funny carpet cleaning memes

by Abe Collier Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is carpet cleaning meme?

The carpet cleaning meme is a bizare one even in the world of memes. From an innocent woman doing an ad for a carpet cleaning product, to an over night internet success. This is how the internet work people, get used to it. Memes really come from the strangest and funniest places.

What does the meme mean?

The meme centers on her forced smile and expressionless eyes, which is typically used to convey a reaction of shock, confusion, or disbelief often with the wordsThe WHAT” being written somewhere on the images themselves.

33 cleaning memes for 2020

At FieldVibe, we acknowledge all the hard work that needs to be done while cleaning. With all that hard work there is bound to be a little bit of humor and funny situations involved with cleaning. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of cleaning memes that we believe might brighten your day.

Looking for more cleaning memes?

If you want to see more funny 2020 memes, you can check out our other posts on HVAC Memes, Plumbing Memes, Electrician Memes or Lawn Care Memes. Have fun!

How much laundry does Cinderella do?

Cinderella had the birds and the mice to help her with her laundry, lets hope that all the characters at Disney World are just as helpful, because the magic park washes an average of 285,000 pounds of laundry every single day.

Is the floor covered in clothes?

Sure the floor may be covered in clothes but at least the bed is usually clean - wrong. When you cozy up to your pillow at night, your head isn't the only thing weighing it down. Roughly 10 percent of a pillow's weight is made up of dead mites and their droppings.

Abortions are like stains in my carpet

You don't want them to be seen, and you pay somebody to vacuum them out.

Little Johnny and the Salesman

A salesman knocks on a door. A few seconds later the door opens. Little Johnny is standing there with a bourbon and Coke in one hand and lit cigar in the other hand. The salesman looks at him for a second and then asks "Little boy, is your mommy here?" Johnny flicks some cigar ash on the carpet, rubs it into the carpet with his shoe.

A beautiful woman asked me if the carpet matched the drapes

I told her there was no carpet. . . just hard wood. That's a real dream I had last night. I woke up with more giggles than I should have.

A man walks into a bank and approaches the counter

He yells "This is a fuck-up!" Confused the bank teller asks "Don't you mean stick-up?" The man scuffs his shoes on the carpet and says "No, I've left my gun at home.

The Vacuum Cleaner Salesman

A door to door vacuum salesman visits a house.

My marriage is pretty much like a fairy tale

Every time i try to tell my wife she's a princess she either falls asleep, runs away, or asks me to prove it. and since i don't have a magic carpet or poison apple it's kind of hard...

Flying carpet

So I was walking by a council flat the other day when I saw this Arab guy shaking a carpet. I shouted up, "what's wrong Aladdin, won't it start?."

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