how much vinegar do i add to the cleaning solution for carpet

by Ms. Carlie Hegmann III Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

A synthetic carpet needs a 2-1 ratio of of water to vinegar, and a natural-fiber carpet needs 1-1 ratio equal parts vinegar and water. Shampoo is often used when steam cleaning a carpet.

Full Answer

Can I add vinegar to carpet cleaning solution?

While some websites sing the praises of vinegar as an all-purpose cleanser, it simply shouldn't be used on carpet. Here's why … Vinegar is great for countertops, but it's one of the least effective solutions out there for removing dirt from carpet fibers.

How much vinegar do I put in my carpet cleaner?

For synthetic carpets: Mix one cup of white vinegar with two cups of water. For natural fiber carpets: Mix ¼ cup of white vinegar with ¼ cup of water.

How do you mix vinegar and water to clean carpet?

For cleaning and deodorizing, mix equal parts vinegar and water, then spray the solution onto the stain. Leave the vinegar/water solution on the carpet if you're removing odors, or dab it off with a white cloth or paper towel if you're using it to remove stains.

What is the best homemade carpet cleaning solution?

Best DIY Carpet Cleaning Solution½ cup ammonia.3 teaspoons liquid dish soap.1-gallon hot water.5-6 drops essential oil of your choice (optional)

How long should I let vinegar sit on carpet?

Ideally, you should mix about one half vinegar with one half water in a spray bottle, and mist the area gently. Let the solution sit for about five to ten minutes and blot it gently but firmly with paper towels. Repeat until the stain disappears.

How long does it take for vinegar to dry on carpet?

The easiest way is to wet a cloth with vinegar and rub a small area. To be sure it will not damage the surface, wait until you see the result for at least 24 hours. Despite proven time efficiency, there is little chance of damage to the paint. Then be sure to follow the instructions carefully while cleaning the carpet!

How do you make a homemade carpet cleaner?

To make a carpet softener solution, mix half a cup of fabric softener, one gallon of hot water, one cup of clear vinegar, and one tablespoon of dishwashing detergent. Put the mixture into a spray bottle, and lightly spray the carpet until it's damp.

Can I use vinegar and water in my Bissell carpet cleaner?

Create a cleaning solution with one part white vinegar and one part hot water. Clean the window frames by wiping them down with a cloth that's dampened with an all-purpose cleaner and water. Then wipe the solution away with a clean water cloth and dry the frame thoroughly.

Does white vinegar clean carpet stains?

Of all the options, white vinegar is the best alternative for cleaning tough stains because of its main ingredient, diluted acetic acid. This makes it an excellent absorbent for most stubborn carpet stains.

Does vinegar discolor carpet?

White vinegar is clear and will not leave any discoloration, which is possible with other types of vinegar. Next, you should cover the stain with the white vinegar, being sure to leave the area wet but not completely soggy.

How do you clean a really dirty carpet?

Mix 1/4 cup salt, 1/4 cup borax and 1/4 cup vinegar, then apply this paste to deep stains or heavily soiled sections of carpet. Allow the paste to sit on the carpet for several hours until it dries completely, then vacuum it away.

How does vinegar remove carpet stains?

Use 1/4 cup of white vinegar, 1 tbsp. of Dawn dish soap, and fill with water. Spray area liberally and let soak for 5-10 minutes and then proceed with blotting with a clean, dry towel until stain is removed. Some carpet stain removal products can be of great benefit for combating many types of carpet stains.

Does Vinegar Stain Carpet?

Before we get into the step by step guide on how to clean your carpet with vinegar, we should address one of the most common concerns that people have about using it.

How To Clean Your Carpet With Vinegar

When it comes to any type of carpet cleaning method, one of the first steps that should be taken is to vacuum the surface. Using a high-quality vacuum is an effective way to remove debris and dirt on the surface, as well as dirt that has become lodged deep inside your carpets.

How To Steam Clean Carpet With Vinegar

If you have a steam cleaner or are planning to use one, you can combine it with vinegar to remove especially tough stains. Follow the instructions for your steam cleaner on how to add a carpet cleaning solution and replace that solution with white vinegar.

Bissell Professional Carpet Cleaner Machine

Bissell’s Professional Carpet Cleaner Machine features 2 large tanks with each of them having a capacity of 1.75 gallons of water. As a result, it’s an excellent option for cleaning entire rooms without having to refill.

Vinegar On Carpets As a Deodorizer

As we mentioned above, the smell of vinegar can dissipate pretty quickly, so long as the area dries up. For cases where you want to remove a stain from your carpet that’s causing a smell, such as an accident from a pet, vinegar can be an effective remedy.

Other Tips Keeping Carpets Clean

When it comes to cleaning human or pet or pet hair from your carpets, one of the best things you can use is a vacuum. In particular, a vacuum that has been specifically made for removing pet hair that works effectively on carpets.

Deep Cleaning Carpets

For those of you interested in achieving a deeper clean for your carpets, using a steam cleaning machine is one of the best options. They only need to be used a few times every year but each time you use one, it can leave your carpets looking new.

How to clean a Stain with vinegar

Let's look at the step by step solution on how to clean your carpet with vinegar.

How to use vinegar to remove odors

Last but not least, you might want to use vinegar to remove bad odors.


Thank you very much for reading! I'm sure you've fallen in love with vinegar as we did when we tested it! It's a great cleaning tool and you can save a lot of money too!

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I'm Tony and I consider myself a carpet cleaning expert! I've tried the 5 most common professional cleaning methods myself, and I've reviewed thousands of carpet cleaning & installation companies. I'm currently exploring the DIY Cleaning and Installation world. It's not that hard and it's a lot of fun!

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Using Vinegar to Clean Carpet is Not Effective

Don’t believe everything you read online. While some websites sing the praises of vinegar as an all-purpose cleanser, it simply shouldn’t be used on carpet. Here’s why …

Contact One of Our Professionals for Treating Deep-Set Stains

If you have stains in your carpet that just won’t go away, contact one of our professionals. We’ll be happy to give you advice or schedule a cleaning for you.

How To Clean Carpet With Vinegar

Vinegar is a readily available item in almost every household. Cleaning carpets with it not only makes it cheap but also easy and simple. Moreover, vinegar works excellently well in removing odors and loosening tough stains.

Frequently Asked Questions

Vinegar is a common kitchen product, and since it contains acetic acid, it is an effective cleaning agent and completely safe too. Most of the carpets are made of material that will not be affected by the mild acid. If you ensure that the concentration of the vinegar is in the right amount, you have no reasons to worry.


Carpets are a beautiful addition to enhance the beauty of your floor. However, it requires cleaning to look good. Cleaning a carpet is an easy process. If you systematically carry on all the steps, your carpet will be as good as new after each clean and will remain good for a long time.


Your carpet not only needs to be cleaned for stains and dust but also odors. If you've got pets at your home, it's highly likely that your carpet can smell due to pet urine. Like all other stains, cleaning your carpet for removing odor is highly necessary as it can degrade and ruin your carpet if not treated.

Using Vinegar To Kill Odors In Carpet

Carpet cleaning is quite a hassle. There are a number of elements that one needs to consider before actually diving into the cleaning phase. Especially when one is DIYing. Elements such as over-wetting, over-shampooing, etc. need to be monitored so that the results can come in favor, cleaning the carpet without damaging it.

Methods For Removing Odors In Carpet

Apart from using just vinegar, there are other methods too that you can use to remove odor from your carpet. Let’s take a look:

Other Benefits Of Vinegar In Household Cleaning

Not only is vinegar effective for removing foul odor from your carpet but it can be used for a variety of other needs too, including:


Using vinegar to get rid of foul smells from your carpet is a good choice. It's easy to use and gives effective results in no time. You can also contact the best-carpet-cleaners-near-me to know about more of the effective vinegar uses for your carpet treatment.

Is Bleach or Vinegar Better To Kill Mold on Carpets?

Both vinegar and bleach are capable of killing mold at the surface, but vinegar is often considered the better agent for the job. Bleach is a harsh chemical, and mold spores are living organisms; the mold can actually react to bleach by running from it, delving deeper into porous surfaces for cover.

Will Vinegar Damage My Carpet?

If not used correctly, vinegar can damage your carpets. Undiluted vinegar shouldn’t be used straight on carpets, as it may affect the fibers of the material. Furthermore, vinegar shouldn’t be used on especially delicate fabrics — silk, wool or other natural materials are very sensitive and may take heavy damage from vinegar.

So How Do I Remove Mold With Vinegar?

Using vinegar to clean mold out of carpets isn’t a difficult process, but it does take time. There are two ways to go about using a vinegar treatment: with or without baking soda. Vinegar alone is a milder solution with a slightly shorter process, so it’s more well suited to very small mold and mildew outbreaks.

Are There Ways to Condition My Carpet After Mold Removal?

If you do find that your carpets are a little dry or not as soft as they were when you’re finished cleaning them, you can follow up with a homemade conditioning treatment. You have a variety of options to choose from, including:

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