how long does it take to get kawasaki disease from carpet cleaning

by Violet Zulauf Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

The time of exposure to shampooed or spot-cleaned rugs or carpets for 9 of 10 Kawasaki syndrome patients who had a single exposure and for all 6 Kawasaki syndrome patients who had multiple exposures were clustered within an interval 13 to 30 days before the onset of illness.May 1, 1991

Full Answer

Does carpet cleaning cause Kawasaki disease?

According to numerous medical papers and the Kawasaki Disease Foundation, carpet cleaning has nothing to do with “KD”; The Cause is “UN-KNOWN”. Secondly, when you clean carpets you clean out dust mites and other allergens, so how is that a bad thing?

How is Kawasaki’s disease treated?

The disease can be treated with high doses of aspirin (salicylic acid) and gamma globulin. Kawasaki’s disease usually resolves on its own within a month or two. Some children with Kawasaki’s disease suffer damage to the coronary arteries. What is Kawasaki’s disease, and how is it diagnosed?

How old do you have to be to get Kawasaki disease?

It usually strikes children less than five years old. Most that catch this disease are under two years old, although adult cases have been reported. KS is more common in Japan. Even in the United States, children of Asian heritage are more likely to be diagnosed with KS.

What are the long term effects of Kawasaki disease?

In about 20 percent of untreated cases there is also an effect on the blood vessels around the heart. This can have long term consequences. Slightly less than one percent of children who contract Kawasaki disease and do not receive treatment will die. Is there a connection to carpet cleaning?

Can you get Kawasaki disease from carpet cleaning?

Researchers have concluded that there is no link between carpet cleaning chemicals and KD. This was a theory that was developed in the 1980's and promoted widely when John Travolta's son was diagnosed with the disease.

Can you get sick from shampooing your carpet?

In conclusion, yes, carpet cleaning can make you sick if the process is not done correctly and the chemicals used are abrasive.

How do you contract Kawasaki disease?

No one knows what causes Kawasaki disease, but scientists don't believe the disease is contagious from person to person. Some think that Kawasaki disease happens after a bacterial or viral infection, or that it's linked to other environmental factors.

What is the main cause of Kawasaki disease?

The exact cause of Kawasaki disease is unknown. Because it causes a high fever and swelling of the lymph nodes, Kawasaki disease is thought to be related to an infection. It may occur in children who have a genetic predisposition to the disease. The disease is not contagious.

What happens if you breathe in carpet cleaner?

Exposure to Naphthalene has been known to cause confusion, nausea, vomiting, never damage, and liver damage. Butyloxy Ethanol, which can enter your body by both breathing it in and by it coming in direct contact with your skin. This chemical has been connection to never, liver, and kidney damage.

How long can bacteria live in carpet?

four weeksBacteria can live for up to four weeks in carpeting, and if there is any in yours, which there likely is, that bacteria is going to get on your food.

Which child is at highest risk for Kawasaki disease?

Which children are at risk for Kawasaki disease? Children of any race or ethnic group can get Kawasaki disease. It's more common in children whose families are from East Asia or Asian ancestry. Most children who get Kawasaki disease are younger than 5 years old.

Can Covid cause Kawasaki disease?

A significant number of patients were exposed to someone with COVID-19 infection. A key finding of PMIS is evidence of severe inflammation, which is similar to Kawasaki Disease and like Kawasaki Disease, children with PMIS also have high fevers and can present with red eyes, and rash.

Can adults catch Kawasaki disease?

Kawasaki Disease can occur in adults, but the presentation may differ from that observed in children. Typical findings in both adults and children include fever, conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, and skin erythema progressing to a desquamating rash on the palms and soles.

Can Kawasaki disease go away by itself?

Kawasaki disease often goes away on its own, but if it is not treated it can cause serious injury to the heart and other organs. In some cases, the disease can affect the coronary arteries, which are blood vessels that supply oxygen-rich blood to the heart. This can cause serious heart problems.

What is the survival rate of Kawasaki disease?

In this study, we have shown a high survival rate of 88% up to 30 years, with a 59% cumulative intervention rate at 25 years after the onset of KD.

Is Kawasaki itchy?

The rash is described as a polymorphic exanthem and comes on within 3-5 days of the onset of fever. It usually begins with nonspecific erythema of the soles, palms and perineum, spreading to involve the trunk and the rest of the extremities. It is often itchy and variable in appearance but is never vesiculo-bullous.

What is the Kawasaki disease?

Kawasaki disease is an illness that affects mostly infants and young children under the age of five. Children over the age of eight are rarely affected. It's also known as Kawasaki syndrome or mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome. Kawasaki disease is a leading cause of heart disease in children in the United States today. The disease occurs more often among boys (over 60 percent of cases) and among those of Asian ancestry.

Is steam cleaner good for carpets?

For parents concerned about their children's exposure to chemicals in the home, you do not need to give up on carpet cleaning. Steam alone is a very effective carpet cleaner, and the cleaning solutions today are used at high dilution. Professional carpet cleaners know how to rinse and extract the cleaning solutions from the carpet to ensure fast drying and little or no residue.

Why do you need to clean carpet with hot water?

When your carpets are cleaned professionally with hot water extraction or "steam cleaning" - the heat of the water kills the harmful bacteria present in the fibers. This is beneficial for many reasons, most importantly for the overall health and safety of your family and your pets.

Can you clean tile floors?

How NOT to clean a tile floor. Keeping a tile floor looking clean and new is not always easy, especially when you live in a busy household. Sometimes you may just want to take the quick and easy route, but that's may not always be the best for your tile floors. Finish Reading This Post.

How Far In Advance To Book

You may be wondering how far in advance you should schedule to have a carpet cleaner come. You can really schedule for any amount of time in advance, if you want it done tomorrow, you may have to call a few different local carpet cleaners to find one that is available, but it is certainly likely that someone would come as soon as you want.

Set Up

The best carpet cleaning professionals will be able to move all the agreed to furniture in less than half an hour and get all of their equipment set up too. This figure will depend on the amount and type of furniture you have, as well as how far it needs to move to be out of the way.

Cleaning Time

The actual cleaning time will be one of the shortest parts of the carpet cleaning experience. For a twelve by twelve room, it is estimated that a professional carpet cleaner will take about twenty minutes.


This stage will be the longest of your carpet cleaning adventure. After your carpet cleaning professional has finished their work, they will instruct you on the drying time before they leave.

Carpet Cleaning Cost

You may be wondering what your carpet cleaning cost will be, if you will be spending all this time getting them cleaned, it is good to know the cost too. According to HomeGuide, the average cost of carpet cleaning is twenty five cents per square foot, and the per room average is about fifty dollars.

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