health benefits of carpet cleaning

by Elenor Wehner Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Health Benefits Of Carpet Cleaning

  • Better Breathing. After a while without cleaning your carpet, you may notice that your house is starting to become stuffy.
  • No More Allergies. Dust and other allergens are some of the most common allergies. ...
  • Prevent Mold. Because carpets are made from fibers, they can quickly become susceptible to developing mold and mildew, from old spills and spots.

Professional carpet cleaning helps to remove dust mites, bacteria and other allergens, which ultimately helps your family breathe easier and reduces the risk of colds and other health problems. As strange as it may sound, dirty carpeting can impede the airflow in your home.Jun 20, 2017

Full Answer

Why carpet cleaning is important for a healthy home?

Why Should Carpets Be Cleaned Regularly?

  • Protect your carpet from damage. Another reason why regularly vacuuming carpets in your home is so important is that it helps protect carpets from long-term wear and potential damage.
  • Provide a healthier living environment. One of the reasons for regular carpet cleaning is to provide you with a healthier living environment.
  • Feel good about yourself. ...

What are the benefits of having your carpet cleaned?

Eliminates Carpet Stains

  • Coffee spills
  • Dirt and mud
  • Ink
  • Pet stains
  • Red wine

How often should you have a professional carpet cleaning?

Five steps to take before getting your carpets cleaned

  1. Declutter and remove as much furniture as you can. Any cleaning job is much easier if you have a clear space to work with. ...
  2. Protect your walls. If you’re getting a professional carpet cleaning company to do the work for you, it’s worth thinking about your walls.
  3. Hang up your curtains. ...
  4. Take your pets out. ...
  5. Get the vacuum out. ...

How can professional carpet cleaning process benefit you?

Why Are There So Many Carpet Cleaning Techniques?

  • Hot Water Extraction. Otherwise known as steam cleaning, this is easily the most common professional carpet cleaning technique.
  • Absorbent Compound. Absorbent compound cleaning is more commonly known as “dry carpet cleaning”. ...
  • Bonnet Cleaning. ...
  • Carpet Shampooing. ...
  • Encapsulation. ...


Why is it important to clean your carpet?

Carpet and rug cleaning is a good way to increase the lifespan and maintain a healthy indoor environment. Their fibers hold termites and other allergens. Regular vacuuming can take care of loose dirt, pet hair, and other debris, but deep cleaning is essential to prevent the growth of fungi, bacteria, and mold.

What are the benefits of professional carpet cleaning?

Advantages of Carpet CleaningExtends the life of your carpet. ... Contributes to a healthier environment. ... Complete removal of dirt and bacteria. ... Eliminates Carpet Stains. ... No Residues. ... Reduces Traffic Lane Effects. ... Enhances overall appearance of the room.

Can carpet cleaning make you sick?

In conclusion, yes, carpet cleaning can make you sick if the process is not done correctly and the chemicals used are abrasive. Easy Clean Solutions prioritises the latest technology in hot water extraction to limit the amount of chemicals used in the carpet cleaning process.

Why is carpet cleaner harmful?

Most carpet cleaners use cleaning solution that contains two particularly toxic chemicals: perchloroethylene, and napthalene. Perchloroethylene (commonly called Perc in the industry) is a chemical commonly used in dry cleaning that can cause dizziness, fatigue and nausea if inhaled.

Is it worth having carpets cleaned?

A general rule is to replace your carpets when they pose health risks like harboring mold or allergens. However, if your carpets have just a few stains, you can likely get professional cleaning help to restore them to their original glory.

Is professional carpet cleaning effective?

Professional carpet cleaning does more than just remove debris. It can also lift stains set into the carpet and eliminate the signs of everyday wear and tear that develop in office and home carpeting. You see those signs every day, yet you may not even think about them because you're so used to it.

Is professional carpet cleaning toxic?

Some of the potentially dangerous chemicals used in carpet cleaning include: perchloroethylene, a popular dry cleaning chemical known to cause nausea, dizziness and fatigue, and has also been thought to cause kidney and liver damage. Naphthalene, a popular cleaning solution that helps dissolve dirt.

How do you know if your carpet is making you sick?

3 Signs Your Carpet Is Making You SickYou have respiratory problems. If you are having difficultly breathing while at home, your carpet could be the issue. ... Your allergies are acting up. If your allergies seem worse whenever you are at home, your carpet could be causing the flare up. ... You've noticed skin problems.

How often should you clean carpet?

To keep your carpet looking and performing at its best, The Carpet and Rug Institute recommends having your carpet professionally deep-cleaned every 12 to 18 months. Bear in mind that this recommended frequency is a general guideline only and can vary based on your particular circumstances.

Is the smell of carpet cleaner toxic?

Unsafe for families with incredibly young children or lick-loving pets. l Perchloroethylene - it smells sweet, but it gets deadly when used too much. This colorless, non-flammable liquid is a popular dry cleaning material. It's also known for causing dizziness, fatigue, and diarrhea when inhaled or ingested.

Is Stanley steemer toxic?

No residue or traces of harmful chemicals are left behind, only clean, inviting carpet and upholstery. The same goes for all of our services. We strive to clean using gentle, neutral cleaning agents that are tough on dirt but harmless to the environment as well as to the people and pets that spend time in your home.

Are carpet fumes toxic?

The “new carpet” odor is the 4-PC off-gassing, which can cause eye and respiratory tract irritation and may also affect the central nervous system. The adhesive used to affix the carpet to the floor typically contains benzene and toluene, some of the most harmful VOCs.

Are carpet fumes toxic?

The “new carpet” odor is the 4-PC off-gassing, which can cause eye and respiratory tract irritation and may also affect the central nervous system. The adhesive used to affix the carpet to the floor typically contains benzene and toluene, some of the most harmful VOCs.

Can inhaling cleaning products make you sick?

When mixed, the contents of certain cleaners can trigger dangerous chemical reactions, such as the combination of ammonia and bleach. Mixing them produces toxic fumes that, when inhaled, cause coughing; difficulty breathing; and irritation of the throat, eyes and nose.

What happens if you walk on carpet after cleaning?

You've probably seen this happen many times with your laundry – if you leave freshly washed laundry in the machine for long enough for it to dry, you end up with deep creases that even an iron struggles to remove. The simplest solution is just to not walk on your carpets until they're dry.

Can carpet cause respiratory problems?

Asthma. Old carpet also increases your risk of asthma attacks. The allergens in old carpet can reduce the indoor air quality of your home and trigger asthma attacks just like they trigger nasal congestion, sneezing, itchy eyes, and other allergic reactions.

What are the benefits of carpet cleaning?

Another of the benefits of carpet cleaning is that a trained technician has studied the different types of carpet fibres and has the experience to know exactly what to add as a pre-treatment to steam cleaning to remove tough stains such as from coffee spills, wine, bodily fluids, dirt, muddy paws, and other pet stains.

Why is carpet cleaning important?

Without proper Professional Carpet Cleaning, dirt becomes inground, bacteria can spread, attracting allergens, exposing you and your family to contaminants and impurities. Regular professional carpet cleaning may be essential, for the health of you, your family, and your guests, but also so that you can feel comfortable in your home, ...

Why is carpet bad for you?

Bacteria and allergens in the carpet can contaminate your indoor air quality and make it more difficult to breathe for those who suffer from allergies or asthma. This can contribute to respiratory problems and trigger other health problems for you, and the more vulnerable members of your household.

Why does my carpet smell like coffee?

Many of the odors and faint mustiness smells in carpets can come from pet mishaps and beverage spills. Urine in the carpet can be a problem. Coffee for instance has a distinctive aroma (nice when fresh) but stale and hard to get rid of if it has worked its way deep into the carpet.

Why do carpets look dull?

Invariably, Carpets tend to take a bit of a beating with the constant floor traffic over them daily. Gradually, dust, dirt, and grime become ingrained into the fibres of the carpet which causes the carpet to look rather dull and lifeless.

When buying carpets for your home, do you check out the requirements of the retailer's warranty?

When purchasing carpets for your home, check out the requirements of the retailer’s warranty. If it is a requirement of your warranty you will need to do your research and ensure you are truly using a carpet cleaning company with the right reputation, experience and certification.

Does springtime make carpets grubby?

Clean every surface, every baseboard and every wall, door, and doorknob, but if your carpets look grubby, your hard work will feel like it has all been for nothing. ...

How to choose a professional carpet cleaner?

You should be vacuuming your carpet several times a week already, but when the time comes to choose a local carpet cleaning company, keep a few things in mind. You want to hire someone with expertise in carpet cleaning. Also, one with the right equipment to deep clean the carpet and get into layers that regular vacuuming can’t reach.

Top 10 Health Benefits of Professional Carpet Cleaning

Studies have shown that carpet particles can trap such irritants as cockroach allergens, dander, and dust. Airborne toxins often cling to carpet fibers, which are released back into the air when someone walks across it. They can release into the air even during vacuuming. Professional cleaning removes these pollutants.


Carpets have the potential to bring beauty and luxury to a dwelling, but left unclean, they can be a health hazard. Most reputable carpet cleaning services can tell you horror stories about some of the carpets they have cleaned, leaving no doubt the negative health impact their owners had been facing.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren.

What are the benefits of carpet cleaning?

Health Benefits. The first (and most important) benefit that cleaning your carpet has is that it will improve the air quality of your home and make your home overall healthier.

Why don't carpets need to be cleaned?

Extended Lifespan. In my experience, most carpet owners don't clean their carpets because they think that doing so is very expensive. First of all, the DIY solutions aren't that expensive. But even if you hire professionals to clean it for you, hiring a professional is way cheaper than replacing your carpet.

How to get rid of pet smell in carpet?

Use Baking Soda to remove the smell. Many carpets owners are also pet owners. If that's your case, you'll have to be extra careful to make sure that your carpet doesn't smell. Do this: If you happen to stumble across a fresh pet stain in your carpet (pee, poop, or even vomit), clean it using this method.

Why does carpet smell after vacuuming?

The reason why carpets can stil smell even after you've vacuumed a gazillion times is that the smell usually comes from the bottom half of the carpet fibers. And, as we said before... there's no vacuum cleaner that can clean that deep.

Can natural fiber carpet be cleaned?

If you own a natural fiber carpet, you probably already know.

What are the benefits of carpet cleaning?

Advantages of Carpet Cleaning. 1. Extends the life of your carpet. One major benefit of a professional carpet cleaning service is that it helps extend the life of your carpet. Over time, dirt, dust, allergens, and other debris accumulate in the carpet and get embedded within the fibers which can eventually cause the fibers to split and deteriorate.

Why is it important to keep a carpet clean?

It is important to keep the carpet clean and well maintained to not only keep it looking new, but also to increase its longevity.

Why is carpet good for the environment?

A clean carpet will contribute to a clean environment, free of allergens. Some of the dust and allergens that get trapped in the carpet fibers may find their way into the breathing air where they can cause respiratory problems, allergic reactions, and other health problems.

Why does carpet deteriorate?

This is because dirt is constantly being tracked in these areas, and you may have even noticed that these areas are darker than others.

When is the best time to clean carpet?

The spring season is a great time to have your carpet professionally cleaned to remove the dirt and debris that has settled in your home all winter. If you are interested in having your carpet professionally cleaned, area contact your local cleaning professionals to schedule an appointment for your home today!

Do carpet cleaners leave residue?

After a professional carpet cleaning, you shouldn’t have to worry about looking at the ugly spots or be embarrassed in front of guests. 5. No Residues. While vacuums don’t leave residues, some carpet cleaning machines do.

Does water kill allergens in carpet?

The high temperature of the water used by most carpet cleaning professionals kills off these allergens so that they are no longer a health threat and leaves the surface of the carpet fully sanitized. 3. Complete removal of dirt and bacteria.

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