larry o'connell carpet cleaning marketing secrets

by Bill Willms Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Should I Run Facebook ads for my carpet cleaning direct mail campaign?

I recommend running Facebook ads at the same time you’re running your carpet cleaning direct mail campaign. You can match your Facebook ad’s special offer and design with that of your carpet cleaning direct mail campaign.

How can my new caller sheet help my carpet cleaning business?

And your new caller sheet will also help you do one of the most important things you can do in your carpet cleaner marketing plan: 26. Track your results like a carpet cleaning marketing pro Only TRACKING will show you what parts of your carpet cleaning advertising creates leads (and sales) for your business.

What should I feature in my carpet cleaning newsletter?

You can feature almost anything in your newsletter, but here are some ideas: New pricing (or discounts!) Motivate your team to be friendly to customers when they see them. When your staff enter customers’ homes, they should be friendly, caring, and interested in helping them with all their carpet cleaning needs.

What can you do with a carpet cleaning recruiter?

An easy-to-use sheet , which helps your receptionist (or you) gather ALL the vital information about which carpet cleaning advertising your prospects received or saw. You can also record incoming calls at your office so you can listen to and actually hear how your receptionist or other staff handle prospective new customers.


What is a special offer for carpet cleaning?

There are 2 major functions that a special offer plays in your carpet marketing campaign: Enticing prospects to try out your product or service. • Rewarding current customers and ensuring future loyalty. So a special offer is not an afterthought for your carpet cleaning marketing….

What to do when you spot a negative review on cleaning service?

When you spot a negative review online, make sure to comment on it and respond with a sincere apology and offer to remedy whatever occurred that was dissatisfactory with their cleaning service.

How much did Ayoub spend on postcard marketing?

And — on one of their campaigns, Ayoub spent $13,950 and generated $224,500 back in revenue.

How much does a Persian rug cost?

You own a Persian rug that cost $20,000. You and your spouse bought it at an open-air market in Casablanca while on a once-in-a-lifetime vacation to Morocco. This rug is basically irreplaceable. And your dog just trampled mud on it.

Is direct mail a marketing tool?

Direct mail remains a time-tested carpet cleaner marketing tool — yes, even in our digital age! Consider these numbers: 79% of consumers say they open direct mail immediately. 54% of consumers say they prefer direct mail marketing the most.

Can you mail postcards to carpet cleaning companies?

Answer: yes, but read on…. If you evaluate WHO your ideal customers are, you can mail carpet cleaning postcards to people JUST like them and save even more money on your carpet marketing by only paying to advertise to people who will actually help you grow your business.

How to find carpet cleaning marketing strategies?

One of the best ways to find carpet cleaning marketing strategies is to scour forums for unique perspectives. These can be community or neighborhood groups, where residents near you are always looking for quality services.

How to make sure your carpet cleaning business is in the 5% that make it past the first year?

One of the best ways to make sure your carpet cleaning business is in the 5% that make it past the first year is to specialize in a niche. Choosing a specialty, like commercial carpet cleaning, for example, can dramatically increase your chances of success.

20 Marketing ideas for your Carpet Cleaning Business

Marketing your carpet cleaning business in the right way can help you increase your revenue, build your brand and make meaningful customer relationships.

1. Promotional Merchandise

Probably the oldest trick in the book – the act of giving your customers a pen or a keychain with your cleaning service’s logo and name on it is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways you can market your business.

2. Get a Good-Looking Van and Detail It!

If you own a cleaning business, then it’s likely that you have a van with your business’ name, logo, address and phone number on it already. But if you don’t, then we highly recommend that you immediately get a neat-looking van and have it detailed, especially with your phone number.

3. Get Your Carpet Cleaning Business Certified

Marketing is all about projecting your strengths to potential buyers in the hopes of convincing them to buy the produc.

4. Using Eco-Friendly Products

We live in an age where the usage of environment-friendly products are given utmost importance, and it only makes sense to leverage this client expectation to market ourselves better. Consider your options to see whether it is feasible for you to switch to using 100% natural solutions, disinfectants or cleaning materials.

5. Getting Your Carpet Cleaning Business Listed On Online Directories

Having yourself listed on online directories is a great way to get more people to find you online. Making sure that you’re listed on Facebook, Google, Foursquare, Yelp and YellowPages is a must for any SMB, since people visit these websites/directories the most for finding local businesses.

6. Selling Relevant Add-Ons

Is your carpet cleaning business selling other products that are essential for carpet care to your customers? For example, after cleaning the carpets at a house, you could give some DIY tips to your customers and try and sell them carpet cleaning solution or blotting paper that could come in handy for them in the future.

Carpet cleaning companies need marketing plans that are going to work

There are a few different ways of approaching marketing the company. One way to market the company is to provide coupons or deals for free services with every service purchased. Another option is focusing on the environmentally-friendly aspect of their products and services.

The coupons can be for a small cleaning like an entryway or just doing something specifically for that room such as removing pet stains

Knowing who their markets are is crucial when deciding on how to market the carpet cleaning company. By focusing marketing efforts on one area, it makes it easier to develop a marketing plan.

Selling environmentally-friendly products is going to be the main focus of this carpet cleaning company

All their services are green and can help people out with their carbon footprint. This is something that needs to get emphasized with all online marketing efforts. Having an online presence will help drive customers to the company website. This site should be designed to convert traffic into leads, helping the company gain more customers.

Carpet cleaning companies have to focus on online marketing efforts if they want to grow their business

By allowing people who would like services from the company access to a website is going to help them generate new business. Online reputation management will help with search engine optimization and help with the overall online presence of a company.

Carpet cleaning companies can provide coupons and deals that are going to help people who otherwise would not have thought about their services

People who are willing to spend money on services or products will want to save money at every turn if they can. Finding ways to market the business is going to help develop the marketing plan.

Getting your product or service in front of the right people and making it easy to act on that information is a crucial part of marketing

There are a few different ways of marketing the company, but it comes down to what will work best for the business. One way to market the company is through using coupons or deals for free services with every service purchased. The other way is to focus on the environment-friendly aspect of the products and services that they offer.

Marketing your business online is very important, especially because it allows for the ability to reach so many more people than just local advertising

It is also easy to track the information on where people are coming from online, which means no money will be wasted because of poor marketing.

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