diy no machine carpet cleaning solution

by Miss Dolly Wisoky Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Whole-Room Carpet Cleaning Without a Machine

  • Start by sprinkling baking soda over the carpet and vacuum thoroughly to remove loose debris. (The baking soda also...
  • Add two drops of carpet shampoo and warm water to a clean spray bottle. Spray the mixture over the carpet, taking care...
  • Brush over the carpet with a carpet brush to remove any trapped dirt.

In a bowl or small bucket, mix one part white vinegar with three parts water. Dip the bristles of the scrub brush into the solution and rub them into the carpet. Massage them into the fibers well (without fully saturating the carpet) and follow up with a cloth to help blot excess moisture.

Full Answer

How do you make homemade carpet cleaning solution?


  • Pour water and vinegar into the spray bottle and shake to mix.
  • Add the salt and lavender essential oil and swish the solution until the salt dissolves completely.
  • Spritz the carpet or rug liberally.
  • Let the homemade cleaner dry on the rug or carpet.
  • Vacuum to eliminate dried cleaner residue.
  • Repeat as needed.

What is the best carpet cleaning machine solution?

Top 5 Best Carpet Cleaning Solution Products

  1. Hoover Paws & Claws Deep Cleaning Carpet Shampoo (AH30933) Review. ...
  2. BISSELL 2X Professional Pet Urine Eliminator Full Size Machine Formula, 48 ounces (67A5) Review. ...
  3. Hoover CLEANPLUS 2X 64oz Carpet Cleaner and Deodorizer (AH30330) Review. ...
  4. Bissell Deep Clean Pro 2X Deep Cleaning Concentrated Formula, 48 ounces (78H6B) Review. ...

More items...

What is the best professional carpet cleaner machine?

The Best Commercial Carpet Cleaner

  1. Bissell Big Green Professional Carpet Cleaner Machine. Our best choice for the best commercial carpet cleaners is the impressive and comprehensive Bissell Big Green Professional Carpet Cleaner Machine.
  2. Bissell Big Green Commercial Deep Cleaning 2 Motor Extracter Machine. ...
  3. Rug Doctor Mighty Pro X3 Commercial Carpet Cleaner. ...

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How to make your own carpet cleaner?

How to Make Homemade Carpet Cleaner. Step 1 - Add the hydrogen peroxide, dish liquid Oxiclean and fabric softener to a large gallon jug using a funnel. Step 2 - Fill the remainder of the jug with water and mix well. Step 3 - Fill the reservoir of your carpet cleaner with warm water and add 2 ounces of the homemade solution.


What is the best homemade carpet cleaning solution?

White vinegar is the superhero of stain removal and it's one of the best natural carpet cleaners around. Try these different formulas for homemade carpet stain remover to remove a variety of common stains: Rub light carpet stains with a mixture of 2 tablespoons salt dissolved in 1/2 cup white vinegar.

Can I make my own carpet cleaner solution?

Carpet Cleaner Solution for Machine Fill the tank of your carpet steam cleaner with the hot water. Add dish soap, hydrogen peroxide, and vinegar. Finally, add in the lemon essential oil. Stir the ingredients slowly to ensure they are thoroughly mixed.

What alternative can I use for carpet cleaner?

These are some of the best—and simplest, in terms of ingredients used—non-toxic solutions for cleaning your carpet naturally.Steam Vapor. ... Water + Vinegar + Salt. ... Baking Soda + Vinegar + Water. ... Salt + Borax + Vinegar. ... Baking Soda + Cornstarch + Cornmeal + Borax.

How can I clean my carpet by hand?

Deep clean by handSprinkle baking soda over the surface of your carpet.Mix carpet shampoo (that you've color tested) with warm water; then add the mixture to a spray bottle.Spray the cleaning liquid over the carpet.Brush with a carpet brush.Blot the area.Spray again with warm water only.Blot the carpet again.

Can I put laundry detergent in my carpet cleaner?

Next time when you run out of cleaning solutions then you don't have to rush to the nearest store. Laundry detergents serve as the best homemade carpet cleaner.

Can you clean carpet with laundry detergent?

Laundry detergent is designed to clean many types of fabric, from clothing to carpeting. The detergent will actually wash the carpet, leaving it fresh and free of residue.

How do I make my own carpet shampoo?

Ingredients2 Tbsp liquid Tide laundry detergent.1/4 cup LA's Totally Awesome cleaner.1 scoop Oxiclean (3 tbsp)1 teaspoon Downy fabric softener optional.1 gallon hot water.

How do you make homemade carpet shampoo?

DIY Carpet Cleaning Machine Solution Recipe2 tablespoons ammonia.1 teaspoon liquid dish soap.2 cups rubbing alcohol.Several drops of your favorite essential oil.

How do you make homemade carpet cleaner?

How to Make Homemade Carpet Stain RemoverMix the Ingredients. In a spray bottle, mix one cup of distilled water, one cup of distilled white vinegar, and one teaspoon of dishwashing liquid. ... Spray the Stain. ... Rinse, Blot, and Dry.

How can I deep clean my carpet without a steam cleaner?

Combine equal parts vinegar and water directly in a spray bottle, shaking to mix. Spray the solution directly on the carpet, blotting with a clean cloth. Try spraying the mix to spot clean, deodorize, or combine it with the deep cleaning power of a vacuum's bristles to remove stains.

How do you clean an area rug without a machine?

Create a solution of one part distilled vinegar and three parts cold water. Spray it onto your carpet fairly liberally, and allow it a few minutes of contact time. Then take a microfibre cloth, and start gently blotting. Don't scrub, otherwise you could damage your carpet.

How can I clean carpet cheaply?

Cheap effective solutions for cleaning your carpetA mixture of water vinegar and soap. Add half tsp of white vinegar to about 0.5l of warm water. ... Use club soda for blood and wine stains. Club soda has proven to effectively clean up blood and wine stains. ... Use non-dyed shaving cream to remove stains.

Can you use vinegar and baking soda in a carpet cleaning machine?

Baking Soda and Vinegar Then either pretreat the stains by spraying the vinegar and water solution, or go straight for the Bissell. When the vinegar mixes with the baking soda, a bubbly reaction will help loosen dirt and oils in the carpet.

Does baking soda and vinegar clean carpet?

If you're looking for a natural and inexpensive way to clean stains and odors from your carpets, then you can't go wrong with baking soda or vinegar.

What soap can I use in my carpet cleaner?

Remove carpet stains with a solution of water and liquid dish soap. Carpet stains are an inevitable part of life, but simple household cleaners, including non-bleach liquid dish detergent, work well for cleaning and removing water-soluble stains.

How to Make A Diy Carpet Cleaning Solution

If you’re sick of spending your hard-earned money on commercial carpet cleaners, or are looking to find more environmentally friendly ways to clean...

Commercial Carpet Cleaner Solutions

If you don’t want to make your own DIY cleaner, here the best carpet cleaning solution that you can buy online:The Bissell 78H6B Deep Cleaning Pro...

How to Best Clean Your Carpet Manually

The carpet in your home should be thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis to help it continue to look great and for it to last longer. Along with vac...

Want to clean your carpet but hate those bulky machines? Follow these DIY cleaning tips and methods to learn how to clean carpet without a machine

Vacuuming and carpet cleaning might top your list of most dreaded chores, but consider yourself lucky, 21st-century homeowner. Our forebears could hardly conceive of robotic vacuum cleaners and would have marveled at upright vacuums that glide effortlessly across the floor.

Spot Cleaning Carpets Without a Machine

If you’re lucky, you might just need a little spot cleaning here and there. For small and recent carpet stains, Two Maids & A Mop Director of Franchise Operations Lauren Bowen recommends a simple DIY method. “Fill a spray bottle with 1/4 cup white vinegar, one tablespoon dish soap and water,” Bowen says.

Whole-Room Carpet Cleaning Without a Machine

Disclosure: Cleaning your carpet without a machine is a time-intensive process. Block off plenty of time (more than you think you’ll need) to get it done.

Best DIY Carpet Cleaning Solution

Since commercial cleaning products are often costly, creating a homemade carpet cleaner using inexpensive everyday products is a great alternative. Not only will you save money by making a homemade carpet cleaning solution, but you’ll keep your family safe from harsh toxic residue that many store-bought products leave behind.

Homemade Deodorizing Carpet Cleaning Solution

If you have pets and areas that see heavy traffic, your carpets can start to smell rancid after a while. This recipe does an excellent job cleaning even the toughest dirt and carpet stains while deodorizing the entire area.

Homemade Carpet Cleaner Machine Solution

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to get your carpets clean. Along with being reasonably expensive, commercial cleaning products often contain harsh chemicals that can be toxic to your family and the environment.

DIY Carpet Stain Remover

Dealing with stains in your carpet can be tricky. From spilled food and drinks to pet stains, finding the best solution to eradicate them can be frustrating.

Homemade Pet Stain Remover

No matter how well trained your four-legged friends are, accidents are inevitable. To keep the urine from setting into the carpet fibers, it’s best to clean up the accident before it has a chance to dry.

DIY Carpet Deodorizer

If your home smells anything less than inviting, it could be because of the odors that have become trapped in your carpet. Every house has a natural odor footprint based on what’s inside.

How to Make a DIY Carpet Cleaning Solution

If you’re sick of spending your hard-earned money on commercial carpet cleaners, or are looking to find more environmentally friendly ways to clean your carpets, we put together several excellent DIY carpet cleaning solution recipes that you can make from the comfort of your home with everyday chemical-free ingredients.

Commercial Carpet Cleaner Solutions

If you don’t want to make your own DIY cleaner, here the best carpet cleaning solution that you can buy online.

How to Best Clean Your Carpet Manually

The carpet in your home should be thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis to help it continue to look great and for it to last longer. Along with vacuuming your carpet on a weekly basis, it needs to be deep cleaned several times a year to remove ground in dirt and stains.

Homemade Carpet Stain Remover, The Best Carpet Cleaning Solution Secret Recipe

It takes no time for me to find out that some of the carpet cleaning products I have used before containing chemicals that irritate my eyes and skin so much. Since then, I started to look for something more eco-friendly, but I really had a hard time looking for the right product.

Top 5 Best Carpet Cleaning Solution Products

My playful children always spill juices and drop food like gummy bear candies and chocolate on the carpets that my carpets used to look like old rugs filled with dark marks. I tried to clean up these stains with several cheap carpet cleaning products but the original color was never coming back.

10 Carpet Stain Remover You Probably Already Have In Your House

The DIY carpet cleaning solution recipe mentioned above is an excellent alternative for store-bought carpet cleaner spray. and is worth it to produce in large volume for your carpet cleaning machines.

About this article

This article was co-authored by Kadi Dulude. Kadi Dulude is the owner of Wizard of Homes, a New York City based cleaning company. Kadi manages a team of over 70 registered cleaning professionals, and her cleaning advice has been featured in Architectural Digest and New York Magazine. This article has been viewed 1,257,745 times.

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How to Clean Carpet without a Machine

Vinegar and water work great if you plan to clean carpet yourself. The cleaning solution does require a bit of scrubbing and plenty of patience but provides excellent clean up results without a steam cleaner.

Best Way to Deep Clean a Carpet without a Carpet Cleaner

Regular vacuuming is best for deep cleaning carpet without steam cleaner. What many of us fail to realize is carpet discoloration occurs when carpets are not cleaned enough.

Natural Ways to Clean Carpet without a Machine

Club soda is a natural cleaner that is great at getting blood out of carpet, as well as wine stains. To spot clean your carpets, spray club soda directly onto the stained area and then blot up with paper towels. Repeat spraying and blotting until gone.

How to Clean Area Rugs with Snow

During the winter, use snow to clean a wool area rug, handmade rugs, or area rugs. The best snow to use to clean your rugs is the dry and powdery kind. To begin, drag the rug outside and shake it to remove all loose dirt and debris. Lay it down and allow it to sit outside for 30 minutes to get it used to the colder temperatures.


Cleaning your carpet is necessary. There are several benefits of having a cleaned carpet at home. Not only it helps improve the life of your carpet but it also helps create a healthy environment, free of dust and mold.There are several ways of creating a homemade carpet cleaning solution.

How To Make The Best Homemade Carpet Cleaning Solution

You need to keep in check the proportions while making a homemade carpet cleaning solution. You certainly don’t want to ruin your carpet because the chemical proportions got messed up.

Homemade Cleaning Solution Recipes

We just managed to create a superb homemade carpet cleaning solution that will give you a remarkably cleaned carpet in no time. However, as highlighted earlier, you need to understand your carpet. That means you need to change the recipe as needed.

How Much Will It Cost?

One of the many perks of using a homemade carpet cleaning solution is that it is quite affordable. On average, a store-bought carpet cleaning solution will cost around $20-$30, and you’ll be needing multiple bottles if you’re doing the entire home’s carpet.

Why Opt For A Homemade Carpet Cleaning Solution?

Opting for a homemade carpet cleaning solution is quite optimal. There are several benefits that you can get for using your homemade cleaning solution. One of these perks is that it is cheap and doesn't cost much.

Things To Avoid When Cleaning Your Carpet

You still need to take precautionary measures, even after creating a superb homemade cleaning agent. Here are some of the things that you need to avoid:

Homemade Carpet Cleaning Solution FAQS

Most probably yes. Homemade carpet cleaning solutions are safe and can be used for all kinds of cleaning machines. However, just to be sure, take a look at the manual.

Homemade Synthetic Carpet Cleaner

Synthetic or human-made fibers make up the majority of the wall-to-wall carpet market and are popular due to their strength, durability, stain resistance, and affordability.

DIY Carpet Shampoo for Lighter Colored Carpets

This recipe uses hydrogen peroxide as its base ingredient, along with warm water. The hydrogen peroxide provides extra lifting power for tough carpet stains, along with a diluted whitening power.

Homemade Carpet Cleaning Machine Solution

If you use a steam cleaner to clean your carpets, you don’t have to continue to use the recommended, harmful professional carpet cleaning solutions. Here is a great recipe that you can make at home to use in your carpet cleaning machine.

DIY Carpet Cleaning Spray

When you have pets and kids in your home, your carpet can quickly look dirty and dingy. Unfortunately, using the commercial carpet cleaners on the market can end up leaving toxic chemicals behind that can leave your family feeling ill.

Homemade Citrus-Enzyme Cleaner

Many of the popular commercial stain removers on the market often have large labels explaining how they use “enzymes” to break down stains and odors. Here is a recipe that you can make yourself to do the same thing.

Pet Stain and Odor Remover Spray

Animals tend to be hard on our carpet, making this homemade pet stain and odor remover spray a must. It is inexpensive and easy to make and will work to get urine and blood stains out of the carpet. The white vinegar will get rid of even old stains that may have been overlooked, while the baking soda works to remove odors.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda Soak

Hydrogen peroxide is a great ingredient to use when it comes to breaking down urine and pulling out stains. When you combine it with baking soda, you can eliminate odors as well. When these two ingredients are mixed, you have another great solution for getting rid of carpet stains.

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