dark stain carpet cleaning hacks

by Everardo Gaylord Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  1. Use Baking Soda for Greasy Stains. Baking soda is very versatile and can totally save your carpet from dirt and grease. ...
  2. The Magic of Shaving Cream. Dirt and grease stains are often a much bigger problem than residual crumbs. Especially, if your carpet is light-colored.
  3. Food Stains Can Be Fixed with Salt. Salt can be a huge help when it comes to cleaning your rugs. ...
  4. Lint Roller Always Helps. Lint roller can be your hero if you’re a clean freak who owns a carpet. From rugs to pillows to couches, they can clean everything.
  5. Try Ironing Stains Away. The most effective way to clean out stubborn stains is to use a water-vinegar mixture and an iron. ...
  6. Club Soda Is a Talented Agent. Pet urine on carpets is often a huge problem. But, believe it or not, they can be dealt with pretty easily.
  7. Toothbrushes Keep Rugs Clean Too. Shag carpets have areas our vacuum cleaners simply cannot reach. A regular toothbrush with soft bristles can be a huge help.

Try Baking Soda + Vinegar
Sprinkle a layer of dry baking soda on the stain. Then, mix a cup of white vinegar with a cup of water and a few drops of dish soap in a spray bottle. The vinegar will foam when it hits the baking soda which will clean the stain. Leave it to sit for a few hours.
Sep 22, 2020

Full Answer

How to get rid of stains on carpets?

You must know that heavy and oily stains should never be allowed to sit long on carpets. The easiest way to take out the greasy smudges is by using baking soda. Instead of rubbing the stain away apply a generous amount of baking soda on the area.

How to clean carpet with 7 DIY carpet cleaning hacks?

7 DIY Carpet Cleaning Hacks That You Need to Know. 1 1. Use Baking Soda for Greasy Stains. Baking soda is very versatile and can totally save your carpet from dirt and grease. You must know that heavy ... 2 2. The Magic of Shaving Cream. 3 3. Food Stains Can Be Fixed with Salt. 4 4. Lint Roller Always Helps. 5 5. Try Ironing Stains Away. More items

How to clean a carpet with vinegar?

The most effective way to clean out stubborn stains is to use a water-vinegar mixture and an iron. First, you need to vacuum the carpet so that the residual particles and dirt go away. Then, make a solution with 3 parts of water and 1-part vinegar. Apply this to the stained area and leave it to work through the layers for 5-7 minutes.

How to clean a messy carpet with long hair?

From rugs to pillows to couches, they can clean everything. Especially, if you have a carpet with long hair. Sometimes the crumbs and small particles get stuck as the fibers of the carpet hide them. A lint roller can easily slide over anywhere, and it’s amazing how fast it can clean up your messy carpet.


How to get rid of dents on carpet?

Mix together baking soda, dish soap, and white vinegar, then spritz it on the stain and scrub to remove. 6. Carpet Dents. To lift carpet dents, rest ice on the area for a few minutes. Place Styrofoam under the table/chair legs to prevent future dents. For more in-depth instructions, watch the video below!

How do I get pet hair off a carpet?

2. Pet Hair. To get fuzzy pet hair off a carpet, use a squeegee! 3. Shag Rug. To clean a shag rug without removing the individual carpet fibers, roll over the carpet with a lint roller, then flip it over, and vacuum the underside. 4.

How do I get coffee out of a rug?

Try out these six carpet- cleaning hacks the next time you make a mess of your rug. 1. Coffee Stain. To get a coffee (or other dark drink) stain out of a carpet, mix together one part glass cleaner and two parts water. Coat the stain with cleanser, then lay an old T-shirt on the stain. Iron the T-shirt to lift the stain from the carpet.

How do I get gum off a carpet?

To remove gum from a carpet, put ice on the gum for 5 to 10 minutes, then scrape it off. 5. Other Stains. Mix together baking soda, dish soap, and white vinegar, then spritz it on the stain and scrub to remove.

How to Get Silly Putty Out of Carpet

Silly putty doesn’t come out of carpet easily, but it can be done! If you don’t do it right, it is unfortunately highly likely that you won’t get it out at all.

How to Remove Candle Wax from Carpet

Candle wax is easy to remove from carpet with an iron. You have to heat up the wax in order to remove it effectively. Chipping at the cold wax just won’t get the job done.

How to Remove Gum from Carpet

You should have luck getting chewing gum out of your carpet by freezing it with an ice cube. Just hold the ice cube up to it until it hardens and then pry it out with a butter knife.

How to Remove Nail Polish from Carpet

I have received literally hundreds of emails from people over the years asking me how to get nail polish out of carpet.

How to Remove Sharpie from Carpet

Marks from Sharpie pens can definitely be frustrating to get out of carpets! People have had a lot of luck dabbing (wiping will make the stain worse) the stain with rubbing alcohol or aerosol hair spray.

How to Remove Slime or Playdough from Carpet

Many people have had luck removing slime from carpet (and clothing) by using straight vinegar.

Related Cleaning Hacks

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How do I get a stain out of a carpet?

Using a paper towel or rag to scoop up solids can also force the stain deeper into the carpet. Your best bet is to use a putty knife and dustpan to scrape it up. Sink the edge of the putty knife into the carpet at the edge of the mess, then push it forward to move the solid waste up and into the dustpan.

What is the best product to remove pet stains from carpet?

People rave about these two pet stain removers: Krud Cutter and Nature’s Miracle. Both products claim to remove just about any stain that’s set into your carpet using microorganisms (Krud Cutter) or enzymes (Nature’s Miracle). They work for odors, too. Here are 20 common household cleaning products you should never mix.

How do I get wax off a carpet?

When wax melts into carpet, wait for it to harden. Scrape the hardened wax loose with a butter knife and vacuum up the chunks. Next, dampen a white cotton towel, fold it in half and place it over the wax.

How do I keep carpet from getting stained?

To keep carpet in high-traffic area looking its best, dilute vinegar in a spray bottle with equal parts water, then spray on the carpet. Allow the mist to fully absorb, then use a stiff spoon and run it sideways along ...

How do I clean a carpet after a party?

Especially after a party, you may have to deal with spills on your carpet. Start by pushing the hose of a wet/dry vacuum directly onto the carpet fibers and leave it in place for several seconds. Then apply a cleaning solution. You can make your own by mixing 1/4 teaspoon dish soap (clear is best) with one cup water.

How much borax should I use to clean carpet?

An essential part of carpet cleaning is deodorizing, especially when you have children and/or pets! Mix one to two tablespoons of borax (also known as sodium borate, an alkaline mineral salt with a powdery white appearance better known as a laundry washing powder) with 10 drops of essential oil and two cups of baking soda. Spread the mixture on the carpet, allow it to dry and then vacuum it up.

How to get oil out of a stain?

The best way to extract oil is to spread a thick coat of baking soda across the area where the stain can be seen and leave it there until the sides form a dry crust. Then vacuum up the residue. The stain will hopefully be much lighter or gone altogether.

How to make a dark color carpet?

To get started you will need baking soda, dish soap, water Hydrogen Peroxide, and a spray bottle. If using on a dark-colored carpet, then a 1/4 cup of warm water is needed for this solution. Vinegar can also be used to substitute hydrogen peroxide with the same amazing results.

How to get rid of a splattered rag?

METHOD. Combine 1 tsp baking soda, 1/2 cup warm water, 1/4 cup Hydrogen Peroxide, and a drop of dish soap. Mix well and pour into a spray bottle. Spray on the stained area and let it sit for 30 minutes. Using a sponge or small rag, rub the area for 1- 2 minutes. Wipe with a damp sponge.

Can you keep carpet clean?

There are not many ways to keep your carpet clean unless you’re going to avoid eating in that area and keep shoes off. You can purchase coverage for your carpet that can be placed on areas of the carpet that has a lot of traffic going to and fro.

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