home carpet steam cleaning

by Janick Rosenbaum DDS Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Steam cleaning carpets is a good practice to remove dirt and debris stuck deep in the carpet fibers. It requires a steam cleaning machine, soap


Soap is the term for a salt of a fatty acid or for a variety of cleansing and lubricating products produced from such a substance. Household uses for soaps include washing, bathing, and other types of housekeeping, where soaps act as surfactants, emulsifying oils to enable them to be carried away by water. In industry, they are used as thickeners, components of some lubricants, and precursors to catal…

, and water. Wait for a good time to do it, when foot traffic will be low and the weather is warm and dry so you can open up windows to dry out the carpet when you're done.

Full Answer

What does steam carpet cleaning actually do to the carpet?

  • Vacuum your carpets at least every week, though preferably you should vacuum twice a week. Vacuum high traffic areas even more frequently.
  • Use mats near doorways to keep muddy boots and abrasive snow-melting salts off of your carpets, often called walk-off mats.
  • Clean up stains immediately-don’t let them sink into your carpet.

What are the best carpet steam cleaners?

  • Pet hair removing tool
  • The eight-foot hose works great for large rooms
  • Antimicrobial tool lets you choose which cleaning head to use
  • Automatically mixes the cleaner and water to get the right composition

Which carpet steam cleaner is best?

What is the best carpet cleaner solution for home use?

  • Bissell Deep Clean Pro 4X Concentrated Carpet Shampoo. ...
  • Carpet Miracle Concentrated Machine Shampoo, Stain Remover. ...
  • BISSELL Professional Pet Urine Eliminator, Carpet Shampoo. ...
  • Bissell Woolite InstaClean Pet Full Size Machine Formula, 32 oz. ...
  • Nature's Miracle Scented Stain and Odor Remover.

How effective is steam cleaning for a carpet?

The Advantages Of Using A Steam Mop On Your Carpet:

  • It Kills Bacteria And Viruses. The steam mop uses high-heat steam to clean your carpet. ...
  • The Steam Mop Is Easier To Use, Transport, and Store. Compared to the heavy and big carpet cleaner, the steam mop is relatively less bulky, lighter, and easier to handle.
  • It Saves You A Fortune. ...
  • No Chemicals Needed. ...
  • They Remove Smaller Particles. ...


Can I steam clean carpet myself?

Steam cleaning carpets is a good practice to remove dirt and debris stuck deep in the carpet fibers. It requires a steam cleaning machine, soap, and water. Wait for a good time to do it, when foot traffic will be low and the weather is warm and dry so you can open up windows to dry out the carpet when you're done.

How do you steam carpet at home?

Tips for steam cleaning carpetRemove all items from the floor. ... Dust all surfaces thoroughly. ... Vacuum thoroughly. ... Pretreat set in stains. ... Fill the tanks. ... Start steaming! Start in the far corner of the room (farthest from your water source) and work backwards so you're never walking on the wet carpet.Go slowly.More items...•

Is steam cleaning carpet better than shampooing?

When choosing between steam cleaning and shampooing your carpet, you really can't go wrong with both, but steam cleaning would be the better option. It removes more unseen pests and dirt, and can handle heavy-duty cleaning without making you wait long for drying.

Does steam cleaning a carpet damage it?

Steam cleaning often uses high-pressure that causes a messy, ineffective carpet clean. High water pressure can also break down your carpet and after multiple cleans start to destroy the carpet fibers.

How can I deep clean my carpet myself?

Mix 1/4 cup salt, 1/4 cup borax and 1/4 cup vinegar, then apply this paste to deep stains or heavily soiled sections of carpet. Allow the paste to sit on the carpet for several hours until it dries completely, then vacuum it away.

Where does the dirt go when you steam clean?

So, where does the dirt go when you steam clean? Actually, it doesn't go anywhere. Instead, the heat and vapour of steam cleaning ensure that all the unwanted substances or stains are fully broken down and easy to get rid of.

Which carpet cleaning method is best?

steam cleaningThe best method of cleaning carpets is usually steam cleaning, which removes over 90% of dirt and bacteria from carpeting. Dry cleaning carpeting is also effective for ensuring carpets are ready for foot traffic as quickly as possible.

Do steam cleaners also vacuum?

The BISSELL® Symphony™ All-in-One Steam Cleaner combines a vacuum and steam cleaner into one machine, so you can enjoy the benefits of steam cleaning while also vacuuming your floors. Steam mops, like the Symphony™, let you clean your hard floors without a mop and bucket or harsh chemicals – all they take are water!

Can you use vinegar to steam clean carpets?

All you have to do is pour white vinegar into the steam cleaner where you'd usually pour the cleaning solution, and then run the machine as normal. Once the carpet is dry, your room will smell just as good as if you'd used harsh carpet cleaning chemicals. No rinsing is necessary after you're done with the job!

Are carpet steamers worth it?

If your household is prone to spills or accidents that are difficult to clean, a small cleaner may be a worthwhile purchase to have on hand. However, for more general cleaning of your entire carpet surface, it's highly recommended to have a professional come to do it.

How often should I steam my carpet?

every 12-18 monthsMost carpet manufacturers recommend having a professional steam clean the carpets every 12-18 months to maintain the warranty. That's the absolute minimum, according to the people who make carpet!

Is steaming the same as dry cleaning?

Steam Cleaning. Both systems can be effective; however, steam cleaning will have a much longer drying time and may not be as effective as dry cleaning with stain removal. Carpet Dry Cleaning uses minimal moisture, so your floors will be ready to walk on straight away and totally dry in 1 to 2 hours.

Are heated carpet cleaners better?

Q: So when it comes to cleaning, is the hotter the better? A: As a general rule yes. And in carpet cleaning specifically, you want to maximize the heating performance of your truckmount or portable extractor.

Do carpet steamers clean carpets?

Steam is perfect for carpets, as it is often capable of delivering results without a reliance on caustic cleaning chemicals.

Does shampooing your carpet really work?

Carpet shampooing often removes thick dirt, mud, and other such grime more effectively than steam. Shampoos and detergents are an excellent option for pet stain and odor removal, food stains, and musty smells.

How We Clean Carpet

Our team will start by inspecting the rooms you want to be cleaned and talk through the carpet cleaning process with you.

Commercial Carpet Cleaning

Regardless of the size or type of your business, we can help prolong the life of your carpet and keep it looking new longer.

frequently asked questions

Yes. There is no charge to move furniture and we are professionally trained to move your furniture. After the cleaning is completed, we will return it to its rightful place on protective padding as needed. We do suggest you remove items off of your furniture like electronics, plants, lamps and knick-knacks.

Vacuum the Carpet First

Before you begin the steam cleaning process, the first step to take is vacuuming. This removes as many dirt and dust particles from your floor as possible before the actual heavy lifting takes place.

How to Steam Clean Carpet

One of the drawbacks to using a steam cleaner is how expensive the products are. Rather than spending all your money on professional carpet cleaning products, use laundry detergent. You don’t even have to use that much to get your money’s worth out of the cleaning.

Steam Cleaning Carpets with Vinegar

If your carpet has stains, treat those with a little bit of white vinegar. While using the cleaner as a spot treatment first is a great way to get coffee and tea stains out of carpet, adding it directly to the steam cleaning machine is just as effective.

The Easy Way to Steam Clean Carpet Yourself

One key factor concerning steam cleaning that often gets overlooked is the fact that you don’t always need to use a carpet cleaner. Similar to how a steam mop operates without chemicals, and still does a fantastic job on your floors, steam cleaning without added products provides a green alternative to treating your rugs and carpeting.

DIY Steam Clean Carpet Recipe

The very best way to clean carpets at home is by using a blend of Borax and vinegar to clean stains. This cleaning method works best when applied directly to the surface first, rather than placing it in the steam cleaner itself. The mixture forms a thick paste that would clog the filter and tubes over time if used in the machine.

Remove Tough Stains with Peroxide Combo

Another example of a homemade carpet cleaning solution for steam cleaner involves using hydrogen peroxide and fabric softener to remove particularly challenging stains. This strategy works best in areas with an increased amount of foot traffic that sees more dirt and debris than other parts of the house.

Enzyme Cleaner for Pet Messes

No matter how diligent of a pet parent you are, sometimes our furry friends have a little accident. It may be difficult to remove these stains and odors with regular cleaners unless you use an enzymatic cleaner to get the job done.

How Often Should You Clean Your Carpet?

To keep your carpet looking and performing well for as long as possible, manufacturers recommend having your carpet cleaned at minimum every 12–18 months, depending on the amount of traffic in your home. In fact, such frequent cleaning is a condition of many warranties —be sure to carefully read your warranty information.

Nylon Carpet

While regular cleaning is important for all types of carpet, it is especially true in the case of nylon carpeting. Nylon contains a hydrogen molecule. This is the primary source of nylon's resiliency.

Hot Water Extraction and So-Called "Steam Cleaning"

The method of carpet cleaning recommended by most carpet manufacturers is hot water extraction, which is more commonly (though slightly incorrectly) known as steam cleaning. In the hot water extraction method, hot water is essentially sprayed on the carpet and then sucked back into the machine, along with any dirt that was on the carpet.

Professional Carpet Steam Cleaning

Professional cleaners may use either a truck-mounted unit or a portable machine. The portable machine has obvious benefits, such as being able to be used in apartment and condo buildings in units that would otherwise be beyond the reach of a truck-mounted unit's hose.

DIY Carpet Steam Cleaning

There is an abundance of do-it-yourself (DIY) steam cleaning machines available for either rent or purchase. With so many different machines on the market, it can lead you to wonder if you should skip calling in the professionals and just tackle the job yourself.

Risks of DIY

Generally, DIY machines do not heat the water to the same high temperature as professional machines, which results in less effective cleaning. In addition, these machines are not as powerful as the ones professionals use, which means that they are not able to extract as much of the water (and therefore dirt) from the carpet.

Cost-Saving Concerns

If you are concerned about the cost of having a professional come to clean your carpets, consider having only the "traffic areas" cleaned. This means that your big pieces of furniture, like the sofa, bed, etc., are left in place and the cleaner simply goes around them.

How to deep clean carpet with steam cleaner?

This is a simple process. Yup, it requires your energy and time. But it's not difficult if you have a breakdown of everything you need to do. Let's take a look at how to get your carpet as good as new, just by a thorough steam cleaning session.

How does a steam cleaner work?

Steam cleaners are targetted at laying water deep into the carpet fibers and sucking it back up. They come with a nozzle and a hose.

What are the benefits of steam cleaning?

Steam cleaning is widely known because of the various advantages it offers. Firstly, the machine doesn't leave behind any sticky or soapy residue. It is because of the way the steamer functions.


I think we have covered everything you need to know to deep clean your carpet with a steam cleaner. Don't let the multi-stepped process intimidate you. Believe me, it is so worth the effort.

About us

My name is Anne and I've been a writer at Carpet and Rug World almost from the beginning! I'm passionate about anything related to carpets and rugs, but I'm especially interested in anything related to DIY cleaning. There's a huge difference between a clean and an unclean carpet. It really makes a home shine!

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Homemade Carpet Stain Remover, The Best Carpet Cleaning Solution Secret Recipe

It takes no time for me to find out that some of the carpet cleaning products I have used before containing chemicals that irritate my eyes and skin so much. Since then, I started to look for something more eco-friendly, but I really had a hard time looking for the right product.

Top 5 Best Carpet Cleaning Solution Products

My playful children always spill juices and drop food like gummy bear candies and chocolate on the carpets that my carpets used to look like old rugs filled with dark marks. I tried to clean up these stains with several cheap carpet cleaning products but the original color was never coming back.

10 Carpet Stain Remover You Probably Already Have In Your House

The DIY carpet cleaning solution recipe mentioned above is an excellent alternative for store-bought carpet cleaner spray. and is worth it to produce in large volume for your carpet cleaning machines.



  1. Remove everything from the room. Steam cleaning is most effective when you remove all toys, papers, and general clutter from the floor. Move all tables, chairs, and furniture out of the room. Clear as much of the floor space as you can. If some furniture is too heavy to move, place squares of wax paper, foil, wood blocks, or plastic film under the legs to protect them fr…
  2. Dust the baseboards. As you run the steam cleaner, you might knock dust off the baseboard…
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Having your carpets cleaned is a chore that usually falls into the same category as spring cleaning: not very fun to do but necessary, and should occur at approximately the same level of frequency. Most carpet owners, however, will only have their carpets cleaned once every few years (and some not even that). Carpe…
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  • To keep your carpet looking and performing well for as long as possible, manufacturers recommend having your carpet cleaned at minimum every 1218 months, depending on the amount of traffic in your home. In fact, such frequent cleaning is a condition of many warrantiesbe sure to carefully read your warranty information.
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  • While regular cleaning is important for all types of carpet, it is especially true in the case of nylon carpeting. Nylon contains a hydrogen molecule. This is the primary source of nylon's resiliency. When the fibers have been flattened down due to foot traffic, cleaning reactivates the hydrogen molecule, causing the fibers to literally bounce back. The cleaning will actually revive the carpet …
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  • The method of carpet cleaning recommended by most carpet manufacturers is hot water extraction, which is more commonly (though slightly incorrectly) known as steam cleaning. In the hot water extraction method, hot water is essentially sprayed on the carpet and then sucked back into the machine, along with any dirt that was on the carpet. There is u...
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  • Professional cleaners may use either a truck-mounted unit or a portable machine. The portable machine has obvious benefits, such as being able to be used in apartment and condo buildings in units that would otherwise be beyond the reach of a truck-mounted unit's hose. However, truck-mounted units are more powerful than portable units and should be used whenever possible for …
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  • Generally, DIY machines do not heat the water to the same high temperature as professional machines, which results in less effective cleaning. In addition, these machines are not as powerful as the ones professionals use, which means that they are not able to extract as much of the water (and therefore dirt) from the carpet.
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