how to clean large areas of carpet without cleaning machine

by Mrs. Judy Purdy DVM Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  • Start by sprinkling baking soda over the carpet and vacuum thoroughly to remove loose debris. (The baking soda also works to remove odors.)
  • Add two drops of carpet shampoo and warm water to a clean spray bottle. Spray the mixture over the carpet, taking care not to saturate the fibers.
  • Brush over the carpet with a carpet brush to remove any trapped dirt.
  • Blot the area with dry towels to remove as much moisture as possible.
  • Then fill a clean spray bottle with fresh water and spray the same area.
  • Use another set of dry towels to blot and lift the remaining moisture.
  • Finish your cleaning by going over the carpet with a carpet grooming brush. Rodriguez-Zaba recommends this rake-like grooming brush, which can be used on cut-pile carpets. ...

Create a solution of one part distilled vinegar and three parts cold water. Spray it onto your carpet fairly liberally, and allow it a few minutes of contact time. Then take a microfibre cloth, and start gently blotting. Don't scrub, otherwise you could damage your carpet.May 23, 2018

Full Answer

How to clean your home carpet without a vacuum?

  • Buy or rent a carpet cleaner. ...
  • Before you begin, be sure to read the instructions included with the machine you choose.
  • Using hot water and a small amount of the cleaner you have selected, begin cleaning the carpet using the steam cleaner, moving from front to back slowly.

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How to clean a really dirty carpet?

Things You Will Need

  • Soak up any areas that have wet spots, using paper towels. ...
  • Fill the bucket with hot water. ...
  • Dip a white cloth into the detergent solution and use it to sponge the really dirty areas of your carpet. ...
  • Get a new white cloth and repeat the cleaning process from the previous step. ...

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What is the best method of carpet cleaning?

The Spruce / Sarah Lee Featured Video

  • For the most thorough vacuum job, take the time to move furniture and any other items from the carpet.
  • Set the vacuum to the proper height for your type of carpet to get the strongest suction.
  • Vacuum slowly and go over high-traffic areas several times for the best results.
  • Use a lint roller for quick clean-up of crumbs.

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How to clean carpets like a pro?

Once you know where you can test, the following steps:

  • Take a white piece of cloth and put enough cleaning products on it. If you need to mix anything, do it aside, then wet the fabric with the solution.
  • Slowly pat on the area on the carpet using the cloth. Leave this on the spot for at least ten minutes.
  • Take another piece of cloth and blot the damp area. ...


How do you deep clean carpet by hand?

Deep clean by handSprinkle baking soda over the surface of your carpet.Mix carpet shampoo (that you've color tested) with warm water; then add the mixture to a spray bottle.Spray the cleaning liquid over the carpet.Brush with a carpet brush.Blot the area.Spray again with warm water only.Blot the carpet again.

How can I deep clean my carpet without a vacuum?

A broom, dustpan, and a bit of elbow grease will remove dirt and debris from carpets. The broom must have stiff bristles like Libman's Precision Angle Broom to effectively loosen and lift away the dirt from the carpet pile. You can use a small dustpan or one with a handle to reduce the need to bend.

Can you use Rug Doctor Without machine?

Our products can be used on their own for tackling emergencies. Or, you can use them with a Rug Doctor machine for a clean that can't be beaten. At Rug Doctor, we're committed to giving you the right tools for the job. We have a variety of chemicals for any and every situation.

How can I clean my big carpet at home?

1:533:33EASY Way to Clean an Area Rug (NO SCRUBBING) - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipOr natural fiber rugs i would only pressure wash synthetic rugs. So having said that i started outMoreOr natural fiber rugs i would only pressure wash synthetic rugs. So having said that i started out with a 40 degree spray tip something a little more on the gentle.

What to do when you don't have a vacuum?

How To Clean Your Home Carpet Without a VacuumBuy a Sweeper. Carpet sweepers have been around for decades and they're effective at picking up small items. ... Broom and Dustpan. If you have a carpet with a low nap, then a broom and dustpan can work. ... Sponge and Bucket. ... Lint Rollers. ... Shake it Out.

Is beating a rug better than vacuuming?

Vacuuming the back removes settled dirt that acts as an abrasive each time the fibers of the rug move. That dirt causes more wear and damage than almost any other form of negligence. Rugs of manageable size also can be beaten by hand to remove embedded dirt, using an old-fashioned rug beater.

Can you mop carpet?

Allow the steam to completely dampen the carpet. Use a scrub brush to work the damp mixture into the fibers. If you are using a steam mop, use the microfiber mop head or a carpet attachment to go over the baking soda mixture on the carpet. Again, use the scrub brush to clean the area.

What does baking soda do for carpets?

TLDR: Baking soda can be used to clean carpet because it is a powerful alkaline solution that when combined with acid produces dioxide gases. These oxidized gases are highly effective at removing stains from carpet and other materials with ease.

How can I shampoo my carpet without a machine?

In a bowl or small bucket, mix one part white vinegar with three parts water. Dip the bristles of the scrub brush into the solution and rub them into the carpet. Massage them into the fibers well (without fully saturating the carpet) and follow up with a cloth to help blot excess moisture.

What is the best homemade carpet cleaning solution?

Baking soda and vinegar is one of the best mixtures for spot-treating messes on a carpet. ... Using a mixture of salt and water can clean recent stains made from spilling wine or dropping food.More items...•

How do you make high traffic carpet look new?

How To Make High-Traffic Carpet Look New AgainVacuum your carpet.Deep clean your carpet every few months.Use a steam cleaner once or twice a year.Consider using a rug or runners in high-traffic areas.If you have any pets, groom them regularly.Avoid walking on wet carpet as much as possible.

How do I clean a carpet without a machine?

Whole-Room Carpet Cleaning Without a Machine 1 Start by sprinkling baking soda over the carpet and vacuum thoroughly to remove loose debris. (The baking soda also works to remove odors.) 2 Add two drops of carpet shampoo and warm water to a clean spray bottle. Spray the mixture over the carpet, taking care not to saturate the fibers. 3 Brush over the carpet with a carpet brush to remove any trapped dirt. 4 Blot the area with dry towels to remove as much moisture as possible. 5 Then fill a clean spray bottle with fresh water and spray the same area. 6 Use another set of dry towels to blot and lift the remaining moisture. 7 Finish your cleaning by going over the carpet with a carpet grooming brush. Rodriguez-Zaba recommends this rake-like grooming brush, which can be used on cut-pile carpets. (Don’t use this tool on loop-pile carpets.)

What is the best way to clean a carpet?

Diana Rodriguez-Zaba, president of ServiceMaster by Zaba, a certified carpet cleaning company, recommends using baking soda, carpet shampoo, water and towels.

How do I clean a carpet that is soiled?

Add two drops of carpet shampoo and warm water to a clean spray bottle. Spray the mixture over the carpet, taking care not to saturate the fibers. Brush over the carpet with a carpet brush to remove any trapped dirt. Blot the area with dry towels to remove as much moisture as possible.

How do I clean a two maids mop?

“Fill a spray bottle with 1/4 cup white vinegar, one tablespoon dish soap and water ,” Bowen says. “Spray the stain generously and then blot it consistently with a clean towel until the stain is removed.”

How to speed up carpet drying?

Before your start cleaning, move furniture and anything else that rests on the carpet. Start in a far corner of the room and work out toward the door or room threshold, so you don’t have to walk over just-cleaned areas .

Is light blotting better than heavy duty rubbing?

Light blotting is better than heavy-duty rubbing. “Rubbing a stain could cause it to spread or soak deeper into the carpet fibers or fabric,” says Leanne Stapf, chief operating officer of The Cleaning Authority. “This makes lifting the stain more difficult.

Do carpet cleaners need a buggy?

Yes, we’re fortunate carpet cleaning no longer requires a horse-drawn buggy to bring cumber some machinery with gas- powered hoses that snake in through our windows!

How to clean a carpet without a machine?

To spot clean your carpets, spray club soda directly onto the stained area and then blot up with paper towels. Repeat spraying and blotting until gone.

How to make a carpet cleaner?

Water. tb1234. To create a good carpet cleaner solution, mix 1/8 teaspoon of dish soap with hot water inside of a spray bottle. Swirl the water around to gently mix the ingredients, but be careful not to shake it excessively; you don’t want sudsy water.

How to get rid of stains on carpet?

Gently scrub the carpet with the cloth. Use a second clean towel to soak up the excess water. Mix one quart of warm water with ¼ teaspoon vinegar and one tablespoon liquid dish soap. Apply to the stained section and allow it to soak for several minutes.

What to use to clean a rug without a steamer?

Before you deep clean your whole carpet or start to clean a rug without a steam cleaner, it’s important to remove all loose lint, hair, dirt, and debris from the surface first. Vacuuming is the easiest way, but a stiff-bristled broom paired with a dustpan also does the trick even in high-traffic areas.

How to deep clean carpet with baking soda and salt?

In a separate container, mix equal amounts of table salt with baking soda, stirring gently to combine. Sprinkle the powdered mixture over the area of your carpet you want to deep clean. Spray the dish soap and water solution directly onto the powdered mix and allow it to sit for five minutes.

How to get snow off a rug?

Lay it down and allow it to sit outside for 30 minutes to get it used to the colder temperatures. Cover the rug with up to five inches of snow. Use a broom to help evenly distribute the snow across the entire rug’s surface.

How to clean a carpet with rags?

Brushing gathers up any loose hair and debris, making it easier to discard. Move 90° and gently brush from the next path. Continue moving 90° until the area is clean. Press old rags down into the carpet to pull up excess water from the cleaning solution.

How to clean carpet in one direction?

If you only vacuum a room in one direction, you'll only pick up dirt from one side of your carpet fibers. Instead, vacuum the whole room from one side to the other, moving in the same back-and-forth direction the whole time.

How to clean a carpet with baking soda?

If you don't want to get down on your hands and knees, brush your carpet with a long-handled carpet rake before you vacuum. 2. Sprinkle the baking soda in a fine layer over your whole carpet. An 8 oz (227 g) box of baking soda is enough to clean about a 10 ft × 10 ft (3.0 m × 3.0 m) area.

How to get rid of a stain on a carpet?

If you're removing a stain, spray or pour a 1-to-1 mixture of vinegar and water over the whole spot. Blot the area with a clean cloth or sponge, then rinse the spot with fresh water. Place clean cloths or paper towels over the area, and cover them with a book or something heavy until all of the water is absorbed.

Is carpet good for high traffic areas?

But over time, it will still start to show signs of wear, especially in high-traffic areas. That doesn't mean you have to shell out money to buy a bul ky carpet steamer, though.

How to clean a carpet with baking soda?

The Cleaning Steps: 1. Begin by combining 1/8 teaspoon of detergent with water in the spray bottle. Fill up the entire spray bottle with water. Gently swirl the bottle to combine the detergent and water. 2. Lightly dust the area of your carpet you wish to deep clean with some baking soda. Then sprinkle the table salt over it.

Can uncleaned carpets be germs?

If you have kids or pets you do…. An uncleaned carpet can become a breeding ground for germs and bacteria. Don’t become one of the many homeowners paralyzed by the notion of cleaning your carpet just because you don’t know how to get started.

How to clean carpet without a vacuum?

Quick Pick Up. A quick pick up is a great way to clean carpet without machine vacuums. If you get the dirt and debris while its still on the surface, then you prevent it from getting ground into the carpet, and that is where a vacuum becomes necessary.

What is the best way to clean a carpet?

Vinegar. Vinegar is by far one of the most referenced and used natural products when it comes to carpet cleaning. To cut down on the acidity in vinegar you will want to dilute it 50/50 with water. White distilled vinegar is also a popular choice for dried messes.

How to get rid of a carpet smell?

Using baking soda is also a great option for people who have allergies to overwhelming smells. Baking soda will leave the carpet refreshed without adding a perfume-like strong smell. To use, you will liberally sprinkle the baking soda over your carpet. Then use a broom to lightly sweep the baking soda .

How to get rid of mold on carpet?

It is important to use a sparing amount on carpets, putting down too much liquid makes the carpet hard to dry and can lead to mold or mildew. To better control how much you use, pour the mix into a spray bottle and then spray a concentrated amount on the stain.

What is the first step in carpet cleaning?

The first step in carpet cleaning is to remove anything from the top of the surface. Whether you just need to vacuum up small debris or if there is a larger mess sitting on the top, this needs to be picked or scraped off.

Can you use baking soda to deodorize carpet?

While adding essential oils to cleaning mixtures may refresh carpets, it may not always be the best option. When you are deodorizing your carpet, then you want something that will absorb the odor, not just mask it. Baking soda is a cheap and safe product to use for this task. This powder is a natural odor eliminator.

Can you put a carpet cleaner on a small area?

As with most cleaners you put on your carpet, it is always a good idea to test a small area before you apply on a larger spot. This will ensure your choice cleaner does not discolor your carpet. Even when you are using natural products, it is always a good idea to wear gloves for protection.

Why is it important to deep clean carpets?

That’s why it’s so important to deep clean carpets regularly! To help you out, we’ve compiled some tips for how to deep clean carpet without a machine.

What is the key to a successful cleaning job?

The key to a successful cleaning job is in the prep work. This includes picking up any clothes, toys and neglected Lego pieces off the floor, and moving large furniture out of the room.

Can you clean a rug with snow?

There are benefits to living in a winter climate and cleaning with snow is one of them! This method works only with small area rugs and with packed snow ( not the soft fluffy stuff!).

Is steam mop safe for pets?

Steam mop: An effective and non-toxic way to deep clean using the power of steam vapor. If you have young kids, or pets, investing in a steam mop could help you keep flooring spic-and-span.

How to keep carpet clean in between deep cleans?

You can maintain healthy clean carpet in between deep cleans by changing up a few things or adding a few things to your home. I have some handy tips that I think may greatly benefit you. Add a rug. If they get dirty you can bring them outside on a sunny day and spray down with a water hose.

How do I clean a carpet that is not getting enough liquid?

Simply swoosh the liquid around in your warm water and soak your brush. Take the wet brush and gently scrub. -Tip. If you are not getting enough liquid pour a small amount onto the carpet.

How to get a stain out of a sandpaper?

Baking Soda. Simply sprinkle a small bit over a stain and bring some warm water. Pour the water over the stain and gently scrub with your brush or old toothbrush. Dry well with a rag or towel then wipe over with a wet clean rag and then re-dry. Dish Soap.

How do I freshen up a carpet?

If this is something you want to do, it is simple! You can purchase the same thing and just put it in your bucket of water. This is a great idea and it really freshens up your carpet. Here are some other ideas below: Baking Soda. Simply sprinkle a small bit over a stain and bring some warm water.

What is the best way to clean a bathtub?

If you have a bucket or large bowl get that handy. A brush that is used for scrubbing your bathtub works well. Any brush is good, though. Last is warm water. Never cold! Warmer water seems to help lift up dirt and debris better.

Can you clean carpet in Friendswood?

Carpet Cleaning in Friendswood ( website) recommends that you should always clean stains as they come along. This prevents them setting in and being harder to remove. Here are some steps below on how to clean your carpet without the use of a steam cleaner.

Do you soak the floor?

Do not soak the floor. Do make the floor wet enough to scrub. After a moment go to the next small area. Once done with that are go back to the first area with the dry towel and soak up any water left behind. The floor should feel somewhat damp but not soaked. If soaked redry.

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