aren’t left sopping wet.

Why is my carpet getting moldy?

This is because wet carpet is an ideal environment for mold and mildew to grow. When a carpet is left wet for too long, mold, bacteria, and mildew begin to grow. This can cause poor in-home air quality due to the spores and airborne bacteria that the mold and mildew released into the air.

Why is it important to clean your carpet?

Having clean carpets is an incredibly important part of keeping a healthy home. Especially in the winter when we spend more time inside, couped up with our pets and family. Dirt, dander, and dust settle into our carpets fiber, so keeping our carpets clean is a must. Getting carpets cleaned by professional carpet cleaners is a common part ...

How long does it take for a carpet to dry after a cleaning?

That is why it is so important to choose a carpet cleaner that doesn’t leave your carpets soaking wet. If your carpet takes one to two days to dry after a cleaning, then you are at risk of being left with musty smelling carpets.

Is carpet cleaning dangerous?

Dangerous Cleaning Chemicals. For the most part, carpet cleaning companies try to use relatively mild cleaning chemicals, but “mild” doesn’t always mean “good.”. Some carpet cleaning companies still use small amount of dangerous chemicals that could cause adverse health problems. Some of the potentially dangerous chemicals used in carpet cleaning ...

Is carpet cleaner toxic?

However, there is a difference between have a chemical cleaning solution be “non-toxic” and being “not too toxic.” When you’re choosing the best professional carpet cleaner for your family, be sure to choose one that uses a cleaner that is safe for both you and for the environment. Companies that use cleaning solutions that only use ingredients on the FDA’s Generally Recognized As Safe list is recommended.

What do you need to know about carpet cleaning chemicals?

Keep these things in mind when selecting a commercial carpet cleaning solution or service provider: 1. Not all carpet cleaning chemicals are created equal. The misconception is that all carpet-cleaning chemicals—which number in the thousands—perform similarly. They do not.

Why is my carpet hard to remove?

The problem is that too many crystallizing chemicals have hit the market without proper testing. Most dry either too hard or very tacky. Crystallizing chemicals that dry extremely hard can aggressively bond to the carpet fiber making it hard to remove. (Think: hardened gum in your carpet.)

What is the latest trend in carpet cleaning?

The latest trend in carpet cleaning is the use of crystallizing chemistry. Crystallizing chemicals have embrittling agents in them that allow the chemical to dry to a hard form. Chemistry left in the carpet dries hard and is later removed via normal vacuuming.

Why is my carpet yellowing?

Problem is, optical brighteners adversely affect the long-term appearance of the carpet —often causing carpet to yellow.

What are the effects of VOCs on the body?

VOCs are emitted as gases from certain cleaning solutions, and may have short- or long-term adverse health effects—ranging from eye, nose and throat irritation to damaging the liver, kidneys and central nervous system.

Do carpet cleaners have chemicals?

The misconception is that all carpet-cleaning chemicals—which number in the thousands—perform similarly. They do not. Some chemicals will actually do more damage than good when they are not completely removed. Most of the time, there is some chemical left in the carpet.

Is there a chemical in carpet?

Most of the time, there is some chemical left in the carpet. That’s why you must know what chemicals are being used on your carpet. 2. More chemical doesn’t necessarily mean “more clean”. It’s human nature to use more, not less.

Toxic Carpet Cleaning Chemicals

While there’s a wide amount of cleaning products and claims on mildness and strength, the following three chemicals are the most common hazardous products found in carpet cleaners:

Precautions to Take During Carpet Cleaner Use and Cleanup

Depending on what method you’re using to clean carpets, different measures may need to be taken. Generally speaking, during both dry and wet methods, the carpet should be vacuumed beforehand. Proper protection, including gloves and a mask, should be worn as per the instructions on your cleaning chemicals.

Disposing of Old Carpet and Rug Cleaner

Alongside drain cleaners and Muriatic Acid, carpet cleaners are among the more toxic cleaning chemicals one can have in a household. Your first step when thinking about disposal should be reading the labels of your products to see if they have recommended disposal instructions.

What is carpet cleaning?

A carpet cleaning business uses very high-powered equipment compared to the machines we use at home. That means they can deal with heavily soiled areas swiftly. Moreover, a trained eye is more likely to spot a carpet that is simply worn, rather than dirty. There are ways to protect a carpet from wear, but once formed, these grey, threadbare areas can never be improved as the fabric has lost its original color.

Is a stain permanent?

Some stains are permanent, but it is also possible that the wrong type of stain removal product is being used. Professionals know whether to apply a solvent-based cleaner or a water-based solution depending on the type of stain. They have enzyme solutions and dry solvent cleaners to lift away stains that would otherwise leave behind an unpleasant smell or a conspicuous smudge. These specialist products allow them to successfully remove even tricky marks caused by wine, nail varnish and paint. Remember that many stains become ingrained quickly, so act fast if you want to be sure of having them removed.

Can you clean carpet at home?

Some types of carpet are not designed for cleaning at home and should always be treated by professionals. They include natural materials such as coir, seagrass and sisal. A trained carpet cleaner will be very cautious when removing stains from this type of material, as the entire look of the carpet or rug can be altered afterwards. Even standard carpets can be ruined by the use of harsh cleaning products, as many contain a bleaching agent. If you are not careful, a stain remover will strip away the color of your carpet as well as the stain.

Can you soak a carpet with liquid cleaner?

Professional carpet cleaners will use fluids as part of the cleansing process, but they will never soak a carpet. For every pass that is made using liquid cleaners, another is made to dry the treated area. Without that pattern, a carpet can soon become over-wet and shrink. Once that happens, you’ll need to buy a new one. Similarly, introducing too much liquid to a carpet can damage the underlay and leave odors smelling even worse than before

Is it cheaper to do a carpet cleaning yourself?

Doing the job yourself may be cheaper, but it’s important to consider the benefits of hiring a professional . For visibly great results that bring your carpet back to its former glory, with no risk of damaging your carpet, get in touch with your local carpet cleaner.

Can you lick your carpet?

Also, the licking your carpet comment was partially a joke, but kids and infants might do so, and pets certainly do. Even adults occasionally pick up drop food and eat it.

Is eco friendly carpet cleaner safe?

Eco-friendly carpet cleaning services provide professional cleaning efficiency with safe chemicals and steam cleaning to get your carpeting and rugs showroom clean without the risk of dangerous chemicals. Also, these companies use mild chemicals that appear on the FDA list of cleaning products that are “ Generally Recognized As Safe.”

Is it safe to have a toddler on a carpet?

Toddlers and pets spend a lot of time on floors, carpets, and rugs, and watching out for their safety isn’t a small issue. Also, pets and children have weak immune systems, small lungs, and fast metabolisms, and the effects of toxic chemicals and residues can be highly dangerous to their health.

Is ProGreen Carpet eco friendly?

At ProGreen Carpet, the teams only use eco-friendly products as the company’s name implies. Also, in the Durham and Raleigh areas. ProGreen Carpet offers family- and pet-friendly service, carpet cleaning, rug cleaning, pressure washing, floor repair, carpet repair, and carpet stretching. Therefore, hiring a local business with a reputation for environmental advocacy is the best solution. Do not worry about chemical toxicity in your home left over by professional carpet cleaning. Call ProGreen for environmentally friendly, nontoxic expert green carpet cleaning solutions.

Chlorine Bleach

Sodium Hypochlorite is the active ingredient in chlorine bleach. It is found in household bleach and many other disinfectants. Sodium hypochlorite reacts with ammonia, drain cleaners, and other acids. Many household products state that they contain bleach on the label.

Mixing Bleach and Ammonia

When bleach is mixed with ammonia, toxic gases called chloramines are produced. Exposure to chloramine gases can cause the following symptoms:

Mixing Bleach and Acids

When chlorine bleach is mixed with an acid, chlorine gas is given off. Chlorine gas and water combine to make hydrochloric and hypochlorous acids.

Mixing Bleach with Other Cleaning Products

Bleach also reacts with some oven cleaners, hydrogen peroxide, and some insecticides. Pool chemicals frequently contain calcium hypochlorite or sodium hypochlorite and should not be mixed with other cleaning products.

More Resources

Product labels usually have a toll-free telephone number that you can call to learn more about the product you have purchased. Most manufacturers also have web sites with product information.

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