do carpet stains reappear weeks after cleaning

by Jacquelyn Stamm Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

A common complaint about carpets is that stains often reappear after cleaning. Sometimes as soon as the carpets dry, boom, stains appear. Other times weeks will go by and then all of a sudden the previous stain will pop back up.

The reappearance of spots and stains is actually a very common occurrence when a carpet is "cleaned" using a traditional shampoo and rinse method. Sometimes, spots can reappear as soon as the carpet dries. Other times, the spots come back after several weeks have passed.Apr 15, 2013

Full Answer

Why do carpet stains reappear after cleaning?

The other common cause of reappearing stains is something referred to as wicking. Wicking occurs when the substance that was spilled on the carpet has soaked through into the backing of the carpet (and sometimes even the underpad ).

How to get rid of stains and residue from carpet?

Here are the best DIY ways to deal with residue and trapped moisture: • For residue, spray just enough warm water over the stained area to dampen it but without wetting the back of the carpet. Now, dry the are using the same white towel technique mentioned above. After weighing it down, allow it to sit overnight.

Can You reinstall carpet after it has been pulled up?

Once you are certain everything is dry, including the sub-floor, if necessary, you can then reinstall your carpet. If you have had to pull up a large portion of your carpet, you may prefer to have a professional installer come to reinstall it to ensure a proper re-stretch of the carpet.

Are carpet stains from spills & accidents normal?

Carpet stains from spills & accidents are just part of life, but most people expect them to at least stay away if they’re seemingly successfully cleaned. Right?


What causes carpet stains to reappear?

Soiling occurs when residue is left behind on the carpet fibers from the carpet cleaner used to treat the original stain. If not completely rinsed and blotted, the residue becomes sticky and attracts dirt and soil to the same spot, which can cause look like the stain has returned.

How do you get carpet stains out that keep coming back?

0:341:33How to Remove Carpet Stains That Keep Reappearing - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipNext thing you're going to take your white cloth and go over the spot and wipe it just blot it don'tMoreNext thing you're going to take your white cloth and go over the spot and wipe it just blot it don't rub. Hard next thing you're going to have your bottle of warm water you spray the area.

Why do stains come back after cleaning?

Two Reasons Carpet And Rug Stains Reappear After Cleaning Wicking happens when liquid penetrates the rug or carpet to reach the backing and/or padding. Even though the surface was cleaned and the spot disappeared, the fibers act like a wick to reabsorb the spilled liquid residue beneath.

Can carpet stains be permanent?

So, are carpet stains permanent? Carpet stains can become permanent if they are not removed or treated correctly and immediately.

Do stains get worse over time?

The longer a stain is left untreated, the less likely it is to be removed. When a spill first occurs, it sits on the surface of the fabric, but over time, that spill can start to react with the fabric causing the fabric to actually change colors.

Why does my carpet look worse after cleaning?

Because soap and shampoo residue is sticky, it attracts dirt and grime. This is especially noticeable in high traffic areas because every time someone walks on the carpet, soil from their shoes sticks to the residue in the carpet fibers. Similarly, any settling residue will adhere to the residue in the carpet.

Do professional carpet cleaners remove stains?

Professional cleaning is indeed successful in removing stains from your carpet. With a little professional help from us and the use of top-notch cleaning equipment that we use, you can restore the look of your living room's carpet.

What causes brown spots on carpet?

The cause for brown stains on carpet is moisture and most often water. The water can be clean or dirty, it isn't relevant. This is one of the reasons you never want to subject your carpet to too much moisture as it can lead to brown spots or mold growth and permanent damage to carpet.

Are you supposed to vacuum after carpet cleaning?

Vacuum beforehand to remove large particles of soil. Vacuum again after you clean and the carpet is completely dry to pick up soil that wicks to the surface during drying.

What stains are permanent?

Common “Permanent” Stains Found On Soft FurnishingsWatermark. Watermarks are often seen on soft furnishings like carpet, sofa and mattress after flooding or caused by leaking air conditioner. ... Red Wine Stain. You may think your expensive sofa is damaged when your guest spilled a glass of red wine. ... Curry Stain.

Do stains fade over time?

Many, probably most, store-bought stains are made with both dye and pigment. If wood stained with these stains is exposed to sunlight or fluorescent light for a while, the dye color will fade away, but the pigment color will remain. The effect is that the stained wood changes color.

What are the worst carpet stains?

Worst Stains For Your Carpet And How to Remove ThemGum. If chewing gum gets stuck on carpet, it can be a nightmare! ... Red Wine. The classic and dreaded stain: red wine. ... Ink. Whether from a ballpoint pen or an actual ink cartridge, ink spillages – although not the most common – can still happen. ... Blood. ... Mud.

Why does my carpet stain look like it's been blotted?

If not completely rinsed and blotted, the residue becomes sticky and attracts dirt and soil to the same spot, which can cause look like the stain has returned . The other common cause of reappearing stains is something referred to as wicking.

How to prevent stains from soaking in carpet?

Reappearing stains can be prevented by ensuring that spills are treated as quickly as possible when they occur, to prevent the spill from soaking deep into the carpet. After treatment, place a stack of paper towels or a clean white towel over the spot, and use a stack of books or something heavy to weigh it down.

What does it mean when a carpet is wicking?

Wicking occurs when the substance that was spilled on the carpet has soaked through into the backing of the carpet (and sometimes even the underpad ). When you clean the stain, you are cleaning the surface of the carpet.

Why is my carpet damp after cleaning?

This is especially a risk if you choose to steam clean your carpet yourself because many rental units are not powerful enough to extract all of the water from the fibers .

How to get rid of a spot on a carpet?

Soiling. If you suspect the cause of the reappearing stain is soiling caused by residue left behind from the spot cleaner used, pour a small amount of lukewarm water on the spot. The amount of water will depend on the size of the spot, but no more than one-quarter of a cup.

Can you reinstall carpet if it spills?

This is not too bad if your spill happens to be near a wall; obviously, it is a much bigger issue if your spill is in the middle of the room (which is, of course, where most spills happen). Once you are certain everything is dry, including the sub-floor, if necessary, you can then reinstall your carpet.

How to get rid of moisture in carpet?

Here are the best DIY ways to deal with residue and trapped moisture: • For residue, spray just enough warm water over the stained area to dampen it but without wetting the back of the carpet. Now, dry the are using the same white towel technique mentioned above. After weighing it down, allow it to sit overnight.

What happens when liquid penetrates a rug?

1.) Wicking . Wicking happens when liquid penetrates the rug or carpet to reach the backing and/or padding. Even though the surface was cleaned and the spot disappeared, the fibers act like a wick to reabsorb the spilled liquid residue beneath.

What is soiling in carpet?

Soiling is the result of residue left behind on carpet and rug fibers when cleaning products aren’t completely rinsed and blotted dry. These leftover particles become sticky little magnets to trap dirt, dust, and other particles. As dust & dirt collect, the spot appears as if the original stain has returned.

When do spots come back from carpet?

This is most often a result of "wicking" which will be discussed below. At other times the spots and stains come back after the passing of a few weeks. This is most often referred to as "rapid resoiling".

Where does soap residue start on carpet?

The first one starts in the pad or backing of the carpet underneath the carpet fiber, while the other one starts in the fiber of the carpet themselves from soap residues that have been left behind.

What is the best way to clean a carpet?

1. When spot cleaning your carpet use a non-residual carpet cleaning spotter that is not detergent based as soon as the stain occurs. One such product you can purchase is Procyon Carpet Cleaner. There are others on the market to choose from, just be sure to do your research and remember a non-detergent cleaner is the way to go.

How to get rid of wicking in carpet?

1. Perform a heat transfer using a vinegar and water mixture, white terry-cloth towel, and common household cloths iron. Follow this link for instructions.

Can you see spots on carpet after you have cleaned it?

If this is your situation then, you are not the only one.

Can you get a stain out of a carpet?

The Stain is now trapped under the carpet surface and can be very difficult to get out. When you clean the carpet fibers the stain that is trapped below will keep wicking its way back through the carpet over and over again.

Can carpet cleaners use any product?

It doesn't make since but carpet cleaning companies are under no regulations what so ever and can use any cleaning product of choice. Just like the store bought cleaner analogy, there are some carpet cleaning companies who's only concern is getting the carpet clean, not how long it will stay clean.

Why Do Carpet Stains Reappear After Cleaning?

There are two major reasons why carpet stains resurface after cleaning:

How to Fix Your Reappearing Carpet Stain Problem

If you usually have your carpets professionally cleaned, it’s important to ensure your cleaner has the right equipment and cleaning products that are appropriate to your type of carpet. You also want to be sure cleaning solutions are residue-free. Ask them if you aren’t sure about their cleaning processes.

Take Immediate Actions to Prevent Reappearing Carpet Stains

To prevent reappearing carpet stains, a good measure is to remove spills as quickly and effectively as possible when they occur. This helps prevent the spill from soaking deep into the carpet padding, backing, and sub-floor.

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Why do stains reappear on carpet?

A professional carpet cleaner like our team here at Actually Clean will know the right cleaning agents to use for any sort of carpet stain removal and ensure your carpet is well rinsed without over saturating the fibers.

Why does a stain come back after it's been cleaned?

If a stain reappears due to residue, it originates within the carpet fibers. This occurs when some of the cleaning agents such as soap or shampoo are left behind in your carpet. The residue will still remain even after the carpet dries.


Wicking occurs when the spilled substance soaks into the padding and backing of the carpeting, down to the floor. It may look like you've cleaned up a pet accident or a knocked glass of wine, but in fact, the liquid had time to seep down to where you can't reach it.


You meant well when you used a carpet-cleaning solution to wipe up a spill or stain in your carpet. But you may have unknowingly left behind some residue of the cleaning product. If it’s not completely removed, the residue can attract and trap dirt and debris to the same spot, causing a similar-looking stain to occur.

How to Prevent Soiling

It can seem nearly impossible to keep substances that cause soiling off your carpet, especially when you have pets, children, or teenagers. Remind your family members to wipe their feet and wash their hands to minimize residue on carpeting and other surfaces in your home.

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