how to increase carpet cleaning sales

by Madison Metz Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Effective implementation of low-cost marketing measures, conducting decent pricing strategy, attracting new customers and developing relations with regular ones, along with clever presentation of your cleaning services are those principal things you have to concentrate on to increase the sales of your services.

Full Answer

How to market your carpet cleaning business?

Start planning — and running — your year-long carpet cleaning marketing campaigns to stay in front of your prospects (and customers) with your USP (#1) and professional logo (#2). 5. Target your ideal prospects to generate qualified leads and easier sales

Does your carpet cleaning business have a slow season?

Dirt and grime stack up ALL year-round so there’s no need to think your business should have a “slow season.” The key to generating a steady stream of leads (and new customers) all year-round is through consistent carpet cleaner marketing.

How to motivate your carpet cleaning team?

Motivate your team to be friendly to customers when they see them. When your staff enter customers’ homes, they should be friendly, caring, and interested in helping them with all their carpet cleaning needs. People love to buy from those whom they LIKE.

Why mail carpet cleaning ads to all the new movers?

By automatically mailing to all the new movers in your area, your business can simply receive a steady stream of new customers who need your professional carpet cleaning services. Talk about carpet cleaning ads that WORK!


How do I get more carpet cleaning customers?

How To Get More Carpet Cleaning CustomersSell Yourself with a Story.Focus on Retaining Repeat Customers.Try Online Marketing.Use Social Media to Your Advantage.Make Some Promotional Products.Use the Best Equipment.Sponsor an Event.Study Your Competitors.More items...•

How can I promote my carpet business?

4 Great Ways to Boost Your Carpet Cleaning BusinessExpand Your Workforce. In order to grow your carpet cleaning business, you may want to consider your personnel. ... Reach More Customers. ... Raise Your Prices. ... Offer Extra Services.

How do you make carpet cleaning leads?

How to Get Carpet Cleaning Leads With Facebook AdvertisingCarpet cleaning leads can generate a profitable ad on service. ... Upsell your carpet cleaning leads on additional cleaning services. ... Get some quality before and after photos. ... Get reviews from existing clients. ... Build a landing page and thank you page.More items...•

How can cleaning companies increase sales?

15 Ways How to Market Your Cleaning BusinessLearn Your Audience. Start by researching who your cleaning business is looking to reach. ... Create a Brand. ... Develop a Conversion-Focused Website. ... Invest in Pay Per Click Advertising. ... Utilize Social Media. ... Invest in Effective CRM Software. ... Grow Your Email List. ... Network.More items...

How do you write a cleaning advertisement?

How to Write Compelling Cleaning Ads + Ad Copy ExamplesShowcase Deals. If you have any deals going on for your cleaning company, ads are the perfect spot to highlight them. ... Emphasize Convenience. ... Inspire Trust. ... Be Mindful of Length. ... Include a CTA.

How much are carpet cleaning leads?

At Service Direct, carpet cleaning leads can cost anywhere between $10 and $100 each. As you know, a whole-home carpet cleaning job can range from $175 to $600 depending on how big the home is. So the good news is you'll get a huge return on investment for each lead that turns into a customer.

How can I get free housekeeping leads?

0:274:51How to get FREE leads for your commercial cleaning businessYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd one of them was i would look in the local newspaper. Now they really made it easy for us becauseMoreAnd one of them was i would look in the local newspaper. Now they really made it easy for us because they would list all the businesses that were expanding. They were doing renovations.

How do I make my cleaning business stand out?

Following are few simple guidelines to make your clients feel like they are getting special treatment.Make it a cleaning habit of yours to put everything back exactly where it was originally. ... Never set tools, cleaners, trash receptacles or chairs on furniture, desks, counters or upholstery while you are cleaning.More items...

What do customers want from a cleaning company?

Customers want trustworthy, courteous, and well-trained employees. Other important aspects of what customers are looking for, has to do with your cleaning technicians and office personnel. Your role as the owner of the cleaning business is important, but your employees act as the face of your company.

How do I scale my cleaning business?

3:227:17What is the fastest way to scale my cleaning business - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSo very important that you hire the right people and give them the training that they need to be.MoreSo very important that you hire the right people and give them the training that they need to be. Successful. If you do that you're gonna you're gonna scale. Quickly.

How to increase sales without lowering prices?

With your foundation of a solid online presence in place, another great way to increase sales without lowering prices is through paid advertising. Word of mouth advertising and building your online presence can help attract new customers to your business, but those strategies can take time to get results.

What does it mean when your online presence isn't optimized?

Most people look at your online presence as a reflection of how you run all of your business. If your online presence isn’t optimized it can be a red flag for potential customers. Invest in things like a quality website in order to give your potential customers a good first impression of your business.

How to increase sales for cleaning business?

Investing in new equipment can be another way to increase sales for your cleaning business without lowering prices for a number of reasons. To implement the above strategy of adding additional services you might need to invest in additional equipment.

How does offering both types of cleaning services help your business?

Each type of cleaning service has advantages and disadvantages, but if you offer both types of services it can help increase sales and bring in an entire new target market. By offering both types of services it can really help you increase sales for your cleaning business without lowering your prices.

How to market cleaning services?

1. Educate your customers on the value of your service. When you market your cleaning business and talk to potential customers your job is to build the value of your service. You want customers to feel that the service is worth the price or more.

Why do people lower their cleaning prices?

Most people consider lowering their prices because they don’t have enough qualified leads coming in that can afford their current pricing. Typically this is caused by an ineffective cleaning business marketing plan.

Does overhead go up?

Typically over time, your overhead will go up. Wages increase, fixed costs can go up, and inflation also can factor into the general prices of cleaning services. It doesn’t need to be a dramatic increase in costs either.

20 Marketing ideas for your Carpet Cleaning Business

Marketing your carpet cleaning business in the right way can help you increase your revenue, build your brand and make meaningful customer relationships.

1. Promotional Merchandise

Probably the oldest trick in the book – the act of giving your customers a pen or a keychain with your cleaning service’s logo and name on it is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways you can market your business.

2. Get a Good-Looking Van and Detail It!

If you own a cleaning business, then it’s likely that you have a van with your business’ name, logo, address and phone number on it already. But if you don’t, then we highly recommend that you immediately get a neat-looking van and have it detailed, especially with your phone number.

3. Get Your Carpet Cleaning Business Certified

Marketing is all about projecting your strengths to potential buyers in the hopes of convincing them to buy the produc.

4. Using Eco-Friendly Products

We live in an age where the usage of environment-friendly products are given utmost importance, and it only makes sense to leverage this client expectation to market ourselves better. Consider your options to see whether it is feasible for you to switch to using 100% natural solutions, disinfectants or cleaning materials.

5. Getting Your Carpet Cleaning Business Listed On Online Directories

Having yourself listed on online directories is a great way to get more people to find you online. Making sure that you’re listed on Facebook, Google, Foursquare, Yelp and YellowPages is a must for any SMB, since people visit these websites/directories the most for finding local businesses.

6. Selling Relevant Add-Ons

Is your carpet cleaning business selling other products that are essential for carpet care to your customers? For example, after cleaning the carpets at a house, you could give some DIY tips to your customers and try and sell them carpet cleaning solution or blotting paper that could come in handy for them in the future.

How to boost sales of cleaning company?

Tips to boost the sales of a cleaning company. 1. Promote your services online. Choosing online promotion over the expensive offline methods is rather effective. First of all, most people tend to look for cleaning services and hire cleaners online. It’s just much more convenient than asking your mum or neighbor who’s cleaned their house recently, ...

How to build up sales?

Promote your company to build up the sales. 2. Review the costs. The labor costs are something you should track down carefully. Make sure that your employees perform their job qualitatively, but also don’t take too much time doing it. The slower they work, the lesser order you’ll be able to take per day or per week.

How to show your clients you care about them?

Ask if they want you to perform any additional tasks, offer different options of cleaning supplies. Coming during daytime not to turn the lights on while cleaning and save electricity. Those steps will show your clients that you really care about them. Developing friendly relationships with your regular clients is essential in order to ensure that they’ll keep on using your company’s services and recommend them to their friends and family.

Can you save on cleaning supplies?

Cleaning supplies is also something you can save on, especially if you present the fact that you’re open to the clients’ suggestions of using some of their own cleaning supplies. Customers will be glad to know that you’re using the products they are familiar with. And, you will be able to buy less cleaning supplies.

Why is carpet in good condition?

That’s why you can increase the value of your property through professional carpet cleaning. Experts return your carpets to their original condition. Both appraisers and potential customers believe that a carpet in good condition is a sign of a valuable building.

Is hiring a carpet cleaner a good investment?

Hiring a professional carpet cleaner is an investment that pays for itself immediately. Indeed, a carpet in perfect condition increases the price of your property on the real estate market on the spot. So you should seek the best service hiring professionals with state-of-the-art equipment and trained personnel. In this way, the price/value ratio of the carpet cleaning service will always be in your favor.

Is carpet good for plumbing?

On the other hand, a carpet in good condition is a sign of good condition of the piping system. In addition, the home and office environment feels fresh and pleasant when the carpets are disinfected. Therefore professional carpet cleaning is the best investment to increase the value of your property.

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