gary carpet cleaning marketing secrets

by Mrs. Gwen Ullrich Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How to market your carpet cleaning business?

Start planning — and running — your year-long carpet cleaning marketing campaigns to stay in front of your prospects (and customers) with your USP (#1) and professional logo (#2). 5. Target your ideal prospects to generate qualified leads and easier sales

How can my new caller sheet help my carpet cleaning business?

And your new caller sheet will also help you do one of the most important things you can do in your carpet cleaner marketing plan: 26. Track your results like a carpet cleaning marketing pro Only TRACKING will show you what parts of your carpet cleaning advertising creates leads (and sales) for your business.

How does Google Business profile affect your carpet cleaning business rankings?

If someone uses Google Maps to search for a local carpet cleaning business, your correct and updated information on the internet (including in Google Business Profile) will enable your ranking in Google Maps to be higher than those other business owners who didn’t take the time.

How to win the carpet cleaning marketing game?

Whatever marketing medium you’re using, there are 2 rules for winning the carpet marketing game: Start planning — and running — your year-long carpet cleaning marketing campaigns to stay in front of your prospects (and customers) with your USP (#1) and professional logo (#2). 5.


How to sell carpet cleaning?

For example, you might like to tell them about how they can maintain their carpets once you're finished, and show any products you sell to help with that. Giving them your time will also make them more likely to refer you to their friends and neighbors. You can add your name and logo to every product you sell so that people remember your business every time they use it. This can help people to see your business as the go-to company for cleaning.

How to keep customers coming back?

Another great way to keep your customers coming back is to give them merchandise. This could mean a pen, a mug, or something else. People generally don’t refuse something if it’s free. You can then put your details on the merchandise so that they can contact you in the future without having to look for your contact information.

What to do when a client leaves a review?

You should give a proper and polite response that addresses their comments. You may be able to help them if they had a bad experience, or give them extra reasons to remember you if they had a good one.

Do you have to have a cleaning vehicle?

You will likely have a cleaning vehicle already, and if you don't have one now, then you should get one. Once you do have one, then you should have it decorated with your carpet cleaning name, logos, colors, and telephone number. This is an easy way for you to get noticed and will leave a good impression if you park outside a client's home whilst you help them. It also helps to have logos on your business equipment.

How many rules are there for carpet marketing?

Whatever marketing medium you’re using, there are 2 rules for winning the carpet marketing game:

What to do when you spot a negative review on cleaning service?

When you spot a negative review online, make sure to comment on it and respond with a sincere apology and offer to remedy whatever occurred that was dissatisfactory with their cleaning service.

What is a special offer for carpet cleaning?

There are 2 major functions that a special offer plays in your carpet marketing campaign: Enticing prospects to try out your product or service. • Rewarding current customers and ensuring future loyalty. So a special offer is not an afterthought for your carpet cleaning marketing….

How much did Ayoub spend on postcard marketing?

And — on one of their campaigns, Ayoub spent $13,950 and generated $224,500 back in revenue.

How much does a Persian rug cost?

You own a Persian rug that cost $20,000. You and your spouse bought it at an open-air market in Casablanca while on a once-in-a-lifetime vacation to Morocco. This rug is basically irreplaceable. And your dog just trampled mud on it.

Do you need to discriminate when advertising for carpet cleaners?

If you want to avoid wasting money with your carpet cleaner advertising , you need to discriminate!

Is it costly to not stay in touch with customers?

Failing to stay in touch with existing customers is an extraordinarily costly mistake.

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