diy carpet cleaning versus professional

by Prof. Jason Quitzon Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Full Answer

What is the best professional carpet cleaner?

Top 5 Best Carpet Cleaner Machines UK

  • Top Choice – Vax Dual Power Carpet Cleaner
  • Best For Stairs – Rug Doctor Portable Spot Cleaner
  • Best for Pets – BISSELL InstaClean Compact Carpet Cleaner
  • Best Budget Carpet Cleaner – Ewbank 280 Cascade Manual Carpet Shampooer
  • Best Industrial – Kiam Aquarius Contractor Professional Carpet Shampoo & Upholstery Cleaner

What is the best carpet cleaner company?

  • This carpet cleaner for pets is pretty compact and easy to maneuver around the house
  • The HeatForce system speeds up the drying process, and by extension the whole cleaning process as well
  • The dual tank is easy to clean, and the nozzle is removable for quick maintenance purposes too

What are the top rated carpet cleaners?

Best Overall: BISSELL Powerfresh Slim Steam Mop Best Value: PurSteam Steam Mop Cleaner Best For Hardwood Floors ... Not to mention that it’s safe to use on laminate, hardwood, tile and carpet and can convert into a built-in handheld device.

How do you make a homemade carpet cleaner?

Now, how to make your DIY carpet cleaner:

  • Combine vinegar and water at a ratio of 1:2 parts.
  • Pour into your spray bottle.
  • Add in a couple of teaspoons of salt and between 10 to 15 drops of your essential oil.


Do professional carpet cleaning work better than doing it yourself?

When you contact professionals to clean your carpets, they usually know to do it very well. Further, they have the proper industrial-grade equipment that gets the job done. As a result, the work done is a lot faster than DIY. This also means that dry times will be significantly lower.

Can I clean my carpet as well as a professional?

If your household is prone to spills or accidents that are difficult to clean, a small cleaner may be a worthwhile purchase to have on hand. However, for more general cleaning of your entire carpet surface, it's highly recommended to have a professional come to do it.

Is it cheaper to clean your own carpet?

Cost of DIY Carpet Cleaning Vs. You can rent steam cleaners to tackle cleaning a carpet yourself, which will cost around $35 to $50. You'll also need to pick up detergent for the stubborn stains, which will cost another $15 to $25. So, the total cost of DIY carpet cleaning is around $50 to $75.

Should you shampoo your own carpet?

It's typically recommended that homeowners shampoo carpets or otherwise have them cleaned professionally every year, if not even more often. While improper cleaning methods might damage a rug's fibers and nap, you can never have your home's carpets cleaned too often!

How can I deep clean my carpet myself?

Mix 1/4 cup salt, 1/4 cup borax and 1/4 cup vinegar, then apply this paste to deep stains or heavily soiled sections of carpet. Allow the paste to sit on the carpet for several hours until it dries completely, then vacuum it away.

Is it worth having carpets cleaned?

A general rule is to replace your carpets when they pose health risks like harboring mold or allergens. However, if your carpets have just a few stains, you can likely get professional cleaning help to restore them to their original glory.

Should I steam clean my carpet?

Steam cleaning is a really effective and efficient way to lift build up from the carpet fibers, including mold and pet scents. It also is effective at improving the appearance of carpets that have been neglected over time.

What do professionals use to clean carpets?

Hot Water Extraction Otherwise known as steam cleaning, this is easily the most common professional carpet cleaning technique. Steam cleaning uses hot water at high pressure to penetrate into carpet fibers, breaking down the dirt and bacteria stored deep within. The hot water is then extracted via vacuum.

What is the difference between steam cleaning and shampooing carpet?

Shampooing a carpet involves using a detergent while steam cleaning uses hot water vapor and steam mop to break down dirt. When you steam clean your carpet, the drying time is about 48 hours while shampooing needs longer drying times. Cleaning using shampoo requires you to have a shampooing machine.

Why does my carpet look worse after cleaning?

Because soap and shampoo residue is sticky, it attracts dirt and grime. This is especially noticeable in high traffic areas because every time someone walks on the carpet, soil from their shoes sticks to the residue in the carpet fibers. Similarly, any settling residue will adhere to the residue in the carpet.

Why is my carpet still dirty after cleaning?

If you mix your carpet cleaning solution too strong, you'll create too much foam. If you move your carpet cleaner too fast, you won't suck up enough of the foam. It's the foam that brings the dirt out of the carpet. Dirt particles stick to it, and it is this that makes your water dirty when it is sucked up.

Do you clean carpet until water is clean?

Do you keep cleaning the carpet until the water is clear? Yes, only when the water is clean, can you be sure that your carpet is thoroughly cleaned. To reduce this dirt, never walk on carpets with shoes you have worn on the street and clean with a vacuum cleaner at least once a week.

How long does it take to clean a carpet?

The DIY carpet cleaning process takes lots of effort. In addition to that, it can take several hours to clean your entire carpet properly. However, it depends on the size of your home and carpet. But, with a professional carpet cleaner, you are paying for the convenience of doing everything.

Why do you need a carpet cleaner?

For instance, the high traffic areas in your house, like hallways and entryways, tend to build up dirt and debris quicker. Besides, if you have pets and kids, carpets can trap in soils much faster.

Why hire a carpet cleaning service?

It is in the best of your interest to hire a professional carpet cleaning service merely because of their experience. This helps them to do a much better job than you can do it yourself.�

Do carpet cleaners clean faster than DIY?

Further, they have the proper industrial-grade equipment that gets the job done. As a result, the work done is a lot faster than DIY.�

Do you need to clean your carpet?

At some point in time, probably all carpet owners need to clean their carpets thoroughly. While carpet cleaning is vital for removing stains, cleaning them can significantly improve their life span. However, there are two main options for carpet cleaning, DIY, or professional.

Is it safe to deep clean carpet?

It is safe to say that if someone is classified as a professional and has had adequate training in their specialty area that they know exactly what they are doing. Sometimes it really can be best to leave a job like deep cleaning your carpets to the professionals; as long as you can afford them.

Do carpet cleaners give you a quote?

Whereas professional carpet cleaners usually give you a general quote without having a locked-in, guaranteed price. If some areas are tougher than others to clean, professionals have the right to charge you more.

What is the difference between a professional carpet cleaner and a DIY carpet cleaner?

As the name implies, professional carpet cleaning is handled by professionals, while DIY is handled by homeowners or individuals who have no training in home/office cleaning. A professional carpet cleaning technician should be IICRC certified and experienced with various techniques and equipment to give you an effective cleaning that lasts.

What do professional carpet cleaners use?

They also use the best industrial-grade equipment and cleaners to get the job done faster, and their work take less time to dry. You can move your furniture back into place faster without any risk to the carpet.

What certification do I need to clean carpet?

A professional carpet cleaning technician should be IICRC certified and experienced with various techniques and equipment to give you an effective cleaning that lasts. The two approaches to carpet cleaning also differ regarding method. Most professional carpet cleaners use different methods for different types of carpet – they determine ...

How often should I vacuum my carpet?

Regular vacuuming is important, but make sure you contract a professional carpet cleaner at least once every year.

What kind of water does Carpet Tech use?

Unlike DIY methods and other carpet cleaners, Carpet Tech uses de-ionized, purified water. When you use tap water to clean your carpets, you are often exchanging dirt and grime for more dirt and grime, as most tap water contains sediments.

When will carpets be clean in 2021?

June 9, 2021. A clean and healthy home and work environment has never been more important. When we think of cleaning our indoor spaces, it is crucial to give your carpets the attention they deserve. You would be surprised at the grime and germs that are embedded deep in your carpets. Just because it looks clean, doesn’t mean it is.

Is carpet cleaning worth it?

It is safe to conclude that professional carpet cleaning is worth it. The quality of service a reputable cleaning company offers is worth the investment of hiring professionals. They will clean your carpet thoroughly to preserve its appearance and prolong its lifespan.

Why do you hire a carpet cleaner?

Part of the joy of hiring a professional carpet cleaner is that you get to sit back, relax, and just watch them do all of the work for you. This frees up your time to do other things like enjoy the weekends and spend quality time with friends/family.

What do carpet cleaning technicians do?

Carpet cleaning technicians know pretty much everything about cleaning carpets. They undergo a rigorous training program where they learn a variety of methods/techniques on how to tackle different kinds of stains.

Can a carpet cleaner miss spots?

Sometimes, even the best carpet cleaning service technician can miss out on spots and stains that only you are aware of. You can make your carpet last longer by addressing these hidden spots and perform spot cleaning on your own.

What is the best way to clean a carpet?

The extreme temperatures of hot water extraction is part of what sets it apart as the best carpet cleaning solution available. This hot water is able to penetrate your carpets fibers and rid the carpet of built-up grime, while better activating the solutions we apply to clean your carpets.

What is a weak carpet cleaning machine?

DIY Carpet Cleaning Machines are Weak. Self carpet cleaning machines have low water pressure and weak vacuums. Unlike professional carpet cleaning systems. This means that you will not rinse the carpet fibers thoroughly. Also, the low pressure water you do put down will not be adequately vacuumed up. This may leave you with a soggy, musty smelling ...

Can you leave carpets wet after cleaning?

If your carpets are still wet after you have cleaned them and your four legged pals hang out on these extremely damp carpets, you will wind up with a less than pleasant odor. Through our high powered carpet cleaning process, we are able to leave your carpets only mildly damp.

Can you clean pet urine from a carpet?

DIY pet urine carpet cleaning is nearly impossible. No matter what solutions you put down or how many times you use your rug doctor, the pet urine smell is likely still going to be around. What many people don’t realize is that the urine has gone far beyond just the surface of the carpet. The padding is also saturated.

Can you deep clean carpets with a rug doctor?

Ultimately, by going the DIY route, you will sacrifice a major level of quality in the clean. Do it yourself carpet cleaners, like a Rug Doctor, that you rent from your local store to take home are alright at surface carpet cleaning. They will remove some of the dirt you can see. However, they are not good at deep cleaning your carpets.

Can you clean your own carpet?

When you clean your own carpets you also run the risk of damaging your carpet. Some rental carpet cleaners are extremely harsh and can lead to faster wear and tear on your carpets than professional services. A professional carpet cleaner is dedicated to knowing exactly how to care for your specific carpet type.

Can a rug doctor remove water from carpet?

If you have ever used a Rug Doctor or similar piece of equipment, you have likely watched the dirty water as it is extracted from your carpet. Although these carpet cleaners do remove some water and dirt , they are ineffective at thoroughly drying your carpets.

Hiring a carpet cleaning professional vs doing it yourself

For some people, this is a quick and easy decision. Either, you love cleaning so you’re happy to don the rubber gloves, roll up your sleeves and get stuck in yourself. Or, you hate the idea of cleaning and will hire a professional carpet cleaner without blinking.

Carpet cleaner vs steam cleaner

Steam cleaning vs shampoo carpet; what’s best? The answer depends on your carpet, the condition it’s in and the results you want to see.

Which carpet cleaning method is best?

There really is no single best carpet cleaning method, as it depends on the type of carpet you have, the condition it’s in, the depth of clean you want and how much you want to spend on cleaning it.

Hiring carpet cleaners

You’ve decided that you want a professional carpet cleaner to do the work, and you’re ready to book them in. Here are a few tips on hiring carpet cleaners to make sure you get a good one:

How to steam clean carpet yourself

Here’s a brief overview of the steps you should take when you steam clean a carpet yourself:

Is professional carpet cleaning worth it?

The answer depends on what you’re looking for, your budget, and the amount of effort you want to put in. If you’re short on cash and have spare time then DIY cleaning might be the best option – just make sure you follow official guidance when using any carpet cleaning products and equipment.

How much does professional carpet cleaning cost?

The average cost for a professional company to clean your carpets is around £60 – £120 per hour, depending on a number of factors including the condition of your carpets and where you live.



Having your carpets cleaned is a chore that usually falls into the same category as spring cleaning: not very fun to do but necessary, and should occur at approximately the same level of frequency. Most carpet owners, however, will only have their carpets cleaned once every few years (and some not even that). Carpe…
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  • To keep your carpet looking and performing well for as long as possible, manufacturers recommend having your carpet cleaned at minimum every 1218 months, depending on the amount of traffic in your home. In fact, such frequent cleaning is a condition of many warrantiesbe sure to carefully read your warranty information.
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  • While regular cleaning is important for all types of carpet, it is especially true in the case of nylon carpeting. Nylon contains a hydrogen molecule. This is the primary source of nylon's resiliency. When the fibers have been flattened down due to foot traffic, cleaning reactivates the hydrogen molecule, causing the fibers to literally bounce back. The cleaning will actually revive the carpet …
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  • The method of carpet cleaning recommended by most carpet manufacturers is hot water extraction, which is more commonly (though slightly incorrectly) known as steam cleaning. In the hot water extraction method, hot water is essentially sprayed on the carpet and then sucked back into the machine, along with any dirt that was on the carpet. There is usually a cleaning solution …
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  • Professional cleaners may use either a truck-mounted unit or a portable machine. The portable machine has obvious benefits, such as being able to be used in apartment and condo buildings in units that would otherwise be beyond the reach of a truck-mounted unit's hose. However, truck-mounted units are more powerful than portable units and should be used whenever possible for …
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  • When properly done, the carpet should be only slightly damp after it has been thoroughly cleaned. Wet carpet indicates that the machine was not powerful enough to do the job effectively. If your carpet is very wet after cleaning, use fans to speed up the drying, and be sure to stay off it until it is dry. Do not replace the furniture before the carpet is completely dry.
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  • Other variablessuch as the amount of cleaner added to the machine and the technique for using the machine i.e. how fast/slow to move across the carpetpresent several opportunities for things to go wrong with DIY machines or at least not as well as with professional cleaners.
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