marketing for carpet cleaning business

by Miss Margie Ankunding Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Marketing for a Carpet Cleaning Business: 10 Essential Tips

  1. List Your Carpet Cleaning Business Online. You can have your business placed on directories. ...
  2. Use Models. Having a captivating person in the photos you use for your business influences how well-received comments on social media are.
  3. Have a Nice Carpet Cleaning Van. ...
  4. Certify Your Business. ...
  5. Respect the Environment. ...
  6. Target the Right Customers. ...

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Full Answer

How to advertise carpet cleaning?

  • Use your telephone wisely: Never let any lead go unattended. ...
  • Door to door: Every day we see one of the members of a rug cleaning community on Facebook share how door to door worked. ...
  • Flyers: Flyers are quite useful in the initial days of your business. ...
  • Interact with the community: Join some social and civic clubs. ...

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How to start a commercial carpet cleaning business?

  • Carpet cleaning equipment, which includes a commercial rug cleaner with attachments and holding tank for wastewater, and long hoses to water supply
  • Cleaning solvents, for which a startup supply can cost several hundred dollars
  • A van for transport of equipment and possibly for operation

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Is carpet cleaning a good business?

The carpet cleaning business is a profitable industry which creates jobs that people don’t want to do. This is also a lucrative market for those jobs people simply don’t have time for anymore.

How to get more carpet cleaning customers?

You'll need:

  • A van to help you carry your equipment between jobs
  • A portable cleaner with a power wand or brush that has rotating heads with an attached holding tank
  • A portable carpet extractor
  • An upholstery detailing tool
  • A stain or spot kit
  • A carpet rake
  • Detergent


What to do when a client leaves a review?

You should give a proper and polite response that addresses their comments. You may be able to help them if they had a bad experience, or give them extra reasons to remember you if they had a good one.

Do you have to have a cleaning vehicle?

You will likely have a cleaning vehicle already, and if you don't have one now, then you should get one. Once you do have one, then you should have it decorated with your carpet cleaning name, logos, colors, and telephone number. This is an easy way for you to get noticed and will leave a good impression if you park outside a client's home whilst you help them. It also helps to have logos on your business equipment.

Find your local niche

The key to building repeat business is finding customers you can take care of better than anyone else. Somewhere on your home turf is just such an under-served market. Here’s how some members of the carpet cleaning industry’s Truck Mount Forums found a niche for their carpet cleaning business.

Work the digital angles

There are a number of Jobber Academy posts available on the basics of getting your carpet cleaning business set up online: a website, a Facebook page, a Google listing, etc. Taking things to the next level, here are a couple of tactics other successful carpet cleaners use to market their services.

Leverage marketing technologies

There are a number of marketing technology tools than can help you achieve the goals of your digital marketing strategy. Here are a few to get you started.

How many carpet cleaning companies are there in the US?

There were about 39,029 carpet cleaning businesses in the US, according to a 2018 IBIS World report. Although you may run a service in a city, you’re still likely to have some competition. And with many other carpet cleaners in your area, customers will want to know:

What is the importance of running a business?

Running a business is not only about attracting more customers. It’s also about retaining your existing ones. You have to take care of loyal clients and be consistent with the quality of your services, so they’ll always call you for deep cleaning, brush and grooming, or stain removal.

Why do I need a website?

If you don’t have a website yet, it’s time to create one. You’ll need one because most people go online to find products and services, to know more about businesses, and to make transactions. Also, websites can cater to a larger market, international even if you’ve built it that way and if an international market is relevant to your operations.

What is SEO in marketing?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a vital component of online marketing. It helps increase your website’s ranking organically on SERPs, particularly on Google. The search engine giant owns about 75 percent of the search market, so it’s essential to follow its guidelines.

1. Market analysis

For the purposes of this sample outline, we’ll be creating a startup offering truckmount delivery of commercial carpet cleaning services in downtown Ann Arbor, Michigan.

2. Marketing strategy

We will focus on a digital marketing strategy with an emphasis on customer discovery and lead generation. We will use a combination of web, mobile, social, as well as traditional tactics, and allocate budget based on channel performance.

4. Financial plan

In total, we have allocated $16,400 marketing budget for our first year of business. Those dollars will be allocated as follows:


This brief marketing plan outline for a carpet cleaning business will help you get started.

How to find carpet cleaning marketing strategies?

One of the best ways to find carpet cleaning marketing strategies is to scour forums for unique perspectives. These can be community or neighborhood groups, where residents near you are always looking for quality services.

How to make sure your carpet cleaning business is in the 5% that make it past the first year?

One of the best ways to make sure your carpet cleaning business is in the 5% that make it past the first year is to specialize in a niche. Choosing a specialty, like commercial carpet cleaning, for example, can dramatically increase your chances of success.

How do I market my carpet cleaning business?

To market your carpet cleaning business, you can try to run promotions for special events. Offering sporadic discounts to customers via email newsletters or in-store sales will motivate on-the-fence buyers to take the plunge. Some of our favorite ways to offer promotions are as follows: 1 Loyalty cards: provide punch cards to customers that reward them after a chosen number of purchases 2 Birthday discount 3 First-time discount 4 Contests: either on social media or in conjunction with your referral program, you can run a contest that benefits your business way more than the cost of the “prize” will impact it 5 Holidays: take advantage of the buying frenzy that is Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the entire holiday season 6 Special local events

How often should a company blog be updated?

Company Blog. Many companies do not use their blogs effectively. An effective blog would ideally be updated at least twice a week with educational content that is actually helpful to readers. Using your company blog solely to promote your company and your services is not how to do it.

Is organic advertising effective?

Though organic customer acquisition is effective, that doesn’t always mean you should ignore paid advertising. If you are smart about where you spend your ad dollars, you can have an amazing return on your investment. One of the most popular and effective online advertising strategies is opting into the Google Adwords program. Basically, when you create your Google Ad for your company, you can choose which keywords it can show up for. Then, when someone searches those keywords, your ad automatically shows up at the top, regardless of your SEO.

Can I start a paid promotion on Facebook?

As long as you have a Facebook Business Page, you can start a paid promotion at any time, and depending on your budget, you choose how long it runs. When your Facebook ad is over, there’s one more step we recommend you take—this is where the real success happens.

1. Do Market Research

Before you start marketing, you need to research your target market. Doing market research should already be in your carpet cleaning business plan and that means understanding the needs, wants, and pains. Some of the points you should consider are the following:

2. Make a Website and Fill It with Content

The Internet era has enabled marketing to flourish online at a much lower cost than ever before. Your ideal customers and clients will be on social media, and putting your services in front of them is a great way to get them interested. Websites are also another method of doing this.

3. The Content Is Crucial

Your audience should resonate with everything that’s included on your website and social media pages. This means more than simply listing your contact information. It will provide visitors to the site with information that can make them hire you or share your content across social media.

4. The Power of Social Media

Social media has revolutionized the world of marketing. You can directly engage with your customers in real-time. This helps build connections and relationships that benefit both you and them. It often yields instant success too.

5. Niche Down For More Sales

When building your business, you should define who your most frequent customers are. These are the core group of people who use your services again and again. You’ll want to define who you’d like these people to be before you set out on your business journey.

Reducing Cost and Time Spent

When we say reducing cost, we don’t mean taking away important items necessary like carpet cleaning insurance. Narrowing down allows you to spend less on marketing and reduce the time it takes for you to resonate with your audience.

Succeeding Rapidly

Focusing on the customers who are most profitable for you will provide the highest returns on investment and the biggest growth for your business. These people will be your core group.

Online Marketing for Carpet Cleaning Small Businesses

Too many carpet cleaning small businesses opt out of online marketing. Some believe it’s too time-consuming. Others fear it will be too expensive. But in this digital age, investing in online marketing has never been more essential to driving revenue.

Why You Should Market Online

If you’re not completely convinced that online marketing is a solid investment for your carpet cleaning business, consider these stats.

5 Tips for Powerful Digital Marketing

There are several ways to approach online marketing for a small business. In this article, we’re focusing on options that are low- or no-cost and relatively easy to do on your own.

The Bottom Line

These online marketing tips can help your carpet cleaning business grow. Not only are they proven to work, but they’re also affordable.

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