green carpet cleaning portland

by Prof. Brycen Fadel Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is the phone number for Be Green Services?

Call us today at (503) 488-5992 to find out what offers are available to you right now. Or just book an appointment online!

What is the best way to remove pet stains from carpet?

Our Be Green carpet cleaners will asses the nature of stains and remove them in a safe effective manner. They will use a UV light to also find those stains that are not visible to the naked eye. The UV light is especially effective to remove pet stain & odor from carpets. Be Green Services cleaners are experts in pet stain and odor removal.

Green Carpet Cleaning Portland OR

Chem-Dry has always had a focus on providing organic and green carpet cleaning, even before it was a thing to be green! Being that we live in the beautiful green city of Portland, Oregon Chem-Dry was an early an early adopter of green carpet cleaning and is proud to say that not only is our main cleaning solution green, but Chem-Dry now offers over 40 product that have been green certified..

Not Just a Green Carpet Cleaning Company

Oregon Chem-Dry is not only your primary source for green carpet cleaning, but for healthier, drier and cleaner carpet cleaning as well! Contact Oregon Chem-Dry today to see how cleaning is more than just a green clean but an over all healthier carpet cleaning company.

Eco Portland Carpet Cleaning

At Eco Portland Carpet Cleaning are mission is to not only keep the environment safe but bring that mentality into the homes of our customers. We use the best Eco friendly products in our carpet cleaning equipment as well as giving our customers the most complete cleaning process.

Eco Portland Carpet Cleaning

Our mission at Eco Portland Carpet Cleaning is to help our customers promote a healthy environment through the use of eco-friendly cleaning products. We provide thoroughly clean results through the use of environmentally safe cleaning products combined with our experience and professional carpet cleaning techniques.

What Makes Us Different?

Different surfaces and fibers require different cleaning methods. We tailor our cleaning methods to your specific needs and expectations.

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