infographic benefit of encapsulation carpet cleaning 2016

by Issac Ruecker Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Perhaps the most significant benefit of encapsulation cleaning is the improvement in carpet appearance and a longer life cycle for your facility’s carpets. Regularly removing embedded soils with encapsulation cleaning prevents the buildup of sticky residues that can attract more dirt and make your carpets look visibly soiled.

Full Answer

What is carpet encapsulation and what are the benefits?

The process and benefit of encapsulation begins to take hold during the post cleaning process. Within a short amount of time the carpet will dry. As it dries, the polymer will begin to encapsulate and capture the remaining soil and residue it had been introduced to during the cleaning process.

What is carpet EnCap and how does it work?

Well-formulated encapsulation detergents remove the stickiness in the carpet. Also, due to their chemical make up, they will never leave behind a sticky residue of their own. A well-formulated encap will crystallize. It can then be removed during routine vacuuming. A carpet cleaned with an excellent encap product will stay cleaner, longer too.

What is encapsulation cleaning?

Encapsulation cleaning, or “encapping” is a relatively new cleaning method in the industry, as compared to traditional wand cleaning. What is encapsulation carpet cleaning?

Which mytee carpet cleaning machine is best for encapsulation cleaning?

For the best cleaning results, use one of Mytee’s ECO PRO Orbital All Surface Floor Machines. The ECO PRO Orbital All Surface Floor Machines are perfect for Encapsulation Cleaning. The orbital motion of the cleaning head works the encapsulation chemical deep into the carpet fibers for a thorough clean.

How does encapsulant work?

An encapsulant is applied and worked into the carpet by agitation from a counter-rotating brush machine. The cleaner binds to the soil, encapsulates it and dries it into a hardened crystal that can be removed by regular vacuuming.

How long does it take for a carpet to dry?

While there are different carpet encapsulation methods, every type facilitates quick dry times, usually just 30 minutes or less.

Does vacuuming a carpet help with encapsulation?

Regular vacuuming will pick up any loose, dry soil to prepare the carpet for the encapsulation cleaning process. If the company performing the carpet cleaning service also provides ongoing janitorial services, this step could be streamlined. Otherwise, pre-vacuuming should always be provided before encapsulation cleaning begins.

Do you need to pre-treat carpet?

While pre-treating isn't always necessary, carpets with significant spots will require pre-treatment. During this part of the process, cleaners will spray down the spot and allow the encapsulation solution to soak into the carpet for several minutes. They may also use a spotting tool to agitate stubborn spot prior to running the carpet encapsulation machine.

An Easy Approach to Carpet Care

So, what is encapsulation carpet cleaning? Low-moisture encapsulation is an interim carpet maintenance method. This means that it is regularly conducted between vacuuming and hot water extraction carpet cleaning sessions. Some facilities conduct encapsulation cleaning every few days while others opt for once a month or bi-monthly.

How Hot Water Extraction Fits into Carpet Care

Hot water extraction (HWE) uses very hot and higher volumes of water to target stains, dirt and allergens that settle on and in carpet. In order to successfully perform carpet cleaning with hot water extraction, you will need the following:

Why use encapsulation method?

Here are Watt’s top 10 reasons to clean carpet using the encapsulation method: The encapsulation method can extend the optimum appearance of carpet on a day-to-day basis. Carpet typically dries in an hour or less, so facilities can be put back into service faster.

Is carpet extraction the only method of cleaning?

When it comes to carpet cleaning, most cleaning professionals and building managers think carpet are cleaned with only extractors. While this is a very effective way to clean carpet, it is not the only method. Another method frequently used to clean carpet that complements carpet extraction is the encapsulation method. This is considered a very low moisture, or VLM, method to clean carpet.

What is encapsulation carpet cleaning?

According to the ICS Cleaning Specialist, encapsulation carpet cleaning is proven to result in a preferred aesthetic appearance compared to traditional carpet cleaning methods, keeping the carpet looking cleaner for longer periods of time. The majority of soil is removable by conventional dry vacuuming but oily or sticky soil can leave the carpet dull and unattractive. Encapping traps soil held in the carpet so stains and dirt may finally be extracted and new soil can’t attach itself to carpet.

What is encapsulating cleaner?

Encapping is a “very low moisture” (VLM) type of cleaning using a special encapsulating cleaner that features polymers to encapsulate and crystallize stains and dirt for immediate vacuuming. These polymers act like small sponges.

What is non absorbent pad?

Non-absorbent pads are usually fiber-based and pull very little soil or moisture from the carpet. For encapsulation cleaning, non-absorbent pads would be used for agitating carpet or pre-scrubbing. This would generally be followed up with an absorbent pad.

Does wet cleaning leave a sticky residue?

No sticky residue. Wet cleaning may leave a sticky residue. This residue is known to resoil the carpet faster as new dirt finds ways to stick, causing the carpet to deteriorate. With encapping, the crystals are easy to vacuum out with regular dry vacuuming.

Can you vacuum sticky soil off carpet?

The majority of soil is removable by conventional dry vacuuming but oily or sticky soil can leave the carpet dull and unattractive. Encapping traps soil held in the carpet so stains and dirt may finally be extracted and new soil can’t attach itself to carpet.

Does encapsulation work on carpet?

The crystals absorb and hold dirt and soil to be vacuumed out, leaving no sticky residue and providing a deep clean. For the past few decades, encapsulation has gained popularity and garnered a reputation for both commercial and residential carpet cleaning.

What Is Encapsulation Cleaning?

Encapsulation Cleaning Is A Low-Moisture Method

How Does Encapsulation Cleaning Work?


Pre-Treating Spots


Benefits of Encapsulation

  • The encapsulation method makes it easier for business owners to maintain their commercial carpets long-term. Just a few benefits of encapsulation include: 1. As an interim maintenance method, encapsulation cleaning can help to mitigate spots between extractions. 2. Carpet encapsulation can extend the life of commercial carpet, resulting in long-ter...
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