importance of carpet cleaning

by Hardy Schaden Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Why Is Carpet Cleaning So Important?

  • Remove impurities. Carpets usually retain many undesirable substances in their fibers, and the basic vacuuming process is not sufficient to eliminate these impurities.
  • Keep the carpet in good condition. Carpet is a huge investment. ...
  • Improve indoor air quality. ...
  • Improve carpet appearance. ...
  • Extend the life of the carpet. ...

Professional carpet cleaning helps to remove dust mites, bacteria and other allergens, which ultimately helps your family breathe easier and reduces the risk of colds and other health problems. As strange as it may sound, dirty carpeting can impede the airflow in your home.Jun 20, 2017

Full Answer

What is the best way to clean carpets professionally?

What is the best way to clean carpets professionally? The best method of cleaning carpets is usually steam cleaning, which removes over 90% of dirt and bacteria from carpeting. Dry cleaning carpeting is also effective for ensuring carpets are ready for foot traffic as quickly as possible.

What are the benefits of having your carpet cleaned?

Eliminates Carpet Stains

  • Coffee spills
  • Dirt and mud
  • Ink
  • Pet stains
  • Red wine

How to clean carpet like a pro?

There are many detergents that you can choose from which include:

  • Liquid – These are the most common, and you can find them anywhere. ...
  • Powder – These work well for all types of dirt and stains. ...
  • Foam – If you have tried deep cleaning your carpet, but you still have a stain that isn’t going away, you need foam cleaner. ...
  • Spray – These are made specifically to treat spots where there are stains. ...

How to clean carpet with vinegar and nothing else?

Step 4: Deodorize The Carpet

  1. Vacuum The Carpet Once you have taken the necessary steps mentioned above, you can proceed to the main cleaning of the carpet. ...
  2. Prepare The Vinegar Solution After you have vacuumed the carpet perfectly, it is now time to apply vinegar. ...
  3. Scrub The Carpet After the solution is ready, you have to apply it to the carpet. ...

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What is the most important reason for maintaining clean carpeted flooring?

1. Prolongs the life of carpeting. Regular carpet cleaning using the extraction method can increase the life of carpets significantly, protecting your floor-covering investment.

Is Carpet Cleaner necessary?

So, is carpet cleaning necessary? Carpet cleaning is necessary, especially since it prevents the smell of bacteria and allergens, it improves the smell of your carpet, maintains the look of it and more.

What happens if you don't clean your carpet?

Without regularly cleaned carpets, the air quality in your home can be up to 500 percent worse than outdoor air quality, due to the dirt and grime hiding in the carpet your family walks on every day.

What are the benefits of commercial carpet cleaning?

8 Benefits of Commercial Carpet Cleaning ServicesSave Time. ... Maintain a Professional Appearance. ... Eliminate Harmful Allergens. ... Enjoy Long-Term Savings. ... Use Top-Notch Equipment. ... Have Expert Stain Protection. ... Enjoy Fully Restored Carpets. ... Get Specialized Knowledge and Experience.

How often do you use a carpet cleaner?

every 3-6 monthsClean your carpets yourself with a carpet cleaner or steam cleaner at least every 3-6 months. However, call the professionals every 6 months if you want to make sure everything is gone. This is especially true for high-traffic areas and for animals prone to accidents.

How do you clean carpet like a professional?

1:393:495 Tips To Clean Your Carpet Like A Pro - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipDon't add any soaps or any sort of additives to this water you want this to rinse the carpet out notMoreDon't add any soaps or any sort of additives to this water you want this to rinse the carpet out not only the dirt and grime. But also the soap. So water only in there.

How is dirty carpet affecting your home?

The allergens in old carpet can reduce the indoor air quality of your home and trigger asthma attacks just like they trigger nasal congestion, sneezing, itchy eyes, and other allergic reactions.

Can bacteria grow in carpet?

Carpet May Hold up to 200,000 Bacteria Per Square Inch. That is about 4000 times more than your toilet. No joke.

How long can bacteria live in carpet?

four weeksBacteria can live for up to four weeks in carpeting, and if there is any in yours, which there likely is, that bacteria is going to get on your food.

Is carpet Steam Cleaning worth it?

Steam cleaning is a really effective and efficient way to lift build up from the carpet fibers, including mold and pet scents. It also is effective at improving the appearance of carpets that have been neglected over time.

Can you shampoo your carpet too much?

Myth: Cleaning your carpet often is bad for it. Fact: You can never clean your carpet too much. In fact, the more often you clean your carpet, the longer it will retain its original appearance. Carpets aren't cheap to buy; cleaning simply protects your investment.

What are the benefits of deep cleaning carpets?

Carpets act like a trap – keeping dust and allergens out of the air we breathe. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, a dirty carpet can retain several sources of indoor air pollutants from everyday dust and dirt to pet dander, lead and particle pollution.

How should I clean my carpets?

To ensure your carpets are well cleaned, we recommend using an upright vacuum (not tub vac) with a rotating brush which will lift out any dry dirt that is deep within carpet pile. When vacuuming, always vacuum in a north to south, east to west direction making sure all areas are covered and gone over.

Good for the Health

A comprehensive carpet cleaning can always give anyone good health. It will always get down the germ culprits and sanitize the entire carpet to provide a healthier and cleaner indoor to your home. In addition, it prevents people with asthma, allergies, or other respiratory conditions from triggering.

Clean Carpets Help You Breathe Easier

Carpets are probably one of the often most passing highways of your home. Thus, it holds a fair share of allergens, dirt, and grubby particles. Most especially when the entire family is all together during gatherings, they may walk on the carpets.

Extends the Lifespan of the Carpet

Since carpets tend to take a bit of beating because they are where you step daily, dust and dirt would be ingrained. You will notice that it will cause your carpet to look old and lifeless. So, while carpet cleaning will help you live in a much desirable environment, it could also help prolong its lifespan and help you save money.

Eliminates Soiling

As time goes by, you will notice darker shade lanes in the carpeted areas with a high volume of foot traffic. Entrance, hallways, stairs and even in your couch where you usually place your feet can build up soiling and dust. However, carpet cleaning can help restore the filthy lanes to their even colour.

Removes Odors

Beverage spills or pet mishaps are just some reasons why carpets would end up having bad odors and musty smells. However, if you seek help with carpet cleaning companies specialising in sanitizing, like the Belfast Cleaning Company, it would help eliminate odors.

Why is it important to keep a carpet clean?

It is important to keep the carpet clean and well maintained to not only keep it looking new, but also to increase its longevity.

What are the benefits of carpet cleaning?

Advantages of Carpet Cleaning. 1. Extends the life of your carpet. One major benefit of a professional carpet cleaning service is that it helps extend the life of your carpet. Over time, dirt, dust, allergens, and other debris accumulate in the carpet and get embedded within the fibers which can eventually cause the fibers to split and deteriorate.

Why is carpet good for the environment?

A clean carpet will contribute to a clean environment, free of allergens. Some of the dust and allergens that get trapped in the carpet fibers may find their way into the breathing air where they can cause respiratory problems, allergic reactions, and other health problems.

Why does carpet deteriorate?

This is because dirt is constantly being tracked in these areas, and you may have even noticed that these areas are darker than others.

When is the best time to clean carpet?

The spring season is a great time to have your carpet professionally cleaned to remove the dirt and debris that has settled in your home all winter. If you are interested in having your carpet professionally cleaned, area contact your local cleaning professionals to schedule an appointment for your home today!

Do carpet cleaners leave residue?

After a professional carpet cleaning, you shouldn’t have to worry about looking at the ugly spots or be embarrassed in front of guests. 5. No Residues. While vacuums don’t leave residues, some carpet cleaning machines do.

Does water kill allergens in carpet?

The high temperature of the water used by most carpet cleaning professionals kills off these allergens so that they are no longer a health threat and leaves the surface of the carpet fully sanitized. 3. Complete removal of dirt and bacteria.

Why is it important to keep your carpet clean?

Carpet cleaning can not only improve your health but also boost the appearance of your home. Periodic cleaning either by hiring a professional or doing it on your own can significantly make ...

Why do we need to clean carpets?

Carpet cleaning reduces the noise and dust caused by pedestrians and equipment. Since the manufacturers usually provide cleaning guidelines for their carpets, including professional cleaning, vacuuming, and DIY, you need to clean your carpet regularly. As you can see the health benefits of carpet cleaning go beyond beauty.

What are the benefits of carpet cleaning?

·Carpet cleaning removes trapped pollutants- According to research done by the Environmental Protection Agency, dirty carpets can retain several sources of cockroach allergens, particle pollution, gas, dander, and dust.

Does cleaning your carpet help you sleep?

Moreover cleaning your carpet regularly will greatly improve your sleep. Normally, our breathing changes when we are sleeping by decreasing and becoming steadier. Just like when you are awake, air is also important when we are asleep. Remember, you will be spending 6 to 8 hours in the room sleeping.

Can you breathe after cleaning a carpet?

When contaminants get deeply trapped into the carpet, you can find it hard to breathe. Those who have allergies and asthma can always breathe well after cleaning their carpets using professional services. Carpet cleaning can, therefore, boost the quality of indoor air and minimize the chances of allergen-induced diseases.

Does carpet cleaning kill bacteria?

Professional carpet cleaning services will not only kill the bacteria but also remove those trapped pollutants that can affect your health. ·Cleaning the carpets prevents mold- If you are not careful, the mold which is a common allergen can wreak havoc in your house.

Does carpet cleaning remove odor?

In addition to this, carpet cleaning will also eliminate any odors produced by dirty carpet thereby creating a very good atmosphere. ·Carpet cleaning help removes pet hair- If you have a pet such as a dog or cat, their hair can easily get trapped in the inner fabrics of the carpet which can make it unhealthy.

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